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Mock 2

Firstly I appreciate your efforts and hard work towards completion of mock-2 exam. Your
hard work will pay you back on your exam day! Now, you need to check if HAVE YOU
miss and think why did you miss those points

Good work done by you however improvement is needed and hence please take note of
below aspects question wise-

1- Valid points here include accident history, workplace location, distance to hospital,
availability of first aider and first aid equipment, hazards at site, risk level, size of
workforce, nature of the workforce, presence of temporary worker, first aid box was
empty, past injuries at workplace from falls, work pattern, consequences of injuries (low),
many NM happened at site etc. Ensure that you do not write use of first aid and what to
provide for first aid in such questions.

2- Management failure includes not updating RA, not monitoring enough, no

advising about wrong footwear type, excess work pressure, poor supervision, training,
inadequate assessment of carrying stock task, failure to aware not to carry too much
stock, not provided manual handling training, manager always sitting at cash counter,
failure to learn lessons from past NM, giving inadequate information about how to do
the task, (IITS), pressure to serve the customers as fast as possible, giving more
importance to customer instead of safety, induction not provided correctly-not
consistent info.

2b- Immediate actions should always focus on actions that don’t need much time
duration to implement and that would mean putting signage, giving footwear rule,
conducting a meeting, adding extra handrail, one worker posted at the stockroom, store
manager to supervise the immediate actions, planning of induction, radio w/t control etc

2c-whereas long term actions would include updating RA, policy, procedures, better
induction, better supervision, better NM reporting and investigation process, manual
handling training, written induction for better standard, radio w/t training etc.

3- Reasons for reporting are legal requirement, specific ILO requirement, to avoid
legal punishments, and since it was an occupational accident that happened at site,
reportable injury, as per national and local laws.

3b- Would have helped to learn lessons, would have given clues about the incident,
helped to identify causes, to identify root causes, to identify immediate causes, identify
cause like excess work pressure, to identify causes like poor culture of rushing the
job/poor culture of giving more imp to customers instead of safety, to identify issues in
IITS, to identify potential consequences, to avoid potential consequences, sprained wrist
and fractured ankle could have been avoided, to identify trends like wearing bad
footwear, identify unsafe conditions, such as only one handrail, to identify unsafe acts, to
identify weakness of RA and SMS, to find out suitable control measure corrective actions
such as additional handrails, provide w/t, giving better induction, giving better
supervision, proactive approach is better than reactive approach.

4- R&R of manager is negative here. He has not done induction adequately, not
supervised, no recorded incidents , not recorded NM, have poor competence
(knowledge), also delegated his job to someone else and overall did not oversee H&S,
delegated the job to you, does not oversee H&S implementation, did not fulfil his RR
properly, lack of training plan, lack of manual handling training, lack of first aid training,
now all workers know how to escalate safety issues to a more senior person,

Here they asked R&R of MANAGER and not RR of general all workers, so all points
should be related to the MANAGER ONLY IN THIS CASE.

4b- His competency can be improved by new skills training, taking membership of
professional bodies like IOSH, interaction with experienced workers, studying legal
requirements, gaining qualification like IGC, any relevant additional training etc.

5- Although induction can cover a lot of points, here you should focus and prioritize
the important points for this specific scenario which would include specific rules like
footwear rule, fault & issue reporting process, complaints and concern reporting process,
explanation on how to safely do the task, SSW- safe movement of stocks, legal
requirement like worker rights and responsibilities, HS policy, first aid procedures,
emergency procedures, site specific hazards and risks etc.

6- Morality here is mainly negative with lot of issues like poor working conditions,
messed stockroom, not taking reasonable care of workers, poor supervision, work
pressure or worker under constant pressure, always at cash register, poor first aid
arrangements, unsafe work place, many NM in the past, empty accident record book,
poor induction training, no manual handling training, old outdated risk
assessment, worker not aware how to report NM, handrail missing, broken step ladder,
no active monitoring, RA was too generic,


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etc. Moral points should cover aspects from employer and top management on how
they have implemented and fulfilled H&S at workplace. But also there are some positive
aspects of morality such as store manager taking your help, involved other workers,
showed interest in the NM information, manager wants to get things right/improve,
showroom tidying of stockroom, store manager does not want a repeat of accident.

7- Org factors here includes poor culture+ poor supervision/sitting at cash

register/poor MC, more focus on business instead of safety, poor focus on health &
safety- poor RA/poor procedures/poor knowledge of HS for manager, poor written
communication+ RA not written/SSW not written/procedure not written/policy not
written/NM reporting not proper, poor training+poor induction training/no manual
handling training/no first aid training, more focus of production pressure than safety,
poor RA, poor procedures, supervision being poor and at cash register etc.

Whereas individual factors here includes personality type, fatigue + under pressure to
satisfy customer/carrying too many boxes at same time, customer pressure and fear of
disciplinary actions, poor risk perception, fashion more imp than safety when it comes to
shoes, lack of awareness of risk and hazard etc.

Overall, always write buffer for all questions to improve your chances of getting marks
and match with valid expected answers. Understand the gaps and try to make corrective
action in the next paper or final exam that you will write. Remember the 10+5 rule for

Mock 3

Good work done by you however improvement scope is always there. Below are some

I think you have used chat gpt or something similar for we discussed dont
rely on tah...use summary poinst ...

QUESTION (if not, which ones did you miss and think why did you miss those points.

1-Here comments should be related to influence, pressure, hierarchy, unsafe behaviour,

MD not challenging unsafe behaviour etc. Other general comments are not relevant to
the question.

Valid points here are presence of a hierarchy, presence of interaction, some having more
influence over others, some having less influence, worker having full freedom how to
behave, unsafe behaviour increasing, misuse of extinguisher, supervisor laughing and
joking, senior person under pressure to join unsafe group, pressure to listen to group,
MD not challenging unsafe behaviour, etc.

2a- Here only positive ARRAGENMENTS are needed. For example, escorting evacuees is
a good arrangement. Points should be only related to FIRE aspects. All points should be

Valid points here include fire call points work, notices posted, assembly point is given,
people are escorted, supervisor takes up fire marshal role, people aware of emergency
arrangement, written procedure present etc.

2b- Points should be only related to FIRE aspects with negative polarity. Points like doing
it only for insurance requirement also is valid. All points should be GIVEN IN SCENARIO.
You should not assume and write points.

Valid point are no fire RA, improper procedure, no drills and testing, lack of awareness,
lack of training, no fire marshal training, overall risk deemed as low, MD not taking
salesperson concerns seriously, etc

2c- Specific points were told in the class on this topic. It includes legal requirement,
avoiding panic, familiarizing with escape routes, assembly points, find weakness in
procedures, as per HSMS requirement, alarm sound familiarity, for practise purpose, etc.

3a- Only REPORTING related points are needed and that too INTERNAL REPORTING
only. Valid points are they did not report, they violated law, they lied and covered up, did
not record the accident, they violated the law, wrist breaking was a reportable injury and
still did not report etc.

3b- Specific points were told in the class on this topic. This was about EXTERNAL
REPORTING (means company reporting to enforcement agency and not about internal
reporting). Thus, points would include using specified template (like RIDDOR), sending
the report within a specified time (like 24hrs in some countries), having a competent
employee fill up the forms correctly, reporting to relevant labour inspectorate, with a
minimum info in first report, with more detail info in later reports.

4- Legal reasons should focus on what consequences will occur if the showroom does
not follow the law such as negative publicity orders, labour officer visits, avoid fines,
avoiding penalties, avoiding court public action, avoid reputational damage,
compensation pay-outs, to avoid punitive damages, legal claims, visit from enforcement,
visit from labour inspectors etc.

5- Question is only asking about INJURED APPRENTICE violation and not of other
workers hence all points should focus on his violation. Same clauses of ILO can be
violated multiple times in different occasions. Many points are there like playing with
extinguisher, over speeding, ignoring warning sign, not reported incident, agreed to lie
about how it happened, not taking care of own safety, not taking of others safety,
breaking his wrist by not listening to procedures etc. Do not write WORKER RIGHTS
(right to training, right to consultation etc are rights and not RESPONSIBILITIES)

6- This was about preventing this particular accident that just happened. Finding root
causes, being proactive etc are valid points. Legal aspects, insurance aspects not valid for
NM investigation they will be valid only for actual accident investigation. Repeating
similar points like ‘avoid reoccurrence’ will not give you enough marks.

Valid point are to identify root causes, immediate causes, could have identified trends,
could have identified unsafe acts and behaviour, avoid potential consequences, identify
potential consequences, identify lack of IITS etc. Remember the grammar here matters as
it should be based on preventing THIS ACCIDENT that just happened and not to prevent
future accidents.

7- If you do the color-coding technique more negative points can be extracted from
scenario. Remember, for culture questions always take it as if its type-1 based on
scenario only question. Also, if 20 mark means write at least 25+ points.

Valid points here include bonus based culture instead of safety focus, poor mgmt.
commitment, lack of visible leadership and presence, pressure to fit in, excess ambitious
target, poor supervision, poor communication, not recorded accidents in book, no fire
marshal training, management ignoring worker shortcuts, fear of fitting in, rushing job
culture, NM not reported, NM not investigated, poor legal compliance, poor emergency
procedures, no action on concerns, no accident investigation, Insafe behaviour of
apprentice etc.

8- R&R should focus on delegation, awareness of roles, training received, supervision

given or received, internal communication etc.

Valid point are MD not overseeing his role, delegation was done, not all worker know
their roels, nobody recorded NM and accident, not all worker competent, lack of training,
no fire marshal role training, not all know how to raise concern and escalate to more
senior, not all have clearly defined R&R, lack of supervision, not all know limit of their
authority, apprentice did not report incident to someone more senior, no body took
action after NM, nobody spoke or reported NM etc.

Green ticks mean it is a mark-worthy point and if no tick means not a mark-worthy point.
Overall improve on the area of weakness and find out how to avoid similar mistakes in
future. Work hard and you will be able to clear.

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