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Baao, Camarines Sur

1st semester-S/Y 2023-2024

Multiple-Choice Comprehension Questions:

Question:** What aspect does the Values Education Framework of K to 12 primarily focus on

- A) Academic excellence
- B) Emotional intelligence
- C) Critical thinking skills
- D) Moral character and ethical values

**Correct Answer:** D) Moral character and ethical values

**Explanation:** The Values Education Framework emphasizes the development of moral character
and ethical values among students as a core objective, aiming to nurture their sense of morality and
ethical decision-making.

**Question:** How does the Values Education Framework aim to integrate values education into the
K to 12 curriculum?

- A) As an optional elective for students

- B) Through separate, standalone subjects
- C) Infusing values across various subjects and activities
- D) By conducting occasional workshops

**Correct Answer:** C) Infusing values across various subjects and activities

**Explanation:** The Values Education Framework advocates for the integration of values across
different subjects and activities rather than having a separate or optional subject, ensuring values
education permeates various aspects of the curriculum.

**Question:** What is the overarching goal of integrating values education into the K to 12

- A) To enforce strict disciplinary measures

- B) To encourage conformity among students
- C) To promote holistic development
- D) To focus solely on academic achievements

**Correct Answer:** C) To promote holistic development

**Explanation:** Integrating values education aims to contribute to the holistic development of

students by nurturing their moral, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects, fostering well-rounded

These questions aim to assess understanding about the primary focus, integration methods, and
overarching goals of the Values Education Framework within the K to 12 curriculum, emphasizing the
development of moral character and holistic growth among students.
**Multiple-Choice Comprehension Question:**

**Question:** According to the Values Education Framework of K to 12, what is the primary objective
of integrating values education into the curriculum?

- A) To solely instill specific moral beliefs

- B) To impart critical thinking skills only
- C) To develop ethical and responsible citizens
- D) To emphasize academic achievements

**Correct Answer:** C) To develop ethical and responsible citizens

**Explanation:** The Values Education Framework within the K to 12 curriculum aims to cultivate
ethical and responsible citizens by integrating values education into the curriculum, going beyond
merely imparting knowledge or academic achievements. This approach emphasizes character
formation, ethical reasoning, and the development of socially responsible individuals.

This question assesses the understanding of the primary objective of the Values Education Framework
in the K to 12 curriculum, focusing on its broader goals of character development and ethical
citizenship rather than just academic knowledge.

**Multiple-Choice Knowledge Questions:**

**Question:** Which philosophical approach emphasizes the importance of students actively

constructing their knowledge and understanding through experiences and interactions?

- A) Behaviorism
- B) Constructivism
- C) Essentialism
- D) Perennialism

**Correct Answer:** B) Constructivism

**Explanation:** Constructivism posits that learners actively build their understanding through
experiences and interactions rather than passively receiving information.

**Question:** According to Kohlberg's stages of moral development, at which stage do individuals

primarily conform to social norms and rules to avoid punishment?

- A) Preconventional level
- B) Conventional level
- C) Postconventional level
- D) Principled level

**Correct Answer:** A) Preconventional level

**Explanation:** Kohlberg's preconventional level involves adherence to rules to avoid punishment

or gain rewards, focusing on self-interest and obedience.

**Question:** Which educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of teaching through moral
stories, focusing on imparting universal truths and values?

- A) Existentialism
- B) Progressivism
- C) Perennialism
- D) Reconstructionism
**Correct Answer:** C) Perennialism

**Explanation:** Perennialism advocates teaching universal truths and values through the study of
classical literature and moral stories.

**Question:** Which theoretical framework focuses on the socio-cultural influences on individuals'

development of values and beliefs, emphasizing the role of cultural context in shaping moral

- A) Social learning theory

- B) Cultural relativism
- C) Ecological systems theory
- D) Cultural-historical theory

**Correct Answer:** D) Cultural-historical theory

**Explanation:** Cultural-historical theory emphasizes the impact of cultural context on individuals'

moral development and values formation.

**Question:** According to Noddings' ethic of care, what is the primary focus in moral education?

- A) Teaching universal moral principles

- B) Encouraging competition among students
- C) Nurturing empathetic relationships and caring attitudes
- D) Emphasizing individual autonomy

**Correct Answer:** C) Nurturing empathetic relationships and caring attitudes

**Explanation:** Noddings' ethic of care emphasizes the importance of fostering caring relationships
and empathy as central to moral education.

These questions aim to test knowledge and understanding of various philosophical and theoretical
frameworks underpinning values education, including constructivism, Kohlberg's stages of moral
development, educational philosophies, and theoretical perspectives on moral reasoning and

**Matching-Type Question Set: Match the Factors to their Influence on Human Values**

Match the factors (A, B, C, D) to their respective influence on human values (1, 2, 3, 4).

A) Psychological
B) Moral
C) Spiritual
D) Sociocultural

Influence on Human Values:

1) Shapes individuals' sense of purpose and meaning in life, guiding ethical decision-making.
2) Impacts the development of empathy, attitudes, and beliefs through cognitive processes.
3) Influences the formation of ethical principles and the perception of right and wrong.
4) Shapes values through shared norms, traditions, and societal expectations within a community.

**Correct Matching:**


- Psychological factors (A) play a role in shaping values through cognitive processes, influencing
attitudes and beliefs.
- Moral factors (B) contribute to the development of ethical principles and the understanding of right
and wrong.
- Spiritual factors (C) influence individuals' sense of purpose and meaning, guiding ethical decision-
- Sociocultural factors (D) shape values through shared norms, traditions, and societal expectations
within a community.

This matching question assesses the understanding of how psychological, moral, spiritual, and
sociocultural factors uniquely influence and shape human values, emphasizing their distinct
contributions to value formation and ethical decision-making processes.

Research Analysis and Critical Mindedness:

Question: In analyzing global trends and issues in values education, which approach emphasizes
understanding cultural diversity and promoting tolerance?

A) Ethnocentrism
B) Multiculturalism
C) Assimilationism
D) Homogeneity
Correct Answer: B) Multiculturalism
Explanation: Multiculturalism focuses on acknowledging and respecting diverse cultural values and
perspectives, essential in a global context.

Question: When examining regional trends impacting values education, what aspect refers to the
capacity to understand and adapt to different cultural contexts?

A) Cultural competence
B) Ethical absolutism
C) Ethical relativism
D) Cultural universalism
Correct Answer: A) Cultural competence
Explanation: Cultural competence involves effectively interacting and working within diverse cultural
settings, crucial in analyzing regional trends.

Understanding of Interpersonal Relations:

Question: Which theory emphasizes that individuals go through stages of moral development
influenced by moral reasoning and ethical principles?

A) Social learning theory

B) Moral development theory (Kohlberg)
C) Ecological systems theory
D) Cultural-historical theory
Correct Answer: B) Moral development theory (Kohlberg)
Explanation: Kohlberg's theory focuses on the stages of moral development and how individuals
reason through ethical dilemmas.

Question: In effective intra and interpersonal relations, which approach focuses on empathy, care,
and maintaining relationships?
A) Ethical egoism
B) Ethics of care
C) Utilitarianism
D) Kantian ethics
Correct Answer: B) Ethics of care
Explanation: The ethics of care emphasizes relationships, empathy, and considering the needs of
others in ethical decision-making.

Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Values:

Question: Which pedagogical approach involves real-life situations and problem-solving activities to
teach values?
A) Experiential learning
B) Lecture-based instruction
C) Direct instruction
D) Behaviorism
Correct Answer: A) Experiential learning
Explanation: Experiential learning engages students through real-life experiences and problem-

Question: Which teaching strategy involves fostering open discussions and encouraging students to
express their opinions and values?
A) Cooperative learning
B) Inquiry-based learning
C) Socratic questioning
D) Direct instruction
Correct Answer: C) Socratic questioning
Explanation: Socratic questioning encourages critical thinking and reflection through open-ended

Competence in Research Conduct for Values Education:

Question: Which step in research involves reviewing existing literature and studies related to values
education to identify gaps or areas for investigation?

A) Data collection
B) Hypothesis formulation
C) Literature review
D) Analysis of findings
Correct Answer: C) Literature review
Explanation: Literature review is the initial step in research to understand existing knowledge and
identify research gaps.

Question: What is the primary purpose of utilizing research findings in values education?

A) To confirm preconceived notions

B) To improve teaching strategies and curriculum
C) To maintain traditional practices
D) To establish a singular teaching method
Correct Answer: B) To improve teaching strategies and curriculum
Explanation: Research findings are utilized to enhance teaching methods and refine educational

Utilizing Research Results for Improving Values Education:

Question: In what way can research findings be effectively applied to enhance values education?
A) By disregarding established teaching methods
B) By encouraging uniformity in classroom practices
C) By adapting and innovating teaching strategies
D) By limiting student interactions in the classroom
Correct Answer: C) By adapting and innovating teaching strategies
Explanation: Utilizing research involves adapting strategies to better align with effective teaching

Question: Which factor is crucial when considering the integration of research results into values
A) Relying solely on teacher intuition
B) Flexibility in teaching methods
C) Adherence to traditional teaching approaches
D) Avoiding student participation in the process
Correct Answer: B) Flexibility in teaching methods
Explanation: Flexibility allows educators to incorporate new findings into their teaching approaches
These questions aim to test knowledge and understanding across various domains within values
education, including research analysis, interpersonal relations, pedagogical approaches, and utilizing
research findings to improve educational practices.

Research Analysis and Critical Mindedness:

Question: When analyzing local trends in values education, which factor is most likely to influence the
development of cultural values?

A) Global media influence

B) Local economic policies
C) Historical traditions
D) International trade agreements
Correct Answer: C) Historical traditions
Explanation: Local values often have roots in historical traditions, shaping cultural norms and

Question: In assessing national trends relevant to values education, which psychological factor
influences the formation of ethical beliefs and moral reasoning?
A) Socioeconomic status
B) Peer pressure
C) Cognitive development
D) Political affiliation
Correct Answer: C) Cognitive development
Explanation: Cognitive development significantly impacts ethical beliefs and moral reasoning.
Understanding of Interpersonal Relations:

Question: Which theory emphasizes that moral reasoning is influenced by the ethical framework
Provided by the social groups an individual is part of?
A) Social cognitive theory
B) Ecological systems theory
C) Social identity theory
D) Social learning theory
Correct Answer: B) Ecological systems theory
Explanation: Ecological systems theory highlights the influence of social environments on moral

Question: What approach emphasizes building positive relationships between teachers and students
as a crucial factor in effective teaching of values?
A) Attachment theory
B) Transactional analysis
C) Social exchange theory
D) Systems theory
Correct Answer: A) Attachment theory
Explanation: Attachment theory stresses the importance of secure relationships in learning and values

Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Values:

Question: Which teaching method involves encouraging students to analyze case studies to identify
ethical dilemmas and propose solutions?
A) Problem-based learning
B) Behaviorism
C) Direct instruction
D) Lecturing
Correct Answer: A) Problem-based learning
Explanation: Problem-based learning fosters critical thinking by engaging students in real-life ethical
These additional questions aim to further explore various dimensions of research analysis, critical
understanding of psychological and societal influences, and effective pedagogical approaches in
teaching values education.

Multiple-choice summative test questions that cover the general principles of Basic Research in
Values Education:

**Summative Test Questions on Basic Research in Values Education:**

1. **Question:** What is the primary objective of basic research in values education?
- A) To develop specific teaching methods
- B) To explore ethical theories in education
- C) To generate knowledge about values and their implications
- D) To analyze cultural differences in moral reasoning
- **Correct Answer:** C) To generate knowledge about values and their implications
- **Explanation:** Basic research in values education aims to create new knowledge about values
and their significance in educational contexts.

2. **Question:** Which research approach in values education emphasizes fundamental

understanding and exploration without direct immediate application?
- A) Action research
- B) Applied research
- C) Basic or pure research
- D) Quantitative research
- **Correct Answer:** C) Basic or pure research
- **Explanation:** Basic research in values education focuses on fundamental exploration without
direct application in practical settings.

3. **Question:** In basic research, what is the primary focus concerning values education?
- A) Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching methods
- B) Investigating the influence of societal norms on values
- C) Generating new knowledge and theories about values
- D) Analyzing individual students' moral development
- **Correct Answer:** C) Generating new knowledge and theories about values
- **Explanation:** Basic research in values education is primarily concerned with creating new
knowledge and theories regarding values, not their immediate application.

4. **Question:** Which of the following is a characteristic of basic research in values education?

- A) Immediate practical application in educational settings
- B) Focusing solely on qualitative methodologies
- C) Utilizing action-oriented teaching strategies
- D) Emphasizing theory building and conceptual understanding
- **Correct Answer:** D) Emphasizing theory building and conceptual understanding
- **Explanation:** Basic research in values education emphasizes building theories and conceptual
understanding without immediate practical application.

5. **Question:** What is the significance of basic research in values education for educators and
- A) It provides ready-made teaching strategies
- B) It informs decision-making with theoretical insights
- C) It dictates moral guidelines for educational institutions
- D) It ensures uniformity in value transmission
- **Correct Answer:** B) It informs decision-making with theoretical insights
- **Explanation:** Basic research offers theoretical insights that aid educators and policymakers in
making informed decisions about values education.

These questions aim to evaluate understanding regarding the principles and focus of basic research in
values education, emphasizing its theoretical nature and the generation of new knowledge in the

multiple-choice questions about basic research parts

1. Which step initiates the process of basic research?

A) Data collection
B) Problem identification
C) Hypothesis testing
D) Conclusion drawing

Answer: B) Problem identification

Explanation: Basic research often begins with identifying a problem or question to investigate.

2. What is the primary aim of forming a hypothesis in basic research?

A) To prove a predetermined outcome
B) To establish a framework for the study
C) To generate statistical data
D) To confirm prior research findings

Answer: B) To establish a framework for the study

Explanation: Hypotheses provide a tentative explanation or prediction that guides research efforts.

3. Which stage involves systematically testing the hypothesis through controlled experiments or
A) Data collection
B) Hypothesis formulation
C) Experimental design
D) Literature review

Answer: C) Experimental design

Explanation: This phase outlines how the research will be conducted to test the hypothesis.

4. Which component involves analyzing and interpreting the gathered data?

A) Hypothesis revision
B) Data analysis
C) Conclusion drawing
D) Literature review

Answer: B) Data analysis

Explanation: Data analysis helps draw conclusions based on the collected information.
5. Which part involves reviewing existing studies and literature related to the research topic?
A) Hypothesis formulation
B) Conclusion drawing
C) Literature review
D) Data collection

Answer: C) Literature review

Explanation: A literature review provides a comprehensive overview of existing knowledge on the

6. What is the purpose of peer review in the context of basic research?

A) To publish the research findings
B) To get financial support
C) To evaluate the quality and validity of research
D) To collect additional data

Answer: C) To evaluate the quality and validity of research

Explanation: Peer review ensures research meets standards of quality before publication.

7. In basic research, what role does a control group typically play in experiments?
A) It receives the experimental treatment
B) It establishes a baseline for comparison
C) It validates the hypothesis
D) It records qualitative data

Answer: B) It establishes a baseline for comparison

Explanation: Control groups provide a standard for comparison against the experimental group.

8. What aspect is crucial for ensuring ethical research conduct in basic research studies?
A) Rigorous data analysis
B) Participant anonymity
C) Quick publication
D) Minimal literature review

Answer: B) Participant anonymity

Explanation: Ethical research involves safeguarding participants' identities and rights.

9. What is the key purpose of replicating experiments in basic research?

A) To waste resources
B) To provide statistical data
C) To validate findings' reliability
D) To increase the literature review

Answer: C) To validate findings' reliability

Explanation: Replication confirms the consistency and reliability of research outcomes.

10. Which phase involves drawing inferences based on the analyzed data in basic research?
A) Conclusion drawing
B) Literature review
C) Hypothesis formulation
D) Data collection

Answer: A) Conclusion drawing

Explanation: Conclusions are drawn based on the analyzed data to address the research question.

11. What is the primary purpose of publishing research findings in basic research?
A) To increase personal fame
B) To share knowledge with the scientific community
C) To bypass peer review
D) To promote commercial products

Answer: B) To share knowledge with the scientific community

Explanation: Publishing disseminates findings for broader scientific understanding.

12. In basic research, what does the term "statistical significance" indicate about research findings?
A) The findings are universally accepted
B) The findings have practical application
C) The findings are likely due to chance
D) The findings are supported by theories

Answer: C) The findings are likely due to chance

Explanation: Statistical significance suggests the likelihood that findings are not by random chance.

13. What element often guides the choice of research methods and tools in basic research?
A) Financial constraints
B) Availability of resources
C) Research question and hypothesis
D) Previous research findings

Answer: C) Research question and hypothesis

Explanation: The research question and hypothesis determine the most appropriate methods and

14. What does the term "peer-reviewed journal" signify in the context of basic research publications?
A) Journals accessible only to a select few researchers
B) Journals that reject all submitted articles
C) Journals where published articles are reviewed by experts in the field
D) Journals with minimal publication standards

Answer: C) Journals where published articles are reviewed by experts in the field
Explanation: Peer-reviewed journals undergo scrutiny by experts before publication.

15. Which aspect often follows the publication of research findings in basic research for further
A) Grant application
B) Publicity campaigns
C) Meta-analysis or systematic review
D) Copyright registration

Answer: C) Meta-analysis or systematic review

Explanation: Further analysis via meta-analysis or systematic reviews helps synthesize multiple
studies on the same topic.

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