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Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 1: Human Organism Major Organs of the Body

Anatomy & Physiology

investigates body structure

to dissect
studies body organ-systems
Regional studies body regions
Anatomy organization of the body areas
studies external features,
Anatomical using technologies (x-rays,
imaging ultrasound, MRI)
Study of nature
investigates processes and
Physiology Examining body’s response to
Examining body’s maintenance to
stable internal condition
Human Organ System of the Body
Study of human organism
Systemic Provides protection
studies body organ-systems
Physiology regulates temperature
Cellular studies body cells; functions of Prevents water loss
Physiology organ system Integumentary
system Helps produce Vit. D
Consist: Skin, Hair, Nails,
Importance of Anatomy and Physiology
Sebaceous Glands, Sweat
responds to stimuli
Stimulus - senses react Protection & support
environmental changes Allows body movement
how the body: environmental cues Produces blood cells
Diseases system Stores minerals and adipose
Consist: Bones, associated
cartilages, ligaments, joints
Structural and Functional Organization
Produces body movements
Six levels from chemical to organism: Maintains posture
Chemical level Atoms combine to form molecules System Produces body heat
Molecules from organelles Consist: Muscles attached to the
Cell level Cells - basic units of life skeleton by tendons
Molecules - source of energy Major regulatory system
Tissue - group of cells with Helps to response and receive
similar structure and function stimuli
Tissue level Detects sensations and controls
similar cells and surrounding Nervous
materials that make up tissues. movements
Two or more tissue types that Physiological processes and
Organ level perform together one/more intellectual functions
functions Consist: Brain, Spinal cord,
Organ-system group of organs contributing to Nerves, Sensory receptors
level some function Major regulatory system
Living thing as a whole Influences metabolism, growth,
Organism level one cell - bacteria reproduction, & other functions
Trillion cells - human Endocrine glands (e.g. pituitary -
secretes hormones)
Anatomy and Physiology
Transport nutrients, waste Characteristics of Life
products, gasses, and hormones
through the body functional interrelationships
between individual parts
Cardiovascular Immune response
System The regulation of body Ability to use energy to perform
temperature other vital functions
Consist: Heart, Blood vessels, ability to sense and respond to
Blood environmental changes both
Responsiveness internal and external
Immune system; Combats environments
Any excess fluid go to LS increase in size
Removes foreign substance from Growth
Example: bone
Lymphatic the blood and lymph
changes in form and size
System Maintains tissue fluid balance
Differentiation - changes in cell
Absorbs dietary fats from the structure form immature cell to
digestive tract Development
Lymphatic Vessels, Lymph nodes, Example: tissues (skin), hair,
& other Lymphatic organs muscle
Exchange oxygen & carbon formation of new cells or new
dioxide between the blood and air Reproduction
Respiratory organisms
Regulates blood pH
Consists: Lungs, & Respiratory Homeostasis
Passages ● maintenance of constant internal
Mechanical and chemical environment despite fluctuations in the
processes of digestion external or internal environment
● Self-regulating processes to maintain
Absorption of nutrients stability
System Elimination of waste measures of body properties
Consist: Mouth, Esophagus, that may change in value
Stomach, Intestines, Other Example: body temperature,
accessory organs heart rate, blood pressure,
Removes waste products from blood glucose level, blood cell
the blood counts, Respiratory rate
Urinary Regulates blood pH, ion balance Maintain normal body
System & water balance Homeostatic temperature: sweating &
Consist: Kidneys, Urinary mechanism shivering to maintain in set
Bladder, and ureters point
Produces oocytes normal extent of increase or
Normal range decrease around a set point
The site of fertilization & fetal
development Body temp: ave. 98.6 F
Female Produces milk for the newborn normal, or average value of a
Reproductive Produces hormones - influence variable
System sexual function and behaviors Over time, body temperature
Set point fluctuates around a set point
Consist: Ovaries, Uterine Tubes,
Uterus, vagina, Mammary glands, some variables can be
etc. temporarily adjusted depending
on body activities
Produces & transfer sperms to
Male the female
Reproductive Produces hormones
System ConsistTestes, Accessory
structures, Ducts, Penis
Anatomy and Physiology
Negative feedback mechanism Terminology and Body Plane
● Maintain homeostasis
● To decrease person standing erect with face and
● Maintains the variation within the normal palms forward
range Anatomical
Detection deviation away from set point Position all relational descriptions based on
reversal of deviation toward set the anatomical position, regardless
point and normal range of body orientation
The components of negative feedback:
Directional Terms
Monitors value of a variable by
1. Receptor
detecting stimuli
Determines the set point of
2. Control variable
center receives receptor signal
e.g. brain
directly causes change in
3. Effector
Example process
Receptors in the skin monitor body temperature

Control center compares the value of the variable

in the set point

If response is needed, the control center will

stimulate effectors: sweat glands, will secrete
Term Definition Example
If the value of the variable has returned in the set A person is in the
point, effectors do not receive any information Supine Lying face up
supine position
from the control center. The secretion of sweat A person is in the
will stop. Prone Lying face down
prone position
The nose is inferior
Inferior Below
to the forehead
The nose is superior
Superior Above
to the chin
The teeth are
Anterior Front
anterior to the throat
The spine is
Posterior Back posterior to the
Positive feedback mechanism The spine is dorsal to
Dorsal Back
● Normal response the sternum
● Response to the original stimulus result in The umbilical is
the deviation from the set point becoming Ventral Front
ventral to the spine
Closer to the
● To increase The elbow olecranon
● Required to return in homeostasis Proximal is proximal to the
*only for
● E.g, childbirth carpal
Example of positive feedback to negative feedback
Farther to the
Positive feedback point The talus is distal to
Stress 🠞 sympathetic response 🠞 heart rate, BP, Distal
*only for the hip
respiration rate 🠞 parasympathetic response 🠞 extremities
stress Away from the The ears are lateral
Negative feedback midline to the nose
Toward the The sternum is
Medial middle or medial to the
midline shoulder
Toward or on Skin is superficial to
the surface the heart
Away from the Heart is deep to the
surface/internal ribs
Anatomy and Physiology

Body Planes

separates the body into right

Sagittal plane
and left parts
a sagittal plane along the
Median plane midline that divides body into
equal left and right halves
separates the body into
/ horizontal
superior and inferior parts.
a vertical plane that separates
Frontal / coronal
the body into anterior and
posterior parts.
Longitudinal Cut along the length of the
section organ
Oblique section Diagonally cut

Plane of Section
Through an

Body Parts & Regions

Upper limbs upper arm, forearm, wrist, hand

Lower limbs thigh, lower leg, ankle, foot
Central region head, neck, trunk
Anatomy and Physiology
SUBDIVISION OF THE ABDOMEN Layer covering the internal
a fluid-filled space between the
Three sets of serous membranes and cavities
1. Pericardium around heart
covers heart
thick, fibrous
Space in pericardial
pericardial cavity
Pericardial fluid The fluid

2. Pleura Around lungs

visceral pleura covers lungs
parietal pleura lines inner wall of thorax
Body Cavities
Space between two pleural
pleural cavity
Dorsal body cavity membrane
● Encloses the organs of the nervous system Pleural fluid The fluid inside the cavity
Cranial Cavity The brain
Vertebral Cavity Spinal cord
The membrane covering the
brain & spinal cord
Ventral body cavity
● Vast majority of the internal organs or the
Thoracic Cavity The heart and the lungs
Subdivided 2 sections
Encloses a lung and 3. Peritoneum All abdominal pelvic organ
Pleural cavities
surrounded by the ribs covers, anchors organs
Houses the heart, major blood visceral Mesenteries - double folded;
Mediastinum vessels, thymus, trachea, & peritoneum prodive pathway for nerves &
esophagus. BV
Abdominopelvic parietal lines inner wall of
Enclosed by muscles
cavity peritoneum abdominopelvic cavity
Peritoneum Houses the abdominopelvic Specific location of the space
cavity cavity peritoneal cavity
between serous membranes
Consist of two cavities Peritoneal fluid The fluid in the cavity
inferior Anatomical space between
Pelvic cavity The pelvis; urinary bladder, retroperitoneal
rectum, reproductive organs
Most of the digestive organs
Serous Membranes of the
Ventral Body Cavity
Walls of the cavities; surface of internal organs are
in contact with membranes
Parietal The walls of outer membrane
Anatomy and Physiology
Cell membrane

Intracellular /
materials inside the cell
Extracellular outside the cell
Fluid mosaic model used to describe the cell
model membrane structure.
form a bilayer.
Polar head region
- Hydrophilic - love water
- exposed to water
Phospholipids around the membrane.
Nonpolar tail region
Chapter 3: Cell Structures and their functions - Hydrophobic. - hates
● Cells - smallest unit of life water
Cell Structures - facing the interior of the
specialized structures in cells
that perform specific functions
Living material surrounding the
Cytoplasm Contains types of organelles
jelly-like substance that holds
Enclosed the cytoplasm Movement through the Cell membrane
is the outermost component of
a cell allows only certain substances
It forms a boundary between to pass in and out of the cell.
material inside the cell and the
Cell/plasma outside. Higher
membrane enzymes, glycogen, and
Supporting the cell contents concentration
potassium (K+)
inside the cell
Selective barrier in determining
the cell moving in & out. Higher
Sodium (NA+), calcium (Ca2+),
Communication of between and chloride (CI+)
outside the cell
Cell membrane passage

A nonpolar that can pass

directly through the cell
O2 and CO2 membrane’s phospholipid

Must past through its channels

Na+ to pass through transmembrane
protein channels
The route of ● Size
transport ● Shape
through the ● charge of the substance
membrane - Positive charge needs
depends: protein to pass through
Some substances require
Carrier carrier molecules to transport
molecules them across the cell
membrane, such as glucose.
Some substances require a
vesicular transport across the
must fuse with the cell
membrane for transport.
Anatomy and Physiology
concentration relative to the
Passive Membrane transport cytoplasm of the cell.
● does not require the cell to expend energy.
Crenation - cell shrinkage
A carrier mediated transport
Solute move in higher concentration to lower involving membrane proteins
concentration in solution (channels or carrier proteins) to
With concentration gradient; does not require ATP Facilitated substance across the cell
diffusion membrane.
More solute particles occur in an area of higher
concentration than in an area of lower Higher concentration to lower
concentration. concentration
substances dissolved in a are proteins within the cell
predominant liquid or gas membrane involved in
Solvent Liquid or gas Carrier carrier-mediated transport.
molecules Can move water soluble of
the difference in the
concentration of a solute in a electrically charged ions across
solvent between two points the cell membrane
divided by the distance Two classes of cell membrane channels
Concentration between the two points.
Gradient constantly allow ions to pass
steeper when the concentration Leak channels through.
difference is large and/or the - Always open
distance is small. limit the movement of ions
Gated channels across the membrane by
substances can diffuse directly opening and closing.
Lipid soluble through the phospholipid
bilayer. Active Membrane transport
Easily diffuse phospholipids ● Utilizes membrane proteins to move
substances, such as ions, can substances across the cell membrane from
diffuse across the cell the regions of lower concentration to higher
Water-soluble membrane only by passing concentration against concentration
through cell membrane gradient.
channels. ● Requires ATP; if ATP is not available, Active
transport stops
the diffusion of water (a solvent) across a A major example of active
selectively permeable membrane from a region of transport
higher water concentration to one of lower water Sodium-
Potassium a higher concentration of Na+
Pump outside cells;a higher
the force required to prevent concentration of K+ inside cells.
movement of water across cell
Require ATP
Greater concentration of a
uses the energy provided by a
solution = greater osmotic
concentration gradient established
by the active transport of one
Osmotic pull Pulling the water substance, such as Na+ to
Less solute transport other substances.
lower concentration of solutes Active In cotransport
and a higher concentration of Transport the diffusing substance moves in
Hypotonic water relative to the cytoplasm the same direction as the
of the cell. transported substance.
More solvent In countertransport
Lysis - swelling The diffusing substance moves in
an opposite direction to the
Equal substances transported substance.
The concentrations of various A membrane-bound sacs that
solutes and water are the same transported the large
on both sides of the cell water-soluble(cannot be
membrane. Vesicles
transported by carrier molecules
Neither shrinks nor swell ) molecules across cell
More solute membranes.
Hypertonic The solution has a higher solute a process that brings materials
Endocytosis into cells using vesicles.
concentration and lower water (into)
Anatomy and Physiology
mediated endocytosis Synthesizing large amount of
Process of endocytosis exhibits; protein
occurs when a specific substance no attached ribosomes
binds to the receptor molecule
and is transported into the cell. site for lipid synthesis
Smooth ER cellular detoxification
is often used for endocytosis It stores calcium ions in skeletal
when solid particles are ingested. muscle cells.
Phago = eat Golgi Apparatus
Pinocytosis Golgi Complex
has much smaller vesicles
consists of closely packed stacks of curved,
formed, and they contain liquid
membrane-bound sacs.
rather than solid particles.
Pino = drink collects, modifies, packages, and distributes
proteins and lipids manufactured by the ER.
Release if substances from the
Exocytosis forms vesicles, some of which are secretory
cell through the fusion of a vesicle
(out) vesicles, lysosomes, and other vesicles.
with the cell membrane
Secretory vesicles
Organelles Pinch off from Golgi apparatus move cell to the cell
Nucleus Membrane in SV then fuses with cell membrane,
The large organelle within the cell (center) the contents of the vesicles are released to the
The brain of the cell exterior of the cell by exocytosis.
Contains genetic material Accumulate in cytoplasm and released to the
exterior when the cell receives signal.
Nuclei - plural
consists of outer and inner
Nuclear membrane-bound vesicles formed from the Golgi
membranes with a narrow
Envelope apparatus.
space between them
Nuclear contains holes = nuclear pores contain a variety of enzymes that function as
membrane intracellular digestive systems.
Contains the dna, RNA
Formation of inner & outer
membrane small, membrane-bound vesicles containing
Nuclear pores enzymes that break down fatty acids, amino acids,
Passageways of materials; in & and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
out of nucleus
Hydrogen peroxide
Genetic material: 23 pairs by-product of fatty acid
(DNA, proteins)
Amino acid
Chromatin loosely coiled and collectively breakdown and can be toxic to a cell.
diffuse bodies with no Mitochondria
Nucleoli surrounding membrane that are
found within the nucleus small organelles responsible for producing
considerable amounts of ATP by aerobic (with O2)
There are usually one to metabolism.
several nucleoli within the
nucleus Cristae
Inner membrane that has Numerous folds
Mitochondrial matrix
are the organelles where proteins are produced. Material within inner membrane
produced in the nucleolus. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) & enzymes
may be attached to other organelles, such as the inside mitochondria
ER Cells with a large energy requirement have more
type of cytoplasmic organelle mitochondria than cells that require less energy.
subunits of formed within a nucleolus. Cytoskeleton
ribosomes ribosomal components exit the internal framework to the cell.
nucleus through nuclear pores. consists of protein structures that support the cell,
Ribosomes that are not hold organelles in place, and enable the cell to
Free Ribosomes
attached to any other organelle change shape.
Endoplasmic Reticulum protein structures are: microtubules,
series of membranes forming sacs and tubules microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.
that extend from the outer nuclear membrane into Microtubules hollow structures formed from
the cytoplasm. protein subunits.
with attached ribosomes
Rough ER
Anatomy and Physiology
helping to support the numerous cells that have them
cytoplasm of cells and they increase the surface
area of those cells.
assisting in cell division do not actively move as cilia
Forming essential components and flagella do
of certain organelles, such as abundant on the surface of cells
cilia and flagella. that line the intestine, kidney,
small fibrils formed from protein and other areas in which
subunits that structurally absorption is an important
support the cytoplasm, function.
determining cell shape.
Some microfilaments are Whole Cell Activity
involved with cell movement. ● A cell’s characteristics are determined by
in muscle cells enable the cells the type of proteins produced.
to shorten, or contract. ● proteins produced are in turn determined by
the genetic information in the nucleus.
fibrils formed from protein
Influences the structural and
subunits that are smaller in
Intermediate function characteristics of the
diameter than microtubules but
Filaments entire organism
larger in diameter than
microfilaments. DNA molecule consists of
DNA nucleotides joined together to
provide mechanical support to
form two nucleotide strands.
the cell.
two strands are connected and
resemble a ladder that is
specific type of intermediate
twisted around its long axis.
a protein associated with skin
cells. DNA strands, sequence of
nucleotides that provides a
Centrioles Gene
chemical set of instructions for
specialized area of cytoplasm making a specific protein.
centrosome close to the nucleus where
The process by which
microtubule formation occurs.
information stored in the genes
contains two centrioles, which Gene Expression of DNA molecules directs
are normally oriented manufacture of the various
perpendicular to each other. proteins of the cell.
Each centriole is a small, First step in Gene Exp
cylindrical organelle composed
Occurs in the nucleus
of microtubules.
The information stored in the
centriole is involved in the region of the DNA is used to
process of mitosis. produced complementary RNA
Cilia molecule — messenger RNA
Coordinated movement (mRNA)
transport mucus - dust particles DNA nucleotides pair only with
are embedded, upward and specific RNA nucleotides.
away from the lungs Transcription
DNA’s thymine pairs with RNA’s
project from the surface of adenine.
certain cells. DNA’s adenine pairs with RNA’s
cylindrical structures that uracil
extend from the cells DNA’s cytosine pairs with
composed of microtubules. RNA’s guanine
Flagella DNA’s guanine pairs with RNA’s
much longer, and they usually cytosine.
occur only one per cell. Occurs when an mRNA
Sperm cells each have one molecule moves to ribosomes
flagellum which propels sperm in the cytoplasm. The
cell nucleotide sequence of the
molecule is used to determine
Microvilli Translation the composition of polypeptide
specialized extensions of the chain — precursor to a protein
cell membrane that are Synthesis of proteins based on
supported by microfilaments. the information in the mRNA.
Anatomy and Physiology
Pairs with the codon of the Two genetically identical strands
mRNA. of chromatin
Transfer RNA transports Centromere Region of chromatids
specific amino acids from the First phase in mitosis
cytoplasm to the
ribosome-mRNA complex and Nuclear envelope & nucleolus
initiates formation of the disappears, freeing chromatin
polypeptide chain. The process Chromatin condenses to form
continues until the entire visible chromosomes — each
polypeptide is completely composed of the two chromatids
formed. Spindle fibers extend from the
Protein synthesis relies on the centrioles
cell activity to decode the Some attach to the centromeres
information stored in the of each chromosomes
nucleotide sequence of the Centrioles divide and migrate to
Genetic Code mRNA produced during each pole of the cell
The chromosomes align near the
Codons center of the cell
Information in mRNA is carried
Metaphase Each chromosome now has pair
in groups of three nucleotides
of spindle fibers attached to it,
Carry amino acid to the one each centriole pair
Transfer RNAs
Beginning, chromatids separate at
centromere — each chromatid is
Cell Cycle
a chromosome
● During growth and development, cell
division occurs to increase the number of Two identical sets of 46
cells or replace damaged or dying ones. chromosomes are present in the
● This cell division involves a cell cycle. cell
Two major phases Two sets of 46 chromosomes is
Interphase moved by spindle fibers toward
Anaphase the centriole at one of the poles of
non dividing phase the cell
Spindle fibers formation
End, set of chromosomes has
Gathers protein/protein synthesis reached an opposite pole of the
G1 phase Cell carries normal metabolic cell — cytoplasm begins to divide.
activity Cleavage/pinching in of the parent
S phase DNA is replicated/reproduction cell is evident.
G2 phase Cell prepares to divide Cytokinesis
End of interphase: The separate process begins
a cell has two complete sets of genetic material the chromosomes in each of the
DNA is dispersed throughout the nucleus as thin daughter cells become organized
threads (chromatids) to form two separate nuclei, one
Cell division in each newly formed daughter
Formation of daughter cells from a single parent
cell The chromosomes begin to
unravel and resemble the genetic
Two copies of chromosomes:
Diploid material during interphase.
Human - 46
Telophase Chromosomes uncoil to form long
Haploid Half of diploid
chromatin strands
23 pairs of chromosomes
Remnants of the spindle fibers
1 pair - sex chromosomes
22 pair - autosomes
End, complete splitting of the
XX chromosomes - female
parent cell into two similar
XY chromosomes - male offspring cells is complete — has
Cell division for reproductive now nucleus, half of cytoplasm,
Meiosis organs organelles of the parent cell
46 🠞23 pairs chromosomes
Cell dividing phase
A parent cell divides to form two
daughter cells with the same
amount and type of DNA
Anatomy and Physiology
● abnormal proliferation of cells.
● They are due to problems occurring in the
cell cycle.
● Some tumors are benign (not harmful) and
some are malignant (cancer).
● Metastasis - Malignant tumors can spread
by a process.
Chapter 4:Tissues
Tumors and Histology

groups of specialized cells and

Tissues the extracellular substances
surrounding them.
histo: tissue
Histology Microscopic study of tissue
Epithelial Tissue
● Epi: upon
● Thele: covering
● Found everywhere; inside & outside the
● Protects against foreign materials entering
the body.
● Primarily cellular tissue — very little
extracellular material between the cells
● Forms layers that cover the surfaces and
line the hollow organs of the body
● Covers the body surface
● Form covering and linings
● Epithelial cell - Always oriented; basal
surface points toward the basement
Differentiation ● Mostly composed of cells
● a sperm cell and an oocyte unite to form a ● Covers body surface
single cell, then a great number of mitotic ● Has an exposed surface (free
divisions occur to give the trillions of cells of surface/apical)
the body. ● Attaches at the basal surface
● The process by which cells develop with ● Has specialized cell connections and matrix
specialized structures and functions attachments
● During differentiation of a cell, some ● Is avascular - no blood vessels
portions of DNA are active, but others are ● Capable of regeneration
inactive. Functions
Apoptosis ● Protecting underlying structure
● Programmed cell death; self -destruction ● Acting as a barrier
● normal process by which cell numbers ● Permitting the passage of substances
within various tissues are adjusted and ● Secreting substances
controlled. ● Absorbing substances
● In the developing fetus, apoptosis removes Surface of the cells anchored in
extra tissue, such as cells between the Basal surface
developing fingers and toes.
Composed of extracellular
● In some adult tissues, apoptosis eliminates
material secreted by the epithelial
excess cells to maintain a constant number
of cells within the tissue.
● Begins, the chromatin within the nucleus Basement For support and guiding cell
condenses and fragments—fragmentation membrane migration during tissue repair
of the nucleus & finally death and Porous and regulates the
fragmentation of the cell. movement to and from the
Cellular Aspects of Aging epithelial tissue above it
● Existence of a cellular clock
● Presence of death genes
● DNA damage
● Formation of free radicals
● Mitochondrial damage
Anatomy and Physiology
Classification gallbladder, bile nutrients;
ducts, & secretes mucus
Simple Epithelium ventricles of the
Single layer of cells brain
Each cell extending from the basement membrane
to the free surface
Types Structure Function
Single layer of
cell, Flat cells,
nuclei appear Single layer of
as bumps cells, some
Simple cells are tall &
Found: Diffusion, thin and reach
lining of BV & filtration free surface,
heart, lymphatic some do not
vessels, alveoli, Nucleus are in
kidney tubules, different areas
lining in serous & appear
membrane stratified
Pseudostratified Synthesize and
Almost always
secretes mucus

Lining of nasal
cavity, nasal
auditory tubes,
Single layer of pharynx,
cell, cube trachea,
shape cells, bronchi
some cells
have microvilli
Secretion and
or cilia
absorption by
cells; movement
Simple of particles
kidney tubules,
Cuboidal embedded in
glands and their
Epithelium mucus out of the
ducts, choroid Stratified Epithelium
plexuses of the
bronchioles by More than one layer of cells
brain, lining of
cilia only deepest layer of cells attaches to the
bronchioles of basement membrane
the lungs, Types Structure Function
surfaces of the Several layer of
ovaries cells cuboidal in
the basal layer
& progressively
against abrasion
Stratified Keratinized
forms barriers
Squamous outer layer of
Single layer of against water
Movement of of Epithelium skin
tall, narrow loss and
particles Nonkeratinized
cells, some infection.
bronchioles, mouth
cells have cilia Throat, larynx,
oocytes through
uterine tubes; esophagus,
Found: anus, vagina,
Simple secretion of cells
Glands and inferior urethra,
columnar of the glands;
some ducts corneas
Epithelium absorption (cells
bronchioles of
in intestine);
lungs, auditory
tubes, uterus,
uterine tubes,
Anatomy and Physiology

Unicellular Single cell = goblet cell

Glands Merocrine
Multicellular glands
Single, non branched duct
Simple Tubular
Straight tube; no branched out
Simple Glands Merocrine
Appear Simple Branched Tubular
cuboidal when Several tubular; branching single
is not stretched duct
and squamous Fluctuations in Merocrine
when is the volume of
stretched by the fluid in an Simple Acinar
Transitional Single saclike
fluid organ
Epithelium Holocrine
Protect against
Found: caustic effects of Simple Branched Acinar
Lining of urinary urine Several acinar; branching single
bladder, duct
ureters, Merocrine
superior urethra Multicellular glands
Have several branched ducts
Compound Tubular
Multiple ducts; each w/ narrow
Compound Acinar
Multiple ducts; each several
Apocrine - fatty
Not contact with other cells Merocrine - protein rich
Smooth free surface Compound Tubuloacinar
Reduce friction Multiple ducts; several tubular
Free Surface E.g. tissue lining blood vessels and acinar
(endothelium) Merocrine
Folded free surface Modes of secretion
Increased surface area Merocrine Release secretory products
Cell Connections secretion through exocytosis
Mechanically bind epithelial cells Release secretory products when
desmosomes Apocrine a portion of the free surface of the
secretion Epi Cells pinches off, releasing
Hemidesmos Bind cells to the basement
cytoplasmic contents
omes membrane
Holocrine Release secretory products
Cell connection structures that secretion through shedding of entire cells
Tight junctions form barriers and anchor cells
Connective Tissue
Found below tight junctions ● Diverse primary tissue type that makes up
Help tight junctions anchor part of every organ in the body.
epithelial cells to each other. ● Consists of cell separated from each other
Group of channels allow small by abundant extracellular matrix
molecules and ions to pass from Functions
Gap Junctions
one epithelial cell to an adjacent ● Enclosing and separating other tissue
one. ● Connecting tissues to one another
● Supporting and moving parts of the body
Glands ● Storing compounds
● Cushioning and insulating
Produce chemical — hormones ● transporting
Endocrine ● protecting
Ductless glands based on
Glands Cells of Connective tissue
structure and mode of secretion
Exocrine Produces saliva, sweat, digestive Blast
Glands tract secretions. Create the matrix
Structure Cytes
Anatomy and Physiology
Clasts Composed of large cells and
remodeling small amount of extracellular
Osteo - bone matrix
Osteoblasts Consist of loosely arranged
Form bone
collagen and reticular fibers
Osteocytes Maintain bone - Packing material, thermal
Osteoclasts Break bone insulator, energy storage,
fibroblasts Form - fibrous connective tissue protection against injury
Maintain - fibrous connective
Chondro - cartilage
Form cartilage
chondrocytes Maintain cartilage
Large white blood cells capable of
Forms the framework of lymphatic
Macrophages moving about and ingesting Reticular
foreign substances tissue
- Provides superstructure
Nonmotile cells that release
Mast cells
Extracellular matrix
Collagen fibers
Protein fiber Resemble microscopic ropes,
very flexible but resist stretching
Reticular fibers Large number of protein fibers
Very fine, short collagen fibers, Dense
that form thick bundles and fill
that branch to form a supporting connective
nearby all of the extracellular
network tissue
Elastic fiber Mostly collagen fibers
Ability to return to their original Dense regular - same direction of
shape after being stretched or Dense
collagen fibers
compressed collagenous
Dense irregular - different
Ground substance direction of collagen fibers
Ground Consist of non fibrous molecules - Withstand great pulling
substance Shapeless background against forces
collagen fibers
Are large molecules that consist
of a protein core attached to many

Classification - regular

Protein fibers that forma lacy Dense elastic Abundant elastic fibers among its
network w/ numerous spaces connective collagen fibers
filled w/ ground substance and tissue - Allows tissue to stretch
fluid. and recoil
Consist of collagen fibers & some
elastic fibers
Are the fibroblast
Cushions most organs and other
- Support, loose packing,

- regular
Supporting connective tissue
Composed of
Adipose tissue adipocytes/fat cells Cartilage chondrocytes/cartilage cells
located in spaces — lacunae
Anatomy and Physiology
Resilient - proteoglycans in the
matrix trap water
Most abundant type
Covers end of bones where they
come together to form joints
Forms smooth, resilient surfaces
– withstand compression

Muscle Tissue
● To contract or shorten making movement
● Muscle fibers - Muscle contraction results
from contractile proteins located within the
muscle cells
More collagen & bundles of Fibers appear striated, cells are
collagen fibers large, long, cylindrical with many
Compression, pulling/tearing Skeletal nuclei
Fibrocartilage muscle
forces Movement of the body and
Found in the disks between the voluntary control

Cylindrical and striated

Contains elastic fibers in addition
Single nucleus
Elastic to collagen and proteoglycans
cartilage Coiled fibers Branched and connected to one
Able to recoil to its orig shape another by intercalated disks -
contain gap junctions
Pumps blood
Involuntary control

Hard connective tissue consist of

living cells and mineralized matrix
Tapered t each end
Not striated
Single nucleus
Smooth Regulates size of organs
muscle Forces fluid through tubes
Controls the amount of light
entering the eye
Spongy bone Goosebumps
Spaces between Involuntary control
trabeculae/plates, of bone
Compact bone
More solid
Almost no space between many
thin layers of mineralized matrix
Fluid Matrix is liquid, enabling blood Nervous Tissue
connective cells & platelets — formed ● Forms the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
tissue elements, to move through BV ● Responsible for coordinating & controlling
Enables blood to flow rapidly body activities
through the body
Neurons / Conducting electrical signals
nerve cell Cell body
Anatomy and Physiology
Nucleus & site of general cell Contraction of fibroblast in the
function granulation tissue, pulls edges of
Dendrites the wound closer together
Receive stimuli lead to electrical New cells = same type as the
changes destroyed cells, normal function is
Axon Regeneration restored
Conduct electrical changes Stem cells can divide throughout
life other dividing cells
Glial cells
Support cells of the NS Destroyed cells are replaced by
Fibrosis /
Nourish, protect, insulate neurons different cell types - cause scar

Chapter 5:Integumentary system

● Consists of skin and accessory structures
(hair, glands, nails)
● Integument - covering
● Protection, sensation, vitamin d production,
Tissue membrane temperature regulation, and excretion
● Thin sheet or layer of tissue that covers a ● Can indicate physiological imbalances in the
structure or lines of cavity body
Skin / cutaneous membrane
● External tissue membrane Epidermis
● Stratified squamous epithelium and dense ● Stratified squamous epithelium
connective tissue ● In its deepest layers, new cells are
produced by mitosis.
Mucous membrane ● Many cells prevent water loss and resist
● Line cavities that open to the outside of the abrasion
body ● The outermost cells protects the cell
● Contain glands & secrete mucus underneath
Serous membrane ● Lacks blood vessels
● Line trunk cavities that do not open to the Cells change shape and chemical
outside of the body Keratinization composition during the
● Do not contain mucous glands but secrete movement.
serous fluid - lubricate surface A protein filed in keratinization
Synovial membrane makes it rigid and durable,
● Line joint cavities and secrete lubricating Keratin Acts as a permeability barrier and
fluid resists abrasion, as keratinization
● Synovial fluid - joint slippery, reduce friction, proceeds.
smooth movement within joint Strata Divides the epidermis
Tissue damage & inflammation
Cuboidal or columnar cells;
mitotic division
Tissues are damage
One daughter cell becomes new
Isolates and destroys harmful
Stratum stratum basale cell and divide
Inflammation agents
basale again
Produces redness, hear, swelling,
As cell move to the surface,
pain, disturbance
changes in the cells produce
Agent causing the injury is not intermediate strata
removed or something else
inflammation Flattened appearance and
interferes w/ the healing process Stratum
accumulate lipid-filled vesicles
called Lamellar bodies
Tissue repair
Flat diamond shape
Stratum Accumulate more keratin and
Substitution of viable cells for
granulosum release contents of the lamellar
Tissue repair dead cells by
By regeneration or fibrosis bodies to the extracellular space
clot formation Thin, clear zone between stratum
Inflammation granulosum and corneum
Formation of granulation tissue No longer have nuclei or
Regeneration Stratum organelles
Fibrosis lucidum Thick skin
Sever wound = wound contracture All five strata
Areas subject to pressure or
friction (palms, soles, fingertips)
Anatomy and Physiology
*Only the number of epidermal Skin, hair, eye color
strata Protection against ultraviolet light
Thin skin Large amount
Lacks stratum lucidum Freckles, mole, nipple, genitalia
Cover rest of the body Less amount
*Only the number of epidermal Lips, palm, soles
Determines genetic factors,
Most superficial stratum exposure to light, and hormones
Dead squamous cells filled with Estrogen & melanocyte
keratin — give its structural stimulating hormone
strength Hormone increases melanin
Coated and surrounded by lipids production during pregnancy
release from the lamellar bodies Produced melanin
Waterproofing Irregularly shaped cells
corneum Dandruff Located between stratum basale
Excessive sloughing of SC cells Melanocytes & stratum spinosum
from the surface of the scalp All humans have same amount,
Callus amount, kind, & distribution of
Thickened skin melanin — skin variations
Corn Cyanosis Bluish color; decrease in O2.
Thicken form of a cone-shaped Yellow pigment
structure Carotene
Source of vit. A
● Dense layer of connective tissue Subcutaneous Tissue
● Collagenous connective tissue ● Hypodermis
● Nerves, hair, follicles, smooth muscles, ● Not part of the skin
glands, lymphatic vessels ● Attached skin to underlying bone & muscle
● Collagen and elastic fibers ● Supplies blood vessels & nerves
● Strength of dermis ● Loose connective tissue
Body fat

Direction of collagen fibers

Skin is the most resistant to Padding & insulation
stretch along these lines Adipose 21% - 30%
Cleavage /
Tissue Acceptable female body fat %
tension lines Incision made across = scar tissue
13% - 25%
Incision made parallel = less scar
Acceptable male body fat %
Overstretched of the skin, leaves
Stretch marks Accessory Skin structures
line visible through epidermis
● Attached to/embedded into the skin
Extend toward the epidermis Hair
Contain blood vessels; blood flow ● Found everywhere except psalm, soles,
through these lips, nipples, parts of genitalia, distal
Dermal Friction ridges segments of the fingers & toes
papillae Fingerprints & footprints ● Produced in the hair bulb
The parallel arrangement, curving
ridges of dermal papillae
Increase friction and grip
Delivers material to the blood
injection Administered by drawing the skin
taut; inserting a small needle at a
shallow angle into the dermis
Subcutaneous Pinching the skin to form tent
injection Inserting into the adipose tissue
Delivers to the blood faster
Intramuscular Long needle at a 90° to skin into
injection the muscle deep at the
subcutaneous tissue
Skin color
Anatomy and Physiology
Smooth muscle cells in each hair
Arrector pili Contraction cause hair become
perpendicular to skin surface –

Simple branched acinar glands
glands Connected by duct to the
superficial part of hair follicle
Produced by Sebaceous glands
Oily, white substance rich in lipids.
Released by holocrine secretion
Lubricates the hair & surface of
the skin
Prevents drying & protect against
some bacteria
Sweat glands
Simple, tubular glands release
sweat by merocrine secretion
Mostly water w/ few salts
The base of the hair Eccrine sweat Ducts open onto the surface of the
Hair Follicle Invagination of the epidermis that glands skin through sweat pores.
extends deep into the dermis 🠝temperature = sweat -
Protrudes above the surface of the evaporates, cools body temp.
hair Emotional sweating
Hair Shaft Palms, soles, armpits
Columns of dead keratinized
epithelial cells Simple, coiled, tubular glands
Below hair shaft Produced a thick secretion rich in
Hair root Columns of dead keratinized organic substances
epithelial cells Primarily released by merocrine
Hair bulb Expanded base of the root secession & some glands
Apocrine demonstrate holocrine secretion
Medulla Softer center sweat glands
Active at puberty
White outer layer
Cortex Odorless
Hard that surrounds medulla Body odor
outermost layer Break down of bacteria mix with
Covering the cortex sweat
Cuticle Single layer of overlapping cells
that holds the hair in the hair
● Thin plate
● Consist layers of dead stratum corneum
Extension of the dermis that cells - hard type of keratin
protrudes into the hair bulb. ● Continuously grow; no resting stage
Hair papilla Contains blood vessels that
supply the hair bulb w/ the
nourishment needed to produce
Hair cycles
Hair being replaced
Growth stage Undergo Keratinization
Next growth stage: new hair
formed & old hair falls out
Growth stops & hair is held in hair
Resting stage
Hair color
Occurs in the hair bulb
Anatomy and Physiology
Nail body Visible part ● Injury to a tissue by heat, cold, friction,
chemicals, electricity/radiation
Nail root Part of nail covered by the skin
Cuticle / Stratum corneum extends onto the Part of the stratum basale
eponychium nail body Partial
remains viable & regeneration of
Distally extend of nail root the epidermis occurs from within
With stratum basale, rise cells to burn area
Nail matrix
form nail Only epidermis
Thicker; produces most of the nail First degree Red & painful
An underlying that nail attaches burn Slight edema/swelling
Nail bed
With stratum basale No scarring
Small part of nail matrix Both epidermis & dermis
Lunula Redness pain, edema, blister
White, crescent shaped area at
the based of the nail Healing - 2 weeks
Second degree
burn No scarring
Physiology of the integumentary system Burn deep into dermis
Protection Red, tan, white
● Reducing water loss Might scar
● Skin as barrier that prevents microorganism Epidermis & dermis are destroyed
and other foreign substances
Recovering from the edges of the
● Stratified squamous epithelium of the skin
Full-thickness burn wound
protects underlying structures against
burns / third Painless - sensory receptors are
degree burn destroyed
● Melanin absorbs UV rays
● Hair (head) heat insulator, eyebrow keep White, tan, brown, black, deep
sweat out, eyes and eyelashes protect eyes cherry red
● Nail protects the end of the fingers and toes Deeper than subcutaneous tissue
from damage Damage - muscle, bone, other
Sensation tissue
● Sensory receptors associated in the skin Painless
● In epidermis & dermis - pain, heat, cold, &
Amputation or complete removal
pressure Fourth degree of the damage tissue is require
● Around the hair follicle - movement of the burn
hair Infection can cause death
Temperature regulation Skin graft - epidermis and part of
● Body temp maintained at 37℃ dermis from other part of the body
● Maintain homeostasis - BV in dermis is place over the burn
constrict and smaller amounts of warm New skin - only epidermis; no
blood flow through the skin – decrease in glands of hair
skin temp
● Dermal blood vessels dilate - skin temp Chapter 6: Skeletal system
drops below 15℃ Functions
Excretion ● Body support
● Removal of waste products from the body ● Organ protection
● Water & salts, sweats - urea, uric acid, ○ Cartilage - collagen & tough
ammonia ○ Ligaments - strong bands of fibrous
● Sweat do not play significant role of connective tissue (bone to bone)
excretion ○ Tendons - bone to muscle
● body movement
As a diagnostic aid ● Mineral storage
● Blood cell production
Yellowish skin color Bone Histology
Jaundice ● Matrix - nonliving material
Liver is damaged by a disease
● The cell produce matrix and become
Rashes & Problems everywhere in the body entrapped it
lesions E.g. reddish rash, ● Old matrix - new matrix
● Fibrous protein collagen - flexibility, resist
Vitamin a Produce excess keratin -
pulling / compression
deficiency sandpaper texture
● Proteoglycans - water trapping proteins;
Nails - lose normal contour, makes cartilage smooth & resilient
Iron deficiency
become flat or concave (spoon
anemia Bone Matrix
● 35% - organic material (proteoglycans &
Burns collagen)
Anatomy and Physiology
● 65% - inorganic material Less bone matrix
● Hydroxyapatite - calcium phosphate crystal
in inorganic material. More porous
● Brittle Bone disease/osteogenesis More space
imperfecta - imperfect bone formation Spongy Bone Trabeculae
Bone Cells Interconnecting rods or plates of
Thin & several lamellae
No blood cells
Solid outer layer surrounding each
More matrix, denser, fewer pores
Blood vessels enter the substance
of the bone
Compact bone Functional unit
Bone formation / cortical bone Concentric rings of matrix
Contain osteocytes
Bone building cells
Central Canal
repair Circular target of osteon
remodeling Osteocytes are located in lacunae
Osteoblast Produce collagen and between lamellar rings and
proteoglycans canaliculi between lacunae across
New bone by osteoblast Bone Anatomy
Can occur multiple times Structure of long bone
By appositional growth ● Traditional model for bone structure
Bone matrix Center portion surrounding a
Storage hollow center – Medullary cavity
Lacunae Epiphysis Ends of long bone
Spaces in bone matrix Spongy bone with outer layer of
Osteocytes Canaliculi compact bone
Narrow and long spaces; house of Articular Hyaline cartilage covering the end
osteocytes cartilage of long bone
Nutrients & gasses can pass Epiphyseal
through small amount of fluid in plate/ growth Between epiphysis & diaphysis
canaliculi or lacunae plate
Remodeling; reabsorption Epiphyseal line Ossified of epiphyseal plate
Bone destroying cells Red marrow Site of blood cell formation
Breakdown of bone Yellow marrow Adipose tissue
As bone in broken down, Ca2+ Connective tissue covering the
goes back into the blood Peritoneum
Osteoclasts outer surface of bone
massive , multinucleated cells, Single cell layer of connective
develop red bone marrow tissue that lines the internal
Ruffled border surfaces of all cavities within
Specialized reabsorption-specific bones
area of the membrane Bone Development
Spongy and Compact Bone Intramembranous ossification
● Lamellar bone - mature bone ● Skull bones, part of mandible , diaphyses of
● Lamellae - organized into thin, concentric the clavicles
● Lacunae - spaces in bone matrix
Anatomy and Physiology
locations in the membrane where
Centers of
Intramembranous ossification
Larger membrane-covered spaces
Fontanels / soft
between the developing skull
bones that haven’t been ossified

Endochondral ossification
● Some of this cartilage starts at
approximately at 8 week of embryonic
● Processes may not begin in other cartilage
as late as 18-20 y.o.
● Based of the skull, part of the mandible,
epiphyses of the clavicle, remaining skeletal

Bone Growth
Growth in Bone length
● At the epiphyseal plate
● epiphyseal plate separates the epiphysis
from the diaphysis
● Long bones grow by creating new cartilage
in the epiphyseal plate
● Cartilage calcification and ossification in the
epiphyseal plate occur by the same basic
process as calcification and ossification of
the cartilage model during endochondral
bone formation

Bone Remodeling
● Old bone replaced with new bone
● Osteoclasts remove old bone and
osteoblasts deposit new bone
● Woven bone 🠞 lamellar bone
Anatomy and Physiology
● Bone growth, bone shape, adjustment of the Steroid hormone derived from vit
bone to stress, bone repair, and calcium ion, d3
Ca2+ regulation in the body Secreted by C cells in the thyroid
Hollow cylindrical is lighter in Calcitonin gland when Ca2+ levels are to high
weight than a solid rod
Calcitonin 🠞 🠝blood 🠞 bone
Structure of Hollow cylindrical with the same
height, weight, compositions as Skeletal Anatomy
long bone ● Axial - skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone,
solid rod but with greater diameter
– support much more weights w/o the vertebral column, thoracic cage (rib
bending cage)
● Appendicular skeleton - upper limbs, lower
Osteoclasts breakdown bone
limbs, 2 girdles - belt (pectoral and pelvic)
Bone shapes
Osteoblast move in & lay down a
Compact bone
layer of bone
Lamellae produced until an osteon
is formed
Bone matrix is removed from the
Spongy bone surface of trabeculae 🠞 cavity,
filled new bone matrix
Bone Repair
● Can undergo repair if damaged

Localized mass of blood released
Hematoma from blood vessels
Mass of bone tissue that forms at
a fracture site
Callus The cartilage in the callus is
Ossification replaced a spongy bone
New bone of callus and the dead
Bone bone adjacent to the fracture site
remodeling have been replaced by compact
Calcium Homeostasis
● Calcium blood 🠞 calcium bone = bone
● Calcium blood 🠜 calcium bone = bone
● Calcium blood - 8.5 - 10.5 m
Remove calcium from bone
osteoclasts causing blood calcium level
Deposit calcium into bone causing
blood calcium levels decrease
Increases bone breakdown –
calcitonin decrease bone
Parathyroid Longer than wide
Maintenance of blood Ca2+ within Long bones
hormone Upper and lower limbs
Parathyroid hormone 🠞 🠝bone Long as wide (square)
🠞Blood 🠞 back to thyroid Short bones
Wrist, ankle
Increase blood Ca2+ level
Calcitriol Thin, flattened shape
Flat bones
Anatomy and Physiology
Skull bones, ribs, scapulae, Cranial Bones/cranium
House and protects the bone
Vertebrae and facial bone
Immovable Sutures, coronal, sagittal,
Irregular bones Shapes do not in other bone joints lambdoid, squamous
shape Top of the skull
Calvaria Removed to view inferior of the
Connected to the two parietal
bones by the coronal suture
Supraorbital foramen/notch
Superior border of orbits (eye)
Skeletal terminology 1. Frontal Glabella
Bone Smooth region between 2 orbits
Foramen Hole; e.g. eyes Frontal sinus
Tunnel like passage through the One of the paranasal sinus
Canal / meatus
bone Anterior cranial fossa
Fossa Depression in the bone (lubog) Supports lobes of the brain
Tubercle/ Half of the superior region
Rounded projection Makes up majority of the portion of
Process Sharp projection from a bone (usli) the skull
2. Parietal
Bone Sagittal suture
Smooth, rounded end – forms a
condyle Joined two parietal bones
joint w/ another bone
Lambdoid suture
Axial Skeleton Connected to the occipital bone
Connected by squamous suture
Skull 3. Temporal
bone Related to time – hair on the
● 8 cranial bones + 14 facial bone = 22 bone
temples turns gray
3 main regions
meets the parietal bone
Zygomatic process
Squamous part 🠞 zygomatic bone
Squamous part Zygomatic arch
Bridge across the side of the skull
Mandibular fossa
Attachment sure of the mandible
Temporal bone as the prominent
external auditory canal/meatus
Tympanic part
external auditory canal/meatus
Transmit sound waves 🠞 eardrum
Extends inward toward the center
of the skull
Thick, bony ridge, hollow
Internal auditory canal
Posterior surface of the petrous
Petrous part
Mastoid process
Large bony inferior projection
Seen & felt – posterior of the ear
Mastoid air cells
Connected middle air can be
infected — mastoiditis
Attachment site for 3 muscles
necessary — tongue, hyoid bone,
Allows passage of nerve
Stylomastoid controlling facial muscles
Between styloid and mastoid
Jugular Jugular veins to carry majority of
foramina the blood away from the brain
Entry point for blood delivery to
Carotid canals
the brain
Anatomy and Physiology
Opening dried skull at the border
of the petrous parr & sphenoid
4. Occipital
Skull’s posterior wall and base
Large hole
Support cerebellum
cranial fossa
Occipital Two rounded either side of the
condyles foramen magnum
Point attachment for several neck
Nuchal lines Specialized regions in the skull
muscles – move the head
Sinuses found in the frontal bone
Single bone extends across the
Sphenoid bone Cone shape fossae
Allow eyes to rotate within the
Saddle shape fossae
Surround and protects pituitary
gland Nasolacrimal canal
Carrying tears eye 🠞 optic canal
3 Paired foramina sella tunica
Foramen rotundum Rounded opening anteriorly &
Sella turcica - Floor of Middle cranial Nasal cavity separate left and right halves by
fossa the nasal septum
Foramen ovale
- Part of lateral skull wall Facial Bones
Foramen spinosum cheekbones
- Posterior wall of the orbit Anterior to the sphenoid bone
Sphenoidal Zygomatic arch
Within body of sphenoid bone bones
sinuses Zygomatic process of the temporal
Located each side of the sphenoid bone
Optic canal
bone, anterior Sphenoidal sinuses Upper jaw
Superior Ridge where cranial nerves Palatine process
orbital fissure control eye movement enters orbit Two maxillary bones
Hard palate
Very porous, fragile bone Rood of the mount
Ethmoid Bone Maxilla/
Forming nasal septum Maxillae Incisive foramen
Nasal septum Large nasal cavity Posterior to the front teeth and
Ethmoidal allows passage of blood vessels &
Sinuses within ethmoid bone nerves
Prominent ridge side of the Infraorbital foramen
Crista galli Passage focal nerve & artery
ethmoid bone
cribriform side of crista galli Horizontal plates fuse to form the
Palatine bones
Cribriform Houses one of the olfactory bulbs hard palate (posterior)
plates - transmit signals smell Smallest of the skull bone
Numerous foramina; allow Lacrimal House of depression –
Olfactory bones nasolacrimal duct enters the
olfactory nerves to enter nasal
foramina nasolacrimal canal
Perpendicular Thin bony plate Nasal bones Bridge of the nose
plate Forms the septum Lower jaw
conchae Two scroll shaped bones Freely moving
Inferior nasal Mandibular fossae
Separate bone Maxillae & posterior temporal
bone attachments
Mandible Mandibular condyle
Mandible & temporal bone
Coronoid process
Anterior to the mandibular condyle
Mental foramen
Nerves & BV to the chin
Posterior portion of the nasal
Inferior Nasal Provide increase surface area
Conchae One of the three conchae
Anatomy and Physiology
Vertebral body Solid body disks
Hyoid Bone Vertebral arch Protects the spinal cord
● Speech and swallowing
● Unpaired Occupied by the spinal cord
● Not part of the adult skull
● No bony attachment Vertebral canal Entire spinal cord & cauda equina
Pedicle Attached to the body
lamina Forms vertebral foramen
Extends laterally
Spinous Junction between laminae
process Seen & felt
Two vertebrae meet
Pedicles of adjacent vertebrae
Vertebrae Two superior & two inferior
process articular process
smooth ; between superior and
Articular facet
inferior articular process
Vertebrae separated
Vertebral column
● Support
● 26 bones = 7 cervical + 12 Thoracic + 5
Lumbar + 1 sacral + 1 coccygeal bone

Regional Differences
Located in the vertebral column
Greatest range of motion
Cervical Support and move head
vertebrae Atlas
Held the head; nod
Shaking the head
Last degree of motion in cervical
Thoracic region
vertebrae Support thoracic cage (heart &
Body weight
Between Two hip bones
Median sacral crest
Former spinous processes - form
Sacrum Sacral hiatus
Opening in inferior sacrum
Sacral promontory
Separation abdominal and pelvic
Anatomy and Physiology
3-5 semi fused vertebrae
(s1,s2,s3, s4, s5)

Thoracic Cage
● Rib cage
● Protects the heart, lungs within thorax
● Semi Rigid chamber
● increase/decrease volume – respiration

12 pairs
1-7 - true ribs; attach directly to
costal cartilage
Ribs 8-12- false ribs; do not attach
directly to sternum
Floating ribs
11 & 12
Breastbone; sword shape
- Sword handle
- Jugular notch = superior
margin (top)
- Sward
Xiphoid process
- Sword tip
Sternal angle
Manubrium joins the body of the

Appendicular skeleton
● Allows movement of appendages
● Support weight
Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limb
● Upper limb - throwing, grasping, lifting,
pulling, touching
Anatomy and Physiology
Radial tuberosity
Biceps brachii muscle of the arm
Styloid process
Ligaments of the wrist attaches
Wrists: carpals
wrists Eight carpals bones
Boat shaped;
Moon shape
Proximal row
Three cornered
Pea shape
Hooked process
Head shape
Distal row
Like geometric from
No two side parallel
Straight Line To Pinky Here
Comes The Thumb
Hand: metacarpals and phalanges
attached to the carpal bones and
form the bony framework of the
Pectoral girdle: scapula & clavicle Metacarpals hand
Shoulder blade 5 digits
flat, triangular bone One thumb - pollex
Acromion Small long bones
Shoulder tip Thumb - proximal and distal
Process of scapula
scapula Scapular spine
Acromion process to posterior
surface of scapula
Glenoid cavity
Locate superior lateral portion of
the bone, head of humerus
clavicle Collarbone
Arms: Humerus
humerus Upper arm
Humeral head Glenoid Cavity
Distal to the head
Surgical neck Common fracture site
Attachment of deltoid muscle
capitulum Humerus articulate with the radius
trochlea Humerus articulate with the ulna
Forearm: Ulna & Radius
Trochlear notch
Articulate in the humerus Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limb
Styloid process ● Lower limb - support the body, walking,
Small process standing, running
Ligaments of the wrist attaches ● Pelvic girdle - attached more firmly to the
Lateral (thumbs) to the side of body
forearm Pelvic girdle: hip bones & sacrum
Radius Head Pelvis
Pelvic girdle
Articulates in the humerus Pelvic girdle & coccyx
Anatomy and Physiology
Hip bones
Large bony plate
Coxal bones Acetabulum
3 indiv bones converge near the
center of the hip
largest hip bone
Anterior superior iliac spine
Posterior superior iliac spine
Greater sciatic notch
Posterior side of ilium
Iliac fossa
Large depression medial side of
Auricular surface form sacroiliac
Posterior than pubis
Ischial tuberosity
Ischium Thick
Ischial spine Leg: Tibia and fibula
Site of ligament attachment Medial; Shibone
Pubis symphysis Tibia
Pubis Larger
Thick pad of fibrocartilage
Two bones surround Does not articulate with femur
foramen Fibula
But head articulates end of the
Pelvic inlet - opening tibia
True pelvis
Pelvic outlet - inferior opening
Tibial Point of attachment for quadriceps
tuberosity femoris muscle group
Consist of distal end of tibia (medial malleolus) &
fibula(lateral malleolus)

Thigh: Femur
Largest bone Foot: Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
Rounded head Foot
Articulates tibia Talus - ankle
Well-defined neck Calcaneus - heel
Tarsal bones Navicular
Greater Smaller; Two projections lateral to the medial
trochanter the neck Intermediate
Lesser lateral cuneiforms
Inferior and posterior to the neck
trochanter foot are arranged and numbered
Kneecap Metatarsal
in a manner very similar to the
patella bones &
Large sesamoid bone located meta-carpal bones and phalanges
within the tendon. of the hand
Anatomy and Physiology
articular surfaces of bones within
synovial joints are covered with a
thin layer
meniscus Flat pad of fibrocartilage
Fluid articulates surfaces of the
Joint cavity
bones in a synovial joint
Joint capsule Enclosed cavity
Outer layer of the joint capsule
lines the joint cavity everywhere
except over the articular cartilage;
Joints inner layer of the joint capsule
● articulation is a place where two bones lubricating film covering the
come together. synovial fluid
surfaces of the joint
● Movable & immovable synovial membrane may extend
● Synarthrosis - non movable joint Bursa
as a pocket, or sac
● amphiarthrosis - slightly movable joint
● diarthrosis freely movable joint Tendon sheath synovial membrane may extend
● Inflammation of a bursa, often
Fibrous Joints resulting from abrasion
● No joint cavity Types:
● No movement Inflammation of a bursa, often
Plane joint
are fibrous joints between the resulting from abrasion,
bones of the skull two saddle-shaped articulating
in a newborn, some parts of the Saddle joint surfaces oriented at right angles to
sutures are quite wide each other.
fibrous joints in which the bones Hinge joint one plane only movement
syndesmoses are separated by some distance restrict movement to rotation
and held together by ligaments. Pivot Joint
around a single axis.
pegs fitted into sockets and held in ball (head) at the end of one bone
Gomphoses place by ligaments. The joint Ball & socket
and a socket in an adjacent bone
between a tooth and its socket joint
into which a portion of the ball fits.
Ellipsoid joints joint limits its range of movement
/ Condyloid nearly to that of a hinge motion,
joints but in two planes.

Synovial Joints
● Contain synovial fluids
● Allow movement between articulating bone
Anatomy and Physiology
Types of movement

Flexion Bending movement ; decrease

Extension Straighten: increase
Hyperextension180 degrees; looking up the stars
Plantar flexion
standing on the toes
Dorsiflexion When walking on the heels,
movement away from the median
or midsagittal plane;
movement toward the median
rotation of the forearm so that the
palm is down
rotation of the fore-arm so that
the palm faces up
turning the foot so that the
eversion plantar surface (bottom of the
foot) faces laterally
turning the foot so that the
plantar surface faces medially.
Turing surface around its long
Circumduction Freely movable joints ; shoulder
Protraction Movement in structure; mandible
Retraction Glides posteriorly
Superior direction; closing the
To one side; mandible side to
opposition Unique movement of thumb
Reposition Return to anatomical position

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