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Hard-working: someone who works well and isn’t lazy.

Committed: a person who is loyal to a project or person.

Trustworthy: someone who you can rely on.

Honest: someone who tells the truth.

Focused: someone who is not easily distracted.

Methodical: a person who pays attention to details and works in a logical way.

Proactive: someone who takes steps to complete tasks without supervision. (efficient)


Bang-up job: Very good or excellent work.

Example: “For someone in their first week at our company, she sure did a bang-up job,” the
manager said.

Day job: A person’s regular job and main source of income.

Example: He is a DJ at the weekend, but teaching is his day job.

Dead-end job: A job which does not offer any chance of promotion or advancement. A job
without good future.

Example: Despite having a degree in English literature, he got stuck in a dead-end job at an
insurance company.

Bottom of the career ladder: in a low position in a work

Example: When my friend started work, he was at the very bottom of the career ladder.

Up- and- coming: to become more and more successful

Example: he was recognised as an up- and- coming young businessman.

Got the sack/ given the sack: to be dismissed from the job

Example: the deputy manager got the sack for being late every day.

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