Change Management

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Introduction to

Change Management
Lecture Overview

- Introduction to Change Management

- Factors contributing to change
- Kurt Lewins models of change
- Resistance to change
Change Management

• Change management is defined as the methods and

manners in which a company describes and
implements change within both its internal and
external processes.
• This includes preparing and supporting employees,
establishing the necessary steps for change, and
monitoring pre- and post-change activities to ensure
successful implementation.
Forces that drive change
• Nature of the workforce

• Technology

• Economic shocks

• Competition

• Social Trends
Forces of Change
Kurt Lewin’s metaphor of planned change

Lewin identifies a three-phase process to

organisational change:
• Unfreezing – to unfreeze the current state of affairs
• Movement – to move to a desired new state
• Refreezing – to refreeze and stabilise those changes

However, now refreezing is no longer an option as ‘repeat

change’ in organisations is the norm
Lewin’s 3 stage model of change
Lewin’s Change Model

• Unfreezing
• The first step to change; leaders prepare stakeholders for
change; leaders must look at ways to improve the company’s
preparedness for change and create a sense of urgency
• Moving
• this stage deals with the implementation of change; motivate
employees for new behaviors, values, and attitudes through
changes in organizational structures and processes.
• Refreezing
• Employees move away from the transition phase towards
stabilization or acceptance in the final’ refreezing’ stage.
Lewin’s Three-Step Model
Resistance to change: Individual causes

- Habit

- Security in the past

- Fear of the unknown

- Inconvenience or loss of freedom

- Lack of trust in management

- Other…
Resistance to change: Organisational

- Organisational culture

- Maintaining stability

- Investment in resources

- Threats to power or influence

- Other...

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