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Discourses 401 – 450

401. Ways to Conquer EGO and Attachment to the World

Shri C.B.K. Murthy asked Swami about the way to conquer the Ahamkara (ego) and
Mamakara (attachment to the world).

Swami replied: The only way to conquer ego is to keep your self always in the Dwaita of
Madhva. Always remember Hanuman as your guide and the ghost of ego will run away.
Remember that Hanuman always tells that He is the servant of Rama (Just a human form)
even though He is made creator (God).

The attachment to the world can never be broken without tasting the attachment with
God. In such case there is no need of any special effort to break the attachment with the
world. If you taste the badam Kheer (a special sweet), you will spontaneously reject
coffee. Without devotion or Bhakti (attachment to God), there is no meaning in trying for
the detachment for the world or Vairagyam. Even if you try for it, such detachment for
the world is not permanent and you will be attached more vigorously to the world with in
short time.

The worldly bonds will leave you since they are neglected by you due to more attachment
to the world. Some times the worldly bonds may fight with you with jealousy like the
first wife of a husband on seeing the newly married second wife. In such case, do not
leave the worldly bonds mercilessly. You must try your level best to convince the family
members and you must try to convert them also in to devotees. Even if they do not fight
with you, you have to do this as a part of God’s mission. Your family is a part of the
world. The propagation of divine knowledge in the world should start with your family.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

402. Anything that comes as a hindrance in the spiritual path should be cut down

Once Sri Rama Krishna Parama Hamsa was killing the bed bugs present in a cot. The
devotees were surprised at that. He told that anything that comes as a hindrance in the
spiritual path should be cut down mercilessly. But He took such extreme step because the
bed bugs will not realize the truth even if He preaches the bed bugs. Similarly, when the
family members stand in the level of animals without realization, in spite of your best
efforts, then only you have to discard them to save yourself from drowning in the world.

A swimmer tries to help the person who is drowning. But in such effort, if he finds that he
is also getting drowned, he will leave that person and will save at least his life instead of
drowning of two persons. The word samsara means only the strong family bonds, which
are constantly penetrating into the mind day by day (Samsarati iti Samsarah). You have to
cross this samsara and not this physical world, since samsara does not mean this physical
world. If you mean this physical world, you can cross samsara by death and for that no
effort is needed.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

403. Renunciation (Sanyasa) cannot come by emotions

The renunciation (Sanyasa) cannot come by emotions if the cause is quarrel in the family
and cannot be real if the aim is to earn the lively hood. Arjuna ( a devotee of God) wanted
to take Sanyasa based on emotion developed in killing his grandfather. Sanyasa means
detachment from the bonds of family. But Arjuna wanted to take Sanyasa due to
attachment to the bonds of his family members like grandfather etc. Sanyasa is a natural
consequence of the intensive attachment (devotion) to God. The emotion should be in the
devotion and should not be in the detachment from the family.

The emotion in the devotion will spontaneously detach you from the family. Shankara
(Human Incarnation of God) did not leave His mother just based on emotion or some
family problems like poverty etc. He left the house to go to the Satguru called as Shri
Govinda Bhagavat Pada and to proceed further for the propagation of the correct divine
knowledge in the world. Sanyasa should come as natural and spontaneous consequence
of your intensive interest on God. If one asks whether he should take Sanyasa or not, such
Sanyasa is not real because sanyasa happens naturally and spontaneously without any
enquiry or doubt about it. Shankara never had any debate about His Sanyasa from the
house. It is just like a mad fellow naturally getting detached from the worldly matters.
Will he discuss with any body that whether he should be detached from the worldly
matters or not?

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

404. God is certainly unimaginable, but can be experienced by anyone.

The special knowledge has two components, one is knowledge and
other is unimaginable nature of God

God is certainly unimaginable, but God can be experienced by anyone. When you
experience unimaginable nature, God is experienced. Experience does not mean that you
have understood unimaginable God. When you say that the solution of a problem is
unimaginable to you, does it not mean that you have experienced it as unimaginable
item? The characteristic of God is unimaginable nature, it is experienced. It means
unimaginable God is experienced; experience does not contradict unimaginable nature.
After all, you can say that something is unimaginable when you experience that – it is
unimaginable to you. Knowledge is constantly associated characteristic of God for
identity. But knowledge exists in scholar also. God is isolated from scholar by the
specialty of knowledge of God that cannot be seen anywhere. This specialty of
knowledge comes from unimaginable nature of God.

The unimaginable nature of God is mixed with the knowledge and the knowledge
becomes special or unimaginable or wonderful. The special knowledge has two
components, one is knowledge and the other is unimaginable nature of God, - both are
experienced items. Knowledge is quality or Sattvam; it is imaginable and experienced.
Such knowledge mixed with unimaginable nature of God becomes unimaginable
knowledge and both are items of experience only. Knowledge remains imaginable, but
the unimaginable nature makes it wonderful and this is called as Prajnanam by Veda. The
point in His knowledge is clear and imaginable to you.

But you have not heard that point anywhere in the world before. Hence the point is
imaginable by virtue of its knowledge component. By virtue of the unimaginable
component it is unheard anywhere. You have not imagined that point so far and this is
unimaginable. This does not mean that the point itself is unimaginable to you.

For example you have read Ramayana and Bhagavatam before. You know that Gopikas
worshiped Krishna, and Hanuman worshiped Rama, now you start worshipping Rama
and Krishna as statues. But the point there is that Gopikas did not worship statue of
Rama; Hanuman did not worship statue of Vamana, past human incarnation. It means that
you have to worship your contemporary human incarnation. This point is understood now
by you, - it is very simple to understand. But you have not imagined this point so far, so it
was unimaginable. Both components are experienced, no objection of experience to the
unimaginable component as said above. Hence total Prajnanam being experienced by you
results in the experience of God, speaking Prajnanam through your contemporary human
incarnation, the Satguru.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

405. God takes simultaneous forms as media

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are simultaneous energetic forms of God. Rigid conservative
devotees take one only as the real ultimate God. Wise devotees recognize all the three as
simultaneous forms of God. God entered all three forms simultaneously like current in
three wires. In the same way there can be simultaneous human incarnations here. Rama
and Parashurama existed simultaneously as human incarnations. Same Vishnu existed in
both simultaneously. Devotees of Vishnu agree, but same devotees do not agree this
concept in Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. Same God can exist in three, as same Vishnu
existed in both human forms. Sai Baba and Akkalkot Maharaj were simultaneous
incarnations of Datta. Even Rama Krishna Paramahamsa existed in that time as third
form. This is not impossible for omnipotent God. You accept omnipotent God on one side
and do not accept the possibility of simultaneous incarnations on the other side. You
accept concept, but not its justified application.

You can object application of concept if it is not justified by any logic. God wants to deal
different devotees in different places in the same time. He takes simultaneous forms as
media to fulfill His multidimensional work. When there is necessity and when God is
omnipotent to meet the necessity, are you auditor to object His accounts? You have no
right even to object the necessity of other souls, you being a tiny soul among many other
souls. How can you object the omnipotent God? You can object your subordinates. You
can’t object your equal souls and certainly not the superior God.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

406. Narayana means the abode of spiritual – knowledge, He is Satguru

Narayana is very important name often spoken by Ramanuja and Madhva. Even Acharya
of Shankara peetham writes the name Narayana only in the end of his letter, name of God
is applicable to Him with sense. Our names are only for identification, - the sense is not
applicable to us. A person called as Harishchandra speaks always lies throughout life!
Narayana means the abode of spiritual knowledge, He is Satguru. Shankha represents the
throat, - poets give shankha as its simile. Throat is the instrument for preaching the
spiritual knowledge. Chakra is called as Sudarshana, - it means good view or clarity. It
cuts misinterpretations, demons, similarly Damaruka and Trisula. Garland of beads
indicates repetition of concept in several angles and the sacred water jug indicates the
purity of soul through knowledge. All these six are symbolic representations seen in six
hands of Datta.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

407. If you are not contented already, you will not be contented always
Worldly items start and end with – sorrow, they give sorrow in middle also

Satisfaction is very important in Pravrutti. If you are satisfied with what you have
already, God always likes to give you more and more. If you are not contented already,
you will not be contented always. There is no use of giving more to you since you will
ask more again. In Nivrutti, no satisfaction at all, – as you see in singing about God. You
derive continuous happiness directly in His wonderful memory. Why should you ask
something through devotion to get happiness? That worldly item asked by you is giving
illusion of happiness only. Worldly items start and end with sorrow, they give sorrow in
middle also.

A mirage never contained or will never contain water. It has no water even now. The
water seen by you in the present is only an illusion. If memory of God gives such
happiness, think about co-living with Him! Bliss comes directly from God, no brokerage
of worldly items in middle. Hence, pray God with the desire of God only and not with
other desires.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

408. If some thing is impossible to you, - don’t apply it to omnipotent God

Soul is subtle and unless you isolate subtle from the visible item first, how can you
isolate unimaginable God from the subtle soul? It is only a training for future. God in
human incarnation is beyond subtle soul. Unimaginable is very near to subtle. Soul in
human incarnation is said to be His abode in this sense. Otherwise, God pervades all over
bodies. All the three bodies, Atman, Jeeva and gross body are pervaded by Him. Devotees
want to see, touch and serve Him directly and for them only He came down; nothing is
impossible for Him being omnipotent God. If you say that He cannot pervade gross body,
He is not omnipotent. Omni potency does not mean that He does every thing. It means
only that He can do anything but He does that which is justified only. Satisfaction of
devotees is justified, - He satisfies them in this way. Who are you to say that God doesn’t
come in human form here? If some thing is impossible to you, don’t apply it to
omnipotent God.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

409. Abode of God or Brahma Loka is the place where God lives

Abode of God called as Brahma Loka or Vaikuntha or Kailasa is not a particular place
existing somewhere, - it is the place where God lives. God can live in any place as He
likes, - He does not exist everywhere. His power exists everywhere, you can say
indirectly that God is existing everywhere. If He is everywhere like gold in the chain,
Veda cannot say that God entered the world after creating it. God exists in this world in
human form in every human generation giving equal chance to every generation. A
human being charged by God becomes God like live wire. Similarly in the second upper
world, sky, which is called as Bhuvarloka or Dyuloka or Jyotirloka, abode of stars. God
exists charging energetic body of sun called as Surya Narayana.

If you take isolated medium only, the sun, he is only servant of God. Similarly, in human
incarnation, if you isolate the human being, he is just a liberated soul selected by God to
become human incarnation. Veda says that two birds live on tree, one is God and other is
the soul selected by God. Simile can be applied even to ordinary human being. One is
soul and other is intellect, in both cases tree is inert gross body. Yoga Vasishtha explains
monism. Remember, it is told to Rama, who is the human incarnation already. The
subject is limited to incarnation only. Vasishtha is also human incarnation, - He is Brahma
in human form here.

Monism applies to speaker also. If you extend it to every body, then the speaker is only a
sage, - the medium or the liberated soul. Gita told to Arjuna refers to God present in
Krishna, a liberated soul. But same Krishna as medium or the liberated soul told Gita
again. In the first Gita, monism is limited to Krishna only and not to everybody. The
second chapter explains about soul to be isolated from gross body.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

410. Analysis of knowledge is your duty, - clear all your doubts from Me

Krishna analyzed God and world clearly in Gita and finally told Arjuna to take final
decision. Same knowledge is fruitful in some, In some it becomes waste. Arjuna listened
but not Duryodhana. Same rain becomes mud in pond, - but becomes pearl in pearl shell.
Rain and shell are equally important, - in fact shell is more important. The samskara or
attitude accumulated for the past millions of births becomes the main responsible factor.
A wet stick will not catch fire; your matchbox becomes empty, - attitude is generated
from deeds. Attitude again generates deeds, - it is a cycle with fixed composition.

Good and bad are fixed in a ratio, the ratio is fixed in all the births. The soul rotates and
rotates in the same cycle continuously forever. The soul comes down from upper worlds
with the remains of attitude. The composition of this attitude will generate deeds in the
same ratio. The fresh deeds yield fruits; now you may say that your past deeds are
responsible for your present fruits, - it is exactly correct statement. Your past deeds in a
specific ratio generated attitude in same ratio. Your present deeds are also in same ratio;
yes, your present fruits touch the past deeds as root cause in the chain of deep analysis.

The attitude should be strong to generate a deed in action for fruit. A weak attitude gives
feeling only, - it has very little fruit, no fear. As long as some body is not hurt practically,
you are not punished. Even the weak attitude is not good, - it may become strong shortly.
Punishment for sin and pleasure of heaven for good deeds is limited to Pravrutti only and
not in Nivrutti, a totally different field. Nivrutti is limited to God and your self; God is
never hurt by you. In Nivrutti every attitude and deed is sacred, God sees your love only.
The attitude can change its ratio by hearing spiritual knowledge only. No other method
like fasting, chanting etc., is useful to change attitude. You can come out from routine
cycle by the sacred knowledge only. So says Gita, in the new ratio sin may become zero
and full good. Then you will do good deeds and enter heaven again and again.

You can even change attitude to reach the eternal abode of God. Analysis of knowledge is
your duty, - clear all your doubts from Me. Attitude is the main factor to lead you to hell
or heaven or God. Attitude is generated and changed also by the power of knowledge.
Hence, Satguru (God in human form) is the most important guide. His spiritual
knowledge is real path; He is your real goal also finally.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

411. God will not put His finger in your determination and your action
By knowledge you have to yourself - decrease attraction to the world.

Some pray God for constant devotion. It is funnier, because it means that even if the
devotion is granted by God, they are sure that it will disappear by more attractive world, -
God should save devotion there! It looks like praying the teacher to help in the
examination by giving answers so that one gets first class. Is it real first class? Not at all.
Similarly if God gives you constant devotion and you win His tests to get eternal fruit, is
it real test? Is it real victory based on justice? God helps devotee putting effort, - no doubt
in this promise of God. But the help of God is indirect and not direct help in the
examination. The teacher teaches you several times so that you will pass in it. This is
indirect help for your success in examination, quite justified. Similarly God will preach
you knowledge more and more clearly. Knowledge generates devotion, - better
knowledge, better devotion. By knowledge you have to, yourself, decrease attraction to
the world.

It is your total duty to develop interest in God by your self only. The knowledge of God
and world are clearly explained to you. God will not put His finger in your determination
and your action.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

412. Never ask God for giving devotion, because it is the highest insult

Never ask God for giving devotion, because it is the highest insult. It means that you are
not having real spontaneous devotion already. If the girl asks the boy to put efforts to
create love on him in her, what does it mean? It means that the girl is unable to love him
in spite of hectic efforts from her side, since she hates him always. But she wants to love
him and marry to get rich life from his wealth. Therefore, when you ask God for
devotion, it means that you are not loving God spontaneously as you love your family
members here.

But you want to love God so that you can be loved by God in return to attain the best
fruits. Hence you are praying God to give you the devotion to Him. If God grants
devotion to you as per your prayer, then such granted love by God is not natural but
artificial only. A politician gets masses for his speech by paying money to public. The
attendance of masses is not the real interest of public in him. The story of real love is
quite opposite to this. The girl loves the boy; the boy refuses her love and she is running
after him even insulted. Such love is true. Love should be from your side and not granted
from the other side. God doesn’t like such artificial devotion or love to Him.

He likes true devotion only. When you run after Him, He insults you. But still you are
after Him only; that is the true devotion liked by Him.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

413. Swami Answers About Jesus

Sri Dattaji asked Swami about the greatest mis-concept of Christianity, which is that
Jesus removed their sin, so there is no hell for those who believe that Jesus removed their

Sri Dattaswami told like this: Some time back also a Christian devotee asked similar

Please remember that if you say 100 times Jesus as God, I am saying million times that
Jesus as God. Therefore I request you to have patience to go through my analysis, which
does not deviate, anywhere from the above statement. God or Holy Spirit pervaded all
over the body of Jesus like electricity charges all over the wire. All the other human
beings are simple wires without electricity. My straight question to you is “Do you call
the wire as Jesus or do you call electricity as Jesus?” The human body was born and died.
But the God who has no birth and death is eternal. As long as electricity passes through
the wire, the wire and electricity are one and the same. Both are inseparable. Therefore
Jesus means both. But when the electricity leaves the wire, we recognize that wire and
electricity are different. On the cross Jesus cried “Oh God! Why did you leave me?”

If you call the human body as Jesus, then Jesus is the son of God. If you call the God as
Jesus, then Jesus is the God. Since father and son are inseparable, both can also be
indicated by the word Jesus. If you say Jesus exists now, it is only the God. If you say
Jesus was killed on the cross, Jesus means the human body. Father and son are separate,
but are inseparable as long as Jesus was alive. Please analyze the following questions.

1. Did Jesus suffer for the sins of all the human beings in the past, present and
future? If so, you are born after crucification of Jesus and you did sins after the
crucification. How He underwent punishment even before you did the sin? Punishment is
given only after doing the sin. Moreover, if all the sins of all the people in all the times
are cancelled by the crucification, which is beyond the concept of time, the hell should
not have existed so far, should not exist now and should not exist in the future. In such
case there should be no worry for any human being whether he followed Jesus or not?

2. If you say that He suffered for the sins of the people existed till His crucification,
did He undergo punishment of the sins of the people existed before His birth also? If you
say yes, how Jesus existed before His birth? Do you say that the sins of the people
existing before Jesus were kept in pending till Jesus was crucified?

3. If you say that Jesus suffered for the sins of all the people existed in His life time,
then people existed before His birth and people existed after His death were not having
that golden chance. This makes Jesus partial for one generation only.

Therefore to solve all these questions, the only path left over is to call God as Jesus. God-
Jesus existed before and after that human body in all the generations. God-Jesus is
coming in several human incarnations. Every generation is blessed with the human
incarnation to avoid the partiality to God.

It is highly illogical to say that God-Jesus suffered the sins of all the people existed
during His lifetime. Even an ordinary human being will never do this. God-Jesus
discriminates very well. Since in every generation God-Jesus is coming in human form,
He suffers the sins of His deserving devotees in any generation. This makes God-Jesus
impartial with high discrimination power. The very first page of Holy Bible
(Matthew1:21) states that “He will save His people from their sins”. The word “His
people” means, the deserving devotees and not all the people. Human incarnation is
called as Immanuel, means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). The word Datta also means
the human incarnation of God that comes to earth to live with human beings. The human
incarnations suffer the sins of deserving devotees and relieve them. God will never
abolish the sin of any person. He will not cancel His own judgment. He will pay the fine
on behalf of His devotee. This is the mechanism of excusing the sins. Shirdi Sai Baba,
one of the human incarnations of Datta, suffered the sins of His devotees by transferring
their diseases to His body. This is a common feature of any human incarnation. If you
become a deserving devotee, you will be also saved from your sins by the present human
incarnation of God-Jesus. You must assimilate the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The
knowledge is called as fire. Real baptism is not sprinkling water but assimilating the
knowledge of the Holy Spirit given by the human incarnation. This is also clearly stated
in Bible (Matthew 3:11).

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

414. Awareness is not God

Awareness is proved as work form of inert energy by science. Work requires working
element; turbine is working element and rotation is work. Work of turbine is converted in
to inert electricity. Awareness being work can be converted into inert primordial energy.
You can say that awareness being converted into inert energy, that being converted into
matter creates this universe. And thus awareness becomes the cause of universe. This is
acceptable to us, but that original awareness also requires inert energy as working
element. If you say that awareness itself is the working element, it is not so. In the
analysis of the human being, in that case awareness must be unimaginable independent
entity, since imaginable work is dependent on the working element only in the world.
Such assumption contradicts the Veda, which says, “He wished”, - here wish is the work
of God.

God is the working element, and wish is His work as per scripture. Scripture follows the
worldly logic by mentioning wish as work only. If worldly logic is applied fully, God
must be inert matter and energy. The systems in human body are inert matter in which
inert energy functions to generate awareness, - then God must be a human being. If you
say that God is beyond worldly logic, then God is unimaginable. If you say that original
awareness is beyond logic, it is unimaginable. In final dissolution inert matter in God also
becomes inert energy. Finally primordial inert energy is left over, which is ultimate
generator, controller and destroyer of cosmos. Generation of life from inert energy can be
explained by probability in a long time of duration. Science says this much only, but
infinite space establishes the concept of unimaginable nature since spatial limits are
unimaginable. Once category of unimaginable nature is established clearly by infinite
space seen by all at any time, all the miracles fall in to this category of permanently
unimaginable. Limits of space are permanently unimaginable. You cannot say that you
will explain this in future, - there is no end to your statement. Till you explain let us
continue the word “Unimaginable”, no objection. Unimaginable God can wish and He
need not be awareness due to that. Worldly logic is not applicable here, scripture is
explained in this way.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

415. God is not in need of any forced love – collected by cutting bonds with effort
Nivrutti means detachment from all the worldly bonds with inert things and living beings
and diverting the love from all the bonds to God only. But there is one condition, that is,
the detachment should not be by effort. The detachment should be spontaneous – due to
natural attraction to God. God is not in need of any forced love collected by cutting bonds
with effort. When the spontaneous love on God is ready, there is second condition. It is
that your spontaneous love on God should withstand tests from God. God starts keeping
neutral to you or refuses by insulting it severely.

If your spontaneous love withstands all His opposing forces, then only God admits you in
His family of liberated souls forever. Hence effort is only to develop devotion to God by
attaining more and more knowledge of God. Detachment from bonds should be
spontaneous due to your devotion. The devotion diverts you from worldly bonds
simultaneously as it grows. First of all, develop the value to God, - the value should be
the highest. Now you can approach God in human form for proving your value to God.
First you must prepare well in the subject and then only appear for the on line
examination. The test and result take very little time only.

Sages developed value to God through improving knowledge of God for millions of
births and this was the real penance or attraction to God. They constantly performed
Jnana Yajna by which devotion improved proportionally and devotion increases the value
to God proportionally. When their devotion was full due to knowledge from millions of
births, then their test was just a few years of a single birth in Brundavanam. At the end of
that birth they were given highest fruit, Goloka, by God. Remember that they never knew
that they will get that fruit after death. Their aspiration was only to be with the Lord
serving Him through dance.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

416. When devotion is full, the value to God comes to the climax

When the knowledge is incomplete devotion is deficient; naturally you will fail in His
tests. Of course, the human form of God, Satguru, can be helpful to get knowledge of
God that develops devotion. When devotion is full, the value to God comes to the climax.
If you meet Satguru starting from knowledge up to the tests, the total course is completed
in the presence of Satguru Himself. If you start knowledge with Guru, you have to search
Satguru for tests. Hanuman got knowledge from Sun, the guru, then searched for Rama.
Arjuna got Satguru and got knowledge from Krishna, human form of God. Hanuman
succeeded but Arjuna failed in that birth. However, the knowledge continued with the
soul of Arjuna and he got salvation in two births.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

417. Without total – sacrifice, how God can be pleased by you?

In Nivrutti God is the only aim, - In Pravrutti your happiness is the aim
And God is only instrument to – achieve the happiness and is secondary.
For Pravrutti there is no need of – human form of God, the power of God
Is pervading all over the world, - you can pray in any way and get benefit.
You can serve statue or pray – formless God, God’s power responds to you.
Only for Nivrutti, human incarnation – is very much essential from beginning.
You think that God needs certain – specific number of liberated souls
In every year through Nivrutti, - otherwise God’s post is not retained!
You think that you will demand – God for all facilities in Nivrutti also
Since God has to save His post, - God’s value must be realized fully.
A sage was doing penance for – Nivrutti and a mad devotee is dancing,
Both asked sage Narada to – ask God for the time of their future salvation.
Narada came back and told – the sage that salvation comes in four births,
He told the devotee that – salvation for him takes millions of births.
The sage became impatient, but – the devotee danced with happiness
Shouting that he gets salvation – so quickly, immediately God said that
The devotee is liberated at once – and not the sage, what is this?
It means that the devotee understood – the real value of God, where as
The sage under estimated the value – of God and hence God’s reaction.
If the value of God is not properly – understood, you will have all sorts of
Fear and tension, without total – sacrifice, how God can be pleased by you?

Total sacrifice or surrender should be – also natural but not by any effort.
Hanuman and sages understood the – real value of God first and then only
Reached the human form of God, - to serve Him and sacrifice to Him totally.
The fruit was not in their view, - the fruit that was aspired by them was only
Continuation of their service to Him, - more than that, it was only God’s will.
Truth is very pungent but Nivrutti – is always based on absolute truth only.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

418. Nivrutti is more valuable than – Pravrutti

The value of Nivrutti is infinite – none can pay its actual value.

Arjuna could not kill Bhishma – for the sake of wealth, it is Pravrutti,
He was justified in Pravrutti – to withdraw from the war, but when
Krishna showed the real angle, – the war was not simple Pravrutti,
It is Nivrutti to serve mission of Lord, - in destroying evil on earth.
Nivrutti is more valuable than – Pravrutti and Arjuna fought for
Nivrutti as a servant of the Lord, - justice of Pravrutti is defeated
Before the Lord, Dharma Raja – played chess and lost every thing.
He sacrificed all bonds of family – and wealth in Pravrutti, he even
Sacrificed justice by betting Draupadi – after self-defeat in emotion.
All this sacrifice should have been – done to Krishna as Nivrutti.
He did not sacrifice justice – when Krishna asked to tell a lie.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

419. Value of God is known Only by the spiritual knowledge

The value of Nivrutti is infinite – none can pay its actual value.
Its value is decided as total – sacrifice and total surrender of self.
It may be just one rupee for – beggar and crore for crore owner,
Little flour for Saktuprastha was – sufficient to purchase Nivrutti,
Even crores of wealth of Dharma Raja – could not purchase it since
Some thing remained after charity, - this is the justified value of God.
Since a beggar purchased Nivrutti – just by one rupee, a crore lord
Should not think that he can – also purchase it by one rupee only.
The real value is infinite and – this is only the maximum possible value.
You are sacrificing price for – priceless items in the world by ignorance.

You have overestimated value – of items, which have no value at all!

When God comes to you to sell – Himself for the same price since
You have that much only, for – the possible maximum available
Value in your case, even though – He has infinite value, you do not
Pay even the price you have paid – for the valueless items in world.
A chain of diamonds is waste for – a monkey and its value for it is
One rupee by which some white – fruits similar to diamonds can be
Purchased, when the monkey couldn’t – eat diamonds, it is thrown,
Its value is not even one rupee, - monkey does not know real value,
Since it is ignorant of value of – diamonds, value of God is known
Only by the spiritual knowledge, - Jnana yoga is very important
Through out spiritual progress, - hence Shankara stressed on it.
A village lady got the same chain – of diamonds, its value for her
Is only ten rupees, since she purchased – a similar chain of
White beads, she cannot discriminate – diamonds and white beads.
When the chain is lost – she does not bother about it since just
Ten rupees are lost for her, - again ignorance is the basis here.

A diamond merchant got it, - he knows its real value and hence
Dances with bliss and hides it – in a locker carefully and if it is
Lost, he will cry for it throughout – his life and is severely shocked.
The reason here is the knowledge – of the real value of diamonds.

Atheist is monkey who throws God – finding no trace of use from Him.
Village lady is a devotee in Pravrutti, - God is just an instrument to
Achieve worldly happiness, if God is – lost, just an instrument is lost,
You have alternative worldly means - to achieve worldly happiness.
The merchant is a devotee of – Nivrutti giving highest value to God.
There are some special people, - one says that he does not need the diamonds at all.
He feels that the diamond seller is – running after him to give chain freely
And since he is not in need, he is – refusing it! If he feels that unless
The seller sells the chain; he will be – punished by the king and so far
None turned to purchase it, fearing – for punishment he is requesting us
To take chain freely, then some body – may also demand some money
Along with chain so that the seller – is saved from punishment of king.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

420. The cost of Nivrutti is fixed as – the total sacrifice, total surrender

If you care a pin for God, - He will care one millionth of the pin tip for you.
A lady went to purchase gold chain, - she took twenty rupees along with her
To purchase the chain costing one lakh, - she was cheated by a seller,
Who sold a rolled gold chain for ten rupees, - the chain costs one rupee only.
She realized the loss of nine rupees, - now she goes to a shop of real gold.
She enquires the price of it, - God, the owner of shop of real gold says that
She can get the chain for whatever – money she has in her hand.

The cost of Nivrutti is fixed as – the total sacrifice, total surrender.

Then she underestimates the value – of real gold equating to rolled gold.
She bargains to get the chain – for one rupee, her ignorance is
Multi folded, all this is due to – lack of real knowledge of Gold and also
Due to lack of real knowledge of – rolled gold, values of both are
Unknown to her, similarly you – neither know the real value of
Worldly bonds, which have no – value at all, nor know real value of
God, who has infinite value, - you get tension in paying ten rupees
To the real golden chain, - since you think it as rolled gold only.

You lost nine rupees since – you thought the rolled gold as real gold.
When the shop is giving chain – for ten rupees only, you do not doubt
That how real gold comes for ten rupees, - you feel that the shop keeper
Is a fool in giving gold for ten rupees, - actually you were fooled by him!
The first step in confusion is – deep analysis of concept, Jnana Yoga.
Then only the decision and practice – should be followed further.

If the lady is wise, she should – purchase golden chain with ten rupees
And by knowing the real value of – golden chain, she is benefited
To infinite extent and she should – dance with bliss forgetting the loss
Of nine rupees in rolled gold, - applying it to theory of deeds,
She might have cheated him – similarly in the previous birth,
If not, he will be punished by – God in proper time, it is the
Botheration of God for His – justified administration, why she worries?
She is benefited by infinite Nivrutti, - the rolled gold loss is nothing.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

421. All worldly bonds appear blissful but really they are forms of worry only
Worldly things - sources of worry and tension only
The value of God can be understood – from the bliss you get by
Simply remembering Him, - what will be bliss of His presence?
What will be bliss when you – become God in human incarnation?
Then what is His real value? – When you get bliss directly by
Remembering Him, why should you – ask for worldly things to get
Bliss from them? In fact, they are – sources of worry and tension only.
A mirage never contains water in it – water is illusion in it, similarly
All worldly bonds appear blissful – through illusion and really they are
Forms of worry only, - Jesus praised a beggar surrendering a rupee
In the church announcing – that God is pleased with that sacrifice.
A rich man came for salvation to Him, - Jesus told him to sacrifice all
The wealth possessed by him – and then only come for salvation.
Both these indicate that God’s price – is total sacrifice, total surrender,
Which is not the actual price, - but is the maximum possible price.
Omniscient God knows even tiny – vibration of every thought of you!

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

422. God is neither good nor bad – He is only just unimaginable

God is not touched by qualities exhibited

A cotton shirt is colored, but – it is colorless on bleaching, similarly

The soul or pure awareness – becomes qualities in vibrated state.
When the soul is stand still – without any vibration, it is untouched.
When it is vibrated, it is touched – by the vibrations, called as Jeeva.
Vibrated water is not changed – chemically but changed physically.
Change or no change is based – on the angle of apparent or real.
But in the case of God, there is – no physical or chemical change due to
Vibrations or qualities of soul – in which God is embedded in incarnation.

Soul and vibrations are imaginable, - God is totally unimaginable.

If you say that the soul is not – touched by the qualities exhibited,
It is a matter of view of its state, - but God is untouched always.
The cotton threads in the shirt – are colored but on bleaching become
Colorless, but the person in - the shirt is never colored by the shirt.
Even the colorless shirt cannot – decolorize the color of the person.
Similarly God is neither good nor bad – He is only just unimaginable.
Good and bad are the colors or - qualities of awareness or soul only.
The shirt on bleaching becomes – colorless and this is Nirguna Atman.
The person cannot be bleached, - God is not Nirguna also.
Saguna or coloring and Nirguna – or bleaching applies to shirt only
And not to the person in shirt, - God is beyond Saguna and Nirguna.

423. Human incarnation is God in a - liberated soul, two component system

Human incarnation is God in a - liberated soul, two component system.
God wants to enjoy role of ignorance, - but He can’t be fully ignorant.
Sun never becomes black even – if it is covered by darkest cloud.
Hence God takes the assistance of - the liberated soul for this here.
The liberated soul is product of ignorance – it can act real ignorance.
Krishna can steal feeling that the butter – belongs to others only.
God can never get that feeling – since He knows that He is the owner of
This entire creation, Krishna steals – and gets insult by scolding of others.
This real feeling of insult is – transmitted to unified God immediately.

Now God can enjoy the insult – simply by unifying with the soul.
God compensates this by giving – credit in lifting Govardhana hill.
In the gross body of incarnation, - soul becomes God by this unity.
But dualism is always the truth, - gold and copper are alloyed together.
In this alloy atoms of gold are – separately seen from copper atoms
Through microscope, but, for – general external view it is only gold.

Gold being major component and – copper being minor component,

Vishishta Advaita is also true, - it is a single phase due to inseparable
Components and monism is true, - all three aspects are simultaneously
True, the liberated soul is just a slave, - as good as inert gross body.
Hence, only God lives in gross body – perfect monism is truly attained.
When the soul becomes inert energy – in deep sleep as usual as in
Ordinary human beings, God alone – is left over in body of incarnation.
Now monism is true literally – word by word, since soul is now inert.
Shankara refers to God left over – in deep sleep in the case of
Human incarnation only, - not in every human being, since awareness
Is converted into inert energy – totally and none is aware here.
He refers to God Shiva, Himself – alone left over in deep sleep.
The system of human body – is maintained by the will power of God
That pervaded all over world – to maintain and control everything.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

424. Any total surrender is lesser than the value of God

Total sacrifice and total surrender – of any body in Nivrutti is never

Over payment, because any - total surrender is lesser than the value of God.
Hence, God is never over ambitious – in collecting extra price for Nivrutti.
Total sacrifice of entire wealth is done – to the children in Pravrutti,
Not impossible, Dharma Raja did it – even in playing chess with Duryodhana.
The same total sacrifice of wealth – was not done in charity of Aswamedha,
Which was done in the name of God, - only excess wealth was sacrificed

In Aswamedha, hence total sacrifice – is done by people in Pravrutti but

They feel it as impossible in Nivrutti, - Dharma Raja sacrificed even self
In the chess game by becoming slave, - but to surrender self and to become
Slave of God becomes impossible – in Nivrutti, hence total surrender is possible.
When Krishna asked to tell a lie, - he should have told it as a slave of God.
When Draupadi was put in bet, - he did not remember justice, but remembered
Justice when Lord asked to tell lie, - hence Pravrutti is greater than Nivrutti
For any soul, only blessed souls – like Gopikas proved real value of Nivrutti.

Pravrutti contains justice and injustice, - playing chess game is injustice.

He has no right to bet shares of brothers, - property came from father Pandu.
Even his share is for his son, no right, - entire game was injustice voted
Against justice even by Dharma Raja, - a person famous for justice, what to
Speak of common men? he was for – injustice in his total surrender, after war
He didn’t surrender kingdom to Krishna – like this, Nivrutti fails even before
Injustice of Pravrutti, one may vote to God – against justice of Pravrutti
But not against injustice of Pravrutti, - one may donate money from savings

Meant for children or even by fast, - but not the money spent in luxuries!

Control luxuries and eat for good health – so that you can serve God and
Save to give to your child, this is voting – for justice against injustice in
Pravrutti, if you fail even in this, - how can you vote for Nivrutti against
Pravrutti? If you can’t resist chess – to save wealth for your issue, how can
You sacrifice wealth to God resisting – your issue? You couldn’t realize value
Of even justice in Pravrutti, how can – you realize highest value of Nivrutti?
Hence, Krishna kept silent when – Dharma Raja suffered in the forest.
You become blind to sacrifice for – injustice, but not blind to sacrifice to God!

Even justice is not given value, - rejecting the injustice in Pravrutti by you,
How can you give value to God even – rejecting justice of Pravrutti here?
Gita says that fools fail in Pravrutti – as well as in Nivrutti due to ignorance.
Your blind attraction for chess game – could throw away justice of Pravrutti,
But attraction for God fails to do so, - your attraction is not real at all!

First kill your attraction for chess game – to save for your child, this is the
First step of voting justice against – injustice in Pravrutti, then only the
Second step to throw away attraction – to child for the sake of God.
Today God need not compete with – justice of Pravrutti, which was
Already thrown away by injustice, - hence, God competes with injustice.
Modern Arjuna will kill grandfather – for the sake of wealth, God need not
Order Arjuna to kill grandfather – for His mission, God asks wealth only.
Modern Gopika has already voted – for her darling against her husband,
God need not compete with her – husband but competes with her darling!
In old Bharata and old Bhagavata – God competed with justice of Pravrutti,
In modern Bharata and Bhagavata – God competes with injustice of Pravrutti!
In old Gita God said to leave justice – for His sake, but now God has to say
In Modern Gita to leave injustice – for His sake to prove Himself highest!

If innocent old Krishna asks modern Arjuna – to kill his grandfather for
God’s sake, modern Arjuna will act externally,- terrible pain to kill grandfather,
So that finally he will kill Bhishma,- as if he is killing Bhishma for Krishna only!
Now modern Arjuna gets grace of God, - and also wealth together, it is just
One shot two birds, but God is – too much modern as Lord Dattatreya,
He will not ask to kill Bhishma, - He will ask only for the kingdom,
He is innocent Bhole Shankara for – straight and innocent devotees only.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

425. Misery as a guidance in Spirituality

The ignorant person invites happiness and wants to avoid misery with the help of God.
The priests are exploiting this at a micro level and some of the present spiritual preachers
are exploiting the same point at the macro level in a dignified way. A businessman
exploits public at a micro level directly. A politician exploits the public at a macro level
indirectly under the name of ‘social service’. Of course, there are good people in both
categories doing a real social service. Sri Ramakrishna was a good priest and Swami
Vivekananda was a good preacher.

The realized person invites misery and not happiness. Kunti asked Krishna for getting
troubles always, which alone keep the person in devotion to God. Penance is a form of
artificially creating misery only. In misery only, one becomes active and sincerely
approaches God without egoism. Misery is the guiding force in spiritual journey.

The liberated soul, who came down in a role to this earth along with the Lord to enjoy
this world-drama by direct participation invites both happiness and misery
simultaneously like sweet and hot dishes in the meals. Anything bores if it is continuous.
Entertainment does not bore even if it is continuous. But entertainment through
continuous happiness or continuous misery bores. A picture either with continuous scenes
of happiness or with continuous scenes of misery bores and the entertainment also bores.

Entertainment should be same as a product but the sources of entertainment should

change. You cannot entertain yourself with continuous sweet dishes or continuous hot
dishes. Such continuous entertainment is called Bliss or Ananda. The word Ananda
means continuous happiness (Aa samantat Nandayati Iti). If the happiness is a product, it
is continuous. If it is the source it is discontinuous. Therefore, you can be continuously
happy, if your happiness is the product of alternating misery and happiness. You are
happy, when you get happiness. But you should be happy when you get the misery also.
You must enjoy both sweet and hot. You must be happy to praise and abuse, profit and
loss, life and death, sincerity and cheating etc. This world is already arranged with these
alternating sweet and hot items.

If you can enjoy both, you are always happy during your life and after death. This is the
state of God and is also the state of a liberated soul, who accompanies the Lord to this
world. The king visited the cinema along with his family. All the family members
including the king enjoy both the happy scenes and tragic scenes. This is equality of the
liberated soul with the God in the cinema hall. When the cinema is over, king is king and
servant is servant.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

426. Worldly desire make the devotee impure

When the Lord comes in human form, some devotees certainly recognize Him as God.
However, such recognition of Jesus as God brings the concept that Jesus is omnipotent.
This aspect immediately diverts even the devotees to get attracted towards solving their
problems by using the omni potency of God. Thus the devotion becomes impure and the
devotees are diverted to sideline of worldly affairs.

If Jesus remains as Jesus, this problem does not arise at all. The recognition of Jesus as
God spoils the mind of the devotees. After recognition, the devotees are expected to
travel in the right line, which is service to Him without aspiring any fruit. If the devotees
go in this right line, then only they are said to be realized souls. If they take the loop line
(using the super power for personal problems) from the point of recognition, they are as
good as ordinary human beings. Therefore recognition of Jesus as God is not the end of
the spiritual effort. This is a junction-station. If you proceed straight, you are a realized
soul. From this point if you take the sideline, you are an ordinary human being.

In fact the ordinary human beings are always in search of God in human form for solving
their problems. It is just like searching for oil wells in the ground. The search is for using
the oil as a fuel for daily comforts. Therefore recognizing the human incarnation is of no
use unless you proceed in the main line from that point. At this point, there are some
guides to lead you to the right line. Such guides are the liberated souls who come down
along with the Lord. They are scattered and mixed with the ordinary human beings. They
recognize the Lord along with the other people. From this point of the recognition, the
liberated souls proceed in the main line only without any deviation standing as guides for
the devotees, who are with them standing at the point of recognition.

Therefore, the liberated soul is already realized soul who comes down along with the
Lord to stand as a guide from the recognition point onwards. Thus the liberated souls are
the close servants of the Lord who come down to participate in the divine play for
fulfilling the divine mission. Seeing them as examples, at least some devotees may follow
the main line along with them and may get liberated. A liberated soul is already a realized
soul doing the spiritual effort (Sadhana) from the starting point to the end point to stand
as an example for the human beings.

After recognizing the God, you can follow the path of the liberated soul who is acting as
a devotee trying for success in the spiritual journey. The liberated souls will certainly
succeed in their spiritual effort because they are already liberated and they try to achieve
liberation only to guide others. Thus all the devotees who recognize the Lord without any
proof and spontaneously participate in the service crossing over all the hurdles are the
liberated souls. The liberation of such liberated souls is only a part of the drama. Role of
the human incarnation can be taken up by the Lord only and not by the liberated soul.

When the Lord left Parasurama, who is a liberated soul, he could not maintain the status
of the Lord. However, the Lord can act the role of a liberated soul. Lord Shiva acted in
the role of Hanuman, a liberated soul. The devotee will fail to act as Lord. The Lord
never fails whether He acts as the Lord or as a devotee.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

427. Correct version of spiritual knowledge

Once you receive the true knowledge from God in human form, you will have the three
correct versions

a) That you are not the God and therefore the spiritual effort must be put up.

b) The path to please the God is consisting of prayers by words, devotion by mind,
discussion of God by intelligence, sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work. The
last two make the plate of meals and first three form the freely supplied drinking water
that must be also associated with meals.

c) God is beyond logic but gives His experience through human body (flesh).

These three versions are called as Triputi, which is the real form of the spiritual

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

428. What is sacrifice and what is service?

Sacrifice of what? Sacrifice to whom? These two are the important points. Sacrifice
proves the real love. Sacrifice of words, mind, intelligence, work and fruit of work are the
five items. The sacrifice of the former three items is theoretical devotion which is fruitful
only when it is transformed into the sacrifice of the last two items which is the practical
love. You can realize this truth in your daily experience as seen in the case of your
children. Theoretical love alone will not give any fruit. The theoretical knowledge and
theoretical devotion are like water and fertilizer which applied to the service-tree can
only give fruits through the tree and not directly.

The meals should be associated with the drinking water but offering drinking water only
to the guest cannot be charged. Even the hotel does not charge for it. The sacrifice of first
three items is offering drinking water and the sacrifice of other two is offering meals. To
prove that your bond to God is highest, you have to sacrifice the highest bond. The other
bonds need not be tested. The highest bond may be Dharma, money, life, or children etc.
Some have highest bond with one of these and they can sacrifice all the other bonds for
the sake of that particular highest bond. In such case God competes with that highest
bond only to know whether He is higher than your highest.

People are saying that God is highest for them. Some say this with ignorance and some
tell this knowing that it is not true. In both cases, God proves the truth through the test
(Datta Pariksha). God knows the truth but the revelation of truth is for your sake and not
for His sake. If you realize the truth, you will try to succeed in the next examination by
doing the spiritual effort. Otherwise, you are expecting God to believe whatever you say
and react accordingly. All the prayers to God are utterances of lies only and all the
worships are the trials to fool God.

Generally the word sacrifice is used in the sense of sacrificing the fruit of work (money
or wealth) and service means the sacrifice of work. The saints are not having any wealth
because they have dedicated themselves in the service of the Lord. Therefore sacrifice of
fruit of work does not apply to their case. Hanuman is a bachelor-saint and so can only do
the sacrifice of work.

The requirement of the Lord is also very important. To get back Sita, the Lord required
only sacrifice of work and the other sacrifice was not required. Krishna was a young boy
in Brundavanam and does not require the sacrifice of work because His mission has not
started. Gopikas were householders and women who cannot sacrifice the work like
Hanuman in a war against injustice. They sacrificed their wealth (Butter) because the boy
also requires good food to grow well. The requirement was for the sacrifice of the fruit of
the work.

Butter was the fruit of their tedious work. When the war against injustice came, the Lord
required the sacrifice of work from Arjuna just like from Hanuman. Rama required the
service in His personal work whereas Krishna required the service in the work of the
devotees (Pandavas). If you take Sankara, the Lord required the service of the four
disciples in propagation of knowledge for the welfare of the society. Similarly Ramanuja
and Madhva required the service of the disciples in the propagation of devotion and
divine service. Therefore the Lord may sometimes require your service in His personal
work or your service in the personal work of a devotee or in the welfare of society. The
Lord knows what to do when. His decision is always the best. You should not analyze the
Lord because He is beyond logic.

Once you have recognized the God, the logic should be dropped. The logic is only used
to reject the non-God items posing as God. Logic is very much required in this line.
However, once the confirmation was over with the help of logic, you should serve Him
with blind faith. You can use the logic for identifying the Lord and the logic is useful here
to filter the pseudo human incarnations. The fruit of work (money) is only another form
of work. When you work, you get some money as the fruit. When you sacrifice that fruit,
it means you have done that work. Alternatively, when you have done that work to the
Lord, you have sacrificed the fruit of work.

Work is a form of energy. Matter (money) is also a form of energy. Therefore work and
money are one and the same even in the light of the inter conversion of matter and energy
as proved in science. One can do any one of these two or both according to his
convenience and according to the extent of his devotion. The devotion should not be due
to fear from hell expecting the Lord to protect them there. The devotion should not be
also for any fruit in return.

When there is no aspiration for any fruit and when there is no desire for protection here
or there, such devotion is real. Sankara says that the devotion and service should not
aspire any fruit here as well as there (ihaamutra phala viragah).

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

429. What is the difference between knowledge, devotion and Sadhana?

The knowledge is the information about God, about yourself and about the path through
which you can please the Lord. You must know the actual form of God and His correct
address. You must also know that you are not God. If you are already God (as Advaita
philosophers say), there is no need of Sadhana because if you are God, every human
being is God. When you are the goal already, what is the need of any spiritual effort?
Then what is the real path to please the God?

The answers for these three questions (Triputi) about the three items that is God, yourself
and the path to please God consist the knowledge or Jnana Yoga. When you get more and
more details about the goal, you develop more and more interest on the goal and such
interest is called as devotion. Rukmini got full information about Krishna from the sage
Narada. The information inspired her and she was fired with love on Krishna. This love
on the Lord is called as devotion. The word love is used in the case of any one or
anybody other than God. To distinguish the love on God, a separate pious word
“Devotion” is used.

The devotion is at two levels. One is theoretical and the other is practical. The theoretical
devotion alone is fraud. However, it is valid if it is associated with practical devotion. The
practical devotion (service) must be associated with the theoretical devotion just as the
plate of meals is associated with a cup of drinking water. Service should be according to
the requirement of the Lord. Some devotees think that the service for the welfare of the
society should be the aim of God. But God is above the society. God is not for the society,
whereas the society is for the God’s entertainment.

His wish or desire is the guiding light for your line of service. If you think that God is for
society, He will ask you to do His personal service. Ramayana is only personal service to
God. Killing of Ravana became inevitable and was not the main goal. If killing Ravana is
the main goal, Rama would not have asked to return Sita so that He will go back from the
war. Therefore if you have confirmed the Lord, you should not apply logic, and you
should become His slave (Dasa) like Hanuman without logic. The aim of your service
should be to please God and not to please the society. In fact your family is a very
important part in the society. You should not sacrifice your family for the sake of society.
You need not also sacrifice the family for God if your family consists of devotees. Only
in the extreme case of opposition, you can sacrifice the family for the sake of the Lord.

It is a very rare case but still such rare case is not ruled out. God in human form and the
devotees are to be served. Among the devotees, the liberated souls who are recognized by
their firm faith and continuous service and sacrifice are the best. Such liberated souls are
more than God because God treats them more than Himself.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

430. Blessed Are Those Who Believe Me Without Proof

The final stage of the entire divine knowledge is expected to be the practical service to
the Lord who comes to this earth in every human generation, without aspiring any fruit
for such service and sacrifice rendered by you. The complete example for this is
Hanuman. You must understand the Philosophy of Hanuman which should lead you in
recognizing the present human incarnation on this earth and to participate in His service
without aspiring any fruit in return.

If this philosophy of Hanuman is not understood, there is no use of the temples of

Hanuman and various methods of worship of Hanuman. Of course, they serve the
purpose of giving you the inspiration to fix your concentration on Hanuman. But what is
the use if you have not gained the real guidance from Him in the spiritual path? You are
going to the school regularly in time. You have the uniform and all the books. You have
good teachers in the school. But what is the use of all this when you do not learn the
knowledge from the school? The entire life of Hanuman is only sacrifice and selfless
service to the human form of the Lord. You shall be ashamed of your entire path of

You are asking all types of boons with very wide range starting from this world to the
upper world. Initially He has fulfilled some of your desires which are proper because the
health, mental peace and wealth are necessary as the basis for spiritual effort. But you are
not satisfied with the basis and you are proceeding in to the wrong line from the basis, in
which you are desiring for more and more worldly comforts which in excess are called as
luxuries. After achieving the basic needs you must travel in right line by learning the
philosophy of Hanuman. He got a job under the king Sugriva and settled Himself with the
basic needs. Then He searched for the human incarnation and He was waiting in
Kishkindha for the Lord in the human form. What have you done? Did you search for the
human incarnation?

He was not worshiping the statues in the temples with all the unnecessary extra rituals,
which are manipulated by the priests for their benefits. Of course, the statues and shrines
serve the purpose of inspiration about God and seeing the statues and photos (Darsanam)
is sufficient. Of course, the extra rituals which are the various methods of worship to the
statues in human form also serve the purpose of removing egoism and jealousy towards
human form provided you are suffering with egoism and jealousy. But Hanuman was not
at all having such egoism and jealousy. He never remembers His strength and feels
Himself as zero. But what about you? You never remember the defects and limits of your
little strength and always feel yourself as a hero.

You are not at all searching for the Satguru who is the human form of the Lord that exists
in your generation. The Lord is impartial to any generation and so comes in every
generation in human form. The human form of Lord came to Hanuman and He
recognized the Lord in the very first sight it self. In your case even if the human
incarnation comes to you and shows some proof to you, you are not recognizing the Lord.
You will say that all the proof is only illusion or magic. After recognizing the Lord,
Hanuman used Himself for the work of the Lord. In your case, even if you recognize
Him, you try to use Him for solutions of your personal problems. Hanuman never
discriminated the social service and personal service of the Lord.

He simply did the service according to the will of the Lord. His aim was always to please
the Lord by His service to the Lord in whatever way the Lord wished. In your case even
if you enter in to the service you will start criticizing the Lord, if He involves you in His
personal work. You will immediately say that He is not the God since He is selfish.
Hanuman never criticized Rama even in His mind when Rama told Ravana that in case,
Sita is returned, He will go back. If you are in the place of Hanuman you will
immediately say that if Rama returns after getting Sita what will happen to the society
that is suffering by the cruel deeds of Ravana? Such question never rose in the mind of
Hanuman because the aim of the spiritual effort is only to please the Lord and nothing
else. In fact, He does not need your help either in His personal work or in the social work.
His family and this entire world constitute the divine drama meant for His entertainment

He is testing your attitude towards Him and the basic strength of your recognition. If the
recognition is determined without any doubt, such doubts will not come to your mind.
Hanuman did not ask for any vision or for any miracle. Arjuna called as Nara
representing yourself (Nara) asked for the highest vision from Krishna as a proof.
Hanuman believed Rama without any such proof. He is the blessed soul as per the
statement of Jesus “Blessed are those who believe Me without proof”.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

431. God acts as devotee to show path – of devotion to the humanity

God comes down not only – as master but also as servant,

Both Rama and Hanuman are God, - the address of God lies
Not only in the human incarnation, - but also in devotee, some times.
God acts as devotee to show path – of devotion to the humanity.
He undergoes all normal life – facing all sorts of severe problems.
In fact, all these problems – are only sins of His devotees.

I am giving spiritual knowledge – through this body of Datta Swami,

I will propagate this knowledge – through devotees of Datta Swami.
The same current moves fan and – lightens tube light, works differ,
But the inner current is one and same, – it is a teamwork always.
All the devotees participating in – the propagation of this knowledge
Become human incarnations, - since I will enter into them.
Only blessed devotees of My – inner most circle or family alone
Will propagate this knowledge – to give guidance to entire world.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

432. Devotion needs ignorance as - the basic stage in the divine play

Devotion needs ignorance as - the basic stage in the divine play,

If ignorance is removed totally, - God only remains, no entertainment.
If ignorance is removed, - even Mula Maya disappears, no world.
You will disappear since – gross body of matter and inert energy,
Subtle body of three basic qualities – along with soul, causal body,
All three bodies are of Maya, - Maha Maya and Mula Maya only.
Every thing up to Primordial energy – is His creation, His property.
What is there that you can sacrifice – to Him? since you are also
A part of His creation or property only, - using this basic knowledge,
Some clever devotees escape – sacrifice to God covering selfishness.

The concept of devotion and – entire divine play disappears,

If you say that you are God and – that this world is unreal to you.
Advaita limited to human incarnation – is extended to every body
For this simple reason only that – one can escape sacrifice to God.
Hence Maya or ignorance is very much – required for devotion.

If you realize that your money is – the money of God only,

It means that you are giving to God – because it His money!
If it is your money, you will not give, - is this real sacrifice?
You will give your money to your child – but not to God,
It means God is not even equal to – your child, no point of more,
Hence even if it is the money of God, - God covers you with Maya,
By His Maya, ignorance falls on you, - you think that it is your money.
Now sacrifice comes for test, - God and child compete with each other.
Now the strength of your love to God – comes out with true color.
Ignorance, Tamas, the quality of Shiva, - is the basis of devotion.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

433. God in human form competes with the strongest bond of soul

By charity in sacrifice Dharma Raja – went to heaven, third upper world.

By debauchery, Gopikas crossed – top most Brahma Loka and reached
The eighth specially created upper world – called as Goloka forever.
Color of crystal is decided by – color of gem only standing near it.
A thorn burnt in fire becomes – sacred ash to be applied on forehead,
Sweet sugar fallen in mud pond – cannot be put on your tongue.
Devotees worshipping human energetic form – like Vishnu also reach
Brahma loka, abode of God, - due to liking for the human form in it.
But they return back from there, - due to repulsion of common media.

The soul in the upper world gets – human energetic form similar to
The human energetic form of Vishnu, - repulsion starts as usual.
Such repulsion will not exist there, - if the soul here in human body
Over comes common repulsion and – serves human incarnation.
The theme every where is simple, - God in human form competes
With the strongest bond of soul, - money is the ball of test game.
The strongest bond is always – with the child for any soul here.

Manikantha was God in human form, - His stepmother was queen,

But the queen gave birth to son, - kingdom is in competition now.
Queen asked Manikantha to get – milk of tiger for her headache,
So that He will be killed and her – son becomes the king in future!
God in human form suffered – defeat before the strongest bond.

Kaikayi was loving Rama more than – her own son for His divinity.
But the competition for wealth came, - she asked Rama to go away.
Krishna stole the wealth, butter, - elder Gopikas complained this
To His mother Yashoda, so that – they can feed children with butter.
The bond with child is called as – Anahata chakra or unbeaten,
Since no body could cross this bond, - when God competed with it.
These six chakras are the six bonds, - first for mother, second for father,
Third for husband or wife, fourth, - for children, fifth for preachers and
Sixth for angels, chakras mean – capturing whirl pools in World Ocean.
These are represented by six – lotus flowers that attract soul bees.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

434. You should have faith in God – even in the absence of explanation
Ignorance of every thing other than God – is the unique concentration

You should have faith in God – even in the absence of explanation.

When Drona was preaching Arjuna, - he asked Arjuna to see only
The target which is the eye of bird, - does it mean that Arjuna is blind
In not seeing any other thing? – Such blindness is essential in the end.
If you say that you will not go to school – unless the sweet is given,
Such rigidity is not good, - but rigidity in studies is very much desirable.
The same rigidity becomes good or bad – by the context of its use.
In the hundred and eight names of Datta – one name is that He is rigid.
Rigidity or Tamas is God Shiva, - representing full ignorance only.
Ignorance about God is condemned, - not ignorance of world of devotee.

Ignorance of world of a person, – who is not devotee, is not good.

If you are in Pravrutti, you should have – knowledge of world fully.
But if you are immersed in Nivrutti, - ignorance of world is essential.
Ignorance of every thing other than God – is the unique concentration.
No quality is good or bad – by itself, it is just a pure colorless crystal.
If it is near red gem, it becomes red, - if it is near black, it looks black,
If the quality is for God, it is good, - if it is for world, it is bad only.
Within the limits of bad world and – in the absence of context of God,
Good and bad exist in world relatively, - both are absolute bad before God.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

435. What ever God does is always correct

Some criticize Rama for testing Sita – in fire and leaving her in the end.
What ever God does is always correct, - you may not understand it deeply.
When Sita was in Lanka, She thought – that Rama will go back and
He will marry several girls to enjoy, - Rama knows every word.
In the end Rama was angry, - no body could understand that.
Rama gave punishment to her, - by stating that she is free to marry
Any body like Bharata or Vibhishana, - Rama uttered even the names,
It is payment of capital with interest, - Sita entered fire and came out.

It is temporary prison for hurting God, - hurting devotee is more severe.

Sita blamed Lakshmana for bad thought – over her, Rama punished it,
Rama left her permanently and Sita – entered earth forever for this.
Entering earth forever is like – life long imprisonment for highest sin.
If you treat Shiva as top devotee, - you should respect Him more, since
Ramanuja told that hurting devotee – is greater sin than that of God.
Rama is a king to punish sinners - and save them from going to hell.
If He cannot punish His wife, - how can He punish outsiders as king?
Rama saved Sita from hell, - she directly goes to His abode now.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

436. Atheists criticize that Rama – took wine

Rama and Krishna are not imaginary, - they are the absolute truth,
This world is imaginary for God, - the stone bridge in the ocean
Towards Lanka and the immersed – Dwaraka traced now in the sea
Stand as historical proof for truth, - atheists are rigid stones,
No use of preaching to them, - like blow of conch shell before deaf,
Kauravas did not listen Krishna, - even several sages tried to change
Duryodhana, Krishna showed – cosmic vision but every thing was waste.

Atheists criticize that Rama – took wine according to Valmiki Ramayana,

Non-vegetarian food and wine – are allowed for dynasty of Kshatriyas,
Even God follows the tradition of – a community in which He is born,
Following the tradition, - He mixes with the community and slowly
Reforms the community, - it is like following the running bull initially,
To stop it after some steps, initial mixing is essential for preaching.
Same Rama was born as Buddha, - Buddha condemned that food and
Preached non-violence of all – living beings opposing non-vegetarians.
Datta was born in the caste of – Brahmins for whom wine is prohibited,
Still Datta drinks to mislead - devotees from their firm faith on Him,
Datta drinks to help undeserving, – because undeserving can’t be helped
According to law of justice and – He forgets justice by drinking wine.
But these undeserving fellows – criticize Him for drinking the wine!
These atheists should not have – been born as human beings here,
If Datta doesn’t drink wine, - these souls will be born as animals.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

437. Every thing in this world is good – since God created it

After attaining God through knowledge, - practice is the next step,

Ignorance of all things other than God – is essential for concentration.
Veda says that OM is bow, soul is arrow, - God is the target for you,
Here the arrow is not the target, - hence the soul is not God at all.
First knowledge of bow, arrow and – target is necessary and then
Action of applying arrow on bow – and diversion from sides is action,
Finally fixation of eye on target is – achieved by the ignorance of
All other side items only and such – ignorance is final concentration.
Thus, ignorance or rigidity is – created by God for good purpose only.
When it is used in proper place, - it becomes good and hence,
Every thing in this world is good – since God created it.
Anything becomes bad when – it is used for other purpose than
The purpose for which God created it, - even in Pravrutti, it is needed.

When a friend hurts you and repents, - you have to forget the past,
Here ignorance of past is needed, - devotees are born from Shiva only.
Radha and Hanuman were rigid devotees, - even Gopikas were also
Followers of Shiva as sages in – past birth with pasted hair and skin,
All their physical nature indicates Shiva, - hence Ramanuja told that
Shiva is the king of devotees, - it is unfortunate that Vaishnava devotees
Criticize Shiva, are they not demons – like Hiranyakashipu who criticized
Vishnu? When Uddhava came and–started preaching Advaita philosophy,
Gopikas told that there is no space – in their minds other than Krishna.

They were rigid to learn anything – other than their Krishna, who was
Their contemporary human incarnation, - similarly Hanuman was rigid
In His firm faith on Rama in spite of – various severe tests of Rama.
God born as Master is Vishnu, - same God born as devotee is Shiva.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

438. Human incarnation’s life is message for the world

The life of human incarnation starts – like that of ordinary person

Involved in various problems, - He becomes devotee of God with
The help of a preacher and – comes out with success and all this is
A message for world and – God also is entertained in that role of soul.
The aspect of His entertainment – is unnecessary for you,
Only the message is related to you, - Rama was fighting with Ravana,
He was vexed with serious problem – in killing Ravana for a long time.
Agastya approached Him and – advised Him to worship the Sun,
Rama worshipped Sun and – got victory over Ravana in the war.
If you analyze background deeply, - sun is inert globe of energy and
Energetic form of sun as angel is – servant working with fear of God.
Rama is God and how can He worship – inert globe or inner servant?
Is Agastya sage ignorant of all this? – It is only a message for world.
God acts in the drama along with His – routine troop of liberated souls.
The background should not be – analyzed, analyze the message only.

When problems come to a good person, - preacher himself should

Approach and give proper advise, - the preacher should advise him
To worship God and not monism – that he himself is God already.
If he is already God, He should enjoy – even the problems like cinema.
God in medium only should be – recommended for worship of a soul.
External inert globe is gross body, - inner servant as energetic form is
Jeevatman, the angel, with subtle – and causal bodies is medium.
It is pervaded by God like wire – by current, he becomes God.
All this is the same story of – human incarnation in this world.

The angel is a medium with – all the three bodies, a liberated soul.
Worship of sun becomes worship of – God through the medium,
Energetic form is suggested because – repulsion to co-human form is
A common illness of humanity, - Rama worshipped Vasishtha in the end.
Vasishtha is human incarnation of – Brahma, Rama is of Vishnu,
Hanuman is of Shiva, Datta is – divided in to three basic roles.
Vyasa was Brahma, Krishna was Vishnu, - Radha was Shiva for Nivrutti.
Sattvam is Vishnu, the spiritual knowledge; -Brahma is Rajas, the action,
From Vishnu Brahma is born, it means, – knowledge generates practice.
In practice opposition comes and – several advises try to divert you,
Rejecting those advises and their – ignorance in your mind is necessary.
Finally Shiva is Tamas or ignorance, - it is also essential in the end.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

439. Past sins are de-linked with the present good deeds

Valmiki wrote Yogavasishtham and – Vyasa wrote Brahma Sutras,

Both are scholars of Nivrutti (love to Lord), - their epics are not simple Pravrutti,
They are not simple novels – for entertainment of children as stories.
In Vedas and Shastras you get – confusion frequently in analysis,
These epics are clear spiritual knowledge – with real practical solutions.
God acted in different roles and – His liberated souls assisted drama,
The drama is a message for world – both in Pravrutti (following Justice) and Nivrutti.
Entertainment of God in different roles – is a secondary issue only.
You should worry about message only, - entertainment is unrelated.
A person may start a college – to escape tax on his huge wealth,
That point is unnecessary – for the student studying in the college.
If any injustice happens in tests, - he can blame management for that,
But if he does not study well – and failed in the examination, for that,
He cannot blame management for – starting college on tax problem.
Similarly, if justice is violated, - you can blame God for that point only,
You cannot blame Him for creating – world to get entertainment.

Some times justice appears to be – violated due to coincidence only,

You might have committed a crime, - yesterday and you have forgotten,
Today you are donating food – to beggars in a temple and police came
Today to arrest you in temple, - you link arrest with donation of food,
Both are accidentally linked but – both are not at all linked in any way.
Similarly, for past deeds forgotten, - you are punished here today and
Today you may be doing good deeds, - past sins are de-linked with
The present good deeds, time is taken – even in the state rule here.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

440. Lord also behaves to attract sinners

If you realize that the entire responsibility of sin is only on the mind, there will be hardly
any person left over in this world, who is not a sinner. When Jesus asked the people to
punish the prostitute in case they have not committed any sin, all went back because if
anybody comes forward with hypocrisy, Jesus will reveal the sins of such person. You
can fool another human being by your hypocrisy but not God.
Any amount of effort cannot eradicate the sinful nature but can control it. Therefore, the
effort is certainly appreciable but no body can claim that the nature is completely
destroyed. Even the unimaginable torture cannot do it and the soul returns to the earth
with reduced nature (Karma Sesha) only. In the spiritual path, fooling others has no use
because it becomes fooling yourself. Therefore, you should not criticize the sin of any
other soul since any soul is in such state of inevitable sin only at least in the mental plane.

Only the sinless God can criticize any soul. But God comes down to uplift the souls from
the sins. First He advised to get rid of sins and reach Him. A few could succeed and when
they became proud, God showed the inherent sin hiding in them! Every soul is made of
the three qualities (Good Sattvam and bad Rajas and Tamas). Good quality may
predominate and the bad qualities may exist as invisible traces of impurities. Any single
quality of these three cannot exist in isolated way.

When the human being boasts that he is completely good, the boasting itself is a bad
quality (Rajas)! In some or other time, Rajas and Tamas predominate even in the case of
top most devotees. Therefore, diverting the bad quality also towards God is the best and
is the really expected way also. Any quality diverted to God is good and any quality
diverted to worldly bonds with selfishness is bad.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami


441. God stress & show the true path but not force you for the goal
After preaching Gita, the Lord told Arjuna ( devotee of God) to take decision as he likes.
God revealed the entire knowledge but does not influence the decision. The goal should
be fixed by you and to achieve the goal the path is shown by God which, is correct, -
several project fraud ways for the goal. God takes care in stressing true path and is not
forcing you for the goal. In Pravrutti or Nivrutti same policy is followed by God since He
is the Lord for both. If you are limited to temporary happiness of yourself and your
family members, your path is to worship God for selfish purpose only.

God rearranges your fruits and helps you since fruits must be enjoyed. If your goal is
temporary heaven, serve society worshiping God also. Both are Pravrutti only. First is
lower plane and second is higher plane. In these two paths God is secondary only, - the
third path is for God alone.

God is primary and the fruit is eternal – to become member of His family. You will have
the opportunity of becoming human incarnation some time. God is not interested in the
fixation of your goal since there is no need for God. The post of God is not like the post
of the chief Minister requiring certain minimum number of legislators or liberated souls
to be maintained!
If such is the case, you can demand God for relaxation in the rules of path. He has to
agree to maintain His post. But that is not at all the case. In fact, when you enter Nivrutti
to become His family member, He opposes all your efforts in every step so that your
interest in God is natural.

In natural state only your real color comes out; not in the excited state. In excited state
you are prepared for tests and that is not real verification. A test in unprepared state only
brings out the real assimilation of knowledge. If you identify God in human form, your
response to test becomes artificial, since He know that He is omnipotent; you will
sacrifice to any extent since all your loss can be compensated in no time. If His
identification is Completely masked, you will behave as in Pravrutti, it is justified.
Therefore a balance between these two is maintained by God through a hint only which is
neither complete revelation nor complete hiding.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

442. Pravrutti & Nivrutti

Gita is the special spiritual knowledge, which can be told by the Lord only. Gita is
Prajnanam and not simple Jnanam. It stands as the special identity card of the Lord. Gita
establishes the justice in this world and simultaneously shows the path for the individual
liberation. The former path of justice is called as Pravrutti and the latter path of the
individual liberation is called as Nivrutti. Both these fields must be clearly understood
and must be isolated clearly demarcated (Pravruttimcha Nivruttimcha---Gita). In both the
individual aspect and the social aspect exist (Lokasangrahamevapi—Gita). In Pravrutti
one has to practice the justice at the individual level and propagate the justice at the social
level for the peace of the world. In Nivrutti also, one has to uplift at the individual level
and uplift others at the social level. In both the fields the Lord is pleased but the pleasure
of the Lord in Nivrutti is infinite.

In both the fields, the obstruction for the success is also the same, which are the side
attraction and that is the attraction towards these worldly bonds. When the excess
attraction in these worldly bonds is reduced, one succeeds in Pravrutti. When these
worldly bonds are completely destroyed due to the intensive attraction present in the new
bond formed with the Lord, one succeeds in Nivrutti. In Pravrutti the attraction towards
the Lord is not required and here only the knowledge of the unreality of these worldly
bonds is only required. By such knowledge even if the worldly bonds are not cut
completely, at least the bonds become weak. In Pravrutti there is no need of the complete
destruction of these worldly bonds.

But in Nivrutti the complete destruction of these worldly bonds is essential, but the cause
for this destruction should be the new bond formed with the Lord (Eka bhaktih---Gita). In
fact the bond with the Lord alone can destroy these worldly bonds. The knowledge of the
unreality of these bonds can only weaken these bonds and cannot completely destroy
them. Therefore the Lord is personally required in Nivrutti for the formation of such a
new bond. The Lord in human form is the best for the real and complete formation of
such a new bond.

One should keep Nivrutti as ultimate aim. Pravrutti is like scoring the pass mark in the
examination. Nivrutti is like achieving the rare gold medal from the university. The
teacher who aims that all the students should at least pass should not advice the pass
marks as the goal. He will advise the achievement of the gold medal as the goal of every

In Bible, Jesus also adopted Nivrutti and He desired that His dearest disciple should hate
the family bonds including the bond with his life. Hating means that one should see his
family members as his enemies. When such extreme goal is fixed at least the blind
attraction in the family bonds is reduced. In fact these family members were really your
enemies in your previous birth. Since you have robbed their wealth, they have come to
you to get back their money with interest. This principle of justice is forcing you to earn
the money and by such force, you are doing the sins and get punished. When you rob the
wealth of somebody by force, you have to not only pay it with interest but also should be
punished. Thus your blind love on your family members is responsible for your sins and
the consequent punishment.

Mohammed does not mention Nivrutti in his scripture because He claimed himself as
messenger of God only. Nivrutti means loving and serving the Lord in person. For that
God in human form is essential. But Islam believes only formless God and therefore it is
not possible to love and serve the God directly. Therefore the path of Nivrutti has no
place in Islam. Pravrutti itself pleases the Lord and such pleasing the Lord is ultimate in
Islam. In Hinduism, Christianity and Islam the ultimate enquiry and the punishment of
sinner in the hell are common aspects.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

443. About Cosmic vision to be shown by Sri Satya Sai Baba in moon

Sri Baba showed thousands of miracles to the world and even scientists have accepted the
truth in the miracles. If this particular miracle is not done, does it mean that all the
previous miracles are invalid? Even if this miracle is done, our atheist-friends will say
that some laser technology was adopted. Our friends have disposed all the earlier
miracles also as magic. When Lord Krishna gave the cosmic vision to Kauravas, they did
not believe it and concluded that it was some magic show. The laser technology was then
not known; otherwise they might have told that Krishna passed some laser beam from a
small box hidden in His dress! Krishna showed cosmic vision to Arjuna in whose case
there was a temporary change. Same vision shown to sage Udanka resulted in permanent
change of the sage. The same vision had no use in Kauravas and to prove that the visions
are useless for such people only, Krishna showed this vision to Kauravas. The aim of
miracles is only to establish the existence of unimaginable nature, so that the
unimaginable God can be established. Every time, every devotee needs the exhibition of
a miracle to establish the existence of unimaginable nature.
God has arranged one unimaginable event in the creation, which can be seen by every
body at any time. Such miracle is the infinity of space. The limits of this universe are
unimaginable in this infinite space due to existence of infinite number of galaxies of stars
in space. Every one including scientist accepts the infinity of space. Even scientist could
not see the limits of Universe even through most powerful telescope. The stars seen by
you with your eye are a very small number in the infinite number of galaxies of stars. In
the time of Krishna, telescope was not there to realize this fact. Hence, by God’s grace,
Arjuna could visualize the infinite number of galaxies. Krishna said that He is giving
divine sight to Arjuna to see the infinity of Universe. Krishna also stated, while showing
this vision, that there is no end to His creation (Nantosti….Gita). Hence, the only purpose
of cosmic vision is to establish the unimaginable limits of this creation. This establishes
the unimaginable nature of God. Krishna stated that God is unimaginable, when He said
that none can know Him (Mamtuvedana…..Gita). Arjuna gets a doubt about the very
existence of unimaginable nature at all. For that, a practical example of unimaginable
nature is needed.

All authorities (Pramanas) are based on perception (Pratyakasha) only. Experience is the
final basis for the other three authorities viz., shruti, smruti and yukti. Krishna could have
exhibited some miracle to establish unimaginable nature. But such miracle will be limited
to Arjuna only. If the unimaginable limits of Universe are established through the cosmic
vision, it will be a permanent miracle for any body to easily experience in the future. Any
body can stand on the roof of the house and look into sky so that he can easily imagine
the unimaginable limits of space or Universe. Today, the telescope supports such
imagination. One can actually see the infinite number of stars through the telescope and
the same can be imagined by mind also. Telescope gives perception of the concept; where
as imagination by mind gives inference of the same concept. The grace of Krishna was
the present telescope by which Arjuna could perceive the infinite number of galaxies
similar to the scientists perceiving the same through the telescope. In fact, neither the
telescope nor the special power is needed to see the infinite number of galaxies in the sky
because the same can be inferred easily by even a common man on seeing the sky, since
the limits of sky (space) are not seen by the eye. Hence, the vision of cosmos or cosmic
vision is the best and easiest miracle to understand the existence of unimaginable nature
through which unimaginable God can be inferred. This is the importance of cosmic
vision, which is easily available to anybody at any time, and hence it occupied unique
place in Gita. A common man need not search for the vision of any miracle to get proof
for unimaginable nature.

Even if you see the infinite galaxies through telescope or through the divine sight granted
by God, the same conclusion drawn by a common man through normal sight of sky is
achieved and that sole conclusion is that the space or Universe is infinite due to
unimaginable boundary. At any level of space the same conclusion is drawn and this
conclusion is only the inference of mind based on the above said perceptions. By this
conclusion, the existence of unimaginable nature is established and there by the existence
of unimaginable God can be understood. This conclusion is based on the cosmic vision
and inference of mind. Mind is born from moon as per Veda. Hence, the cosmic vision in
moon means getting the inference of this knowledge thorough the mind with help of
cosmic vision. The word cosmic vision indicates the perception of infinite number of
galaxies. The word mind indicates the inference concluded based on such perception of
cosmic vision.

Even Arjuna uttered this conclusion only after seeing the cosmic vision through the
telescope divine sight. He said that he finds no limits of cosmos (Sarvatonantarupam….
Visvarupa—Gita). The aim of cosmic vision as said by Krishna and the final conclusion
as said by Arjuna are one and the same, which is that unimaginable God exists due to
existence of unimaginable limits of cosmos. This is the exact link of cosmic vision with
moon. Moon stands for mind here. The language of God is always symbolic. In Christian
scripture God is indicated by the word lamb due to innocent nature of lamb resembling
the purity of God. Otherwise, everybody knows that on the day of Astami, moon is not
seen between 6 and 7 pm. The inner meaning is to be understood and such topics are
several in Veda communicated through symbolic language.

The vision of cosmos can’t relate God in anyway. God pervades the human body of
Krishna and vision of such human body is vision of God. Shri Baba is sitting in the crowd
and the vision of Baba itself is the vision of God, since Shri Baba is the human form of
God. The airport indicates the aeroplane that travels in the infinite space indicating the
unimaginable limits of cosmos establishing the unimaginable nature of God. All these put
together indicate the vision of unimaginable God established by the unimaginable limits
of infinite space (indicated by the airport) inferred by mind (indicated by moon) in the
medium of human body (indicated by Shri Baba sitting there). Since, the moon was not
visible which infers the unimaginable limits of space, the airport infers the unimaginable
limits of space. It is for this reason of invisibility of moon (mind is invisible), the airport
was selected as the place. The whole scene is to be understood carefully to conclude the

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

444. A blessed soul can see God.

The actual God is not seen by eye since God is not imaginable even to mind, intelligence
and logic as per several Vedic statements. Veda says that the eye cannot see God. But
same Veda says that a blessed soul can see God. This contradiction is easily removed by
taking original God for the first statement and mediated God in human form for the
second statement. God is not pervading all over the creation because Veda says that God
created Universe to see and enjoy it. If you pervade all over the cinema and become that
cinema itself, you cannot see and enjoy it. Veda says that nothing in the world is God
(Neti Neti….). Veda also says that God entered the world after creating it. If God already
pervaded all over the Universe, there is no meaning in saying that God entered the

When Veda says that all this world is God, Ramanuja interpreted it as the world being
under the control of God. You call a kingdom by the name Kalinga, when it is under the
control of king Kalinga. Therefore, the Universe is not like the human body of Krishna to
be pervaded by God. In that case, seeing the cosmos is not like seeing the human body of
Krishna. The human body of Krishna is seen completely, touched and served in several
ways. This gives full satisfaction to devotees who are anxious to see God completely and
serve God directly. In the same way if you take the Universe also like the human body of
Krishna, the Universe is not completely seen and it means God is not completely seen. It
is also impossible to serve the Universe.

It is also impossible to talk with the Universe like Krishna in the human body. Therefore,
there is no necessity for God to pervade all over the Universe to satisfy the devotees. In
such case, the vision of cosmos has no use since it is not the medium of God like the
human form of Krishna. But the cosmic vision is given importance in the sense that its
unimaginable limits establish the existence of unimaginable God. But for this one reason,
there is no purpose of seeing the infinite Universe through cosmic vision. Seeing the
human beings is also of no use because neither they indicate the infinite limits like
cosmos nor they indicate God like the human form of Krishna. Madhva established that
the Universe is completely different entity from God like the pot being different from the
pot maker. Ramanuja said that the Universe is inseparable from God like the body from
the soul and in this sense the Universe can be treated as the body of the God.

Gita compares the body to the shirt. The shirt is different from the person but when it is
on the body of the person, it is inseparable because if it is separated the person becomes
[naked]. Even the body is separated from the soul after death and hence in no way it is
different from shirt. Therefore, the Universe is like a pot that always exists with the pot
maker without separation. In this sense only Veda treats the Universe as body. Thus, there
is no difference between Ramanuja and Madhva in this point. The Universe is controlled
by the power of God, which is pervading all over the Universe. In fact, the Universe is
only imagination of God and it is the product of the mental energy (power) of God. Thus,
there is total difference between cosmic vision and the vision of human form of God. The
first vision is to understand the unimaginable nature of God. The second vision is to see
God with eyes, talk with Him and finally serve Him. Both the visions are important in
their respective angles. The scholars understanding the inner sense of the whole scene are
benefited by the incident. But the ignorant masses have taken only the external physical
sense and were disappointed. Such masses have not taken the inner sense of
unimaginable nature of God from any miracle that was exhibited by Shri Baba
previously. They have never taken the inner sense of the miracles so far and hence they
have not taken the inner sense now also.

Today is Thursday, the day of Lord Dattatreya, who comes down in the human form to
guide the spiritual aspirants on the earth. The presiding planet of today’s star is also
Jupiter (Guru), who is the preacher of angels. Today is Ashtami, the birthday of Krishna.
Today is Punarvasu star, the birth star of Rama. Rama and Krishna are important human
incarnations. The time between 6 pm and 7 pm is a mixture of zodiates of Aquarius and
Pisces. In Aquarius, Saturn, Jnananakaraka, is in association with Ketu, Mokshakaraka.
Pisces is the time in which Lord Dattatreya entered this earth. All this shows the holy
aspect of time.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

445. Shri Baba is reincarnation of Shiridi Sai Baba

Shri Baba is reincarnation of Shiridi Sai Baba, who was the incarnation of Lord Datta.
Datta means the God given to humanity in human form. Shri Baba did several miracles to
establish the unimaginable God. This time needs His mission to establish the existence of
unimaginable power of God through miracles. In this time, science developed
tremendously so that people thought that every thing is explicable by human logic and
nothing beyond human logic exists. The foundation itself is cracked and all these
miracles established that there is God, who can never be explained by science or human
logic. Thus, Shri Baba constructed the strong foundation for spirituality on which any
spiritual preacher can stand safely to preach spiritual knowledge.

If Shri Baba did not come, by this time, all the temples must have been converted into
business complexes. He established the fundamental faith in God all over the world,
which is the foundation for the world peace. He showed Universal spirituality in all His
preaching. He rained ocean of knowledge and developed devotion through His sweet
songs. He worked day and night to set right the Pravrutti, which is the basis for Nivrutti.
The spiritual world must remember His name in the beginning of any spiritual effort. The
ethical and spiritual values became alive due to Him only. Such divine personality is very

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

446. Devotee without the sanction of God can’t perform any extra miracle

Even devotees perform miracles by the grace of God. In the case of devotees, a divine
program chalked out by God is strictly implemented. The devotee without the sanction of
God can’t perform any extra miracle. If he tries to perform it, it will utterly fail. The
miracle that happens spontaneously is due to will of God. The devotee need not plan for
it. God comes down in human form as incarnation, but He will be acting as devotee also.
Hanuman is God acting as devotee forever. Rama acted as master rarely and frequently as
a devotee only. Krishna acted as master frequently and rarely as a devotee. The program
of the incarnation is planned according to the requirement.

Whenever God acts as devotee, He will be exemplary to all the devotees. In the role of
devotee, God also shows the defects committed by devotees and reveals the results of
such defects. God in the role of Parashurama exhibited the defects of devotees and
showed the bad effects of such defects. Devotees think that they are human incarnations
and show jealousy towards the real human incarnations and also to other devotees acting
as human incarnations. Their ego gets insulted in the hands of God. Parashurama was
egoistic and jealous towards Rama, who was real human incarnation. Remember that
Parashurama is also a real human incarnation but acted as fraud incarnation to show the
defects of fraud devotees acting as human incarnations. You should not misunderstand
that Parashurama is really egoistic and jealous. He killed miraculously all kings as per the
divine program of God. But when He saw Rama, He offered the bow of God Vishnu for
handling and got insulted in the hands of Rama. This indicates that a devotee does
miracles by the grace of God as per the divine program. Offering bow of Vishnu to Rama
was an extra miracle, which was not in the divine program, and hence he got insulted.

Bhaskarasarma prepared food for Shri Narasimha Sarasvati, the human incarnation of
Lord Datta. The Lord invited all the villagers for the feast and hence the food was
multiplied. If Sarma invited villagers, the Lord will not perform the miracle. The Lord
will also come for food along with the villagers. Sarma can’t make the Lord to perform
the miracle.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

447. You should not embarrass God by foolish statements even though they are true

Govindabhagavatpada, the preacher of Shankara jumped from the top of hill announcing
that if God is the author of Veda, he will be protected. He was protected because his
statement was from God. If every fellow utters this and jumps from hill, he will die since
the statement is from the devotee and not from God, even though the statement is true.
You should not embarrass God by such foolish statements even though they are true. If
God states through you, He will certainly act through miracle. You are the best judge of
the source of your statement since your inner consciousness knows the truth very well. If
the statement is from God, you will utter it forcibly and spontaneously.

Satan challenged Jesus to turn the stones into breads by the grace of God if God is really
omnipotent. Really God is omnipotent and God can turn the stones into breads in no time.
But Satan provoked Jesus to do the miracle and God is not involved in this issue directly.
Jesus replied to Satan stating that one should not test God through miracles. Jesus did
several miracles to change several human beings in to devotees. When the devotee
deserves the miracle, it was done spontaneously. Satan doesn’t deserve the miracle and
God does not wish to do the miracle for the sake of Satan. Jesus grasped the will of God
and did not force God to do the miracle. Even if He forces God will not do the miracle.
He acted as a devotee to preach this point to devotees.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

448. God is bored with continuous success and happiness

God is always multidimensional

Jesus did several miracles and even gave life to a dead person. But He couldn’t save
Himself from crucifixion in the end. The soldiers stated this point and mocked at Jesus.
Krishna even as boy, killed several demons who came in disguise to kill Him. Same
Krishna, grown up well, couldn’t prevent a hunter who killed Him by mistake. Krishna
laughed at sage Udanka, who was ready to curse Krishna and gave cosmic vision to him.
Same Krishna didn’t control Gandhari, a common lady, giving curse to Him. Jesus and
Krishna were certainly God in human forms. When that is the fact, why both did not
show the power of God to control the situation against to them? There must be a message
in such action, apart from God’s wish to enjoy the role of an insulted person. God is
bored with continuous success and happiness and some times likes to enjoy defeat and
insult also. Apart from this self-entertainment from a negative role, there is a message for
the devotees also because the action of God is always multidimensional. Another aspect
in suffering with insult is to enjoy the sins of His devotees personally and get them
relieved from sins. Another dimension is the message given to devotees regarding the
defeat occurring due to their defects.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

449. Criticism against Shri Satya Sai Baba

There should be minimum standard even if you criticize somebody. You say that Shri
Baba is doing magic only. Baba performed miracles in petty village even from childhood.
Who is the master of magic for Him in that petty village? If He has undergone some
training under somebody to learn magic, people should have noticed it.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

450. Miracles prove the unimaginable nature & existence of God

Miracles prove the unimaginable nature and there by establish the existence of
unimaginable God. This is the only basic purpose of miracles. Even demons performed
miracles through the power of God. God allowed the power to perform miracles through
them also because miracle is the basis to prove the very existence of unimaginable God.
If every thing is explicable and if there is no existence of unimaginable item, it straightly
means that the human being alone is God and there is no God other than the human
being. This will spoil even Pravrutti, which is based on justice. If God is absent, hell is
absent and everybody tries to do injustice secretly and if the law of court is managed
through a strong advocate, there is no fear to do any sin. Even the Governments will fail
if such atheism comes up. If Nivrutti is destroyed, the slow consequence is destruction of
Pravrutti leading to disturbance of justice in society.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami

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