Lesson Plan

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Grade Level: Grade8


a.) Factor completely different types of polynomials (polynomials with common

monomial factor, difference of two squares, sum difference of two cubes, perfect
square trinomials, and general trinomials).

b.) Solve real-world problems involving factors of polynomials.

c.) Relate the importance of Factoring in real-life situations.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Solving equations involving factored polynomials.

2) Science - Understanding chemical reactions and balancing equations.

3) Business Studies - Analyzing financial statements and identifying factors affecting



Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a story about a Filipino entrepreneur who used factoring to

manage cash flow in their business.

Anecdote 2: Discuss how factoring was used in ancient Filipino agricultural

practices to determine the best time to plant crops.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Online quiz platform

1) Idea: Create an online quiz where students can test their knowledge of different
factoring techniques.

2) Idea: Divide the class into teams and organize a factoring competition using
buzzers and questions related to the different types of polynomials.


Activity 1: Factoring Relay Race

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Factoring worksheets, stopwatch

Significance: This activity will reinforce students' understanding of different factoring

techniques in a fun and competitive way.


1) Divide the class into teams.

2) Each team member will solve a factoring problem and pass the worksheet to the
next member.

3) The team that completes all the problems correctly in the shortest time wins.


- Accuracy of factoring: 5 pts.

- Time taken to complete: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Factor completely: 3x^2 + 9x

2) Factor completely: 16a^2 - 25b^2

3) Factor completely: x^3 - 8

Activity 2: Real-World Factoring Problems

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Real-world scenarios, pen and paper

Significance: This activity will help students apply factoring skills to solve practical


1) Provide students with real-world scenarios involving factoring, such as calculating

the area of a garden given its dimensions.

2) Students will identify the polynomial expressions involved and factor them
accordingly to find the solution.


- Correct solution: 5 pts.

- Correct factoring process: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) A rectangular field has a length of 5x + 3 and a width of 2x - 1. Find its area.

2) The volume of a cube is given by the expression x^3 - 8. Find the length of one
side of the cube.

Activity 3: Importance of Factoring Poster

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, poster board

Significance: This activity will encourage students to explore the importance of

factoring in real-life situations and creatively present their findings.


1) Assign each student or group a specific real-life situation where factoring plays a
crucial role, such as budgeting, engineering, or medicine.

2) Students will research and create a poster highlighting the importance of factoring
in their assigned situation.


- Content and relevance: 5 pts.

- Creativity and presentation: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does factoring help in managing personal finances?

2) Explain the importance of factoring in architectural design.


Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

- Explain the concept of factoring using examples of different types of polynomials.

- Engage students in a discussion to ensure their understanding of the factoring



Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Students will choose a real-life scenario where factoring is applicable and
create a step-by-step guide on how to solve the problem using factoring techniques.

Task 2: Students will design a presentation showcasing how factoring can be used
to solve various problems in different fields, such as finance, engineering, or science.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain the process oforing a polynomial with a common monomial factor.

2) Solve the following real-world problem using factoring: A rectangular field has a
length of 4x + 2 and a width of 3x - 1. Find its area.

3) Discuss the importance of factoring in budgeting and provide an example.


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios

- Provide case studies where students need to apply factoring skills to solve complex
problems in various fields such as engineering, medicine, or technology.

1) Assignment Overview: Students will research and write a short essay on the
historical development and significance of factoring in mathematics.

- Assessment Question: Explain the historical context of factoring and its impact on
mathematical problem-solving.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will create a factoring puzzle or riddle that

challenges their classmates to factor a given polynomial expression.

- Assessment Question: Create a factoring puzzle/riddle and provide the solution

with a step-by-step explanation.

Note: The format provided above is a general framework for a 7Es lesson plan. The
actual content and specific details may vary based on the teacher's preferences and
the available resources.

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