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Angol nyelv 2019. május 22., 10.00

Általános tudnivalók a feladatokhoz

Ez a füzet idegen nyelvi feladatokat tartalmaz. A feladatsor két részből áll. Az I.
rész ben csak a füzetben kell dolgoznod. A II. részben hangfelvételeket fogsz
hallani, és mindegyik után meg kell oldanod egy feladatot a füzetben. Minden
feladat egy pél dával kezdődik, amit szürkével jelöltünk.
Az I. rész végét Állj! tábla jelöli. Ha ehhez érkezel, ne lapozz tovább, amíg arra fel
nem szólítanak! Amikor a II. részen dolgozol, az I. részhez már ne lapozz vissza ak
kor sem, ha esetleg nem végeztél minden feladattal a megadott idő alatt!
A feladatok egyik típusa rövid részfeladatokból áll. Mindegyiknél 3 válaszlehetőség
(A, B vagy C) közül kell kiválasztanod az egyetlen helyes megoldást.
A feladatok másik típusánál rövid szövegekhez kell szövegeket vagy képeket tár
sítanod. Mindegyikhez csak egyet. Ezeknél a feladatoknál mindig van olyan válasz
lehetőség, amit nem kell felhasználnod.
Mindegyik feladat után egy táblázatot találsz. Bárhova írhatsz, miközben gondol
kodsz a feladatokon, de végül a megoldásokat ezekbe a táblázatokba kell beírnod
úgy, hogy minden cellába egy betű kerüljön. Ha a helyes válaszban nem vagy
biztos, akkor az általad legjobbnak gondolt választ írd be!
Figyelmesen olvasd el a feladatok utasításait! Tollal dolgozz, és ügyelj a külalakra!
Ha javítani szeretnéd a válaszodat, akkor húzd át, és írd mellé a jó választ!
Jó munkát kívánunk!
I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

2 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

I. rész
Olvasott szöveg értése

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 3

I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

Task 1
Japan’s most famous dog

Read the story. Some words are missing. Choose the correct
word (A, B or C) for each gap (1–6). Put your answers in the
boxes. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

In front of the well-known Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a life-size

bronze (0) of a dog. The statue is quite (1) , however it isn’t difficult to find. It has
been used as a meeting point since 1934 and today you will find hundreds of people
waiting there for their friends to (2) .
Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His (3) , Professor
Eisaburo and he were inseparable friends right from the start. Each day Hachiko accompanied
the professor to Shibuya train station when he left for work. (4) the professor came back, he
always found the dog patiently waiting for him. The professor died suddenly at work in 1925
and that day he did not arrive at the station as usual.

The connection between Hachiko and the professor was so strong that he continued to wait
at the (5) every day. Though some believe that he (6) again and again because of the
food he was given by passengers. In 1934, a statue of him was put outside the station. In
1935, Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend alive.

0 A statue B photo C plate

1 A bright B large C small
2 A arrive B smile C leave
3 A teacher B vet C owner
4 A When B If C Later
5 A bus stop B trains C university
6 A helped B cried C returned

Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


4 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

Task 2
Looking after a hamster

Read the tips about hamsters. Match each text

(1–7) with its title (A–K). Use only 7 titles. Write
your answers in the boxes. There is an example
(0) at the beginning.

0 Hamsters only live to be between 2 and 3 years old, which can be very sad.

1 Hamsters are small animals who can be viewed by other animals as prey. They could be in
danger of getting hurt or killed by animal companions, like cats or dogs.
It is an exotic animal and must be seen by a veterinarian (animal doctor) who knows about
2 exotic animals. Not all veterinarians will treat hamsters, so if yours gets sick, it might be hard
to find help close by.
To give your hamster the best care, you must learn about his or her species – there are five.
3 The most common are golden hamsters. They like to be on their own. The second most
common are dwarf hamsters. They can live together.

4 Most hamsters like balls, running on hamster wheels and chewing on sticks so your hamster
should have these. Wood items not bought from the pet store should be chemical free.

5 Hamsters are most active at night. This can be strange for kids who want to play with them
during the day. It’s important to know that their nightly activity may disturb your sleep.

6 It’s easy to feed your hamsters. They are much like humans, they live on a mixed diet of
vegetables and meat. As long as you give them fresh each day, they should be a very happy pet.

7 It's a good idea to get a big, clean hamster cage all set up with bedding, a water bottle, a wheel,
chew toys, and other necessities before bringing them home.

A Is your home safe for a hamster? F What do hamsters eat?
B Daily routine. G Pet shop owners.
C Know the different types. H Toys to play with.
D Hamsters often leave their cage. I Health care.
E Hamsters’ age. K A tidy hamster home.

Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 5

I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

Task 3
A boat with a difference

Read the story. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Write your answers in the boxes.
There is an example (0) at the beginning.

The Plastiki looks similar to many other boats in Sydney harbour. It’s 18 metres long, 6 metres
wide and it weighs about 20,000 kilogrammes. When you get near to the Plastiki you can see
there’s a big difference. It’s made of 12,500 plastic bottles.
One day David Rothschild found some information on a website about all the plastic in the
oceans. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. Humans throw away almost all plastic
bottles they use and plastic rubbish causes about 80 per cent of the pollution in the sea. To
inform people of the problem, he started building a boat made of plastic bottles.
He built the boat with recycled plastic. The boat uses wind power and solar energy. The crew
can make meals with vegetables from the small garden at the back of the boat. They can get
some exercise by using the special exercise bicycle. The energy from the bike provides power
for the boat’s computers.
Rothschild sailed the Plastiki across the Pacifiic Ocean. On the way, he took his boat through
the dangerous ‘Great Garbage Patch’ where many ships sank. It is a huge area in the Pacifiic
with 3.5 billion kilogrammes of rubbish. You can see every kind of rubbish here, but the worst
problem is the plastic. It kills birds and sea life.
The journey wasn’t always easy. There were giant ocean waves and winds of over one hundred
kilometres per hour. Originally, Rothschild thought the boat could only travel once but it
survived so well that he is planning to sail it one day.

6 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

I. rész :: Olvasott szöveg értése

0 Plastiki is the name of a…

A bridge.
B building.
C ship.

1 From the distance Plastiki looks like…

A an ordinary boat.
B an expensive yacht.
C a special ship.

2 The idea of Plastiki came from…

A surfing on the Internet.
B travelling by ship.
C collecting rubbish.

3 Mr Rothschild built the boat to…

A try an interesting hobby.
B talk about the danger.
C have a comfortable ship.

4 The sailors on board eat vegetables they…

A bring.
B grow.
C don’t like.

5 The computers on board use…

A wind energy.
B solar panels.
C human force.

6 The ’Great Garbage Patch’ is…

A a dangerous animal.
B a large ship.
C a rubbish ”island”.

7 After the journey the boat…

A was sold for much money.
B became a museum.
C can be used again.

Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Ne kezdj hozzá a következő részhez, amíg arra fel nem szólítanak!

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 7

II. rész :: Hallott szöveg értése

II. rész
Hallott szöveg értése

Most a hallott szöveg értése feladatsor következik. Három feladatot kell megoldanod.
Az egyes feladatokhoz tartozó szövegeket kétszer hallgathatod meg.

Task 1
At the theatre

You will hear rules for going to the theatre.

Listen and choose the right picture (A–K). Use
only 7 pictures. Write your answers in the boxes.
There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Now you have 30 seconds to look at the pictures.



Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

II. rész :: Hallott szöveg értése

Task 2
A 16-year-old actress

You will hear an interview with Kristen

Stewart, the famous actress. Listen
and finish the sentences with the
correct answer A, B or C. Write your
answers in the boxes. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.
Now read the sentences. You have
90 seconds.

0 The film is about a…
A bad friendship.
B young mother.
C school student.

1 In her real life Kristen… 4 Kristen and her parents have…

A loves parties. A many conflicts.
B enjoys sports. B a good relationship.
C likes writing. C always needed help.

2 Kristen says that Jodie Foster… 5 She prefers to be in…

A was her first teacher. B A action films.
works too much. B good films.
C is not a good actress. C funny films.

3 Adam Brody was… 6 She thinks people should…

A hard to work with. A take actors’ advice.
B fun to work with. B give up their ambitions.
C boring to work with. C follow their dreams.

Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 9

II. rész :: Hallott szöveg értése

Task 3

You will hear short news stories. Listen and finish the sentences with the correct answer
A, B or C. Write your answers in the boxes. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Now read the sentences. You have 90 seconds.

0 In the south of the United States the weather has been very… 4 This news is about…
A nice. A who will win the NBA.
B bad. B young basketball fans.
C cold. C a player’s health problems.

1 A rich American bought a… 5 The campaign is about…

A British hairdresser’s salon. A teaching kids music.
B famous musician’s hair. B the dangers of phones.
C special music instrument. C selling computers.

2 A young girl… 6 This news is about…

A was radio host for a day. A hospitals.
B married Matt Galloway. B schools.
C played in a movie. C restaurants.

3 There is a connection between… 7 This piece of news is about…

A teachers and career. A a famous painting. B an
B eating and drinking habits. American model. C a large
C fast food and test scores. animal.

Write your answers here.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


10 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

II. rész :: Hallott szöveg értése

Szövegek forrásai:

Illusztrációk forrásai:

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 11


Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
I. Olvasott szöveg értése

1. feladat 6 6

2. feladat 7 7

3. feladat 7 5

Összesen 20 18

II. Hallott szöveg értése

1. feladat 7 7

2. feladat 6 6

3. feladat 7 5

Összesen 20 18

Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
I. Olvasott szöveg 18
II. Hallott szöveg 18
Összesen 40 36

Dátum: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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javító tanár javító tanár

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