Episode 15

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Class/Grade Level: 10 Subject: Science No. of hours/minutes: 1


Name of Resource Teacher: (insert name of RT)

Dates when you observed: November 22, 2021 and November 29, 2021

Dates when you participated and assisted: November 22, 2021 and November 29, 2021


1. The teacher uses Google Meet for their synchronous class.

Web-conferencing App Was it utilized? If yes, describe how it was utilized in class
Virtual background It wasn’t utilized because the teacher hasn’t turned on her camera
therefore the background wasn’t utilized.
Microphone icon on/off Yes, students are free to tell what their opinion on the said lesson.
They will turn their microphones on if they wanted to say
something or ask in class. When the teacher is discussing the lesson
and/or classmates are sharing their ideas, the students turn off their
microphone, listens, and waited for their turn.
Camera icon on/off Yes, it was utilized when the teacher told the class to get a glass of
water and a pencil and a spoon for their observation in science class.
The students turned on their cameras so that the teacher can see
them executing the tasks.
Screen share Yes, this was the part where the teacher presents her lesson to the
class. It shows the PowerPoint Presentation of the lesson for the
class to learn and see diagrams and pictures.
Reaction buttons There is no reaction button on the application. Perhaps the teacher
and most of the students don’t have this extension downloaded to
their Google Meet app.
Spotlight Yes, when the teacher and student select “Spotlight,” the current
speaker, presenter, or pinned feed will fill the entire window. At any
time during a call, the participants can click on someone's image
and it will pin their video feed to their screen.
View (using different views) Yes, it was utilized. The app automatically switches the layout in a
video call to display the most active content and participants. We
can click the three dots at the bottom and change layout. There we
can choose an option whether Tiled where the view that can show
up to 49 people at the same time. By default, you’ll see 16 tiles on
your screen; Spotlight where the active speaker or shared screen
fills the entire window; and the Sidebar where the main image is the
active speaker or shared screen. You’ll see thumbnails of additional
participants on the side.
Polling This wasn’t utilized because the teacher and students haven’t
downloaded this extension to their Google Meet app.
Recording No, this wasn’t utilized neither because Google Meet do not have
this originally in the app. But, there is extension for the app to
record the meetings or discussion. In the class I have observed,
there was no recordings and it is up to the user whether he/she add
an extension.

2. The teacher remains flexible and demonstrates mastery of the lesson she will be teaching. She uses
the Share Screen feature to present the discussion so that students can see the topic, diagrams, and
pictures. In the discussion, the teacher applies real-world demonstration where she relates her topic to
the real-world scenario and even asks students materials from their home for their observation. To
keep the students engaged, the teacher conducts simple observation where all students have
participated and share their observations in class.

3. During the discussion, all the students turned off their microphone, they paid attention to the
teacher, and only turn on their microphone if they wanted to answer the question being asked by the
teacher. The discussion is so smooth, the teacher demonstrates great mastery of the topic, and the
students are actively participating. Those who wanted to answer, they automatically turn on their
microphone, and some were using the chat box to type their answers or anything they want to say to
interact with the class. I was amazed by how the students did their part- they are very active in the
discussion and they interact well in the class. As to the teacher, her discussion was very
comprehensive and informative.


1. The application's accessibility, in which you don't have to download a large percentage of a
gigabyte, which could cause a storage alarm. It provides unlimited time for free meetings, which is
extremely convenient. Google Meet is ideal for schools because it offers a free option, allowing
teachers to share their knowledge without splurging. It also includes the essentials for virtual
meetings, such as video and audio calls, screen sharing, and real-time chat.

2. Teaching Presence?

By using the Google Meet, the teacher clearly communicates important course topic and goals and
exercising activities related to real-world that could enhance the learning of the students. The teacher
also provides clear instructions on how to participate in the activities. The teacher helps keep the
students on-task in a way that helps them learn and encourage students to explore new concepts. She
demonstrates how to use the app well by using its feature in a right manner especially in the teaching
and learning process.

Social Presence?

The teacher allows students to share their ideas to their classmates and to the class. She allows
students to experience online or web-based communication for social interaction. The app allows
students to hear their thoughts and opinions on the topic and they are able to share it with others by
turning their microphone or leaving their thoughts on the chat box so that everyone can see. By using
the app, the teacher can run her discussion smoothly where students participate and get engaged in the
discussion as well as in the activities.
Cognitive Presence?

The teacher uses the app where she can discuss about the topic and conduct activities to increased
students’ interest in class. The teacher also uses its feature to share videos and pictures to further the
students’ knowledge and achieve better and feel motivated to explore more about the subject. Online
discussion through Google meet or any web-conferencing apps were valuable in helping students
appreciate different perspectives.

3. The poor network connection could be one of the major problems in synchronous classes. It can
really affect both teacher and learners in the teaching-learning process. When the teacher is discussing
the lesson and has slow internet, she might not be able to share her screen, turn on her microphone,
and hear the students in the other line. Same to students, with slow connection, they will not hear the
discussion properly and the voice will become static and they might end up going offline and will be
out from the conference. If that’s the case, they might miss something important from the discussion
and could affect their grades. I think the app could improve if it has inclusions or extensions already
like the recording, reaction buttons, other apps for collaboration and fun.


1. Teaching online is far different from face-to-face teaching but because we are teachers, we should
be flexible and adapt to the changes the world could bring like the pandemic. It brought us into the
borderless classroom where teaching-learning process takes place. For my part, teaching online is a
big responsibility and before I could say that I am ready, I should have possess the skills in operating
technology or integrating ICT in class and discover their features that could help learners learn more.

2. Teaching Presence?

It’s the organization of the topic. From the learning targets to achieving them and evaluating the
learners by using a web-conferencing app like Google meet. I could also use other extension for the
app to enhance the teaching-learning process.

Social Presence?

It’s using social media platforms to further enhance the learning of the students. I will be posting
updates and link on other apps like Facebook or Messenger to update the students about the class and
will be able to advance study the lesson I will share to them. While discussion also, I will incorporate
apps that will get the students engage, collaborate, and brainstorm with other students.

Cognitive Presence?

Same with other community of inquiry, I will integrate other extensions to help students increase their
interest, motivation, and curiosity. I will let them explore the topic and will let them take charge in
their learning. By using the app, I could do a group reporting or group discussion where everyone in
the class shares the spotlight and learn.
3. I think it’s the techniques and methods on how to make your students active throughout the
discussion especially when we can’t see each other on the screen if the camera is off.



1. While participating synchronous class using a web-conferencing app, I have experienced having a
poor internet connection that I got easily disconnected out from the class and went offline. The
network wasn’t stable and makes me miss out some of the discussion from the Resource Teacher. I
also wonder if the students are still listening the entire class duration because the fact that we can’t see
the students on the other end makes me wondering if they are still up or not paying attention. Also, I
have observed that online instructors tend to focus on theory rather than practice in virtual set-up
using web-conferencing app.

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read

Online learning: Weak internet connections and Many students feel like they are falling behind in
its consequences. Sif Homes Inc - Smart their online and digital education due to lagging
Home WiFi Solutions for your house. Wi-Fi. They find themselves in challenging and
(n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2022, from stressful circumstances with dreadful thoughts
https://www.sif.design/blog/online- that their grades will suffer deeply and impact
learning-weak-internet-connections-and- their overall result. A student shares his
its-consequences experience that learning online is not a great
substitute for in-person sessions. He says that
lagging Wi-Fi means missing out on chunks of
conversation when the internet freezes. As the
virtual learning environment is not the same as
sitting in a classroom and sharing notes with
classmates, the lack of high-speed internet is a
matter of concern for students.
Tamm, S. (2022, January 8). 10 biggest The problem is that a large portion of E-Learning
disadvantages of e-learning - e-student. e- training providers choose to focus largely (in
student.org. Retrieved January 20, 2022, many cases entirely) on developing theoretical
from https://e-student.org/disadvantages- knowledge, rather than practical skills. The
of-e-learning/ reason for this is evident – theoretical lectures are
considerably easier to implement in an online
learning environment than practical lectures.
After all, without face-to-face communication
and physical classrooms to use as a workshop,
implementing practical projects in an online
course requires significantly more prior planning
than theoretical training.
Paiz, W. (2020, May 5). Student loss of focus “Online learning is not efficient, due to the lack
during online classes. Taft Tribune. of interest students are giving to this matter, as
Retrieved January 20, 2022, from well as the fact that the student’s focus is
https://tafttribune.org/5631/opinion/student compromised by other things as well.” Thinh
-loss-of-focus-during-online-classes/ Nguyen
The problems could be anchored on applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student
engagement in online learning.


To address the problem in poor internet connection, I hope that the Google Meet team will make their
app free where no data and Wi-Fi is needed and should not take so much storage. But I think it would
be impossible. In case of students not paying attention, I hope the app can be the place where
collaboration is possible just like in fact-to-face. And using Google Meet, I hope the teacher should
not also focus on the theory or on the lesson itself, we also need to include to teach the skills that
students can benefit in the long run.


Teaching and Learning Continuity using Web-Referencing Apps mid and Beyond the Pandemic


In using the application, poor internet connectivity is unavoidable especially in our country where a
lot of factors to consider like the weather and the place we live in. For the students who aren’t paying
attention to the class, the teacher could simultaneously check if students are still with him/her by
throwing questions or the teacher could ask the students to turn on their camera the entire session. For
the lack of practical skills of the students in virtual set-up, the teacher should implement hands-on
student projects in conjunction with 1:1 mentorship are some of the most effective ways of developing
practical skills in online students.

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