What Is Low Cost Housing

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Low-cost housing, often referred to as affordable housing, is a concept in architecture

and urban planning that focuses on providing decent and adequate housing options for
individuals and families with limited financial resources. The aim is to create housing
solutions that are affordable, functional, and sustainable, without compromising on
quality of life. Architectural sources and professionals consider several key principles
when designing and planning low-cost housing:

1. Simplicity in Design: Low-cost housing emphasizes simplicity in design, both in

terms of aesthetics and construction. The designs tend to be straightforward and
efficient, avoiding extravagant or complex features that can drive up costs.

2. Space Optimization: Architects focus on making the most of available space by

using innovative layouts and flexible designs. Multi-functional spaces and modular
designs can help accommodate changing needs over time.

3. Cost-Effective Materials: The choice of building materials plays a crucial role in

keeping costs down. Architects often opt for locally available and cost-effective
materials that still ensure structural integrity and durability.

4. Energy Efficiency: Sustainable and energy-efficient design principles are

integrated to reduce utility costs for residents. This might include features like proper
insulation, energy-efficient lighting, and passive solar design.

5. Community Considerations: Low-cost housing projects often incorporate

communal spaces and facilities to promote a sense of community among residents.
Shared spaces can include playgrounds, gardens, community centers, and more.

6. Adaptability: The design should allow for future expansions or modifications as

residents' needs change. This can help avoid the need for complete reconstruction in
case of changing family sizes or circumstances.

7. Location: The choice of location for low-cost housing is important. It should be

well-connected to urban amenities, transportation, and employment opportunities to
reduce residents' transportation costs and improve their quality of life.

8. Regulatory Compliance: Architects must ensure that their designs adhere to local
building codes and regulations while still maintaining cost-effectiveness. This may
involve finding creative solutions to meet safety and legal requirements without inflating

9. Construction Techniques: Innovative construction methods, such as

prefabrication or modular construction, can help reduce construction time and labor

10. Long-Term Sustainability: Architectural designs for low-cost housing should

consider the long-term maintenance and sustainability of the structures. Durability and
easy maintenance are key factors in ensuring that housing remains affordable over time.

Overall, architectural sources approach low-cost housing with a focus on practicality,

affordability, and the well-being of the residents. The goal is to provide dignified living
conditions that improve the lives of individuals and families who might otherwise
struggle to access suitable housing options. Keep in mind that architectural trends and
practices may evolve over time, so it's important to refer to the latest sources for the
most up-to-date information.


Low-cost housing considerations in the Philippines take into account the unique
economic, social, and environmental conditions of the country. The Philippines faces
challenges such as rapid urbanization, a large population, and varying levels of income
disparity. When planning and designing low-cost housing solutions in the Philippines,
several key considerations come into play:

1. **Affordability:** The primary goal of low-cost housing is to provide affordable

options for people with limited incomes. The cost of construction, materials, and
maintenance should be kept as low as possible without compromising on safety and

2. **Location:** Low-cost housing projects should be strategically located near

employment centers, transportation hubs, and basic services like schools, hospitals, and
markets. This reduces transportation costs and improves residents' access to essential
3. **Community and Social Infrastructure:** Integrating community spaces, playgrounds,
and common facilities into housing projects fosters a sense of community and social
interaction among residents. Community centers can also serve as venues for skill
development and education.

4. **Resilience:** The Philippines is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons and

earthquakes. Low-cost housing designs should incorporate resilient features to
withstand these challenges, including proper foundation design, storm-resistant
materials, and disaster evacuation plans.

5. **Climate Considerations:** Sustainable design practices should account for the

country's tropical climate. This might involve designing for natural ventilation, using
heat-resistant materials, and integrating green spaces to mitigate the urban heat island

6. **Local Materials:** Using locally available materials helps reduce costs and supports
the local economy. Architects should choose materials that are both cost-effective and
suited to the climate and environmental conditions.

7. **Regulatory Compliance:** Low-cost housing projects need to

Certainly, here are some general considerations that apply when planning and designing
low-cost housing projects:

1. **Affordability:** The primary objective of low-cost housing is to make housing

accessible to people with limited incomes. Every aspect of the project, from design to
construction, should be focused on keeping costs as low as possible while maintaining
quality and safety.

2. **Location:** Low-cost housing should be situated in areas that are well-connected to

employment opportunities, transportation networks, and essential services like schools,
healthcare facilities, and markets. Proximity to these amenities reduces transportation
costs and improves residents' quality of life.

3. **Sustainable Design:** Incorporating sustainable and energy-efficient design

practices can help lower operational costs for residents. Strategies like passive solar
design, natural ventilation, and energy-efficient appliances contribute to long-term

4. **Space Efficiency:** Efficient space planning maximizes the utility of available space.
Multi-purpose rooms, modular furniture, and thoughtful storage solutions can make
small living spaces more functional.

5. **Materials:** Choose locally available and cost-effective materials that are still
durable and safe. Prefabricated or modular construction methods can help cut costs and
construction time.

6. **Resilience:** Depending on the region's climate and geography, designs should

consider factors like earthquake resistance, flood mitigation, and climate resilience.
Building for durability can minimize maintenance and repair costs.

7. **Community Spaces:** Incorporate communal areas, playgrounds, and shared

facilities to encourage a sense of community among residents. These spaces can
promote social interaction and reduce the need for additional indoor space.

8. **Flexibility and Expansion:** Designs should allow for future expansions or

adaptations as families grow or circumstances change. This can help prevent the need
for relocations due to changing housing needs.

9. **Cultural Sensitivity:** Take into account local cultural preferences and practices
when designing the housing. A design that respects and reflects the cultural norms of
the residents can contribute to their overall satisfaction.
10. **Regulatory Compliance:** Adhere to local building codes and regulations to
ensure safety and legal compliance. Balancing compliance with cost-effectiveness might
require creative solutions.

11. **Partnerships:** Collaboration with government agencies, non-governmental

organizations (NGOs), private developers, and local communities can pool resources and
expertise to address affordability challenges.

12. **Access to Finance:** Explore options for providing financing or microfinance

solutions to help potential residents overcome financial barriers to homeownership.

13. **Security and Tenure:** Establish clear land tenure rights to provide residents with a
sense of security and to prevent potential displacement in the future.

14. **Maintenance:** Design features that are easy to maintain and repair, reducing
long-term costs for residents. Additionally, community involvement in maintenance can
foster a sense of ownership and pride.

15. **Aesthetics:** While focusing on cost-efficiency, aesthetics should not be neglected.

Well-designed spaces contribute to residents' well-being and the overall livability of the
housing project.

16. **Local Context:** Consider the local context, including local construction
techniques, climate, and social dynamics. A design that integrates well with the
surrounding environment can enhance the project's success.

17. **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Regularly assess the impact of the low-cost housing
project on residents' lives, making adjustments as needed to improve its effectiveness
and sustainability.
Balancing these considerations requires a holistic approach that takes into account
economic, social, environmental, and cultural factors. Successful low-cost housing
projects aim to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing while enhancing residents'
quality of life.\

Space Minimum Room Size Minimum Dimension (one side)

Habitable Space 6.00 sq.m. 2.00 meters


Kitchen 3.00 sq.m. 1.50 meters

Bath and Toilet 1.20 sq.m. 0.90 meters

LOW COST HOUSING IN THE PHILIPPINES units sold for more than P1.7 million but not
exceeding P3 million



 Implemented to address the requirements of families living along danger areas. It entails the
provision of housing units, community facilities, socio-economic and other community
support programs. The program involves the implementation of in-city, near-city, and off-city
resettlement projects.



 Implemented in 2018 in response to a Supreme Court issuance of a writ of Continuing

Mandamus ordering relevant Government Agencies and Local Government units to clean
up, rehabilitate, and preserve Manila Bay and make its water fit for swimming and other
forms of recreation.
 The Mandamus encompasses the tributaries leading into the Bay. Agencies and LGUs were
instructed to dismantle structures encroaching upon these waters, necessitating the eviction
and resettlement of thousands of ISFs living along the 3-meter easement of rivers and


 Program pursuant to NHA’s mandate under Republic Act No. 7279 or the Urban
Development and Housing Act of 1992 to provide financial and technical assistance to
Local Government Units in the implementation of their urban development and
housing programs and in line with NHA’s role as enabler and facilitator in the housing
delivery process.


 Program pursuant to Republic Act 8731 or the Indigenous Peoples Right Act of 1997
to provide financial and technical assistance to Indigenous Peoples in coordination
with the National Commission for Indigenous Peoples and LGUs.
 Development of housing sites in the Indigenous Peoples’ (IPs) own ancestral domain or
lands owned by LGU that is acceptable to the concerned IPs
 The program follows the framework of RAP-LGU



 Program to provide dormitories to IP Students studying in State Universities and

Colleges. This will allow IP students to gain better access to academic institutions around
the country. It presents a safe and supportive residential environment fostering a sense of
community that enhances the academic experience for IP students.
 Development of dormitories in the Indigenous Peoples’ (IPs) own ancestral domain or lands
owned by LGU/SUC that is acceptable to the concerned IPs


 On April 3, 2018, President Duterte signed AO No. 10, “Centralizing all Government Efforts
for the Reintegration of Former Rebels and Creating for the Purpose an IATF.” As a result of
the AO, an Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) was launched
to provide assistance for former rebels who expressed desire to abandon armed struggle. To
complement with the AO and E-CLIP, NHA established a comprehensive program that
will provide a framework for the provision of housing assistance to former rebels.


 Executive Order No. 110 s. 2020, “Institutionalizing the Comprehensive Social Benefits
Program,” institutionalized the program as a mechanism to rationalized social benefits and
assistance to qualified uniform personnel.
 Pursuant to the EO, NHA Memorandum Circular No. 2020-049 was issued to provide the
guidelines and procedures for housing assistance for the beneficiaries of AFP and PNP
personnel who were killed or wounded during military and police operations.


 Government Employees Housing Program (GEHP) was formulated in line with Section No. 2
of AO No. 9 s. 2011, “the NHA was directed to formulate, manage, and lead the
implementation of Revitalized Government Employees and AFP/PNP Housing Program.”
 Due to the clamor of other government employees and the previous experience in the old
AFP/PNP program of the military and police personnel, NHA enhanced the housing units of
the uniformed personnel and government employees.


 Intended to address security of tenure and infrastructure requirements of informal
settlements on government-owned land proclaimed or designated as socialized housing
 Covers survey and titling of individual lots for disposition to qualified occupants, infrastructure
development, housing construction, and rehabilitation of existing project sites


 On June 28, 2017, Administrative Order No. 3 was issued creating Task Force Bangon
Marawi (TFBM). It is composed of various government agencies working together towards
the recovery, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of the conflict-stricken city. As part of the
TFBM Sub-committee on Housing, the NHA is in charge of the Marawi master
development plan, debris management, road infrastructures, and the construction of
permanent and transitory shelters, the Sarimanok Sports Stadium, and the Marawi
Convention Center.


 The program is intended to respond to the housing need of low and marginal-income and/or
informal settler families for permanent shelter affected by calamities such as typhoons,
landslides, earthquakes, and fires for relocation to safe areas.
 Typhoon Yolanda – Implemented to respond to the housing need of low and
marginal-income and/or informal settler families affected by Super Typhoon Yolanda
which made landfall in the Visayas Region on November 8, 2013.
 Typhoon Nina – Implemented in 2020 to respond to the housing need of low and
marginal –income and/or informal settler families affected by Typhoon Nina last
December 2016 which heavily affected Region 5.
 Typhoon Usman – Implemented in 2020 to respond to the housing need of low and
marginal –income and/or informal settler families affected by Typhoon Usman last
December 2018 in the provinces of Albay and Camarines Sur.
 Typhoon Odette – To be implemented in response to the housing need of low and
marginal –income and/or informal settler families affected by Typhoon Odette last
December 2021 in Region 13, Region 10, Region 8, Region 7, Region 6, and
 Build Back Better – On November 18, 2020, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte issued
Executive Order no. 120 to strengthen rehabilitation and recovery efforts in typhoon-
hit areas through the creation of the Build Back Better Task Force. The initial focus of
the task force will be in addressing the housing need of areas hit by Typhoon Quinta
and Typhoon Rolly last October 2020, and by Typhoon Ulysses last November 2020.
 Mindanao Earthquake – Implemented in 2020 to respond to the housing need of
low and marginal-income and/or informal settler families affected by the series of
earthquakes that struck Mindanao on October 2019 (North Cotabato) and December
2019 (Davao del Sur).
 Naga, Cebu Landslide – Implemented to respond to the housing need of low and
marginal –income and/or informal settler families affected by the landslide in Brgy.
Tinaan, Naga, Cebu last September 20, 2018.
 Taal Volcano Eruption – Implemented to respond to the housing need of low and
marginal –income and/or informal settler families affected by the eruption of Taal
Volcano last January 2020.


 Previously the Housing Materials Assistance Program (HOMA), the EHAP was introduced
based on the need to simplify requirements, provide flexibility in the implementation of
the program and to enable a faster and quicker response to identified families whose
houses are totally or partially damaged by disasters, both natural or man-made.
 Assistance is either in the form of cash or housing construction materials, in case of scarce
supply of housing materials during large-scale disaster

common design considerations for low-cost housing based on

architectural sources

1. **Functional Efficiency:** Focus on creating functional layouts that maximize the utility
of available space. Multi-purpose rooms and flexible design elements can enhance the
usability of the living areas.

2. **Space Optimization:** Efficient space planning is essential. Use compact and well-
thought-out layouts that minimize wasted space while providing necessary amenities.

3. **Simplified Aesthetics:** Embrace simplicity in design. Avoid unnecessary decorative

elements that can add to construction costs and maintenance efforts.

4. **Cost-Effective Materials:** Select locally available and affordable materials that are
durable and appropriate for the climate. This reduces material transportation costs and
supports the local economy.

5. **Construction Techniques:** Consider efficient construction methods, such as

modular or prefabricated construction, that can help reduce labor costs and
construction time.

6. **Natural Ventilation and Lighting:** Design for natural ventilation and daylighting to
reduce reliance on artificial lighting and air conditioning, thus cutting down energy
7. **Energy Efficiency:** Incorporate energy-efficient features like proper insulation,
energy-efficient appliances, and solar panels to lower ongoing utility costs.

8. **Climate Considerations:** Adapt designs to the local climate. This might involve
providing shading to minimize heat gain, incorporating rainwater harvesting for water
supply, and utilizing passive cooling techniques.

9. **Flexibility and Expandability:** Design homes that can accommodate future

expansion or adaptation as families grow or circumstances change.

10. **Community Spaces:** Integrate communal areas and shared facilities to foster a
sense of community and reduce the need for larger individual living spaces.

11. **Safety and Structural Integrity:** Prioritize safety by adhering to local building
codes and designing structures that can withstand potential natural disasters or
environmental challenges.

12. **Cultural Sensitivity:** Consider local cultural practices and preferences to ensure
that the design resonates with the community.

13. **Land Use:** Optimize the use of available land while leaving space for green areas
and outdoor activities.

14. **Maintenance:** Design with low-maintenance materials and features to minimize

future upkeep costs.

15. **Access to Basic Services:** Ensure proximity to essential services like schools,
healthcare facilities, and markets to reduce transportation costs and improve residents'
quality of life.
16. **Participatory Design:** Involve future residents in the design process to ensure that
the housing meets their needs and preferences.

17. **Affordability Over Time:** Consider not only the upfront costs but also the long-
term affordability of the housing, including ongoing maintenance and utility expenses.

18. **Infrastructure:** Plan for necessary infrastructure like water supply, sewage
disposal, and road access to ensure the functionality of the housing community.

19. **Regulatory Compliance:** Navigate local regulations to ensure that the design
meets legal requirements while remaining cost-effective.

20. **Monitoring and Feedback:** Establish mechanisms for ongoing feedback from
residents to address any issues that may arise after construction.

It's important to note that design considerations for low-cost housing can vary based on
the specific context, location, and community needs. Consulting with architects, urban
planners, and other experts in the field can provide valuable insights tailored to the
particular project and region.

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