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the amygdala’s contribution to processing of

affective visual information arises from its
broad connectivity with the cortex and other
Emotion processing and the amygdala: subcortical structures; and finally, the pulvi-
nar plays a part in the processing of emotion
from a ‘low road’ to ‘many roads’ stimuli through its extensive connectivity
with cortical sites.
of evaluating biological significance The standard hypothesis
The data and theory that underpin the stand-
Luiz Pessoa and Ralph Adolphs ard hypothesis are not typically articulated
in detail, and its central concepts are often
Abstract | A subcortical pathway through the superior colliculus and pulvinar to vague. The main argument is that insofar as
the amygdala is commonly assumed to mediate the non-conscious processing affectively-laden information has survival
of affective visual stimuli. We review anatomical and physiological data that argue value, it has driven adaptations in informa-
against the notion that such a pathway plays a prominent part in processing tion processing that are reflected in a func-
tionally and structurally modular system2.
affective visual stimuli in humans. Instead, we propose that the primary role of the
The purported modularity of the system
amygdala in visual processing, like that of the pulvinar, is to coordinate the function entails automaticity 5: owing to the potency
of cortical networks during evaluation of the biological significance of affective of affective information, this information is
visual stimuli. Under this revised framework, the cortex has a more important role processed independently of attention and
in emotion processing than is traditionally assumed. awareness. For example, threat-expressing
faces have been reported to be processed
pre-attentively in visual search paradigms6,
There is tremendous interest in the question is the purported role of the amygdala in the and fearful faces break into consciousness
of how salient, emotional and socially- rapid, automatic and non-conscious process- more quickly than happy expressions during
charged visual stimuli are processed by the ing of emotional and social stimuli. The continuous flash suppression (a technique used
brain. This topic is important because it second central component is the proposal of to render visual stimuli non-conscious)7.
addresses a fundamental question a specific subcortical route of information Moreover, haemodynamic responses in
regarding how biological ‘value’ is assigned processing — the so-called ‘low road’ (REF. 4) the amygdala have been reported to occur
by an animal to stimuli in its environment: — that bypasses the presumably slower, in response to presentation of fearful faces
which stimuli are good and which are resource-dependent cortex and that culmi- that have (putatively) been rendered invis-
bad; which should be approached and which nates in the amygdala by way of the superior ible by backward masking8,9 and even during
should be avoided. The topic is also colliculus and the pulvinar nucleus of the unmasked presentation of fearful faces in
intriguing because it fuels questions about thalamus (FIG. 1a). The fact that this pathway patients with blindsight10,11.
modularity in the brain (that is, whether bypasses the cortex is thought to imbue the It is also assumed that the anatomical
there is a specialized way of, or even dedi- processing of emotion-laden visual stimuli components of the system enable emotion
cated neural substrates for, the processing with the above list of properties. processing to occur to a substantial extent
of affective stimuli). The overarching Given that the standard hypothesis is subcortically 12. This suggestion has its roots
‘standard hypothesis’ runs roughly as shaping both basic and clinical research, in rodent studies that demonstrate the exist-
follows: ecologically important (emotional this Perspective article provides a critical re- ence of a subcortical pathway, through the
and social) stimuli are processed initially by examination of this hypothesis that we hope auditory thalamus to the amygdala, that
a dedicated, modular system that operates will re-orient thinking about the processing is sufficient for some forms of auditory
rapidly, automatically (without the need to of emotion stimuli and the roles of the amyg- Pavlovian fear conditioning 4. It is assumed
pay attention) and largely independently of dala and pulvinar therein. The main points that a similar subcortical route exists for
conscious awareness1. Defects in this system that we make are as follows: first, there is no visual information processing in primates,
are suggested to underlie phobias, mood evidence for a functional subcortical route including humans (see below). The notion
disorders and post-traumatic stress for visual processing in primates; second, the of such a subcortical pathway is appeal-
syndrome, and variability in its functioning cortex plays a larger part in the processing of ing because subcortical visual processing
reflects individual differences at the affective visual information than is typically is assumed to be faster than cortical visual
genotypic and personality level2,3. acknowledged; third, the visual processing of processing, and processing of affective
The hypothesis has two central and emotion stimuli occurs no faster than visual stimuli is thought to be adaptive in part,
related components. The first component processing in the cortex in general; fourth, because it is fast. For example, judgments

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a of affective information. other important

Retina LGN V1 V2 V4 TEO TE Amygdala notions that are linked to the standard
hypothesis, including the modularity of the
brain and the roles of attention and aware-
SC Pulvinar
ness in visual processing, are discussed only
briefly because they have been reviewed
b MT FEF elsewhere17–21. Finally, we propose an alterna-
tive view that assigns a larger role to cortical
processing of affective visual information. we
suggest that this scheme, which we call the
LGN V1 V2 V4 TEO TE Amygdala ‘multiple-waves model’, can explain the types
of findings that have been used to support
the standard hypothesis.

Pulvinar General functional issues

Affective visual information is not processed
faster than other visual information.
SC electrophysiological responses evoked by
Frontal visual stimuli can be modulated by the
Cingulate emotional content of the stimuli, and this
Retina modulation has been reported to occur at
short latencies — in some studies in humans,
Insula within ~100 ms of stimulus onset 22,23. In
addition, the n170 component of the
Figure 1 | Visual pathways. a | A traditional flowchart of visual processing typically emphasizes the
LGN–v1–v2–v4–teO–te pathway, although the scheme is not Nature Reviews
strictly | Neuroscience
hierarchical. the amygdala, in
electroencephalography (eeG) signal (or
particular, is a recipient of visual signals from the anterior visual cortex. According to the ‘standard the M170 component in magnetoencephal-
hypothesis’, a subcortical pathway involving the superior colliculus and the pulvinar nucleus of the ography (MeG) studies), which is associated
thalamus provides fast and automatic access to the amygdala. b | An alternative view of the flow of with face identification, is in some studies
visual signals includes multiple pathways, including both alternative routes (for example, LGN to Mt) modulated by the emotional expression of
and shortcuts (for example, v2 to teO). Only some of these are shown. the flow of visual information the presented face24,25. However, numerous
may be more appropriately viewed in terms of ‘multiple waves’ of activation that initiate and refine studies only showed effects with longer
cell responses at a given processing ‘stage’. For simplicity, feedback pathways, which are known to be latencies, ranging from 200–400 ms (for
quite extensive, have been omitted. the existence of such feedback pathways dictates, however, that example, REF. 26). even in the studies report-
a complex ebb-and-flow of activation sculpts the neuronal profile of activation throughout the visual
ing short latency responses to emotional
cortex, and likewise the amygdala responses. some of the connections between the pulvinar and
visual cortex, and between the pulvinar and ‘associational’ areas, are also indicated. the line in the
visual stimuli, localizing the neural sources
pulvinar is intended to schematically separate the medial pulvinar (to the right of the line) from of those responses using eeG or MeG is
the rest of the structure. FeF, frontal eye field; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus; Mt, medial temporal problematic and, therefore, the origin of
area (also known as v5); OFc, orbitofrontal cortex; sc, superior colliculus; te, inferior temporal area the signals in these studies might not be
te; teO, inferior temporal area teO; v, visual cortex; vLPFc, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. in the subcortical pathway.
In addition, single-unit recordings in
monkeys indicate that responses in the
of threat can be made from facial stimuli comprehensive reviews about the role of this cortex (even in the frontal cortex) occur
that are presented for as briefly as 39 ms structure in processing affective information with latencies that are within the range of
(backward masked)13. because the pathway already exist 15,16. Instead, we emphasize the latencies observed in subcortical areas
is assumed to be subcortical, processing of physiological and anatomical data concern- (BOX 1). This is consistent with the idea of a
visual information along this pathway is ing the pulvinar, the key ‘link structure’ of rapid, feedforward ‘cortical sweep’ of visual
assumed to be coarse. Thus, coarse (that is, the subcortical pathway. although most information processing. Moreover, behav-
low-spatial-frequency) information from of the data described in this Perspective are ioural and electrophysiological studies of
affective stimuli is thought to engage sub- well known to parts of the neuroscience object processing and perception in humans
cortical visual processing, consistent with community, the lack of appreciation for suggest that visual processing in general
findings that the amygdala (a collection of these data by ‘affective science’ researchers (that is, including non-affective processing)
subcortical nuclei) is activated more strongly could partly explain the widespread can be remarkably fast and that a substantial
by emotional faces presented with low than acceptance of the standard hypothesis. amount of information can be gathered from
high spatial frequency 14. we begin by discussing the functional even a single glance at a natural scene
In this Perspective we aim to discuss sev- properties of the processing of affective visual (see supplementary information s1 (box)).
eral shortcomings of the standard hypothesis information that are central to the standard For example, a recent study showed that only
and to propose an alternative view that we hypothesis and focus on the issues of speed 19–67 ms were required to attain 75% cor-
think is better justified by the data, and and coarseness. These issues are relevant to rect performance on several tasks, including
that we hope will stimulate new research the subsequent discussion of the pulvinar determining a scene’s global property (for
directions. This Perspective does not focus and to the alternative scheme we propose for example, ‘natural scene’) and basic level
specifically on the amygdala, as several explaining the properties of visual processing categorization (for example, ‘forest’)27. Thus,

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Box 1 | Speed of visual processing

MT 7a SMA 7ip PreM 5 M1


≤40 ms ≤50 ms ≤65 ms ≤80 ms ≤115 ms
72–67 ms 77–129 ms 84–144 ms 125–152 ms 123–162 ms

One way to assess the speed of visual processing is to measure and one study, modulation of amygdala responses by the affective content
contrast response latencies across brain areas. For example, do of stimuli was observed to start at 200 ms26Nature Reviews
(see also | Neuroscience
REF. 110 ).
responses in the purported subcortical pathway occur earlier than In summary, subcortical visual processing is not discernably faster than
those in cortical sites? The figure shows that in the macaque cerebral cortical processing. Furthermore, the crucial variable is not the timing of
cortex, the earliest latencies are remarkably short, and even mean the initial stimulus responses but the time at which reliable differences
response latencies indicate remarkably fast cortical processing72. Areas between affective and non‑affective stimuli can be detected. It has been
that became active at the given latency after visual stimulation are suggested111 that most of the information encoded by visual neurons
shown in red, those that were activated earlier in yellow and those that may be available in 100‑ms‑long segments of activity (that is, spiking
were not yet activated in white. Areas for which no information was data within a 100 ms epoch) and that a fair amount of information is
available are shown in dark grey (see the figure). Visual response available in segments of 50 ms, and even some of 20–30 ms (note
latencies in the pulvinar are between 60–80 ms and overlap with latencies that these segments consider post‑latency neuronal spikes only).
observed in early visual cortical areas V1 and V2 (REF. 104). In the Although these data demonstrate the remarkable speed of neuronal
inferotemporal cortex (that is, ‘late’ visual cortex) latencies can be as computation (at least under some conditions), they add milliseconds to
short as 60‑85 ms72 and, strikingly, in some frontal sites such as the the time that is required to, for example, discriminate between stimuli.
frontal eye fields (FEF) as short as 40–70 ms. These latencies again A final consideration is that responses in humans are possibly slower
overlap with those in area V1 (REFs 84,105). Thus, although mean than in monkeys. For example, in one study in humans, the fastest
response latencies increase gradually from posterior to anterior visual recording sites had response latencies of just under 60 ms and were
cortices, there is considerable overlap (see the figure). In the context of probably located in V1 (or possibly V2)112. In the monkey, the fastest
the standard hypothesis, it therefore seems that pulvinar responses are responses in V1 can be observed under 40 ms72. 5, Brodmann area 5; 7a,
not particularly fast. However, it is of interest that visual response Brodmann area 7; 7ip, Brodmann area 7ip (intraparietal); 8a, Brodmann
latencies in the superior colliculus are somewhat faster than those area 8a; EC, entorhinal cortex; FEF, frontal eye field; FST, fundus of
observed in the pulvinar, showing an early, transient response around superior temporal cortex; IPa, superior temporal area IPa; M1, primary
40–70 ms that may support rapid eye movements during orienting106 motor cortex; MST, medial superior temporal cortex; MT, medial
(note that these response times overlap with FEF responses). temporal area (also known as V5); OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; PFC,
What are the response latencies of neurons in the amygdala? In the prefrontal cortex; PGa, superior temporal area PGa; PreM, premotor
monkey amygdala, responses to visual stimuli range from cortex; SEF, supplementary eye field; SMA, supplementary motor
100–200 ms30,107–109, although shorter response latencies to unspecific area; TAa, anterior subregion of superior temporal area TA; TE1,
stimuli (for example, fixation spots) have been reported30. Differences in inferior temporal area TE1; TE2, inferior temporal area TE2; TE3, inferior
evoked responses between threatening and neutral or appeasing facial temporal area TE3; TEm/TEa, medial and anterior subregions of
expressions in the monkey amygdala have been found in the range of inferior temporal area TE; TPO, superior temporal area TPO; TS, superior
120–250 ms30. Intracranial studies in humans generally find the earliest temporal sulcus. Figure is reproduced, with permission, from REF. 72 ©
single‑unit responses to visual stimuli around 200 ms33,110. Moreover, in (2000) Cell Press.

there is nothing particularly special about Taken together, the findings above indi- superior colliculus and pulvinar are assumed
the processing speed of affective informa- cate that processing of affective visual stimuli not to convey much high-spatial-frequency
tion. Finally, the speed of cortical — as is no faster than cortical processing of visual information. This notion was initially based
opposed to subcortical — visual processing stimuli in general. Indeed, cortical visual on findings in rodents that simple (‘coarse’)
could also account for the reported rapid processing is both efficient and fast. Thus, auditory conditioning does not require the
modulation of evoked brain responses by the argument that a separate subcortical sys- cortex, whereas conditioning that requires
stimulus valence. valence, like other affec- tem is required for fast perception of affec- more complex stimulus discriminations does4.
tively relevant stimulus dimensions, is prob- tive stimuli is problematic (supplementary neuroimaging studies in humans seem to
ably computed in several brain regions, one information s1 (box)). be consistent with this idea. For example, in
of which is likely to be the orbitofrontal one study amygdala responses were stronger
cortex (oFC). short-latency (100–150 ms) Processing of affective visual stimuli involves when participants viewed low- compared
electrophysiological responses in the oFC both coarse- and high-spatial-frequency with high-spatial frequency fearful faces14,
have been associated with discrimination information. according to the standard and when they viewed fearful faces versus
of the valence of a visual stimulus28. we hypothesis, the subcortical pathway is par- neutral faces both at low spatial frequency 14.
develop this final point in greater depth ticularly effective at carrying low-spatial- similarly, activation in brain areas consistent
below, in the context of our new proposal. frequency information, mainly because the with the location of the superior colliculus

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and pulvinar was greater in response to perception of emotional expressions actually In this patient, reaction times for detecting
fearful faces than to neutral faces at low involves both coarse and fine information. fearful faces among distractor stimuli were
spatial frequencies14. Findings of this kind Furthermore, the amygdala not only receives within the normal range, and fearful facial
have been interpreted as suggesting that the inputs that convey fine spatial information expressions broke into consciousness faster
amygdala is relatively ‘blind’ to high-spatial- but seems to be crucially involved in using than happy faces during binocular suppres-
frequency information. However, the amyg- this information to decode facial expressions sion to the same degree as in control subjects
dala receives major projections from the (supplementary information s1 (box)). (FIG. 2). These findings demonstrate that the
anterior inferotemporal cortex 29 that convey amygdala is not essential for non-conscious,
highly processed object information — in The amygdala is not essential for rapid, rapid fear detection, at least in the tasks used
fact, the amygdala receives highly processed non-conscious detection of affective infor- in this study 40 (see also REF. 41).
cortical input from all sensory modalities mation. The standard hypothesis often Thus, independent lines of evidence chal-
except olfaction29. Indeed, electrophysi- draws on additional themes, such as the roles lenge the notion that processing of affective
ological studies have shown that the monkey of attention and awareness in visual process- visual information occurs independently of
amygdala contains neurons that are tuned ing, and the more general issue of the extent attention and awareness. Moreover, some
to the identity of specific faces30,31 and that to which emotion and cognition are proc- of the properties typically connected in the
the human amygdala shows category-specific essed by separate circuits in the brain. both literature with automaticity (for example,
responses (for example, for animals or natural of these issues are complex and have been detecting fearful faces among distractors)
scenes)32,33. These are properties that require discussed at greater length elsewhere19,20, may not entirely depend on the amygdala.
high-spatial-frequency information. but we briefly comment on attention
Moreover, it has been shown that the and awareness. physiological and anatomical issues
discrimination of facial expressions relies Processing affective information is The pulvinar is a key link element in the
on both low- and high-spatial-frequency known to occur under some conditions of purported colliculus–pulvinar–amygdala
information34. The perception of fear is par- inattention and unawareness. However, as pathway. Here, we briefly review physiologi-
ticularly reliant on high-spatial-frequency discussed elsewhere, the interpretation of cal and anatomical data regarding the pulvi-
information35. Indeed, a study in a patient the published literature in terms of ‘strong nar — and the subcortical pathway of which
with bilateral amygdala lesions showed that automaticity’ is unwarranted20. briefly, it is thought to be a component — that
this patient’s impaired recognition of facial behavioural, functional MrI (fMrI) and are relevant in the context of the standard
expressions of fear was due to impaired eeG studies indicate that when processing hypothesis. In particular, we discuss data
processing of the eye region of faces, espe- resources are sufficiently consumed (for that are relevant to the question of whether
cially of high-spatial-frequency information example, by engaging attention on challeng- this structure is better conceptualized as a
about the eyes36. These results demonstrate ing tasks), visual processing of emotional relatively passive way station or as a dynamic
the importance of high-spatial-frequency stimuli is greatly reduced or eliminated. element of brain circuitry.
information in fear recognition and indicate This challenges the notion that emotional
that the amygdala is required for this type of stimuli are processed automatically (see Pulvinar input. The pulvinar complex is the
visual processing. REFs 37–39 for further discussion of the role largest nuclear mass in the primate thalamus
In summary, although some findings are of attention). a recent study of a patient and is thought to have expanded in size dur-
consistent with the notion that subcortical with complete amygdala lesions40 perhaps ing evolution in parallel with other visual
areas process coarse visual information, the provides the most decisive data on this issue. structures42. The pulvinar does not seem to

a b
Dominant eye Non-dominant eye

–0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Happy faces Fearful faces
detected Normalized difference RT (s) detected
faster faster
Figure 2 | intact non-conscious processing of fearful faces in the contrast of the Mondrian pattern was gradually decreased while that of the
absence of the amygdala. In a subject with complete amygdala lesions face was increased until subjects could detect the face and indicate it with
(subject s.M.), fearful faces broke into consciousness during continuous a button press to establish reaction time. b | Nature
Plots ofReviews
reaction times (rt) in
| Neuroscience
flash suppression with latencies similar to those of control subjects. the task. In the case of s.M., fearful faces broke interocular suppression
a | experimental stimulus: fearful or happy faces were shown to the non- faster than happy faces (shown by the red bar) and to the same degree as 7
dominant eye while a flashing Mondrian pattern was shown to the dominant demographically matched healthy controls (shown by blue bars; the mean and
eye. this technique is called continuous flash suppression as it suppresses standard deviation are also shown). Figure is reproduced, with permission,
the visibility of the stimulus presented to the non-dominant eye. the from REF. 40 © (2009) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

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exist in brains of rodents and other small filtering, and this is consistent with data from Posterior Temporal
mammals43. In terms of connectivity that neuroimaging and lesion studies in humans cingulate
parietal (with MT
and IT)
is relevant for visual processing, it receives (supplementary information s1 (box)).
direct visual input from the retina, indirect The pulvinar is also important for visual Dorsomedial Extrastriate
visual input via the superficial layers of the awareness. For example, lesion studies in Amygdala
superior colliculus and massive input from humans have revealed that pulvinar damage Med
striate and extrastriate visual cortices (FIG. 3). is associated with visual neglect and with
all of these projections terminate in the feature-binding deficits51,55,56. a recent study Lat
Lat Striate
inferior pulvinar. Intriguingly, however, the in monkeys is particularly noteworthy: Inf
visual response properties of pulvinar cells do here, neural activity was recorded in the pul-
not reflect those of neurons in the superior vinar during a visual illusion that induced
colliculus, and the precise contribution that the intermittent perceptual suppression of Superior colliculus
input from the superior colliculus makes to a bright luminance patch57. neurons in the Ventrolateral
pulvinar responses remains uncertain43. For pulvinar showed changes in spiking rate Figure 3 | schematic layout of the pulvinar.
example, superior colliculus lesions have little according to trial-by-trial stimulus vis- some traditional characterizations of the pulvi-
effect on electrophysiological responses of ibility, suggesting that they reflected the nar emphasize the inferior (Inf), lateral (Lat) and
pulvinar neurons, in contrast to striate cortex visual awareness of the stimulus. similarly, medial (Med) nuclei. Nature Reviewsnuclei
Most pulvinar | Neuroscience
lesions, which abolish responses in the infer- a recent fMrI study in humans found that ing other nuclei and sub-nuclei that are not
ior pulvinar 44. In a related fashion, collicular the pulvinar responded not to the affective shown here) are involved in thalamo–cortical
and pulvinar lesions result in different behav- significance of visual stimuli but to whether loops that target different cortical territories
ioural impairments45 (see also REF. 46). These or not they were consciously perceived58, (shown in blue)42,60. the inferior nucleus is recip-
observations argue that the pulvinar may be again in a trial-by-trial manner. The fMrI rocally connected to striate and extrastriate
cortices, the lateral nucleus is connected to asso-
better thought of as participating in cortical results are consistent with a study in which
ciation cortices in temporal and parietal lobes
networks, rather than as relaying visual infor- pulvinar responses were associated with (although it is also interconnected with the
mation from the superior colliculus. This is a subject’s percept of a change59. notably, extrastriate cortex) and the medial nucleus is
borne out by the finding that, unlike the lat- responses were observed during ‘false alarm’ connected to the higher-order association cortex
eral geniculate nucleus (lGn), the pulvinar’s trials (those in which a stimulus change in parietal, frontal, orbital (not shown), cingulate
driving inputs in fact originate in the cortex, was reported but did not actually occur) and insular regions (the insula is not shown), in
whereas subcortical inputs to the pulvinar but not during ‘miss’ trials (those in which addition to the amygdala. thus, the medial
are typically modulatory47,48; for this reason, a stimulus change occurred but went unno- nucleus, which is of great interest in the present
the pulvinar is described as a higher-order ticed by the participant). These results do context, is not only connected with the amygdala
thalamic nucleus, as opposed to a first- not support the suggestion that the pulvinar but is also part of multiple thalamo–cortical loops
(note, however, that the connection to the
order nucleus such as the lGn49. is involved during non-conscious process-
amygdala does not seem to be bidirectional). the
ing, and are inconsistent with a major role superior colliculus is a layered structure whose
Pulvinar activity. studies in monkeys and for this structure in the subcortical path- superficial layers are visual in nature and project
humans with pulvinar lesions have suggested way proposed by the ‘standard hypothesis’, to the inferior nucleus. Its intermediate and
that this structure is involved in determin- according to which the pulvinar behaves as deeper layers are multimodal and involved in
ing what is salient in a visual scene50,51. a relatively passive relay. motor preparation, including for eye movements,
Consistent with this notion, the response and project to the medial nucleus. A ventrolateral
of pulvinar neurons to visual stimuli is Pulvinar anatomy. It is also important to to dorsomedial axis that is helpful in understand-
increased if attention is paid to the stimulus consider the anatomical features of the ing the organization of pulvinar nuclei and poten-
or if the stimulus has behavioural relevance. pulvinar that highlight its extensive bidi- tial ‘ventral’ and ‘dorsal’ domains is shown by a
dotted line (see also REF. 42 for a related scheme).
For example, pulvinar neurons respond rectional connectivity with the cortex. For
Figure is modified, with permission, from REF. 43
more vigorously to behaviourally relevant example, all 20–30 known visual areas © (2004) crc Press. It, inferior temporal cortex;
targets than to unattended stimuli45. In connect with the pulvinar, sometimes in a Mt, medial temporal area (also known as v5).
one study, as many as 92% of pulvinar cells relatively topographic fashion43,60. Temporal,
exhibited attenuated responses to stimuli parietal, cingulate, frontal and insular
that were task-irrelevant (that is, passively cortices are all connected with the pulvinar visual stream may mediate some of the
viewed)52 compared to stimuli that were as well. at a gross level, it is as if the entire visual abilities in people with blindsight 61,62
task-relevant. Furthermore, the impact of convoluted cortex were ‘shrink-wrapped’ (supplementary information s1 (box)). The
attention on evoked responses in the pulvi- around the pulvinar 60. based on the connec- dorsal domain (including the traditional
nar is spatially specific, such that a pulvinar tivity data, one can discern a ventrolateral to medial subdivision; see below) has con-
neuron only increases activity when a dorsomedial axis, and this has led to the sug- nections with the cross-modal association
monkey attends to a stimulus that falls gestion that the pulvinar may contain two cortex, including temporal and parietal areas
within the receptive field of the cell53. Finally, connectional ‘domains’ (REFs 42,60) (FIG. 3). (including area 7a and the lateral intra-
the pulvinar seems to be crucial (as was The ventral domain (containing the inferior parietal (lIP) cortex — areas that are also
shown in a study in which the pulvinar pulvinar) is densely connected with the involved in attention)60. The dorsal domain
was pharmacologically inactivated) when a visual cortex (including areas v1–v4 and receives highly processed visual input from
distractor stimulus has to be ‘filtered out’54. MT)60. It therefore has a strong visual com- the inferior temporal gyrus area Te (and
Thus, it has been proposed that the pulvinar ponent (that is, it could be called the ‘visual some from area Teo) in the inferotemporal
is involved in attention and/or distractor pulvinar’), and its projections to the dorsal cortex 60. It is also connected with the

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cingulate cortex, frontal cortex (including be ‘visual’. Yet, the inferior pulvinar is exten- the perceived need for rapid processing: fast
the oFC), insula and amygdala60 (see below). sively interconnected with the visual cortex but coarse visual processing is just what an
The dorsal domain is therefore much more (consistent with visual functions) but not organism needs in a dangerous environment.
‘associational’ and, in fact, has remarkable with the amygdala. Instead, the projection to we argue that visual pathways other than a
potential to integrate information from very the amygdala originates in the medial pulvi- colliculus–pulvinar–amygdala pathway
diverse brain regions (FIG. 3). nar 64,65 (although the strength of this connec- carry out this role (see also REFs 68,69).
In summary, the pulvinar is a complex tion may be relatively weak66), a nucleus that visual processing along the ventral
structure with important visual and integra- is extensively interconnected with much of processing stream, which is crucial for object
tive properties. Functional studies have the cortex, as described above. Furthermore, recognition, has historically been described
characterized several ways in which the like other thalamic nuclei, the primate pulvi- to occur in a relatively hierarchical fashion.
pulvinar is modulated by attention and nar is thought to have neither excitatory nor However, important ‘short-cut’ connections
awareness. Indeed, the pulvinar is likely to inhibitory long-range intrinsic connections67. link areas v1 to v4 (REF. 70), v2 to Teo70
be an important ‘control site’ for attentional Considered together, these results do not and v4 to Te71 (FIG. 1b), providing the means
mechanisms more broadly 63. Taken together, support the idea of a colliculus–pulvinar– for faster information transmission to the
these data are antithetical to the standard amygdala visual pathway. inferotemporal cortex 72. Direct connections
hypothesis, which assumes that automatic To summarize, there is no evidence for between the lGn and extrastriate regions,
processing is mediated by a subcortical a direct or an indirect subcortical pathway including v2 (REFs 73,74) and v4 (REF. 73),
pathway involving the pulvinar. conveying visual information to the amyg- have also been reported. Indeed, combined
dala in monkeys. It is therefore unclear how electrophysiology and fMrI studies in
Does the subcortical pathway exist in findings from auditory fear conditioning monkeys have shown robust visual activa-
primates? work on fear conditioning has studies in rodents can be applied to visual tion in areas v2 and v3 in animals with
shown that there are direct, subcortical pro- processing of affective stimuli in primates lesions of v1, demonstrating that routes
jections to the amygdala from the auditory (see also BOX 2). For further discussion of the bypassing v1 can be sufficiently potent to
thalamus (that is, from the medial geniculate pathway from intermediate and deep layers drive extrastriate visual responses75 (see
nucleus (MGn)) in rats. an analogous of the superior colliculus (which are multi- REF. 76 for evidence in humans). a com-
projection carrying visual information from modal in nature and linked to eye move- bined lesion and fMrI study in monkeys77
the visual thalamic nucleus (that is, the ments) to the pulvinar see supplementary revealed widespread extrastriate activation
lGn) to the amygdala has not been information s1 (box). in the absence of v1 and demonstrated
documented in rodents or primates. a role of lGn-dependent projections for
However, it is frequently assumed that a The multiple-waves model visual detection. v1-independent responses
colliculus—pulvinar—amygdala pathway The standard hypothesis has influenced both were observed in areas v2, v3, v4, MT (also
exists in the case of vision. Here, we review basic and applied research and at first glance known as v5), the fundus of the superior
relevant data from primates that question has intuitive appeal. However, we have temporal cortex (FsT) and the lIP area.
this assumption. shown that, in its current form, the hypoth- These findings establish the importance of
anatomical studies in monkeys have esis is problematic in multiple respects. we the lGn for at least some types of blindsight.
reported connections between the superior therefore suggest that a revision of the longer range ‘short-cuts’ also exist, such as
colliculus and the pulvinar 42,43, and between standard hypothesis is in order. those that link regions in the ventral
the pulvinar and the amygdala64,65. as visual cortex with the ventrolateral prefron-
described above, the superficial superior Multiple visual pathways and coarse tal cortex (including the oFC)78. It has been
colliculus projects to the inferior pulvinar — information processing. one of the primary proposed79 that low-spatial-frequency infor-
both of these structures can be considered to motivations for the standard hypothesis is mation may rapidly reach parietal and fron-
tal cortices from the early visual cortex 80,
thereby providing coarse information about
Box 2 | Subcortical processing: audition in rats versus vision in primates the gist of a visual scene and supporting
Historically, the standard hypothesis has derived a considerable portion of its motivation from the object recognition81. It is thus possible that
organization of the auditory system in rodents. However, the auditory and visual systems differ in these initial ‘volleys of activation’ are less
important ways. The temporal precision of the auditory system is substantially greater than that of susceptible to manipulations of attention
the visual system. In contrast to vision, audition is omnidirectional, such that information from all and awareness, especially given that they
directions can be sampled (though at relatively low spatial resolution). Furthermore, the functional may primarily convey information from
anatomy of the auditory system is very different from that of the visual system. Properties such as
the magnocellular system80,82. Furthermore,
sensitivity to sound frequency, duration, amplitude, pitch and binaural disparity are already
observed at subcortical levels. In fact, the primary auditory cortex (A1) seems to be involved in
computational models that assume a purely
high‑level functions and is therefore not equivalent to ‘visual cortex transplanted into the auditory hierarchical structure of the visual system
modality’. Indeed, there are several subcortical stages below the level of the auditory cortex, and it have failed to provide a good fit to the exist-
has been suggested113 that the role of the inferior colliculus in auditory processing might be ing latency data83, which is consistent with
equivalent to that of primary visual cortex (V1) in vision and that the A1 is more analogous to visual the existence of bypass connections.
areas in the inferotemporal cortex than to V1. Thus, there are multiple parallel routes
These considerations suggest that a subcortical pathway for auditory input to the amygdala for visual information processing that
(in rodents) would not actually be analogous to the purported subcortical visual pathway (in lead to substantial temporal dispersion of
monkeys). Accordingly, auditory connections from the medial geniculate nucleus in the thalamus evoked responses and that enable ‘high-
to the amygdala, although bypassing cortex, already convey highly processed information, in
level’ regions to respond with surprisingly
contrast to the suggested monkey (visual) counterpart.
short latencies84. each processing stage adds

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approximately 10 ms to the latency 84. The a b

‘cost’ of using such bypassing stages may be Cingulate
that, at first, only relatively coarse informa-

Probability of detection
tion is available about a visual item. This is 1 Med pulvinar
CS –
consistent with a coarse-to-fine processing
strategy in which the more-global contents Amygdala
of a stimulus are processed earlier than finer
based on the considerations above, we 0.6 0.6
suggest that the initial processing of visual 0.4 c
information proceeds simultaneously along 0
parallel channels, creating ‘multiple waves’ –0.2
of activation across the visual cortex and
–0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Visual cortex Behaviour
beyond87. In this manner, visual stimuli that % fMRI signal change
have affective and motivational significance
can engage multiple brain sites — including Figure 4 | Pulvinar and amygdala during processing of affective stimuli. a | Logistic regression
analysis of evoked responses in the left pulvinar as a function of affective significance
Nature Reviews | for a sample
the amygdala, oFC, anterior insula and
individual during an attentional blink task58. the slope of the logistic fit indicates the strength of the
anterior cingulate cortex — that can direct predictive effect. For clarity, only binned data for the conditioned stimulus (cs+) condition are included
processing towards these behaviourally (shown by orange dots). the grey line shows the fit for these data, and the blue line shows the fit for
relevant items. Hence, rapid processing of data from the neutral stimulus (cs-) condition. the inset shows mean logistic slopes across individuals,
affective information is possible even in the revealing that a relationship was detected for the affective (cs+) but not the neutral (cs–) condition.
absence of a specialized subcortical pathway b | the medial pulvinar is proposed to amplify evoked responses of behaviourally-relevant stimuli via
(FIG. 1b) or a single specific structure such as circuits involving the cingulate cortex, orbitofrontal cortex (OFc) and amygdala, all regions important
the amygdala40. for the valuation of an incoming stimulus. c | valuation signals in the amygdala affect
In light of our proposal, we suggest that behaviour by impacting responses across the brain. During an attentional blink task using affective
affective blindsight involves some of the stimuli, a response in the amygdala to a stimulus predicted that the stimulus would be detected96.
statistical path analysis revealed that this effect is mediated through projections from the amygdala
alternate pathways described here. a recent
to the visual cortex, as well as through projections involving the prefrontal cortex (PFc). fMrI,
eeG study of a patient with complete corti- functional MrI. Data in part a from REF. 58.
cal blindness used advanced source modelling
to investigate the time course of information
processing 88. although all facial expressions, described above, we propose that the pul- connectivity with subcortical and cortical
including neutral ones, evoked relatively vinar helps to coordinate and/or regulate sites that have a role in determining the
short-latency responses (70–120 ms) the flow of multimodal information via a biological significance of a stimulus.
localized to the superior temporal sulcus, series of thalamocortical loops (FIG. 3). This studies by ward and colleagues have
emotion-specific responses that were local- proposal takes into account that most of the investigated the impact of pulvinar lesions
ized to the anterior temporal cortex, and input to the pulvinar comes from the cortex. on processing of affective visual information
possibly the amygdala, occurred consider- In the context of emotion processing, in humans. a complete unilateral loss of the
ably later (120 and 200 ms later, respec- the most relevant nucleus of the pulvinar is pulvinar led to a severe deficit in a patient’s
tively). although this study suffers from the probably the medial nucleus, given that it ability to recognize fearful expressions
localization problems alluded to above, the connects not only with the amygdala but also shown in the contralesional visual field90.
findings are consistent with the notion that with a larger array of other brain regions. within the framework suggested here,
affective significance is computed in parallel we therefore suggest that it may be involved when weak and/or brief visual stimuli have
along several circuits (see also REF.89 for a in more general functions that impact emo- biological significance, cortico–pulvino–
related proposal). tion processing, such as determining the cortical circuits coordinate and amplify
In light of the change of focus from a behavioural relevance and/or value of a signals in a manner that enhances their
single, specialized subcortical pathway to stimulus. For example, the medial nucleus behavioural impact. This framework is con-
a multiple-pathway model, it is important to is connected with parietal regions that are sistent with the impairment in recognizing
reconsider the roles of both the pulvinar involved in attention. It is also connected fear in patients with pulvinar lesions and
and the amygdala during processing of with the oFC and cingulate cortex, which also with their impairment in recognizing
emotional visual stimuli. are important for computing an object’s bio- anger (and possibly happiness)90. notably,
logical value. Furthermore, it is connected the essential pulvinar damage was found in
The role of the pulvinar in processing of with the insula, a region that has a role in the medial pulvinar, the region that projects
emotional visual stimuli. Connections emotional feelings. These connections are to the amygdala in monkeys. The proposed
between the pulvinar and amygdala have all bidirectional (except the connection with framework is also consistent with a study
been reported64,65, suggesting that the pulvi- the amygdala), providing opportunities for that reported that viewing complex unpleas-
nar may have a role in emotion processing. modulating and regulating information flow. ant images impaired performance in a subse-
as mentioned above, it has been proposed according to our proposal, the importance quent simple (neutral) visual task in control
that the pulvinar is involved in determining of the pulvinar in emotion is not due to its subjects, but not in a patient with pulvinar
the behavioural relevance of a stimulus, direct- status as a subcortical ‘labelled line’ damage91 — according to our framework,
ing attention to a stimulus and determining conveying emotional information to the the unpleasant stimulus did not garner
awareness of a stimulus. based on the data amygdala, but due instead to its pattern of additional resources in the patient (which

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would have interfered with performance, as Given this connectivity, the impact of the Conclusions
it did in the controls). amygdala on behaviour can be mediated The evidence we have reviewed here sug-
Pulvinar involvement in the processing through many routes, for example, via both gests that the idea of a subcortical pathway
of affective information does not seem to the visual cortex and prefrontal cortex. This that is specialized for the processing of
reflect emotion per se, however. In an fMrI suggestion is consistent with findings of a emotional stimuli should be revised. our
study in humans58, a simple contrast between study that combined the attentional blink reinterpretation has important implications
affective and neutral conditions did not task with fear conditioning 96. For emotion- for the conceptualization of the amygdala’s
reveal different responses in the pulvinar. laden stimuli, trial-by-trial fluctuations function in the processing of emotional
Instead, there was a significant relationship in evoked responses in the amygdala pre- visual information. we suggest two revised
between the magnitude of evoked responses dicted whether or not a target was detected. roles for the amygdala. First, the amygdala
in the pulvinar and the probability of corr- Furthermore, this impact of the amygdala has a mostly modulatory role in a wide array
ectly detecting a target on a trial-by-trial on behaviour was mediated by both the of networks. The precise functional impor-
basis during the affective condition but not visual cortex and prefrontal cortex (as sug- tance of the amygdala in these networks
during the neutral condition (FIG. 4a). These gested by statistical path analysis), consistent remains to be investigated, but it is unlikely
results reveal an emotion-by-visibility inter- with the idea that during the processing of that it will map specifically onto emotion.
action that may characterize the role of the affectively significant items, the amygdala Instead, we think that it corresponds to
pulvinar more generally. In other words, we enhances sensory processing through both broader and more abstract dimensions of
suggest that the pulvinar amplifies responses direct (amygdala–visual cortex) and indirect information processing, including process-
to stimuli of potential value to the animal (amygdala–prefrontal cortex–visual cortex) ing of salience, significance, ambiguity,
(such as one that signals the possibility of paths (FIG. 4c). unpredictability 21,97–99 and other aspects of
shock in the experiment) (FIG. 4b). For reasons of brevity we have discussed ‘biological value’. More broadly, we argue
the amygdala as a single entity, but it should that the amygdala has a key role in solving
The role of the amygdala in processing be noted that the amygdala is in fact a the following problem100: how can a limited-
affective visual stimuli. what part is left complex structure comprised of more than capacity information processing system that
for the amygdala to play in the processing a dozen nuclei. In particular, the central receives a constant stream of diverse inputs
of affective visual stimuli? Its connectivity nucleus has extensive descending connec- selectively process those inputs that are the
pattern provides some clues. The predomi- tions to the hypothalamus and other brain- most relevant to the goals of the animal101?
nant source of visual input to the amygdala, stem nuclei that regulate autonomic and Thus, the amygdala serves to allocate
specifically the basolateral nucleus, comes endocrine responses and, in this manner, processing resources to stimuli, at least in
from higher-order visual association cortices contributes to several aspects of emotional part by modulating (through its connectiv-
in the anterior temporal lobe29. This suggests expression and mobilization of bodily ity) the anatomical components that are
that the amygdala is a convergence zone for resources. among others, this is an impor- required to prioritize particular features of
highly-processed sensory information that tant distinction between the roles of the information processing in a given situation.
is relevant to object processing. In addition, amygdala and pulvinar during processing of such a role would come into play not only
there are loops between the visual cortex and affective visual stimuli. for affectively significant stimuli but also for
the lateral and basal nuclei of the amygdala,
and this feedback is thought to modulate
visual processing 92. Further integrative func- Glossary
tions of the amygdala stem from its extensive
connections with much of the cortex. In Attentional blink Labelled line
A phenomenon that occurs in experiments in which a rapid A processing architecture in which a separate pathway
addition to its well-recognized connections stream of visual items is presented to an observer whose conveys information that is specific to a class of sensory
with medial and orbital territories of the task is to detect two targets within the stream. When the stimuli owing to, for example, receptor specificity (for
prefrontal cortex, the amygdala is also con- two targets are separated in time by a brief interval (for example, pain and touch conveyed by particular
nected to the lateral prefrontal cortex, albeit example, 200–500 ms), the successful detection of the first somatosensory channels).
target impairs detection of the second one (as if the
in a weaker manner 93. Importantly, the
participant blinked) owing to limited processing capacity. Magnocellular system
architecture of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is A visual pathway from the retina to the cortex that conveys
such that, on average, inputs from the amyg- Backward masking relatively fast, transient and wavelength-insensitive
dala reach approximately 90% of the PFC A phenomenon that occurs in experimental paradigms in information.
which a target visual stimulus is followed by another salient
after a single connection within the frontal
visual stimulus that ‘masks’ the perception of the target Path analysis
cortex 94. Furthermore, the amygdala seems stimulus, making its detection or recognition difficult or A statistical method to investigate the relationship between
to be part of a ‘core brain circuit’ (REF. 95) that impossible. Visual masking is commonly used to multiple variables.
is topologically central in terms of global manipulate visual awareness.
brain connectivity and whose functions Source modelling
Blindsight A set of techniques that attempt to estimate the neural
could include aggregation and distribution
The ability, in humans or monkeys, to respond to visual stimuli ‘sources’ of the electrical or magnetic signals that are
of information. without consciously perceiving them — a situation that may measured at external sensors (for example, at the scalp in
In light of these considerations, we pro- ensue following a lesion to the primary visual cortex. the case of electroencephalography).
pose that the amygdala’s contribution to the
processing of affective visual information Continuous flash suppression Visual search
A technique in which a fixed image shown to one eye is An experimental paradigm in which subjects are asked to
arises not from a subcortical source of visual suppressed by a stream of rapidly changing images flashed indicate the presence or absence of a ‘target’ item (for
input, but from its broad connectivity with to the other eye. The technique is used to manipulate example, a fearful face) among an array of ‘distractor’
the cortex and other subcortical structures. visual awareness. items (for example, neutral faces).

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Neural stem cell systems: physiological players or in vitro entities?

Luciano Conti and Elena Cattaneo
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, 176–187 (2010)
In Table 1 of the above article, the source of ESCs should be “Blastocyst” and the source of iPSCs should be
“Fetal and adult tissues”.

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