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\g a particular A permanent aggregation of individuals of the same species inhabitin, geographical area at a particular time is called Population. Quadrate Method A square area (standard size is one metre square) taken at random is called quadrat ‘vithin which the composition of organisms is observed and mentioned. The quadrate sampling technique is mostly used in plant ecology to study plant communities. Permanent quadrats can be established and examined at given intervals for assessing changes in species composition in an area over a time period. EXPERIMENT 5A | ee ee Aim To study population density of plants by quadrate method. Requirements Field, metre scale, string or wire, nails, paper, etc. Method 1, Select a field to study the population density of the plants. 2, Measure 1 metre 1 metre area with the help of the metre scale in the field to make a quadrat. 3, Fix four nails at the corners of the quadrat and tie a string to it. To make the counting easy, divide the quadrat further to make smaller squares. 5, Count and mention the number of plants of a particular species in a square and similarly mention the number of plants of another species if present. 6. Now, count and add the total number of a particular plant species of all the equares to get the total number of a particular plant species of the quadrat. 7, Repeat the same experiment for the other quadrats also. 8. Mention the data in the observation table. s @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Y —soesern ed with OKEN Scanner & scann Prac uta ae tae aes Pete cL fm ttt Corre eal Pe lor tkehted species D Result ‘total number of plants in four quadrant (1 ™x 1m) Population density = ji Precautions 1. Measure the quadi 9, Mark the quadrants close to eac! irant accurately. h other from one field only. & @ scanned with OKEN Scanner e method. Aim zo study plant population frequency by quadrant study requirements nails, paper, ete: preld, metre scales string or wire, method Ject a field to study 1, Sel 2, Measure 1 m x 1 m are quadrant. 3, Fix four nails 4, To make the count 5, Count and mention and similarly mention te nu 6, Now count and add the total the total numbe squares to get 7-Repeat the same experiment for the 8, Mention the data in the observation table. ney of the plants. the population freque etre scale in the fi a with the help of m¢ eld to make a string to it. to make small squares. Jar species in a square species if present. Jant species of all the ecies of a quadrant. at the comers of the quadrant and tie a ting easy, divide the quadrant further the number of plants of a particu! mber of plants of another number of a particular p! Y of the particular plant sp‘ other quadrants also. Observations Pca aes et ull? panes ras eC td Breet tt POPE CM CUNO torch ab ead erty Pare ar a re Cac st ck BEE Uae tee cet — Species B Species Species D. Result Percentay a Tot ie frequency = Zola! number of quadrantes in which species occur x 100 P "ecautions SS Total number of quadrantes studied @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ive information 4 tion of plant >. Quadrats should be ed from I area only, with uniform distsbution af plants, 4. fa plant has more than bal OF its portion inside the quad ‘madras i should be assumed and counted inside the quadrat (4m * tm) Quadrat with subualts BB — speciosa poser’ 5 Y ~sr0eee sy —soeces @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Aim To study analogous organs in various plants and insects; potato tuber; sweet potato; o, fy Requirements ee ike wings of birds, bats. Various models and specimens of different organs like wines leaf; specimens of, Gloriosa, Lathyrus and Smilax. ‘Theor: oe theory alike but are quite different in fy s20US organs are the organs which have similar function and ada aeente rib structure and embryonic origin. Analogous structures are the result of <9" Procedure . Study various specimens and observe the important features. Observations Analogous Organs in Animals 1. Wings of rds, bats and insects : mon function and that is helping in flight but the basic struct from body surface and do not have ie @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Preial dg Humers Nelacorpals Eye Pinna Nostil Mouth 1st & 2nd digits clawed Bone Pataglum (wing) = membrane of skin Clawed digits Hind mb @ scanned with OKEN Scanner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a y Leaf tendril of pea Leaf spine in barbe, : ry Fig, Homologous orzons in plants Fore imb of bat™ For fying) Fore limb of horse (For running) Flipper of seal (For swimming) gans in animals, Fig. Homologous orga @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ne NPR ERE ACRES EES characters. EXPERIMENT 6A Aim to study the seeds of pea plant to calculate the mendelian ratio. Requirements sample of pea pods, petri dish, lamp Method 1. Take out the pea seeds by opening the pea pods. 2. Make different sets of seeds based upon seed colour (Yellow/Green) and shape (Round/Wrinkled). 3. Count the seeds in each set and calculate the Mendelian ratio based upon the given observations. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Observations 1. Let all the harvested . rested seeds > Let all the harvester on vested seeds be 30 round and 10 wrinkled, od be 20 round and 20 wrinkled, ceds be round, be wrinkled. 3. Let the ha 1 Let the seeds harves jan Ratio Js are round—the genotype may be RR (ho, as Round character is dominant, ora : Oh, Calculation of Mendeli 1 Ifall harvested sce or he (heterozygous round) RR x Parents RR (Round seeds) » (Round seed RR F, Generation all round seeds Homozygous round seeds will be formed in F, generation also, 2. If the seeds produced in F, generation are round and wrinkled in then heterozygous condition may be identified. Tatio of 3. R r R RR Rr t Rr ig 3. If all seeds are wrinkled, then genotype of the ol ceete a genotyp e seeds can be only homozyes Parents, tr (Wrinkled seeds) (Wrinkled seeds) F, Generation 1 7 all wrinkled seeds seeds will be homozygous wrinkled in F, generation. 4. When the seeds rod a wrinl > @ scanned with OKEN Scanner " Parents Rr ie Pe (Heterozygous round) (Heterozygous round) R t Y Fy Generation R AR Rr t Ar ia 7 Mendelian ratio 3 A (Round) (Wrinkled) 5. When seeds produced are round and wrinkled in ratio 1: 1 then it is a test cross. Parents Rr x (Heterozygous round) (Homozygous round) | R r F, Generation ie By Us r Rr . | Result 1. Round seed coat is dominant over wrinkled seed coat. 2. When wrinkled recessive character is not expressed it is hidden in presence of dominant round character and not lost. 3, Subsequent filial generation can determine the genotype of harvested seed. 4. Character distribution in a population in ratio of 3: 1 and 9: 3:3: 1 prove it as a Mendelian ratio. \ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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