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Policies and procedures

Worlducation Critical Thinking Policies and Procedures

Objective: To establish guidelines for the promotion and integration of critical thinking
within Worlducation, fostering a culture of innovation, problem-solving, and continuous
Scope: These policies and procedures apply to all employees in the Sales and Marketing
1. Critical Thinking Training Program:
1.1 Training Objectives:
• Equip team members with essential critical thinking skills such as analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation.
• Foster an environment that encourages creative problem-solving and decision-
1.2 Training Delivery:
• Conduct regular workshops and seminars on critical thinking.
• Encourage participation in external training programs to enhance critical
thinking capabilities.
2. Integration with Sales and Marketing Practices:
2.1 Decision-Making:
• Integrate critical thinking into the decision-making processes of the Sales and
Marketing team.
• Encourage collaborative decision-making to leverage diverse perspectives.
2.2 Problem-Solving:
• Implement problem-solving techniques that involve critical thinking tools.
• Establish a platform for sharing successful problem-solving approaches.
3. Continuous Improvement Culture:
3.1 Learning from Experience:
• Encourage team members to view mistakes as opportunities for learning.
• Establish a feedback mechanism for sharing insights gained from problem-
solving experiences.
3.2 Innovation Recognition:
• Recognize and reward instances where critical thinking leads to innovative
• Showcase success stories in team meetings to inspire others.
4. Leadership Responsibilities:
4.1 Leadership Commitment:
• Leaders within the Sales and Marketing team must exemplify a commitment to
critical thinking in their decision-making.
• Support initiatives that promote critical thinking skills development.
4.2 Support for Team Members:
• Provide resources and support for ongoing development in critical thinking
• Encourage a collaborative and open environment that values diverse opinions.

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