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CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter 11

Revision Notes
March 28, 2023

Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Ma몭er Revision Notes

Heat is a form of energy that is transferred by temperature di몭erence

between two (or more) systems or between a system and its
surroundings. The joule is the SI unit for heat energy transferred (J).
Calorie and kilocalorie are the heat units in the CGS system (kcal).

1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4186 J, and 1 cal = 4.186 J.

The temperature of a substance is a physical quantity that indicates

how hot or cold the substance is. The kelvin (K) is the SI unit of
temperature, and the degree Celsius (°C) is a commonly used unit of
Thermometry is a branch of science concerned with the measurement
of a substance’s temperature. A thermometer is a device that measures
a person’s body temperature.
The value of a given temperature on a temperature scale is measured
using a thermometer calibrated for that scale. Two 몭xed reference
points are chosen for temperature measurement. The ice point and
steam point of water at standard pressure, also known as the freezing
point and boiling point of water at standard pressure, are two useful
몭xed reference points.
The Fahrenheit temperature scale and the Celsius temperature scale
are two well-known temperature scales. On the Fahrenheit scale, the
ice and steam points are 32°F and 212°F, respectively, and on the
Celsius scale, 0°C and 100°C. There are 180 equal intervals between two
reference points on the Fahrenheit scale, and 100 on the Celsius scale.
reference points on the Fahrenheit scale, and 100 on the Celsius scale.
If tc and tF are the temperature values of a body on the Celsius and
Fahrenheit temperature scales, respectively.
The absolute minimum temperature for an ideal gas is – 273.15 °C, which
is designated as absolute zero by extrapolating the straight line P – T
graph. t° C = T – 273.15 is the relationship between the absolute
temperature scale (T) and the Celsius scale (C).

Expansion due to Heat

The term “thermal expansion” refers to the expansion of a body as the
temperature rises. In solids, there are three types of expansions: linear,
super몭cial, and volume expansion.1. Linear Expansion: Linear expansion
refers to the increase in the length of a solid as a result of heating.
When the temperature of a rod with an original length of l is raised by a
small amount Δt, the length of the rod increases by Δl. The linear
expansion is then given by

Δl = l ∞ Δt

2. Super몭cial or Area Expansion: Super몭cial expansion refers to the

increase in the solid’s surface area as a result of heating.

3. Volume Expansion: The term “volume expansion” refers to the increase in

volume of a solid as a result of heating.

The change in volume of a solid as a function of temperature Δt is given


Δv = Vγ Δt, where y is the volume expansion coe몭cient.

Thermal Stress: When the temperature of a rod held between two 몭xed
supports rises, the 몭xed supports prevent the rod from expanding,
resulting in a stress known as thermal stress.
Thermal Capacity: The amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of the entire body by one degree is the thermal capacity
of a body. Calorie per °C or joule per K are the units of measurement.
of a body. Calorie per °C or joule per K are the units of measurement.
Speci몭c Heat Capacity: A substance’s speci몭c heat capacity (also
known as speci몭c heat) is the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of a unit mass of substance by one degree Celsius. Js-1
m-1 °C-1 or W-1 K-1 are the units of measurement.
Calorimetry: Calorimetry is concerned with the measurement of heat,
and the calorimeter is the most basic apparatus for this purpose.
When two bodies of di몭erent temperatures are mixed, heat 몭ows from
one to the other until a common ‘equilibrium’ temperature is reached.
Assuming that this ‘heat exchange’ is limited to the two bodies (i.e., no
heat loss to the environment), we can deduce from the law of energy
conservation that: Heat gained by one body = heat lost by the other.
A change of state is the transition of ma몭er from one state (solid,
liquid, or gas) to another.
Melting is the change of state from solid to liquid, and fusion is the
change of state from liquid to solid. The temperature remains constant
until the entire amount of solid substance melts, indicating that both
the solid and liquid states of the substance co-exist in thermal
equilibrium during the transition from solid to liquid.
The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it melts. The
melting point of a solid is a property of the substance and is also
a몭ected by pressure.
Regulation is the melting of ice under increased pressure and
refreezing when the pressure is reduced; vaporisation is the change of
state from liquid to vapour (or gas). The temperature at which a
substance’s liquid and vapour states coexist is known as the boiling
Sublimation is the transition from a solid to a gaseous state without
passing through a liquid state.

Transfer of Heat
Conduction, convection, and radiation are three methods for transferring
heat from one location to another. Conduction occurs in solids, convection
in liquids and gases, and radiation does not require a medium.

(i) Conduction: According to Maxwell, conduction is the 몭ow of heat from

places of higher temperature to places of lower temperature through an
unequally heated body.

(ii) Convection: According to Maxwell, convection is the 몭ow of heat caused

by the hot body’s motion, which carries the heat with it.

(iii) Radiation: Radiation is a type of heat transfer in which heat is

transferred directly from one location to another without the use of a
medium in between.

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