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op asianpaints


Tools Offer February 2024

Primary Scheme: Dealers (Ch 10 +20)

Period: 1" Feb- 29" Feb 2024

Dear Partner,

You have an opportunity to utilize the additional offers on Sanding Paper, Painting Tools, Abrasive Accessories,
Mech Tools, Grace Range, Productivity Tools, Consumables, & other tools (Prod Codes: 6718, 9824, 1057, 3057,
6057, 5057, 8057,6817, 6781, 1032 & 0072)

Tools Benefit- 1-13,. Feb

Tools SA CNAmount
10000 2000
20000 4000

Dealer Component 1: Every Thursday is a Tools Day (1" 18th 1 15'". 22nd and 29th Feb 2024):

Exclusive offer on Primary billing: Get 5% additional discount on billing executed on every Thursday
with Min Billing of Rs.10,000 and Max billing of Rs.5,00,000 per day for this offer.

Scheme Name Additional Discount

Tools Thursda 5%

Qualification Criteria: 10% growth on LY Base to get the above benefits.

Dealer Component 2: Growth Billing Period: 1st Feb - 29 th Feb 2024

Get Additional 1% on achieving 20% growth over Feb LY Tools Billing

Get Additional 2% on achieving 30% growth over Feb LY Tools Billing

Qualification Criteria: min l0K billing

Focus Products: Tools

Focus Product 1: Abrasive Accessories :

Period: 1" Feb-29"Feb.

Product Code : 9824

Sale Amount Discount

5000-7999 3.0%
8000-14999 5.0%
15000+ 7%

Classification: Internal
Tools Benefit. 1" - 29,. Feb
10000 1000
25000 2500
50000 5000
100000 10000
200000 20000

Focus Product 2: Waterproof Sanding Paper:

Period: l" Feb-29"Feb.

Sale Amount Discount

5000-9999 3.0%
10000-19999 5.0%
20000+ 7.0%

SKU Code:

Trustar Waterproof Paper Trustar+ Waterproof Paper Everstar Waterproof Paper

6718AL87122 6718AM06122 67182232122
6718AL88122 6718AM07122 67182234122
6718AL89122 6718AM08122 67182235122
6718AL90122 6718AM09122 67182236122
6718AL91122 6718AM10122 67182237122
6718AL92122 6718AM11122 67182238122
6718AL93122 6718AM40122 67182239122
6718AL94122 6718AM13122 67182240122
6718AL95122 6718AM14122 67182241122
6718AM 15122 67182242122

Focus Product 3: Mech Tools:

Period: l" Feb-29"Feb.

Product Name SKU Code Quantity in a month Additional Discount

Eco Mixer 5057HO56122 3-4 3%
Eco Mixer 5057HO56122 5-9 6%
Eco Mixer 5057HO56122 10 & above 10%

Happy Selling
Area Manager

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