Human Development

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1 Mark

1. _____ refers to the changes that follow an orderly sequence.

2. Define the term identity.
3. What are psychosocial drugs?
4. _____ is the awareness that objects continue to exist when not perceived.
5. Turning the head and opening the mouth when touched on the cheek is called ____.
6. Healthy parent child relationship facilitates emotional adjustment of children. Emotional adjustment is the
____ variable.
7. What is genetics?
8. What are developmental tasks?
9. Mention two functions of testosterone.
10. What is development?
11. The close emotional bond of affection that develops between infants and their parents is known as ___.
12. Fitting jigsaw puzzles precisely is a fine motor skill for the children aged ____.
13. Name a gross motor skill of a 3 year old.
14. Babinski disappears in ____.
15. What is adolescence?
16. According to Piaget, formal operational thought appears between age of _____.

2 Marks

1. What is meant by the term development?

2. What is mutation? How does it occur?
3. How does substance abuse affect our development?
4. What is identity confusion?
5. What is evolution?
6. What is animism? Give an example.
7. What is maturation?
8. What is menarche?
9. Describe the cephalocaudal pattern.
10. Explain cognitive changes that take place in a child.
11. Write the two factors which influence development.
12. Explain the ork and career challenge of adulthood.

3 Marks

1. Explain the three interwoven processes of development.

2. Differentiate between growth and development with examples.
3. Explain Genotype and Phenotype.
4. Environment of a child has a major role in the development of the child. Support your answer with examples.
5. Write a note on Teratogens.
6. Briefly describe the sensory abilities possessed by an infant.
7. What is attachment? Describe the Harlow and Harlow experiment.
8. Explain the two principles of physical development in early childhood.
9. Briefly explain the three salient features of preoperational thought.
10. “Concrete operations are also mental actions that are reversible.” Explain
11. How is moral development of a child younger than 9 years different from moral development of a child older
than 9 years according to Lawrence Kohlberg?
12. Write a note on physical development during adolescence.
13. Differentiate between primary and secondary sexual characteristics with examples.
14. What is hypothetical deductive reasoning? Explain with an example.
15. Explain the two components of an adolescent’s egocentrism according to David Elkind.
16. Discuss eating disorders in Adolescence.

5 Marks

1. “Genes set the limit and within that limit environment influences development”. Explain with two examples.
2. Explain Urie Bronfenbrenner’s contextual view on development.
3. Explain the potential dangers to the foetus during the prenatal period.
4. Explain the major reflexes seen in a newborn.
5. How do gender and sex roles effect the development of a child?
6. Explain the two major tasks of adulthood.

6 Marks

1. List the assumptions of Life-Span perspective on development.

2. Explain the two concentric layers of Durganand Sinha’s ecological model to understand development of
children in the Indian context.
3. Explain the features of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.
4. Differentiate between fine motor skills and gross motor skills at ages 3,4 and 5.
5. Explain the process of Identity formation in Adolescents.
6. Explain the three main concerns during adolescent years ,their causes and how to tackle them.
7. Negative peer influence leads to delinquent behaviour. Explain this with reference to experimental and
control groups
8. Explain the major problems of old age.

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