ESA Units-4&5

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Photo Elasticity

Analysing a structure or model of a structure by passing light through a stressed model is
known as Photo elasticity. This is a whole field method
Propagation of Light through an Isotropic Medium
Ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves whose vibrations are transverse to the
propagation direction. When the vibration pattern of the electromagnetic wave exhibits a
preference as to the transverse direction of vibration, then the light is called as Polarised

Polarized waves are light waves in which the vibrations occur in a single plane. Plane
polarized light consists of waves in which the direction of vibration is the same for all waves.
In the image above, you can see that a Plane polarized light vibrates on only one plane. The
process of transforming unpolarized light into the polarized light is known as polarization.
The devices like the purple blocks are used for the polarization of light.
There are three types of polarised light
1. Plane Polarised Light
Plane Polarised light is obtained by restricting the light vector to vibrate in a single plane
known as the Plane of Polarisation. Plane polarized light consists of waves in which the
direction of vibration is the same for all waves.
2. Circularly Polarized Light is obtained when the tip of the light vector describes a circular
Helix as the light propagates along the Z-axis. There are two linear components in the electric
field of light that are perpendicular to each other such that their amplitudes are equal, but the
phase difference is π/2. The propagation of the occurring electric field will be in a circular
3. Elliptically Polarized Light is obtained when the tip of the light vector describes an
elliptical Helix as the light propagates along the Z-axis. The field of light follows an elliptical
propagation. The amplitude and phase difference between the two linear components are not
equal. Elliptical polarization describes the general condition of polarized light, and Plane or
Circularly polarized light are special cases. Let the major and minor axes of ellipse are a and
When a = b, the elliptically polarized light becomes Circularly Polarized light.
When a = 0 and b remains finite, then the elliptically polarized light becomes plane polarized
with yz plane as Plane of Polarization.
When b = 0 and a remains finite, the light is again plane polarized with xz plane as Plane of
In Practice, Plane Polarized Light can be produced with an Optical Element known as A
Plane or Linear Polarizer.
Production of Circular or Elliptically Polarized Light requires the use of Two Optical
Passage of Light through Anisotropic Medium
All types of crystals, Strained Glass, Plastics are good examples of Anisotropic Medium.
If a light source is placed at an Anisotropic medium, for a single wave that passes, two waves
with different speeds emerge out of the Anisotropic medium. The wave surfaces of Spheroids
and Ellipsoids are of special importance in Photoelasticity.
The material which is having common Optic Axis for both the Wave Fronts is known as
Uniaxial Crystal
Double Refraction in an Uniaxial Crystal
If a light ray incidences and passes through an Uniaxial Crystal, the incident ray of light splits
in to two rays. For a single wave front incidence, there will be two rays emerging out of the
crystal. This phenomenon is known as Double Refraction. One ray will refract ordinarily
and the other one refracts extraordinarily. Hence, the two rays are
1. Ordinarily refracted wave front
2. Extraordinarily refracted wave front
These two wave fronts emerge out with different speeds. Hence there is a Relative Path
The emergent two Rays get polarized by keeping their directions perpendicular to each other.
Temporary Double Refraction
There are certain materials which behave like an anisotropic material only when it is under
Stress. Such materials exhibit Double refraction only when under Stress. This Phenomenon is
called as Temporary Double refraction

Interference and Intensity of Illumination

Let two light rays 𝑦 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 interfere with each other
Let 𝑦 = 𝑎 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡 + 𝛼 )
𝑦 = 𝑎 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡 + 𝛼 )
We Know that when the two waves interfere with each other, the
intensity of illumination I is proportional to Square of resultant
amplitude (A)
𝐼 ∝ 𝐴 ; 𝐼 = 𝑘𝐴
The Resultant Amplitude 𝐴 = [𝑎 +𝑎 + 2𝑎 𝑎 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝛼 − 𝛼 )]
Therefore [𝑎1 2 + 𝑎2 2 + 2𝑎1 𝑎2 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝛼 − 𝛼 )]
When the Phase difference is equal to odd number of Half Wave
Lengths, 𝐶𝑜𝑠 ( 𝛼 − 𝛼 ) = −1 . We get Minimum intensity of
Minimum Intensity of Illumination 𝐼 = 𝐾(𝑎 − 𝑎 )
When the Phase difference is equal to
𝛼 − 𝛼 = 2𝑛𝜋, 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟
Maximum Intensity of Illumination 𝐼 = 𝐾(𝑎 + 𝑎 )
Production of Polarized Light
Polarized light can be produced by the following three
1. By Electro-Static or Electro-Magnetic fields
2. By successive reflection or Refraction
3. By passing ray of Light through a crystal
Stress Trajectories
In a field of non-uniform stress, the direction of Principal
Stress varies in general from point to point. If a curve could
be drawn such that the direction of one of the Principal Stress
is tangential to it at every point, such a curve is called Stress
Trajectory or Isostatics or lines of Principal Stress.

Since the Principal stresses at a point are mutually

perpendicular the two sets of stress trajectories corresponding
to are orthogonal
It is the locus of the points along which the Principal Stresses
have the same inclination with reference to any arbitrary
reference axis. The angle made by the Principal Stress
direction with the reference axis is called the Parameter of the

Since at a given point, there exists only one set of Principal

Stresses, there can be only one Isoclinic passing through that
point unless the point happens to be an Isotropic Point
These are the locus of points at which the Principal Stress
difference is the same. It means that Isochromatics can be
taken as the locus of points at which Maximum Shear Stress is
same. Isochromatics are the locus of points at which
is same. But we know that Maximum Shear Stress is .
Hence Isochromatics can be treated as contours of Maximum
Shear Stress.

Isotropic Point
These are the points at which the Principal Stresses are equal
Singular Point
It is special case of Isotropic Point where
Passage of Light through a Plane Polariscope

The arrangement of a Plane Polariscope is shown in Figure.

When a ray of light originating from source passes through
the Polariser, the light is plane polarised in the plane of axis of
polarisation of the Polariser. This plane polarised light can be
resolved in to two waves along the two Principal stress
directions on incidence on to the stressed model. On emerging
from the stressed model, there will be a Relative Path
Retardation between these two waves due to the temporary
double refraction.
The Analyser only transmits those components of these waves
which are parallel to its polarising axis. Finally these two
transmitted components interfere to produce two different
types of fringes. One set of Fringes are the locus of points at
which the Principal Stress directions are parallel to the
Polariser and Analyser Axes (Isoclinics). The other set of
Fringes are the contours of waves of equal Relative Path
Retardation R and these can be interpreted in terms of Equal
Principal Stress difference (Isochromatics)
Let the initial wave plane polarised by the Polariser vibrates in
the plane of Polariser be defined as


Where is Velocity of Monochromatic Light Source

is Wave length of monochromatic light source
On incidence at a point on the stressed model, this wave is
split in to two components along the Principal Stress
directions as shown in Figure such that
(Component along )
(Component along )
Let the velocity of light wave in plane be
Let the velocity of light wave in plane be
Let the Thickness of the stressed model = d
On emergence from the stressed model, the two waves with
relative path retardation can be expressed as below

Now these light waves and will be passing through the

Analyser. The Analyser transmits only those components
which are parallel to its polarising axis. So the light wave
coming out from the Analyser can be expressed as below

Substituting the values of and in the above equation we

𝜔 𝑑 𝑑 𝜔 𝑑 𝑑
= 𝑎𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜃 2𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡− +𝑡− 𝑆𝑖𝑛 (𝑡 − − 𝑡 + )
2 𝑣 𝑣 2 𝑣 𝑣
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 𝑑
𝑎𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜃 2𝑆𝑖𝑛 − 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜔(𝑡 − − )
2𝑣1 2𝑣2 2𝑣1 2𝑣2
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 𝑑
𝑆𝑖𝑛 − 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜔(𝑡 − − )
2𝑣1 2𝑣2 2𝑣1 2𝑣2
The above expression for can be written as


But we know that the Intensity of Illumination is

directly proportional to the Square of Resultant

1 2
1 2

From the above equation it can be observed that Intensity of

Illumination I will become zero under two conditions. That is
light vanishes under two conditions


where n=0 or any integer, The extinction of Light

takes place i.e., I=0
Therefore at all points in the model where the
Principal Stress directions are parallel to the axis
of Polariser and Analyser they will be Dark Lines.
So this is the condition for formation of Isoclinics

1 2


But we have




Where, and are the refractive indices of

the two mediums
Brewster’s Stress Optic Law
According to Brewster’s Stress Optic Law, The
Relative Path Retardation is directly proportional
to the thickness of the Model and also proportional
to Principal Stress difference
Where C= Brewster’s Stress Optic Coefficient
and are the two Principal Stresses
But we know that Relative path retardation
where n is the fringe order


Units of f=Kg/Cm2/fringe and for F= Kg/cm/Fringe

Thus the second condition for extinction of Light
is for the formation of Isochromatics which can be
interpreted in terms of Principal stress difference
Passage of Light Through a Circular
In a Plane Polariscope, the Isoclinics and
Isochromatics overlap each other. Isoclinics being
broad and dark, they hide the Isochromatics.
Therefore for the recording of these Isochromatics,
it is necessary to eliminate Isoclinics. There is
always an Isoclinic for a given setup of the
Polariser and Analyzer. If the Polarizer and the
Analyzer are rotated together fast keeping them in
crossed position, the Isoclinics get eliminated and
Isochromatics remain same. So we can measure
the fringe order of Isochromatics easily.
The mechanical rotation effect of Polarizer and
Analyzer for elimination of Isoclinics can be
obtained optically by the use of Quarter wave
plates. A circular Polariscope is just like a plane
polariscope with the addition of two quarter wave
plates one on the model side of the polarizer and
another on the model side of the analyzer in such a
way that their fast axis are at angles of 45o on the
opposite sides of the polarizing axis of the
On emergence from the polarizer, let the wave be
represented by

On entering the first quarter wave plate, the wave

is split in to two components as given below
On emerging from the quarter wave plate uQ1 is
retarded by l/4 or a phase angle of π/2 so that the
component becomes

Now there are two components vibrating at right

angles, therefore the resultant amplitude is given

On entering the stressed model, these components

get resolved along the Principal stress directions
and such that Component along is



Therefore u = a
Similarly component along is

On entering the second quarter wave plate, these

components get resolved along the two quarter
wave plate directions such that
uQ2 = u cos + 𝛳 + 𝑣 cos −𝛳

= a cos 𝑤 𝑡 − cos + 𝛳 + a sin 𝑤 𝑡 − cos −𝛳

vQ2 = a cos 𝑤 𝑡 − cos − 𝛳 - a sin 𝑤 𝑡 − sin −𝛳

On emerging from second quarter wave plate with

a relative path retardation of ,
u1Q2 = a cos 𝑤 𝑡 − sin − 𝛳 + a sin 𝑤 𝑡 − cos −𝛳

v1Q2 = a sin 𝑤 𝑡 − cos − 𝛳 + a sin 𝑤 𝑡 − sin −𝛳

At the analyser only the components of u1Q2, v1Q2

parallel to analyser axis will be transmitted so that
the finally transmitted wave will have
uA = u1Q2 v1Q2 = (u1Q2 - v1Q2)

Substituting the components of u1Q2, v1Q2 and
simplifying we get finally
uA = M Cos(wt – N)

where M = a which is

nothing but the resultant amplitude

Therefore extinction of light takes place when M2
i. e 2a2sin2 =0

or = nπ

= nπ

d = nl0

Therefore Relative path retardation

From which

This is the condition for the formation of

Isochromatics. Therefore it can be seen that in
circular polariscope there is only one condition for
extinction of light and that condition is for
formation of Isochromatics

Properties an ideal Photo elastic Material

(i) The Material must be transparent to the light
employed in the polariscope
(ii) It should be quite sensitive to stress as
indicated by low material fringe value
(iii) It should exhibit linear character with respect
to stress strain properties, stress fringe order
properties, Strain fringe order properties
(iv)The Material should have both Mechanical and
optical isotropy and homogeneity
(v) The Material should net creep excessively
(vi) The Material should have high Mechanical
Strength and high modulus of Elasticity.
(vii) The Material Sensitivity should not Change
markedly with small variations of temperature.
(viii) The Material should not inhibit time edge
(ix) The Material should be capable of being
Machined by conventional methods.
(x) The material should be free from residual
(xi) The Material should not be prohibitively
expensive and should freely available.
Various Materials available:
1. Epoxy Resin
2. Castelite
3. Catalin-61-893
4. Columbia resin- CR-39
5. Urethane Rubber

Epoxy Resins are Condensation

products of epichloro hydrine and polyhydrene
phenol. The Basic monomer may be polymorised
by acid anhydrate. Its advantages are its low Cost,
high sensitivity, casting facility and
Machinability. It is susceptible to time edge effect.
But the time edge effect can be reduced if the
sheets are stored for about two months in a
relative humidity of 50% before use. It is available
in commercial name of Araldite’ B’ and Araldite
‘E’ in paste form. It is also available in solid form
which has to be melted and mixed with 30% of
hardener and casted at about 120°c.

Compensation Methods:

Isochromatics accurate to half a fringe

order can be determined from the normal setup of
the polariscope. To determine the exact value of
the fractional fringe order accurately
compensation methods are to be adopted.
Compensation can be carried out by using Special
auxiliary instruments called compensators or
from the normal components of circular
A compensator is an instrument
consisting essentially of a crystal plate. The
effective thickness of which can be varied at will
so that the relative retardation between the
emergent plane polarized light components is
variable within certain limits.
There are two types of Compensators

(1) Babinet compensator (2) Soleil Babinet

1.Babinet compensator: The Babinet

Compensator consists of two super imposed
wedges of the Uniaxial crystal. The first wedge
has its optic axis parallel to the line of
intersection of the wedge faces, while that of the
second wedge is at right angles to it. Therefore
the effective thickness of the Crystal at any
point is equal to the difference in the
thicknesses of two edges at that point. If this
combination as in examined in the
polariscope with monochromatic light, its
appearance will be as shown in last figure.
During use the compensator is directly set
against the point of model under investigation
such that their polarizing axes coincide and at
45° to the axis of polarizer. By rotating the
micrometer screw, the zero order fringe brought
back to the fixed reference line on the fixed
wedge. The reading of the micrometer gives the
relative retardation or the exact fractional fringe
Determination of Fractional Fringe order by
the normal Components of Circular

(i) Tardy’s Method (ii) Senarment Method

Tardy’s Method:
(i) Set up a plane polariscope with white
light. Turn the crossed polarizer and
Analyser together until an isoclinic
passes through the point under
(ii) Now setup Circular polariscope
introducing quarter wave plates with axes at
45° to the polarizer and Analyser.
(iii) Let the exact fringe order be n, the nearest
lower fringe order by and the nearest
higher fringe order .
(iv) Rotate the analyser alone such that the
lower order fringe passes through the point
‘A’ under investigation. Let this angle be δ
(v) Determine exact fringe order form

(vi) The result can be checked by making the

higher order fringe to pass through the point
by rotating the Analyser in opposite direction
through an angle ’ such that .

Senarment Method of determination of exact

fringe order:
(i) Set up plane polariscope with white light
(ii) Rotate Polariser and Analyser together so
that an isoclinic passes through the point
under investigation.
(iii) Remove the isoclinic from the vicinity of
point under investigation by rotating
Analyser and polariser through 45° from this
(iv) Insert a single quarter wave plate between
the model and Analyser such that its axis
coincides with that of the Analyser axis.
(v) Let the exact fringe order be , the
nerarest lower fringe order and nearest
higher fringe order .
(vi) Rotate the Analyser alone so that the
lower fringe order passes through the
point under investigation and let the
corresponding angle of rotation be δ
(vii) The Exact fringe order

(viii) The result can be checked by making the

higher order fringe to pass through the
point under investigation and rotating the
Analyser in opposite direction through an
angle δ
(ix) Then
Reduction of Photoelastic Data
The following steps are involved in the reduction
of Photoelastic data
1. Calibration of Material
2. Determination of Fringe order
3. Plotting of edge stresses from fringe pattern
4. Plotting of line of Principal Stresses
5. Separation of Principal Stresses
6. Plotting shear contours
7. Calculation of magnitude and direction of
Principal Stress at any selected point
8. Determination of normal and shear stresses
across a critical section
9. Extrapolation to Prototype structure
Calibration Test for determining Material
Fringe Value

Three Tests are available

1. Calibration by a Tensile Specimen
2. Calibration by a specimen subjected to pure
3. Calibration by a circular disc under
diametrical compression

Calibration by a Tensile Specimen

Let b = width of the specimen

t = Thickness of the specimen
n = measured fringe order at central section
As the Specimen is subjected to purely axial force
only, There is only Major Principal


Calibration using Specimen under Pure Bending

A Rectangular beam of length l, width b and depth

d is subjected to loads P at a distance of a from
supports as shown in Figure. This loading
produces pure bending in the middle portion of the

As this is a case of pure bending, only major

principal stress will exist. Minor Principal Stress is
equal to Zero.
Major Principal Stress


Material Fringe Value

Calibration using a Circular Disc under

diametrical Compression

A circular disc of Diameter D and thickness h is

subjected to a diametrical compressive force P as
shown in Figure.
Stresses on the horizontal diameter at a distance of
from the centre are given by
We Know that


We can calculate Material Fringe value

from the above Equation.
At the centre of the disc
Calculate the fringe value and the stress optic
coefficient of a material from the following data of
a Photoelastic calibration test on a beam model
Depth of the beam = 30mm
Breadth = 5mm
Distance between the two supports = 200mm
Distance between the two symmetrical loads = 120mm
Magnitude of each load = 22kg
No. Of fringes for whole depth of the beam = 10.2
Wave Length of the Light source = 5900 Ao

Maximum BM M=
. ×
Section Modulus
Extreme fibre stress =

According to Brewster’s Law

𝑝 𝑞
. × ×
𝐶= = 513 × 10 𝑐𝑚 /𝑘𝑔
. × .


10−8 𝑐𝑚2 513 10−8 𝑐𝑚 𝑠𝑒𝑐2

513 × = × 1000 ×
𝑘𝑔 981 𝑔

𝑐𝑚 𝑠𝑒𝑐
= 0.523 × 10
Separation of Principal Stresses

Shear Difference Method

Let the normal stress be required at a point along the
line OX. Let OY be perpendicular to OX. Let be the
known normal stress at the point O on the line OM

At any point OX on the line OM

To arrive at the change of shear stress i.e from the

fringe pattern, determine the fringe order along the lines
OE, OM and BF. Also determine the isoclinic
parameters and plot these lines AE, OM and BF.
Determine and plot the values of along the lines
using the following relationship
Using the following relationships, the normal and shear
stresses are determined at points along OX


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