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T — Expetiqental stress Anal “i ' See a stress analysts gves “the deter efination skess at any point] psints Under the known Cabs of loading. the state of stress ol an paint iz Completely defines oy the ype Eat an direction of Stvesses at the point | ports under favestiqetion: Pn the 4 Cose off theoitical analysis the Aheory of elashidly, ie used to Solve the state of stress in . Nastic materials fom “the que. loading. Conditions. Qn the Case of plastic theres ave Use chesses. Such on icteds “to Comparatively Visco elastic materials the Cone sponding. for the ater fination analysis te however Testy | Simple problems. ¥ “The need for having approach the stress avises from the following? th. analysis 0 The -theowtHeal _anclyss based 04 vesponding analyst s la sticity Cor spon d > elas t @ Except & Compare | Theonies ave Compltcat | jmpossible yisco plasticity Anwolves 08 lve © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner of Contier MA — SUSE regan terials \. pemanent Caries Mm 2. Tepper Canter mottertals: stetals : oO Peamnanent Caner losrihkee become an 19 requal pat of guage | manu acting process and these ove generally 4 + fanvfoztved Proen Organic material. E as Temporary Carrier naterials | > These Can be Seperatteds eral he Sensicig 5 | elemests dusing the Ynstallation ‘process. These ove, Used ‘where the ne enen ‘ove act Suitable bo dhe organic Gory ve |shtfable Canter ts yemoved during th ‘\mproves othe enechonici process: “This | Coatack with the Spedinqen vith rata in Specific ohffness.! «J 4 BTS of Stroin Quages er © abounded guages.” es nest. tte fe (H matallic ® Bondeds guages @ wire type (I Pot dup © Weldable | | | | Boodings cements and adhesives “the bendable shdinguages ave attached sets in | SebSeray Some form of Cement ove adhesive | AY number — off bonding Fae ove Rete Which requive Various detailed -techeiques grat Use. The fottowing ate Aestable? ‘charactersties 0% | bonding Coment. -@ High mechanical skiengih me) High Creep aesistance © High dicelechte strength ® ovficienum Temperature yestictions. : © Good, adherence en See of t0.5t0 a Nm? b Minimum moisture absorption @ Faseot cppticaton 1 baling @ low sitting Lime. ‘pong wngll : “Nikrocellulose bondies “ins Cons : YetePoresment Sever Poily. well as _meteral veto about Bo —phenalic resins are highly Crosslinked Sku © sofllea at High temp phenolic (9 Bakelite © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner | 1 aq MS Promboited. | _ Urtt-3 Tae : yee |" ste A Rosttres ; | Scham Rovclles & Harthe lett off Shain ata ‘potat and the “ dliveetion of principle shatns is’ known, then Abe sain. eqs: Can be oriented alon these. directions and slain measurements Maybe made. | However, Dhak when the stateot shrain is rat Known then 3@0 More guages, May oc Usedat the point cto deteinine -the state of shai atthat point “The sresulting Configuration is termed az a strata Rositfee. The strain Resittee Salysis is the ovt of anaigag ysueln queas as nosettecs at a number of vats onthe object fo be investiaateds taking the a sy ‘Shress act % Measurements, Cend computiog tthe State of these pinta - ne Meg cs : The stroin RE be awanged | : woyp, to obtain-the Stroin Recetas 4 DTwo quae Rosettee te { 2) Rectangular Rosette “> c SDita Resatte 6H Pie 4) Todelta Rosette — @ Two Guage Posithe © Scanned with OKEN Scanner | uae + (eared Le oy ej + (2é.- (lot ey and the eesnsh ere etin dina becomes, Vmax? |(Ex- ey vty edt uh (Ea-€0)°+ (2€0~ Ea Ee) eae >, ert [ a) 5) ba-a8+4, Ex ey Ge (“A2e=) €a- Ec edad y= 98+ 4, : ee oe aa ce Sum es 7 (Sy 5 nerd —e (Grae coe St G, and & Eat Ed Ono = . male say Maximum shea © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner [Py Bectanquiox Strain Kesette 18 Used te obtain Hgstate of stress a Slab model and ty, Followsin Yecorded a cae Yecorde Goren 2A2 KIS el Comp). i Ex-5= -50.33x10 mm Comp) -6 so) eqn = 2. 64410 ‘mm Crenstos) en: . Ji poirson's ratio of the material “0.343. Determine. qaaritude afd divection of principal stresses and mum Sheay stress strains ave fia magnitude -and location of. maxi 2 Ea: oncaeid eq: oz — ac gaa nia’ afm . ea Cpe C52 —50.33KI0 eno |e en <6, Cos eqg= QEtKio om men Eas Exe Ge at Eat Ec) + = | z (ea (El A BAKES 7 Wmdy | Oly ppg €o= — 34 BEKO 4: aa vel a: © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner pout 7 TD. x££<_—— Thiee slroin pages are applied fo an ove Oto tm Sacha manner that guage ‘Broce positive jangle of 35 vith ye ) jade aehe Rand guage tc! makes @ | Feo ott che with uage'BF The sticin | Yeadings obteineds fromthe guages ave as Gallows, Guage Strefin sara yn —b6eo ., 400 Pete penta principal stresses ard the pitrcipal ivcetions, y shins, Take . E= 210GPa , U=0:30 | Selietingthe Mrarle tn lta dheion of guage A | baz Pues, beo48 We know that l Ls (ps | Naas, &4 Aen ey) + a (Er ey) cosa So be, 6, de Values in | eget j | Caos GooxlO" } «ee | Booxi6° = Ot OK . Looxid°= 0.0 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner | | four eloment Rectangular Rosette * - Retongutar Four elew sn Roses | The four element ment wchangula * | Yosetfe shown in fa a | by I. by=48 [Ca pacers a 13s pepe | a Des a i val | 8 pe pie: (Cot =) Eee Wer é) . 6.7 Ene id GAG = hy eS . | ep. (Ent ey) +1 +i bcos) cage an * Nay Me sie 4 . : (es a) +S oi = a “(ee eyes) i | Eee Cos Dat a qbe( geet + (ore) 4 4 (eee a ay ete ej oe “a © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 0) The apparent strain Yeadings obbained by an equiangular vosdttee ete > Ba= 50044 om : - Qe=320.tLem Qe= goo ulcm | Be a.trio’ Kglen, sr-0.996 . -Ausillary guage factor _bBe45 , Determine the ewors in the principal | Stresses Negle iy The effect of transverse Senstivity Yo s028s 4 1- Mok I= Mok s ove (- SE) cha: (Re) Se X THoo= ki ae | Kb. zt (Qa Qe Ae) ae © agape ke [ORE , -@ Ke -E5 5. Conrad, o- (Bend 3 poe ‘ Goa ang Kye Be aieleee © gan aimee a \"qaa) © aoe 1 {came RW. Laat det Od) = (s00#3 2 = 360 Len 3 Fras kiA = Qari. 146 x10 | 6 3 | ke. 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Cy stals bate ahs otic } : < ove Ed ce) dent G rks | stals have wo optic xe or Sul cr qe: at Krownae. Biaxi al cyl aad Stat . ‘ ap sual poe index W= apa oo! incidence phe le of refraction fe au Re t According to Buewester's Ye fractive Sadex netant . Max transparent | optically tsetiop'e on opel & nis similar “ween © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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