Up To Date - Catenary

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Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.

com, ISSN 1743-3509



Antonio Carlos Fernandes

(Consultant at PETROBRAS

Abstract — The hyperbolic cosine equation that represents the behavior of

heavy non-extensible risers are supposed to be well. In reality however, its
use in practice is not so wide spread unless for very specific cases, when the
hyperbolic cosine are invertible. This work formulates 14 (fourteen) typical
problems to be solved by an up-to-date spread-sheet program, together with
the so-called departure problems. The used spread-sheet is now-a-days very
common and it allows for automatic interactive solutions and macro
command structures, besides graphical illustrations. All of these capabilities
are used to solve the cited catenary problems. Asymptotic solutions for the
departure problem are also presented.


PETROBRAS has installed many kilometers of flexible risers that are in a

free-hanging situation, from a floating platform to the sea bottom.
PETROBRAS also plans to install Steel Catenary Risers in the near future
For these risers, the primarily shape is the inextensible catenary, once the
environment is calm and the elasticity is negligible.

The catenary problem is formulated in many text books, before and after the
historical review paper by Korkut, 1970' . However, all the catenary
problems have still to be solved and the advent of modern spread-sheet
programs, installed in any microcomputer, has provided means for quick
solutions. The intention here is to provide such solutions, creating conditions
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

410 Offshore Engineering

for the use of the cited spread-sheet programs with little programming effort.
A total of 14 problem are solved.

The departure problem, is also solved. The work devises ways to find a new
catenary after a horizontal or vertical offset is imposed at the top connection.
Finally, in the end, an asymptotic analysis is shown, for the common case of
very deep water, small departure. It is shown that key properties (such as the
Touch Down Point (TDP) displacement) after the offset, are related linearly
to the departure.


The catenary shape that will be considered is the one acquired by flexible and
catenary risers (the name is well adequate) when in a free-hanging condition
within a calm environment, also considering that the elasticity may be
neglected. This means that a top tension T is applied at the top connection,
and the risers assumes a top angle a with respect to the vertical. The line
considered here always reaches the bottom tangentially at the TDP. Please
see Figure 1, where other variables such as h, p and £, respectively the
depth, the line horizontal projection and the suspended length are shown.

A point at the catenary with coordinates (x,y) with the origin at the TDP is
also characterized by the arc-length from the TDP An important static
characteristic is the weight per unit length, w. Another is the tension
horizontal projection H and the top tension T The basic formula are '

y = a(cosh(x / a) - 1) (1)
s= a sinh(x / a) (2)

where a is called the characteristic length and it is given by

This is an static property but with a geometric meaning and may be

considered hybrid.

The hyperbolic sine and cosine functions are well known, having known
derivative and expansions. Even the inversion function have known closed-
form solution, such that -
arcsinh(y / a) = Inly / a + ^/(y / a)* + l] (4)

arccosh(y / a) = Inly / a + J(y / a)* - 11 (5)

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Offshore Engineering 411


Figure 1 - Catenary characteristics definition.

Taking now the point at the top connection formulas (1) and (2) become

h / a = cosh(p / a) - 1 (6)
I/ a = sinh(p/ a) (7)

Another helpful expression relates the top angle with the suspended length:

tga = a/^ (8)

The horizontal static equilibrium of the suspended length leads to

H = Tsinot (9)

The vertical static equilibrium leads to

V = wf

Hence using the static definitions and the hyperbolic functions properties it
may be shown that
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

412 Offshore Engineering

T= wVa^ +£* (12)
T= w(h + a) (13)

This enormous quantity of relationships leads to the impression that few

information are necessary to know all the others catenary properties. As
shown next, this is, in fact, the case.


As discussed before, the significant variables may be classified in three types:

the geometric (related to Geometry), the static (related to the applied forces)
and a hybrid one (see Equation (3). This is summarized in Table 1.

t a w
h H
a T

Table 1 - Variable classification


By one-shape problem, this work means that the catenary shape is unique
inside each problem. In the departure problems two catenaries are
considered. Any two variables in the set {Geometric, Hybrid}, that is { f,h,
p, a and a}, will define the catenary geometry. Once this is known, only one
static property is required to define the rest.

The last statements may be proven in a direct way, that is, by exhibiting the
solution. Besides the cited ones, other problems involving a combination of
geometric properties such as (h+a) and (L-t)=( t -p) are possible (See
Figure 1). The reason for this is discussed later and all of them are
summarized in Table 2.
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Offshore Engineering 413

t h P a a h+a= L-t=
(T/w) (f-p)
t X 1 2 3 4 11 (2)
h I X 5 6 7 (1) 13
p 2 5 X 8 9 12 (2)
a 3 6 8 X 10 14
a 4 7 9 10 X (7)
h+a=(T/w) 11 (1) 12 (7) X
L-t=(f-p) (2) 13 (2) 14 X

Table 2 - One-shape problem numbering guide; the number corresponds to

the problem number; square not marked are intended to be solved in the
future as they come up in practice.

The solution for each problem is sketched in the subsequent tables following
the problem numbering order. However, trying to avoid a boring
presentation, the works exemplifies the necessary steps for the solution for
two types of problems. One type refers to the ones that may be solved
directly, requiring only the correct expression to be worked. The other type
requires an iterative solution as shown later.

For the direct type exemplification, considers Problem 1. Both i and h are
given and so is h/r Dividing Equation (6) by (7) one has an equation for p/a
given by

cosh(p / a) - 1
sinh(p / a)

Taking square of both sides of (14) it is possible to find a second degree

equation for the cosh(p/a), such that

(1 - (h / /f)cosh\p / ^ _ 2cosh(p / a) -+- (l + (h / 0^) = 0 (15)

One solution of (15) is 1 what is equivalent to a completely slack catenary

with 90 degrees at the TDP. The other solution is more interesting and is
given by

cosh(p / a) = • (16)

Since the RHS (right hand side) of (16) is always larger than one, the
solution for p/a is simply
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

414 Offshore Engineering

". + (h / if
p / a = arccos h (17)

where expression (5) may be used if necessary. Within this problem, once p/a
is available, the h/a may be evaluated by Equation(6) and a, p and a as in
Table 3. All the direct problem are solved similarly as shown in other tables.

The indirect type of problem means that it is impossible to avoid iterative

equation solution. The problem that exemplify it is Problem 12. It also
illustrates the type of motivation for certain problems formulation. The
question to ask here is under what condition one knows (h+a)? The answer is
clear when Equation (13) is noted. The (h+a) is known when T/w is known
which is very common. The other given variable of Problem 12 is p that may
be easily obtained with the help of ROVs and DGPS measurements. Now
using Equation (6) it is easy to show that

cosh(p/a) h+a

This is an equation for p/a since the RHS is known. This equation has to be
solved by iteration and for that a minimum care is required. First the domain
must be clear and also the identification of monotonic behavior. Once this is
made, any solver such as the AtingirMeta in EXCEL Brazilian Version may
be applied with confidence. For this purposes, the function on the LHS (left
hand side) of Equation (18) is plotted in Figure 2. It can be shown that it has
a minimum when x is about 1.1997 and the minimum value is approximately
1.5089. All the indirect type problem have this sort of care. The following
steps in Problem 12 are easier and are shown in Table 14.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

Offshore Engineering 415

24 — ,

2.2 — \
2.0 -

\ /
1.8 - \ /
\ /
1.6 — \ \\ /
1.5089 '" .. - ''

I ' I ' I ' : '• I

0. X) 040 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00

Figure 2 - Behavior of function coshx/x about the minimum point

The others 12 problems are also presented in a similar manner from Tables 3
to 16.


Once the geometry is known, only one static variable is necessary to know
the others. See Table 1. The equations (3), (11), (12) and (13) assures this

Sometimes the static variable is known instead of a geometric one. Our

experience however indicate that using the equations cited in the later
paragraph, it is possible to find geometric variables and use Table 2 to find
the correct Problem to be solved.


In passing it is worth while to present the solution of the following problem.

Find the minimum total length (L^) that assures zero tension on the anchor,
once the friction coefficient (p.) is known. The static of the length on the
bottom requires that

Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
416 Offshore Engineering
Hence using (3), the solution is


a simple but useful formula.

PROBLEM 1 Given: f and h PROBLEM 4 Given: t and a

l + (h/f)- STEP 1 p / a = arcsinh(£ / a)
STEP 2 p = a(p/a)
STEP 2 p / a = arccos h[co.sh(p /a)] STEP 3 h/a = cosh(p/a)- 1
STEP 3 h/a = cosh(p/a)- 1 STEP 4 h = a(h/a)
STEP 4 h a = arctag(—— )
a= £/a
STEP 5 p = a(p/a) Table 6 - Problem 4 solution.

STEP 6 a = arctag( ) PROBLEM 5 Given: h and p

Table 3 - Problem 1 solution. STEP 1 Find p/a |cosh(p/a)-l
PROBLEM 2 Given: i arid p STEP 2 a=p/(p/a)
STEP 3 t - asmh (p/a)
sinsh(p/a) f> 1 n
STEPl Find p/a | p/a LI p
STEP 4 a -ana.g(yj^)
STEP 2 a=p/a
STEP 3 h / a = cc sh(p/a)-l Table 7 - Problem 5 solution.
STEP 4 h=a(h/a)
STEP 5 ^/a PROBLEM 6 Given: h and a
STEP 1 f/a = l/tga
STEP 6 a = arclfi 8(jy;)
STEP 2 p a - nj^ a + v a J
Table 4 - Problem 2 solution.
STEP 3 h/a = cosh(p/a)- 1
PROBLEM 3 Given: t and a STEP 4 h
STEP1 a = I tgoc *~ h/a
STEP 2 p/a = arcsinh(p/a) STEP 5 p = a(p/a)
STEP 3 p = a(p/a) Table 8 - Problem 6 solution.
STEP 4 h/a = cosh(p/a)- 1
STEP 5 h = a(h/a) PROBLEM 7 Given: h and a
STEP 1 h/a
Table 5 - Problem 3 solution.
STEP 2 p/a = arccos h[h /a + 1"|
STEP 3 P = a(p/a)
STEP 4 j?/a = sinh(p/a)
STEPS rv — nrrfif^ \
a diLui^^ ^
Table 9 - Problem 7 solution.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
Offshore Engineering 417
PRO BLEM 8 Given: p and a PROBLEM 12 Given: h+a, p
STEP1 1 1 a = 1 / tga
STEP 1 tr-^ /~ I cosh(p/a)= h + a
Find p/a
STEP 2 p/a = arcsinh(7/a) p/a p
STEP 3 h / a = cosh(p / a) - 1 STEP 2 a = p(p/a)
STEP 4 a = -£- STEP 3 i = a sinh(p/a)
p/a STEP 4 h = a (cosh(p/a)- 1)
STEP 5 f = a(f/a) 1
STEP 6 h = a(cosh(p/a)- 1) STEPS a - arctag( )
f /a
Table 10 - Problem 8 solution. Table 14 - Problem 12 solution

PROBLEM 9 Given: p and a PROBLEM 13 Given: h and ( t -p)

STEP1 £/a =sinh(p/a) Find p/a
STEP 2 h/a = cosh(p/a)- 1 STEP 1 sinh(p/a)-p/a f -p
STEP 3 h=a(h/a) cos(p/a)-l h
STEP 4 f = a(f/a) STEP 2 £/a =sinh(p/a)
STEPS a = arctaef ) STEP 3 a = (f-p)(f/a-p/a)
^ f/a STEP 4 f = a(f/a)
Table 1 1 - Problem 9 solution. STEPS P = a(p/a)
STEP 6 , 1
PRC)BLEM 10 Given: a and a a - arctag( )
STEP1 i 1 a - 1 / tga Table 15 - Problem 13 solution
STEP 2 f = a(f/a)
STEP 3 p/a = arcsinh(7/a) PROBLEM 14 Given: a and ( t -p)
STEP 4 p = a(p/a) STEP 1 1 1 a = 1 / tga
STEPS h = a(cosh(p/a)- 1) STEP 2 p/a = arcsinh(£/a)
Table 12 - Problem 10 solution. STEP 3 a = (£ - p) / [sinh(p / a) - (p / a)]
STEP 4 f = a(f/a)
PROBLEM 11 Given: t and (h+a) STEPS p = a(p/a)
STEP 1 _.
. - cosh(p/a) — h + a STEP 6 h=a(cosh(p/a)-l)
' sinh(p/a) t Table 16 - Problem 14 solution
STEP 2 £/ a = sinh(p/a)
STEP 3 p = a(p/a)
STEP 4 h = a(cosh(p/a)- 1)
STEP 6 a = arctag(
Table 13. Problem 11 solution.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
418 Offshore Engineering


Another kind of problems that are typical and related to the riser operation
and installation are the so-called departure problem. Given a catenary shape,
what will be the new catenary after an offset at the top connection? The
horizontal offset and the vertical departure will be considered separately. The
generalization is a combination of these two.

Starting with the horizontal offset, d, the key is to note that the new
horizontal p' (the primes refers to the new catenary) is given by

p' - p -fc + d

where c is the TDP displacement. It is also important to see that

that leads to

sinh(p'/a')~ p'/a' t- p-d

cosh(p'/a')-l h

Note that the RHS contains now only known quantities leading to an indirect
type problem. Recall that the initial configuration is known, requiring, if
necessary, the solution of an one-shape-problem defined in Table 2. In this
case, the RHS is larger than one.
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Offshore Engineering 419

Figure 3 - Horizontal offset; positive to far.

The vertical departure problem is similar. One has only to note that

p' =

where again c is the TOP displacement. It is also important to see that

h' - h + v

that leads to

sinh(p' / a') - p' / a' I - p

cosh(p' / a') - 1 h+v

The same LHS as (20) and that again should be solved by iteration.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
420 Offshore Engineering

Figure 4 -Vertical departure; positive upwards.


Nowadays, the risers are installed in deeper and deeper waters, and both d
and v are very small as compared to the water depth, that is


Hence it is reasonable to investigate the asymptotics for the departure

problems. As shown in the Appendice A, it is possible to show that

a' = a(l + d- (22)

This result together with h leads to the remaining properties.

On the other hand, the vertical asymptotics leads to (see Appendix B)

h ,
a' = a(l + v— ) + O((v / h) ) (23)
This together with h' = h + v, leads to the remaining properties.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

Offshore Engineering 42 1

One important variable is the TDP displacement after the offset. It is not
difficult see Appendix A to show that


for the horizontal offset.

For the vertical departure, the TDP displacement is given by

c = v-ta^i + o<(v/h)>) (25)

lr -i- +£p

Both are linearly dependent on the departure.


Based on the above developments, it is straight forward to program a spread-

sheet to yield the full catenary once two geometric/hybrid variables are
defined. The iterative problems may use special pre-programmed built-in
procedures. Graphical capabilities may also be used for pictorial impressions
See Appendix C for examples.

Thanks to PETROBRAS for providing the opportunity and Marcos Guedes

Gomes de Moraes the manager of GECOMP and also the GECOMP
engineers for constantly asking the author catenary questions. Thanks to
Maxwell for the exchange of ideas on the spread-sheet program capabilities


[l]Korkut,M.D. and Hebert,E.J., "Some Notes on Static Anchor Chain

Curve", OTC paper 1 160, Offshore Technology Conference, Texas, USA,

[2]Abramowitz, M and Stegun, I. A., "Handbook of Mathematical

Functions", Dover Publications, 1972.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
422 Offshore Engineering




sinhx - x
S(x)s =LHS of (20)
cosh x -1

its derivative is given by

dS(x) f x
S(x) = —^ = 1 - S(x) + — - S(x)
dx V cosh x - \J


£(£ - p)

that will be used together with

S(p/a) = —^ A2

After the offset,

S(p'/a') = -—^ A3

Now taking A such that

p' / a' = p / a + A A4

and by Taylor Expansion

S(x - A) = S(x) - AS(x) + O(A^) A5

On the other hand, the RHS of A3 may be writen as

f-p-d f-p d
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Offshore Engineering 423

Identifying terms from A5 (with x=p/a) and A6 (recall A2) the result is


which after using Al leads to


that is



cosh(p' / a') = cosh(p / a) + Asinh(p / a) + O(A^)

the result is



Performing the same steps in Appendix A, it is easy to show that for

analogous definition as A4

A _ ^ - P)

that is

_,,_, _,_ v(f-p)

_ ,
h= - ^ + fp

and the result is

) + 0((v/h)) (23)
n — f: + I
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
424 Offshore Engineering


CATBAS2 Program
Dados comprimento suspense (I) e projegao (p)

l(m)= 2500
p(m)= 900



l/p= 2.77777778 w= 0.67 H= 433.17 V= 866.98 T= 969.17
1 =UM H= 221.72 w= 1.309 w= 0.3468 w= 0.3843
p/a= 2.71965562 V= 1675 V= 3272.4 H= 114.76 H= 127.18
a(m)= 330.924251 T= 1689.6 T= 3301 T= 874.54 V= 960.79
l/a= 7.55459895 Valores consistentes apenas dentro de cada bloco
h/a= 6.62049641
h(m)= 2190.88282
alfa(graus)= 7.5

l(m)= 2500
p(m)= 900
h(m)= 2190.88282
alfa(graus)= 7.5
a(m)= 330.924251

Dx= 90

x(m) y(m)

0 0 2190.88282
90 12.3140715 2190.88282
180 50.1727277 2190.88282
270 116.393497 2190.88282
360 215.90468 2190.88282
450 356.112129 2190.88282
540 547.450404 2190.88282
630 804.159338 2190.88282
720 1145.3438 2190.88282
810 1596.39553 2190.88282
900 2190.88282 2190.88282
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
Offshore Engineering 425

CATDER3 Program
Fixada uma configuragao o riginal inicial (I eh comp decorrente)
calcular nova configuragao dado deslocamento (d) horizontal do topo;
d positive para FAR.
l(m)= 1000 w(kN/m)= 1
h(m)= 500
p(m)= 824 FORQAS
d(m)= -15 0
d(m)= -15 OH(kN)= 615.761572 750.413719
V(kN)= 930.463095 1000
[(l-p-d)/h]= 0.382 0.352T(kN)= 1115.76157 1250.41372
Hassint(kN)= 598.30283

UM= 1 1

p'/a' 1.20089192 1.09833658=p/a

COS H(p'/a')= 1.8120026 1. 6662991 2=COSH(p/a)

h/a' 0.8120026 0.66629912=h/a

a'(m) 615.761572 750.413719=a(m)
p'(m) 824 824=p(m)
I'/a' 1.51107691 1.33287387=1/3
l'(m) 930.463095 1000.20684=l(m) l'assint(m)= 924.235255
alfa '(graus) 33.5 36.9=alfa(graus)
c(m) -69.7437428
c/d 4.64958285

Dx= 82.4

x(m) y'(m) y (m)

69 7437428 3.953959 0 500
0 0 0 500
82.4 0.13007184 4.52855858 500
164.8 7.35158753 18.1688917 500
247.2 25.7480167 41.0856315 500
329.6 55.6492811 73.5553713 500
412 97.59163 115.970005 500
494.4 152.327258 168.841455 500
576.8 220.837793 232.807854 500
659.2 304.351904 308.641245 500
741.6 404.367334 397.256897 500
824 522.677758 499.724359 500
809 499.687515 500

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