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11 ABM Business Ethics ST Lesson 2 Business Ethics: An Overview

Name ________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Score ______________
I. Identify what is asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. This principle of professional ethics refers to full disclosure. ___________________
2. This term includes those individuals and groups without which the organization does not have an existence.
3. What is the name of the anthology authored by Vincent Berry? ___________________
4. In what year was Business Ethics as a management discipline well-established? ___________________
5. This principle of professional ethics refers to duty of care? ___________________
6. Where was the first conference on Business Ethics held? ___________________
7. In what year was the first conference on Business Ethics held? ___________________
8. What is the title of the material published by Manuel G. Velasquez in 1982? ___________________
9. This is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. ___________________
10. This branch of philosophy is considered to be a normative science. ___________________
11. This is seen as a view of life and judgment of what is desirable. ___________________
12. This refers to a set of rules that governs the administration and management of companies. ___________________
13. In what year did Business Ethics become institutionalized at many levels through writings and conferences?
14. This principle of professional ethics refers to objectivity. ___________________
15. This is a branch of philosophy that involves systemizing, defending, and recommending concepts and right and wrong
behavior. ___________________
II. Answer the following questions briefly and concisely. Be sure to express your answers in complete sentences.
1. What are the seven principles of professional ethics? 7 pts

2. What are the eight principles of personal ethics? 8 pts

3. Give six values that should be observed by managers while performing their duties. 6 pts

4. Why is Ethics considered to be a normative science? 3 pts

5. For one's decision to be considered ethical, what questions were suggested by Peale and Blanchard? 3 pts

6. What are the characteristics of an ethical organization? Present four answers. 4 pts

7. What are the three basis in recognizing an ethical organization? 3 pts

8. What are the four principles of corporate governance? 4 pts

9. Give five reasons on why businesses should act ethically. 5 pts

10. What is the idea behind the Eleventh Commandment in relation to Business Ethics? 2 pts

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