CLS MED 23 24 XIII Phy Package 4 Level 1 Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Electromagnetic Waves SECTION -A 4. Answer 2) Radiowave has longest wavelengths than all waves in whole E.M. spectrum 2. Answer () EM wave can transport both energy and momentum, 3. Answer (1) G2ExB 4. Answer (1) (wt — kz) indicates wave travels in +ve z direction. 5. Answer (3) 25 - 4000 = 4=05* 102 m 6. Answer (1) 7. Answer (2) E,__ 36 2x10 T % Cc 3xt0® 8. Answer (2) Both E and B are in same phase 9. Answer (3) Electromagnetic waves do not require material medium for their propagation, SECTION -B 4. Answer (4) Blt Ec Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 78 Electromagnetic Waves 2 10. " 2 13, 14. 45. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 2 2 23 Answer (2) ExB gives direction of propagation of wave. Answer (3) Answer (1) oM at wilt at 02a Answer (3) (1. pe) P seg? \lanr?)o, Eo = Bi ere, Fo are, Answer (3) Answer (4) oF = 05 MVis P= Answer (1) ,=B,c Answer (3) Average intensity of beam Answer (3) ag a Answer (4) Answer (2) qg@00S.t for maximum value, cos Answer (3) ‘Answer (4) Answer (4) ‘Answer (4) ‘Answer (3) . 23x10" so nie Answer (4) ‘Answer (3) Eo “B, 24 B= 3x10® Answer (1) Answer (4) ‘Answer (3) Answer (1) c =8x10° T Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Waves 79 24, 25. 26. a. 28, 29. 30, Answer (3) Answer (4) 6x10" ax10" = 2x10? T Answer (4) Answer (1) Answer (3) kek Answer (4) ae “el Answer (1) SECTION - C Answer (2) Waves Wavelength AM radio waves 10m Microwaves 102m Infrared radiations 104m ays 10-m (@)-(i) (b)- (iy ©-() @-(0 Answer (2) 1 ent 1 “Fenton 1 Feat Since ¢= ce Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 = ve 80 Electromagnetic Waves Solutions of Assignment 3. Answer (1) For electromagnetic wave, walle! ¢ Hore’ is magnti field associated wih EM wave E's loci eld associated wth EM wave cis tho spood of EM wave = éleclél 3m 108 3x 10° cos( 1.6» 10° +48 « 10") Vim Direction can be determined from Poynting vector E = 9cos(1.6x108 x + 48x10"t) & vim 4, Answer(3) We know, Bo 5. Answer (2) Given V= V,sinot «) Now displacement current |, is given by av ly =O SoS Msinwt) (using equation 1) C(Vyw)eoswt Ig = VgaCcoset 6. Anewer 3) Direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves is along Ex Given that direction of propagation is along x-axis, Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Waves 81 (1) Ci+hx(-j+k=0 2) (j+k)x(j+k)-0 @) CJ+kyx(-j-k)y=2i @) G+xt-Grkl=0 ~. Option (3) is correct. 7. Answer (2) Energy received = Intensity * Area x Time = 20 x 20x 60 = 24% 108 8. Angwer (1) In an electromagnetic wave, half of the intensity is provided by the electric field and half by the magnetic field Hence required rato should be 1: 4 9. Answer (4) Gamma rays have wavelength about less than 10-19 m to 10-™ m which is shortest wavelength among all options 40. Answer (3) B, = 2% 107 sin(n x 10% + 3n x 10" 9 T General equation of magnetic field vector B= B, sin(kx + of) T kane 10 Bato! RE2* 105m 11. Answer (2) 12, Answer (1) Red has the longest wavelength among the given options. 13. Answer (2) Capacitance of capacitor C= 20 uF 0x 10-8 F av Rate of change of potential (%) =3Vis q=cv aq_ wv a4 gv at dt Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 82 Electromagnetic Waves 14. 15. 16 17 18. 19. ‘As we know that /, Answer (2) ExB-¥ So, B=Bk Direction of propagation is along +z direction. Answer (2) Em Bane Ens Byps == 6 3x10" Bory = 2 * 10% 5 Bins = Ig Bin = Vax2x10* = 2.83 * 10°T Answer (1) R= 100 9, X,= 1009 200V _ 220 Imax = “509 “F000 7? 4 ‘Answer (1) ‘Accelerating charge produce electromagnetic wave. ‘Answer (2) E= 15 keV ‘he _ 66x10" x3x10" E 15x10" x1.6x10-" A=08A=1A ‘Answer (3) Surface is perfectly reflecting Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 20. a 2, 23, 24, 25. 26. a. 28. 29. 30. So change in momentum ie., momentum transferred is ‘Ap = p-(-p) ‘Ap=2p So, 4-36 Answer (2) _, = RIA _ 2x25x108 1510 4, c 3x10" = 260 x 10°N=25 * 10°N Answer (4) Answer (3) Answer (2) Answer (2) It wave is propagating in +z direction then E and B will be in x-y plane. Also, ExB = direction of propagation Answer (2) Maximum wavelength = microwaves Minimum wavelength = y-rays Answer (4) Answer (4) Answer (2) E, N ,=25% as lanxt0tt—-nx107x #285 as (2nx10°—nx 10x) ho Answer (4) 1 vote Answer (3) Electromagnetic Waves Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 83 84 Electromagnetic Waves 31 32 33. 34, 36. 36. Answer (3) Answer (3) Speed of light in vacuum ¢ in any other medium, v =—L- ye Answer (2) ‘yfays — minimum wavelength. Answer (2) Refractive aoe = £ 1 Te 1 itete n= [e Hote Answer (1) Green house effect is mainly due to the infrared radiation, methane gas, SO, ete. ‘Answer (2) E xB = Direction of wave propagation perpendicular tothe plane of E and B SECTION -D Answer (2) ‘Answer (3) Answer (3) Answer (2) Both electric and magnetic field are in the same phase. Answer (2) Answer (3) Answer (1) Answer (1) I=4A ata Answer (2) Displacement current i, Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Waves 10. " 2. 13. 14. 45, Answer (1) Answer (3) xB Ho ExB— direction of wave propagation Answer(1) B =3.01x 107 sin(6.28 x 10*x + 2.2x10"t)T k = 6.28 x 10? w=22* 10 4228 7% 2 Se xt0" 7 Answer (4) 107 m E BE c 4. Energy duo to E= 560E" 85 ‘The electric and magnetic energy oscillate at double the frequency as compared to electric and magnetic field Be BoB Energy due to 8= 7 - u bet = sat = Bane Answer (3) Answer (1) f= 28x10 Hz. E=93 vim (+j) Bo=E - 23, 3x10" B= 3.1 * 10° along positive z-direction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 86 Electromagnetic Waves Solutions of Assignment 16. Answer (3) al P— = [Perfect reflection] _2xE Ale 2e Alc 417. Answer (2) EP <= watim? ‘400% Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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