My SPEECH On Oral Com

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To the ever and hardworking teachers of this institution,our board of pannel,sir and maam,to my
fellow students, friends, ladies and gentlemen a pleasant day to everyone.

Today, l stand before you to discuss a topic of utmost importance about disciplining the youth. In a
world that constantly evolves,nurturing disciplined individuals is the cornerstone of a prosperous
society .In todays world,young people face a lot. With technology and fast-paced life, discipline
among the youth seems to be slipping. We need to take close look at this situation.

Strictness and responsibility are like guides for the youth. Being strict help them to stay on the right
path and not get lost in distractions ,being a young adult and one of the stewards at the vineyard of
our Lord someday, our responsibility ,teaches them to be accountable for what they do. These
qualities actvas a shield, protecting them from making choices that might harm their future.
Discipline also help in a building important habit like managing time and working hard, crucial for
personal growth.

Based on the research article titled "The theoretical state of Philippine youth studies: Current trends
and future directions," here are some insights and examples about disciplining youth in the

1. Cultural context: When disciplining youth in the Philippines, it is important to consider the cultural
context and values that shape Filipino youth. Understanding the cultural norms and beliefs can help
in developing effective discipline strategies.

Example: In Filipino culture, respect for authority figures, such as parents and elders, is highly valued.
Discipline strategies that emphasize respect and obedience may be more effective in this cultural

2. Positive reinforcement: Research suggests that positive reinforcement is effective in disciplining

Filipino youth. Recognizing and rewarding good behaviour can motivate them to continue positive

Example: Praising and rewarding a child for completing their chores or showing kindness to others
can reinforce positive behaviour and encourage them to continue those actions.

3. Open communication: Effective discipline involves open and respectful communication between
parents or caregivers and youth. It is important to listen to their perspectives and involve them in
decision-making processes.
Example: Engaging in open discussions with teenagers about rules and consequences can help them
understand the reasoning behind the discipline and foster a sense of responsibility.

4. Balancing discipline and autonomy: Filipino youth value independence and autonomy. Discipline
should aim to strike a balance between setting boundaries and allowing them to develop their own
decision-making skills.

Example: Allowing teenagers to have some autonomy in decision-making, such as choosing

extracurricular activities or managing their time, can help them develop independence while still
maintaining appropriate boundaries.

5. Teaching responsibility: Discipline should focus on teaching responsibility and accountability for
one's actions. It is important to help youth understand the consequences of their choices and
encourage them to take responsibility for their behaviour.

Example: When a child makes a mistake, parents can guide them through a reflection process to help
them understand the impact of their actions and how they can make better choices in the future.

Remember,disipline should be focused on teaching, guiding ,and promoting positive behaviour rather
than solely punishing or controlling. The goal is to help youth develop self discipline, responsibility ,
and critical thinking skills to make better choices in the future.

In a world getting more complicated, having disciplined youth is vital. They are the future, and we
need to give them the skills to face challenges. Without disciplines, ,they/we might struggle with
decisions and miss out opportunities.

Our world is facing challenges and things are getting tougher. Disciplining the youth is not just
important, its a must. We can’t wait, Acting now is the key. By teaching discipline, we are preparing
the youth to handle whatever comes their way, Its time to act now, not later, Now, to make sure they
ready for what lies ahead.


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