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Quotation To: QUOTATTON
SAS e Construction Prt l-td
Leo O[6ce Complcx Date 8/2?/2023
.lth Floor, Lot 10(193
Haivakaru N{agu, IJulhumale, 20fi)10 QT No 23 /QT / 1513

Su ect: \\'S/20231071
Dcscription Llnit Qtv Ratc Tottl
Two Brake Disc Rotor Surface Polishing In l-atheshop I,S I .1,000.00 .1.(xx).rl0T

Contact person:Iro bhai

NOTE, Subtotal N[!'R 4,000.00

Validity 3 days
GST (8.0%) M\.R. 320.00
l'alrncrrt condition :
Total lvtvR 4,320.00
The paymenl for this quotation should be sctteled as pcr thc pa)mcnt condition
!'ailing which a chargc oI0.5% uill be chargcd per day on overduc.

Prepared br,: (-hccked Conhrmcd bv:

Srsn: h'-*, ^ Sign: Sign:
D"r", / .,r\o.\" Date: Date:

Bank Details :

A/C Name l-eo Trading Plt l-td A/C Name Lco Tradrng Pvt Ltd
State Bank oflndia
Bank Name
Bank of trIaldives
Bazaar Braoch, Iale'
ThankYou Bank Name
Btanch trIale' Republic of l\faldives
A/C No MVR 17 0427 8395001
For Your A/C No MVR 12604012920201
A/C No USD '7704278395002 A/C No USD 12604012920202
S*ifi Code \L4.LBNfl',\fv Business S*ift Code SBIN]\NlIY

_El. +96C
LEO tPADiN6 Pvl LIO I H Olhuli. I |4r.,y..n:ig:r : Irlo, cetcbi,. or l'.1.r'y.e
3a.rO 6634 l ]95O 9ea 53a5 Fir -95O ala 07a3 r fm.r.l a<.or:ntr dlaot..d,nO.m, rdmin, eot'r<1,.9 F,

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