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2/7/24, 2:40 PM Comment on Angela Merkel’s speech in London on February 27th 2014 | Coursera


Comment on Angela Merkel’s speech in

London on February 27th 2014

First of all, the article underlines the fact that the invitation for a German personality to express herself in
front of both chambers of the British Parliament is exceptional. Only Willy Brandt (German Chancellor
from 1969 up to 1974) and Richard Von Weizsäcker (President of West Germany then reunited Germany
from 1984 up to 1994) had experienced such an honor before.

Indeed, it is not common for foreign heads of state to be invited to express themselves in front of a
national Parliament. In France also, the opportunity is very rare, about once a year only. The latest guests
were the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and the Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki in 2012.

One can imagine that the invitation from the British required Germany, today’s prevailing actor on the
European arena, to position itself with regard to the debate waving the British political life in favor of a
potential withdrawal of the European Union.

Yet, as Angela Merkel underlines it, she did not come to visit London to support a specific side or another,
although David Cameron promised the British that a referendum was going to be held by 2017.
Nevertheless she states that London has an essential role to play in the European construction.

Indeed, each of the major European States is tempted to expand partnerships. France has got closer to the
United Kingdom on defense issues since the Saint-Malo Summit in 1998. Similar to London, Berlin has
been supporting the strengthening of the domestic market. On other topics, such as the economic upturn
and a bigger flexibility for the European money criteria, Paris has joined forces with Italy since 2013.

Nonetheless, the Chancellor emphasized that the European participation was the British’ choice, which
shows that geography does not decide on everything, willingness is also required.

She also put forward that the freedom of movement within the EU was a major achievement in the
European integration. It is worth noticing that Angela Merkel highlights this fact in London since the
United Kingdom and Ireland do not belong to the Schengen area: it is always compulsory to show an ID
when you take the train from Paris or Brussels to go straight to London through the Channel Tunnel.

To make it short, we understand that Angela Merkel's coming to London aimed at underlining that the
countries which are at the core of Europe from a geographical point of view, i.e. the United Kingdom, are
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