New York NY Age 1938-1939 Grayscale - 0214

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jVT. Nfg/i£ Clubs —

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in '•iJat-T'-ii

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1 of the Nation"
Band Tops New To Hold Political
Apollo Theatre Forums For Youths
stu- Duke Ellington, leader of the At the last meeting of the Mod-
FLOYD O. SNELftON world's, greatest colored band, will ern Trend Progressive Group oa
C appear in the finest revue in which Tuesday evening, September 20, it
they have ever appeared. The show
KEW YOKK PANORAMA York. There were some 10,000 Ne- wtll open Friday, Sepember 30th, at waa determined that the education
uri Thanks to the New Deal Admin- groes ia New York, about a alth the Apollo Theatte. Ivy Anderson eommittee, under Cyril Dolly, would
ing istration and the Federal Writer'a of whom were slaves. Several fires will appear with the hand as featured undertake to sponsor a series of
Project of New York—the aatbor were started ..During the ensuing soloist, and the new find Delorea open forums without charge to Har-
we tf an interesting book—according terror, every Negro seen on the Brown. lem youths during the month of
state to Walter Wincheil—" chock full of streets was arretted.. Whites, be- Bill Bailey, famous Up dancer October.
fascinating stuff about 'The Big came implicated when a seareh for who recently returned from triumphs
. it City'." Beleased September 15, 1938; stolen goods led to the tavern of in Europe will be prominent in the The series is to be composed of
of Random House, New York, publish- John HughsoB, whose colored ser- revue jyijt that will include two tap four connected symposiums which
vant girl was arrested and confessed
de- - ers. knowledge of the insurrection un- dancer* new to Harlem called the will attempt, ia general, to give
der torture. Public hysteria and team of Millie and Bubbles, Her- young Harlemites a basis npon which
panic, intense in New York, spread man teed singer of sweet songi, Geo. to vote in the coming elections.
phO- NATION throughout the country.. Of 150 Wiltshire, Sandy Burns and John Speakers from each of the main
Writers, historians, and world LaRue, comics and dancing ensembles political parties will be asked to
talk upon their party platforms
and by sixteen lovely brownskin dancing and
er country will all ree that Har- candidates—end non-partisans
girls. will be asked to explain their po-
km is the greatest N egro common- 71 transported to the West Indies.
How jty in the world. As usual, Ellington brings with his litical philosophies ss well. Instruc-
Between 17*1 and 1766 many Ne-
Harlem leads while others follow! groes succeeded in purchasing their orgatriration lovely Ivy Anderson, tions concerning voting and regis-
• There is not a city, town er local- freedom song stylist superb and a new find tration will also be given out for
During the Be volution —pretty Delores Brown. the benefit of those who have never
ity in the world that can boast of they were accepted for military before voted.
able sac a noble achievements, racial dis- services by both America and Eng- A gripping jungk drama entitled
tinction, democratic ideals and na- land. . . .New York waa among the "BookJo" will be the screen fare. The Modern Trend hopes that in
tional recognition. first of few states to reward Negro this manner it will be able to aid
The observations of Dr. Willis N. soldiers with freedom; and ia 1799 The Apollo Theatre announces the in helping the young men and wom-
Huggins, Ph.D., noted educator, who an act was passed conferring grad- appearance of Blanche Callowav and en who attend its forums to use
ed- appraised the volume suite conclu- ual emancipation and ending slav- Her Band and revue. They will suc- their votes carefully and intelligent-
I sively: Quote: ery ia the state on July 4, 1627. ceed Duke Ellington and His Band- ly after a careful consideration of
Free Negroes bad the right of citi- the interests at stake. The Modern
Of the 66 pages given exclu- Trend does not intend to try to
sively to descriptions of the izens, including the right to vote.
races in New York &*? I t
pages ate devoted to "Portrait Dear readers: The foregoing par-
Bojangles In, Out Of away the interests and sympathies
of the audiences of its forums in
past of Harlem" entirely about Ne- agraphs mark the beginning of a
any direction whatsoever—its ac-

Harlem was given five times
series that will appear in this col-
umn weekly from "The Portrait of of a
Miss MAIINE SULLIVAN, erase* of wring, in amid to ha tha cause
legal battle between the Cotton Club and Onya d a b over the Jail After Fight tions in respect to these conven-
tions will be governed only by the
desire to place before Harlem'a
the amount given to the Irish; Harlem," the latent description of prior right to har service*. Miss Sullivan ia naw in Hollywood bat yonth a careful consideration of
four times that of the Italians; New York's black belt—Harlem, the Cotton Olah wants to feature her in their naw revue. R e a s o n , 60-year-old lap dancing
star, was held in jail for an hour here the political issues that exist.
three times that of the Germans published recently—The New York
Out or Spanish; and two and a half Panorama. on suspicion of assault with a dead- Working under Mr. Dolly, a*
at ly weapon, then was released on his chairmau of the forums, are Miss
times that of Jews."
Jas. Wekka Johnson's own 'recognizance.

Duke Ellington and his aggrega-
Though always restricted by tion, with that Ivie Anderson gal Records Go On Sa|e
WWlwl, ^ Police said Robinson engaged in Pennington and Arthur Snead.
a street corner altercation with Paul
Doris Foster, Otto Furloage, John
At the same meeting Dolly King,
tradition to certain areas, trades gave their usual Broadway thrill at Moffat, white substitute center on well knows Long Island University
grad- and professions, the Negro has lived Loew's State last week, and are the University of California football athlete, waa unanimously elected
most and labored in New York for more scheduled ditto at the Harlem Apol- Two records which will keep team. Moffat was taken to a hos- physical director of the organisation,
than three hundred years, He islo next week <30)..._The Western alive the voice of James Weldon pital where a cut on the side of his • • o —
ser* one of the most vivid figures in lad. Aady Kirk, and June Richmond head was treated.
social the city's history, and in terma of are beating up their gums at theJohnson for posterity went on sale A crowd gathered about the pair;
Dr. Nathaniel Dett Ts
progress and chronology, his eontin- Apollo now, along with Jimmie last week, it w « announced by unaware of the dancer's identity, and
had Baskette, Pigmeat Markham, Mary
ic re-
anus adjustment to New York's
ever-changing environment, the man- Loo Williams and Pha Terrell,
officials of the N. A. A. C. P.
Recordings have been made of
muttered threat* against him, ac-
I cordjnjg to - detectives who hurried
Grre Harlem Rectal
ner in which he has reacted to the For the benefit of you Jitterbugs Miss DOLORES BBOWH, addtttanal singing • f ^ ' ^ j f *
lament* handicaps and penalties imposed up- down Dixie, Erskine Hawkins, and four readings by the famed poet Robinson away. Ellington Band, who ia under management of f ^ V f f * ^ 0 *
on him because of color and class, his ork are due in Richmond, Ve., made before his death last June
make a record of dramatic interest October 17; Cohambia, 8. C , I I ;26 and tnefudf his "The Creation,"*
The (alter cation occurred when Dr. B, Nathaniel Dett, the emin- S u b ? heardwtth Duke's orchestra at the Apollo during tha
"Moatat, drivmg ho«ie to a fraternity ent Negro composer snd pianist ap- ginning Friday, September SO.
will and social challenge. Charlotte, November 1; Fayette- "Go Down Death," rThe Prodigal house wifh Barnev Mitchell, white pears in reeital at ML 013v« Bap- —Photo by Harrington. Studio, Staff Photographer from N . f-AgS.
ville, 2nd; Greenville, 3rd; Csarres- So** and "Listen, Lord—A Pray- manager of the colieec track team, tist Church, 120th street and Len-
. id In 1930, 327,006 Negroes were toB, 4th; Macon, Ga., 7th; Savan- er.** "The alburn containing the attempted to wedge his roadster be-
tween Robinson's limousine and a ox avenue, New York City, at 8:30
residents ia New York, the largest nah, 5th, and Columbus, 9th.
single concentration of Negro pop- Adele Moon, digs me that her N. Y.
record* may be ordered from The
Crisis, 69 Fifth avenue, New York, truck. Robinson was driving, his o'clock Thursday evening, October LOEW'S VICTORIA Stepin Fetchk Owes
chauffeur sitting beside him. 0, under the auspices of a griup of
ulation anywhere in the world . • ladv in the lights. Lupe Velea, one
some 250,000 live in Harlem. of the stars of "You Never Know"
U. S. & 6 1 5 Back Tax
"The Cnaser" with Lewis Stone and
ajassssBBBssn jumped out ana protest- private instructors of music in the Dermis O'Keefe, plus "Prison Break"
to air
_h W
is not so temperamental after a l l , .
The earliest records show that Begina Andrews, OUT recently ap-
eleven Negroes were brought to the pointed head librarian has captured
Monarch Band Pleases ed. A fight started, and Robinson opening program of the contest of with Barton MacLane and Qenda
was. said to have produced a pistol music schools for this year. The Farrell have their last showings at
with which he struck Moffat on the
HOLLYWOOD, Calif.—Stepia
program is being dedicated to him the Loew's Victoria Theatre Wednes- Fetchitt, motion picture comedian,
n* until settlement of New Amsterdam in all the headlines this week ..Ruth head. _
• tie
1626 as slaves.^,.. For 100 years Ellington, sister of the Duke ©f
thereafter Negroes were either in- Bbythm, is back from Europe, aad
In First Fall Concert for his aecompliahmenta. A special day, September 28th.
Robinson had numerous police and feature of this dedication is the ap- Smartly dialogued, brimming with
sheriff's permits for him to carry pearance on the program of the laughs, and offering finished and be- $3,615 more in income taxes. A lien
was ordered on Saturday to pay

with dentured servants or slaves... Under now destined to set the style and the jrun.
Duteh colonists many were granted fashion, with her French attire And Before a small but enthusiastic popular choir of that church unrer lievable characterizations by such filed in Federal Court, whose real
a Faces Jury Proas the direction of Professor Lorenso stellar performers as Janet Gaynor, name is Lincoln Perry, was that
down." freedom.. Many had the right to learning.. „Ruth is a datiful sister audience. Monarch Symphonic The alleged assault by Bill Rob- Dyer interpreting a number of lead- Robert Montgomery and Franchot amount short in his 1935 income tax
Joseph travel, assemble, marry and OWB to a dutiful brother—her benefactor Band opened its lft»-J9 concert mson^ on Paul Moffat, 21-years ing compositions of this master com- Tone, "Three Loves Has Nancy"
pr»pertv, and afforded 'legal protec- and greatest admirer. season Sunday afternoon at the old football player, with a gnn will poser. Also appearing for this pur- opens at the Victoria Theatre on payment.
Prelate tion...".In 1A64, when the English Eunice Brooks, radioed from Elk- Girls Junior High School, 135th be placed before the county Grand pose will be some of the leading Thursday, September 29. for a five-
conquered the Dutch, slavery became Jon, Md., that she's taken a lease
and ia
profitable, flourishing and oppress- en another husband—Joseph Taylor, street and Edgecombe avenue. The
band rendered a welf-balaneed
Jury on Tuesday, the police an- singers and pianists from the stud- day showing.
nounced Friday. Deputy Prose- ios of Elizabeth H. Loguea and
ive institution modeled npoa the whom she promises to love aad obey The story is that of a flippant
the Af* cutor Edwin Myers s*id he wouH Winifred Van Exet
, issus
slave system of Virginia. __..Dr. and Mr*. Ferguson and Mr. though somewhat difficult program kORK fa Florence, Alabama, sou ask the jury to decide whether Radio Program Swdty
novelist who gets into difficulties with
In 1694 the eoloay possessed snd Mrs. John Scott big-wigs from and under the able direction of Lt. Dr. Dett i sknown for the phe-
about 2,170 slaves, asd in 1709 open Richmond, Ve\, paid Harlem a visit Fred W. Simpson thrilled the aud- D of a Methodist minister, ha criminal charges should be issued. nomenal success of his European a Broadway actress. In an endeavor
Ep«- turned early to "wotHy" music to escape the overtures of the too-
slave markets were operating ia . . . . D r . Charles Harria informs as ience with its interpretation of the Music never pafd, and his strong aad American tours with the choir eager admirer, he persuades his pub-
Senior he created at Hampton University lisher to send him on a lecture tour CLEVELAND, O^-Nimrod B,
New York_..Moit of the Negroes that his lovely wife will soon be- selections.
cf New York labored as domestics, come a medie* studying medicalogy
chimney sweepers aad ship ealxers in Phila
frame earned money on the levee
One of the outstanding numbers and the cotton fields,
Caska Bonds has re- played for the first time in public
Harlem Now Has fine where he founded and directed
School of Mnsie, an for his present
the of the South.
Allen, executive secretary <A the
Columbus, O. Urban League, will be
publish,- Bat his ears were always open success with the Bennett College Here he meets Nancy, a small-town guest speaker on the *TrVing$ Over
...While many who obtained their sumed his winter cocktail parties..

fr?edom from their masters through Ralph Matthews, Afro sen be, from by the Monarch Band was "Eram" negro workers took form la his
determination and frugality, owned D. C, aad his charming wife, were an overture by Verdi In this num-
to music, aad the tunes of the
mind ea a grander scale, and he
Concert Auditorium Choir of Greensboro, North Caro- girl. Casually inviting her to seek Jordan" radio program broadcast
lina that he now directs. This prom- his help should she ever get into trou- from this city on Sunday, October
small businesses. guests on Sugar Hill., ber Ballard Edwards, euphonium began composing. Twenty-five years ises to be one of the season's mus- ble in New York, he forgets all 2nd. Mr. Allen is well known as a
rathel ical events for this composer is about her, only to find her waiting speaker and the singing of tWs
their The fiTst school for Negroes in Rnfua (Sonny Man) Jackson and
soloist, was one of the individual ago, he sat on a hale of cotton oa
stars. "Euryanthe** by
New York waa opened in 1704 by the beautiful Helen Mae from was another outstanding number pencil wrote oa a cigar box the
von Weber a Mississippi hank aad with a stub At 122nd St. & Lenox unuestiosably sraong the leading at the penthouse apartment he shares group, under direction of Glenn T,
eompoaera of today. No student or with his friend, the publisher, upon Settle, is one of the outstanding pro-
Tlias Neau for the Society for the Pittsburgh came over for the game well rendered and as usual "Slo- melody which has earned him un- Harlem has at least one fine con- lover of musk can afford to miss his return. The ensuing complications grams coming ffom this city aad
Afrieaa Propagation of the Gospel in For- Sunday...„.„8onny Man owns the ranic Rhapsody" by Friedman was dying fame. He published the music cert hall. It is situated at the cor- this event. * provide some of the fastest and mer- broadcast over a national hookup.
" has eign Party Thefirstsecular edu- Homestead Grays baseball team and well received. This number affords himself, aad after a hard struggle ner ef 132nd street and Lenox ave- riest comedy seen this season.
family cational institution was the African is one of the swellest gays in the the woodwind ample opportunity sold a hundred thousand copies. nue, and was formerly the "pariah MOVIES ABE TOTJE Wallace Beery starring in Metro- Frank Morgan heading the brahanl
out of Free School, organized chiefly by game Phonograph companies did not at Goldwyn-Mayer's "Port of Seven icast, is the associate feature at the
ignored Bobena Hughes, the merry to stand out. first record the song, thinking It house" of the Chnreh of St. Mar-
the New York Manumission Society widow from Boston is still in tone The soloist for the afternoon was would die. He wrote among ether tin. Credit goea to the Art Gnild EHTEETAIKMEHT Seas" with Maureen O'Sullivan and Victoria.
riatiaa and opened in 1787. Forty-seven
Vk»lett Speedy, former stage William McDuffie, trumpet, who blues numbers, "Memphis Bluet" of tSd church and its friends. Dr.
years later, when Negro children hoteba, wife of Peretvnl Pratts, plaved "LaReve D'Amonr" by A. Hndsea Sealy is president of the
were transferred to the publie newspaperman, is back in town, Millars. His execution and tone snd "Beale Street Bines." Guild.
y« school system, there were seven manicurist at 2255 Seventh avenue both were excellent. He received He enjoys a dual membership in
against African Free Schools in the city. the American Society of Compos- This hall in which ths congrega-
Oliie Cbilds, the good-looker, quite an ovation. ers. Authors snd Publishers, as a tion of the church first worshippep
Rejoice stili answer* questions st the Eraer-
The Negroes' early struggle for geney Bureau... .Ida Dodson, eome- One of the highlights of the uro- composer and aa a publisher. ten years ago has been completely
This, I human rights was manifest ia 1710 lv daughter of Toungstown, Ohio, gram was the Conaway Brothers His name is • remodeled. It now has a spacious
when a slave brought suit against i>'oujicihnsn, is making her home in Entertaining Group, featuring •XpaeH Mttdeam-HO unaitiM stage, attractively painted aad
his master for wages.. And ia Harlem, and making the young men Prank Robinson and Mike Jackson. lighted. Besides large ceiling lights
1*12 a group of slaves smarting feel g»7. Their entertainment was unique the walls of the hall carry evenly
aader a sense of iatolertble wrong, and hrteresting. The audience re- spaced lights with shades of bronse
Haiel (La* Modemaa) Tynea, the mttal and colored glass. In the
»ct in an orchard in Maiden Lane vivacious ash blonde, has migrated ceived them warmly.
Why I
t these aad planned an insurrection against to her fatherland—Warren, Ohio,
the whites
An address
The Insurrection and will keep Harlem awaiting her the work the band t* doing was
of appreciation of Sonny Jones Wins rear ceiling which rises higher than
other parts is a flood light of day-
delivered by Carl Diton, weft light hue which, if necessary, mav
I brought savage retaliation,. - .Out return until nevt weak Florenee NEXT WEEK ONLY — Bl RID, 1MBER 30th—
tO *•»' ' *t it. however, grew fear and re- and Elisabeth Dickson, a pair of known musician, and the appeal
K. 0 . At Rockland light that part ef the hall and yet
cast ah mere than a soft glow over

a ths
•peet for the Negroes which found
•tpression, in legislation and atao-
liti's of the slave trade.
r ed canaries from Wilmington, for contributions was made by Ed-
C, are in the city taking oa a
few beauty hints from the Apex
Th» plot of 1741 gives many i i - College....Roberta Bostey is back Brooklyn, at Alexander Hamilton
open Us season in
Palace Opening
the audience and set all affect the
lighting of the stage. The acoustics
make listening very easy.
The WorkTg Greatest Colored Band and The Finest
a ha* t#m*;iK episodes of the existence at the desk ia the library, without High School, Sundav afternoon. On Sunday afternoon last the Art Revue In Which They Htve Ever Appeared:—
w u ao* •f the Negro population of New a word of aBaoancemeat, so what? October t, and expect a large and Sonny Jemes, 149, of Canada, Guild pat on as its initial presen-
Frances Hobbard-Lattimore, foot- enthusiastic audience. The next scored a stx round technical knock- tation ef the season an informal

m e ia
light besuty is oa a Western tour Harlem concert will be Sunday, out over Mike Faattim, 151, of Italy, program. Among those to take part
to CTiieago'aBd visit her father in October 23. at which time the selo- to win the main event on the opening whom « Marcus D 'Albert, pianist,
Ml Dr. Sealy said that, taking
ths* Springfield, III. . . . Msrjorie, her iat will be Ballard T. Edwards. Saturday mght card at Rockland Tal-
sister i s much improved after re- euphonium soloist—A. B. ace. into consideration ths acclaim ef
da art the leading critics, should reach
flawii cent iUBew-.^Haaal Patrick, u SchednSed for ten heats, the boat the same heights oa the piano as
Tm. a w*4. _ still talking about the crabs and
this »
* novii QUIZ eoarrear wri shrimps »fc« » 8 « Ut h a f c b T * * B * h t Tiskefee Beret Loses came to a sudden end when Jones Boiaad Hayes and Marios Ander-
opened Mp a deep cut over Frattmi's son have reached ia song; Edward
in the mud fists of Loag Island. left eye. A stream of blood spurted {Teddy) Margetson, pUaa; Qua AND HIE
arc i»
T H E CHASER" For farther information read thii
column next w e e k . . . . Signing off TUSKEGEE INST., Ala—In the forth. Referee Eddie Joseph took am Woods, piano; Gwendolyn Rivera, ORCHESTRA
Lewis stone — Dennis Otteefe opening game of the season here this look and wiseiv ordered Frattini to vncai solo; Wilnette Mayers, read-
fellows now __8>*ELSON.
a»I«s# afternoon, LeMovne College of Mem- his corner. The enraged Italian re- ing; Melodioas Quartet; W, Ood-
phis, Team., defeated a fighting but fused to jro and wrestled the referee rington; vocal solo; Miss Chalmers, MILLIE H
*»nsi! MteLane
4 brm-ednrAuto Cram unseasoned Tugkegt* Tiger in the around the ring before he was sub- vocal solo; Irene Inniss Bailey, pi-
Alumni Bowl by a score of 27 to 6. dued by his seconds. ano and Jerome Maughn, vocal solo. & BUBBLES DOLORES BROWN - BILL BAHEY ^ f f
When the automobile in which A large snd enthtsiastic audience in- Up to the time of the K. 0 „ the briefly, The Rev, John H. Johnson spoke
er. H» asking support of tha efforts
emselvei •"•"n. thru Men. — a thjy were riding skidded iBt© a cluding students, teachers, visiting battle was pretty even. Frattini as- of the Art Guild and Lenox Players,
t. Th«
•tone wall at 100th street aad Cen- alumni and friend, taw the backfiekJ sumed an early lead in the first three
tral Park West drive, four men «xnbination of Smith, Henry, Hender- rounds by ontpunchtng the Canadian also T, K, Knight E. La*iua act-
were injured Friday, necessitating son and Breadon gain consistently Negro in close qaarters, Jones wea- ed as master of eersmosies asd
, . . ~r--\\',~,-i LA RUB
Thev know Gaynor Montgomery treatment by Dr. Teitlebaam of Har- through the forward wall ef thetrered the storm and began to box read two poems,—E.B.
Hm Hospital.
af enpe*
Franchot Tone Tiger, scoring twit* in the first quar- effectively in the fourth. The fifth
They said they were Joseph Bar- ter aad once each in the sacand and saw lenet make Frattini mist repeat-
bour, 15, of 119 Went Hind street, third quarter*, Twhegec's tone touch- edlv whtk trying to land looping ed the ekaskwr over Vktor Treisa,
Eddk Orda, 140, of Mexico, earn- ••BOOLOO" Wed. Amateur Nite Broadcast
th«v Ttae Loyes Has Nacy* eontusioas of the none; David Me- down came as a reaoft of a 45-yard right hand punches, Jeam-rwegrht Me U7, of Harten, in the eight
Cre*. « , of 123 Wert HtnH street, pass Moore t $d*co which ptsced crowd to ha feet w t t an attach ©f Miai-nnai ucrna mtrosucea a
O l l P r l X S I U I 1 1 I DBAMA

in lb* lacerations of th* scalp; Louis the bafl on LeMoyne'i 37-yard hat, lefts and rights to the head at the style tc-th* fane which is best de-
a eharge Parmaa, 8 s , of I * « € - Nieholaa ave- k
and I^AUACITBEERY hrgmnmg of the sixth, which had seritaj % the pofmlar dance '
BUS feasible fractured skull, aad Duncan and Moore afteraated the ball Frattini ranging t » tight when the in** Keeping his heads at Ht
tt«r James Diggs, IS, of I4S0 Sjveath to the three-yard line where Capt.
Untitled Document

>-- ^7* f i l i n g A 1
?*«•"- w * * * . - . J -
M i f
m Pit.
s t a t e , injuriea ef tha hack aad went ever far the tone Tiger Itad came. The time was L a a feinaa wttn ms neau anc
lulllTsn—fnm* right Moore's kkk was low. »aa 137, n u t miss Meatswoy,
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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