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Government of Tamilnadu

Department of Employment and Training

Course : TNPSC Group I Exam

Subject : Indian National Movement
Topic : National Renaissance
Early Uprising against British rule, 1857 Revolt.

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Department of Employment and Training
Indian National Movement


Chuar (Midnapur, Bengal 1766- 1772 & 1795-1816)

Hos (Singhbhum 1820, 1822, & 1832)
Kol (Chottanagpur 1831-1832) led by BuddhuBhagat
Ahom (Assam 1828-33) led by GomadharKonwar
Khasi (Khasi Hills-Assam and Meghalaya 1829-32) led by Triat Singh
and Bar Manik.
Bhills Khandesh 1817-19, 1825, 1831, 1847) led by Sewaram against the
company owing to agrarian hardship
Kolis (Sahyadri Hills-Gujarat-Maharashtra 1824, 1829, 1839, 1844-
Koyas Rampa Godavari region of Andhra Pradesh (1840, 1845, 1858,
1861-62, 1879, 1880, 1896, 1916, 1922-24). In 1922-24 led by
Alluri Sitarmaraju.
Santals (Rajmahal Hills-SanthalPargana, Bihar 1855-56) led by Sindhu
and Kanhu.
Naikda (PanchMahals-Gujarat 1858-59 and 1868) led by Rup Singh and
Kacha Naga (Cachar-Assam 1882) led by Sambhudam
Mundas Chotanagpur 1899-90. Known as ulgulan led by Birsa Munda
against the erosion of their Kuntkatti land system, recruitment
of forced labour (Beth-Begar) and against the activities of the
Christian missionary. They attacked churches and police station
Bhils (Banswara, SuthiDungarpur-Rajasthan 1913) led by Govindu

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Kukis (Manipur 1917-19) led by Jadonang

Ramoshi In 1822-29, they rose against deposition of Raja Pratap Singh of
Satara in 1839
Chanchus (1921-22) in Andhra Pradesh.
Pahariyas The British expansion on their territory led to an uprising by the
martial pahariyas of the Raj Mahal Hills in 1778
Kharwar The Kharwars of Bihar in the 1870s.
Bhuyan and The first uprising of 1867-68 was under the leadership of Rata
Juang Nayak
Singphos Assam in early 1830
Zeliangsong The Zeliangsong Movement of the Manipur Nagar was launched
by the Zemi, Liangmei and Rongmei
Naga Under Jodanang (1905-31). The other leader was Gaidinliu who
fed the Heraka cult.


Farazi Led by Haji Shariatullah and his son DaduMian degeneration

Movement of Islamic Faridpur, East Bengal society and loss of power to
the British. It supported the cause of tenants against the
Zamindari system, Mian was finally arrested and confined to
Alipore jail.
Godkari Assumption of direct administration of Kolhapur by British
Rebellion and (Kolhapru 1844-45) resentment of Gadkris against
revenue policy. Final suppression of the movement by the
PagalPanthis Led by Karan Sjaj and his son Tipu. A demi-religious sect.
Rose against the oppression of the Zamindars.
Sambhalpur Led by Surendra Sai, interference of British in the internal
Uprisings affairs of (Orissa 1840-41) Sambalpur, Surendra Sai was
finally arrested and imprisoned by the British (1840)

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Sanyasi Led by religious monks and disposed zamindars. Against

Revolt restrictions (Bengal 1760-1800) imposed by the English
company on visiting holy places and ruin of peasant and
The Kuka The Kuka movement started as a religious movement though it
Revolt later began to acquire political overtone. The movement began
in 1840 by Bhagat Jawaharlal or Sian Saheb in west Punjab.
The movement aimed to purge Sikhism by preaching abolition
of castes and similar discriminations and discouraging the
eating of meat and taking of drugs. Women were encouraged
to step out of seclusion. After the British conquered the Punjab,
the movement began to focus on achieving Sikh sovereignty.
The British followed extremely repressive measures from 1862
to 1872 to suppress the movement.

Important Peasant Movements and Association

Region Leader Objective
& Year
PagalPanthis Bengal Karam Shah Against hike in rents; the
Movement &Tipu Shah movement was violently
(1825-1835) suppressed.
Moplah Uprisings Malabar Kumahammad Against rise in revenue
(1836-1854) eHozi and Ali demand and reduction of
Musaliar field size.
Indigo Revolt Nadia Degambar and Against terms imposed by
(1859-1869) district Bishnu Biswas European indigo planters;
Indigo Commission (1860)
set up to view the
Phadke’sRamosi Ramosi, Vasudev Against the British failure
Uprising Maharashtr Balwant to take up anti-famine
(1877-1887) a Phadke measures.
Patna Agrarian Patna Shah Chandra Against policies of
Uprising (1872) District, Roy, Shambhu zamindars to prevent
East Bengal Pal, Khoodi occupants from acquiring

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Mollah and occupancy rights, Bengal

supported by Tenancy Act (1885) was
B.C. Chatterjee passed.
& R.C. Dutt
Poona Sarvajanik Districts of M.G.Ranade To popularise the
Sabha (1870) Thana, peasants legal rights.
Colaba and
Champaran Champaran Peasants Against the Tinkatia
Satyagraha (1917) , Bihar system imposed by the
European Indigo planters;
the Champaran Agrarian
Act abolished the
Tinkathia System.
Kheda Satyagraha Kheda, Peasants led by Against ignored appeals
(1918) Gujarat Gandhiji for remission of land
revenue in case of crop
failure; the demands were
finally fulfilled.
U.P.Kisan Sabha United IndraNarainD
(1918) Province wivedi&
Madan Mohan
Awadh Peasant Barielly- -
Movement (1918) Pratapgarh -

Oudh Kisan Sabha Oudh Nehru & Baba

(1920) Ram Chandra
Andhra Ryots Andhra N.G. Ranga Accepted abolition of
Association (1928) Zamindari

All India Kisan Apex Swami Protection of peasants

Sabha (1936) organisatio Sahajananda from economic
n of exploitation
Bardoli Surat, Kunbi – Against oppression by
Satyagraha (1928) Gujarat Patidar upper caste and hike in
peasants and revenue by 22 per cent by
untouchables the Bombay Government;
supported by the revenue was brought

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Mehta down to 6.03%

Eka Movement Hardoi, Members of Against hike in rents.
Barabanki Pasi and Ahir
and Sitapur Castes
Tebhaga Bengal By poor Against Zamindars and
Movements (1946) peasants & moneylenders;
tenants Bargardari Bill was
&Bargardars passed.
or share-
Telanga Hyderabad VinobaBhave Against practices of
Insurrection moneylenders and
Movement officials of the Nizam of
(1946-1951) Hyderabad. Telangana
movement resulted in
Bhoodan Movement.
POLYGARS UPRISING  The Polygars of Madurai Country
 Palaiyakkara, Poligar, Palegaadu, were instrumental in establishing
Polygar, Palegar, or Polegar was administrative reforms by
the feudal title for a class of building irrigation projects, forts
territorial administrative and and religious institutions.
military governors appointed by  Their wars with the British after
the Nayaka rulers of South India the demise of Madurai Nayakas is
(notably Vijayanagar Empire, often regarded as one the earliest
Madurai Nayakas and the Indian Independence struggles.
Kakatiyadynastry) during 16th-18th  Many were hanged and some
centuries. banished forever to Andaman
 The word is an English corruption Islands by the British.
of palayiakkarar (Tamil) or  Puli Thevar, Veerapandya
Palegaadu (Telugu) or Kattabomman, Dheran
Paaleyagaara (Kannada). Chinnamalai, Marudu brothers,
Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy
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were some of the most notable the country into 72 palaiyams to

Polygars who rose up in revolt 72 chieftains, some of them locals
against the British rule in South and the rest Telugu leaders of
India. detachments who had
 The war against the British forces accompanied ViswanathaNaicker
predates the Sepoy Mutiny in from Vijayanagar.
Northern India by many decades  Most Palaiyams were dry tracts of
but still largely given less land with scanty rainfall found in
importance by historians. the western parts of Tamil Nadu.

Beginnings Role of a Poligar

 The First Naicker King of Madurai  The Poligar’s role was to
ViswanathaNayak (1559-1563); a administrate their Palaiyams
shrewd administrator, assisted by (territories) from their fortified
his famous Dalavoy (Governor centers.
General) cum Pradhani (first  Their chief functions were to
citizen) AriyanathaMudaliar are collect taxes, maintain law and
credited with establishing “the order, run the local judiciary, and
polygar (palaiyakkrar) system” in maintain a battalion of troops for
Madurai Kingdom. the king.
 The Madurai Kingdoms consisted  They served as regional military
of present day Western Tamil and civil administrators.
Nadu with Coimbatore, Salem and  In turn they were to retain the
Kollidam River forming the revenue collected as tax and
northern boundary barring submit the remaining to the king’s
Tanjore Kingdom and Western treasury.
Ghats forming the western border  The Poligars also at times founded
and Kanniyakumari in the South. villages, built dams, constructed
 To make the territorial tanks and built temples.
administration more efficient,  Also the rulers taxed regions
ViswanathaNaicker and according to the cultivable and
AriyanathaMudaliar apportioned fertility of the land.

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 Often several new rainwater tanks  The Nawabs often expensive tax
were erected in the Semi-Arid collection campaigns and lavish
tracts of western and south Tamil spending drove him to
Nadu. bankruptcy, resorting to huge
 Their armed status was also to borrowings from the British.
protect the civilians from robbers  In 1752, the old Madurai Kingdom
and dacoits who were rampant in was leased to a savage warrior
those regions and from invading Mohammed Yusuf Khan, and was
armies which often resorted to backed with troops from the
pillaging the villages and British and Carnatic Nawab to
countryside. bring the Polygars into control.
Rebellions against British  He immediately went around
 With the downfall of Madurai pillaging and damaging the
Kingdom in 1736 anarchy country-side to subdue the
prevailed in those regions. Polygars, until he was killed by his
 Starting in the 1690’s the Madurai overlords.
Kingdom became a feudatory  But by the end of Yusuf Khan’s life
under the Mughals, represented he had bought many polygars
by the Nawab of Carnatic (The under control with several of them
Nawab of Arcot) and after the killed.
1750’s the region came under the  Later in late 18th century to
complete control of the Carnatic compensate loans borrowed from
Nawab, who was the new overland British, the Nawab ceded his tax
of the Polygars. collection rights to the former,
 The Carnatic Nawab’s tax who in turn raised the taxes,
collection efforts often ended in irrespective of a regions agrarian
small wars with the polygars, who produce, enraging several
refused to recognise his authority Polygars.
and considered him as a usurper.

The first Indian to receive - Dr. SarvepalliRadhakrishnan

Bharat Ratna Award - C. Rajagopalacharai , C.V. Raman

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 The Polygars saw the British as an assistance of the British army

unwanted intruder, still refusing under Col. Heron undertook an
to accept the weak Nawab. expedition to suppress the revolt
Puli Thevar in March 1755.
 Among the Palayakkarars, there  Puli Thevar and the
were two blocs, namely the MaravaPalayakkarars of the
Western and the Eastern blocs. Western bloc stood firm against
 The Western bloc had Marava the British. Col. Heron decided
to deal with the Maravas firmly.
 Col. Heron tried to change the
mind of Puli Thevar by diplomatic
moves and by show of force. But
he failed in his attempts. Puli
Thevar proceeded to consolidate
his position by organising the
MaravaPalayakkarars of the West
into a strong confederacy.
 He also attempted to get the
support of Haider Ali of Mysore
Palayakkarars and the Eastern
and the French, against the
bloc had Telugu Palayakkarars.
 Puli Thevar of Nerkkattumseval
 The British approached Ramnad,
headed the former and
Pudukottai and the Dutch for
Kattabomman of Panchalam
help. Haider Ali couldn’t help Puli
kuruchi led the latter. These two
Thevar due to a Mysore-Maratha
Palayakarars refused to pay the
kist (tribute) to the Nawab and
 Yusuf Khan (Khan Sahib) was
entrusted by the British with the
 Many of the neighbouring
duty of tackling Puli Thevar and
Palayakkarars put up certain
his allies.
pretexts and did not pay the
tribute. Mahfuz Khan, with the
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 Puli Thevar attacked Madurai and  Major Bannerman, armed with

captured it from Mahfuz Khan. extensive powers, assumed the
Puli Thevar’s military success had command of the expedition. On
no parallel. The native ruler the 1st September, 1799 the Major
triumphed against the British. served an ultimatum directing
 It is a clear demonstration of the Kattabomman to surrender and
Marava might and the heroism of attend on him at palayamkottai on
the patriots. But Yusuf Khan the 4thKattabomman replied that
recaptured Madurai. he would submit on a lucky day.
 With the help of the Palayakkarars  Bannerman considered this replay
of the Eastern bloc and the king of as evasive and decided on military
Travancore, Yusuf Khan had action. On 5th September
many victories. After fierce Kattabomman’s fort was attacked.
battles, Nerkkattumseval was  On the 16th reinforcements
attacked in 1759. reached from Palayamkootai. In a
 In 1767, this city was captured by clash at Kolarpatti the
Col. Campbell. Puli Thevar Palayakkarar troops suffered
escaped and died in exile without heavy casualty and
finally fulfilling his purpose of Sivasubramania Pillai was taken
checking the growth of the British prisoner.
influence.  Kattabomman escaped to
 Although his attempt ended in Pudukkottai. The ruler of
failure, he leaves a valiant trail of Pudukkottai captured
a struggle for independence in the Kattabomman from the jungles of
history of South India. Kalapore and handed him over to
Expedition to Panchalamkuruchi the British.
 In May 1799, Lord Wellesley Veerapandiya
issued orders from Madras for the Kattabomman
advance of forces from  Veera Pandya Kattabomman
Tiruchirappali, Thanjavur and became the Palayakarar of
Madurai to Tirunelveli. Panchalamkuruchi at the age of

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thirty on the death of his father, rashness wrote letters to

Jagavira Pandya Kattabomman. Kattabomman in a threatening
 The Company’s administrators, language.
James London and Colin Jackson  There is a tradition to indicate
had considered him as a man that Kattabomman declared: “It
without education but of peaceful rains, the land yields, why should
we pay tax to the English?”. By 32
May 1789, the total arrears of
tribute from Kattabomman
amounted to 3310 pagodas.
 Though Jackson wanted to send
an army against Kattabomman,
the Madras Government did not
give permission.
disposition. Yet, several events
 Hence, on 18th August 1789
led to the conflict between
Jackson sent an order to
Kattabomman and East India
Kattabomman to meet him at
Ramanathapuram within two
 During this period the collection
of tribute served as a cause of
 In the meantime, Kattabomman
friction. The Nawab of Arcot who
went with arrears of tribute to
had this right surrendered it to the
meet Jackson. Kattabomman was
English under the provisions of
humiliated twice by Jackson when
the Karbatak Treaty of 1792.
the former wanted to meet him at
 Therefore, the chief of
Tirukuttalam and Srivilliputtur.
Panchalamkuruchi, Kattabomman
 But he was told that he could meet
had to pay tribute to the English.
the collector only at
In September 1798, the tribute
Ramanathapuram. Despite this
from Kattabomman fell into
humiliation, kattabomman
followed Jackson for twenty three
 Collector Jackson in his
days in a journey of 400 miles
characteristic arrogance and

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through the latter’s route and Kattabomman to appear before a

reached Ramanathapuram on the Committee.
19th September.  Meanwhile, the government
 An interview was granted by released Sivasubramania Pillai
Jackson and Kattabomman and suspended the Collector,
cleared most of the arrears leaving Jackson. In response
only 1090 pagodas as balance. Kattabomman decided to submit.
 During this interview He appeared before the
Kattabomman and his Minister, Committee, with William Brown,
Sivasubramania Pillai, had to William Oram and John
stand before the arrogant collector Casmayor as members. The
for three hours together. Still he Committee found Kattabomman
did not permit them to leave the not guilty.
place, but directed them to stay  S.R. Laushington was now
inside the fort. appointed Collector in the place of
 Kattabomman suspected the Jackson, latter was eventually
intensions of Jackson. Hence, he dismissed from service.
tried to escape with his minister
and brother Oomathurai. At the Fall of Kattabomman
gate of the fort there followed a  Bannerman brought the prisoners
clash, in which some people to an assembly of the
including Lieutenant Clarke were palayakkarars and after a mockery
killed. Sivasubramania Pillai was of trial sentenced them to death.
taken prisoner. But Sivasubramania Pillai was
Kattabomman escaped. executed at Nagalapuram on the
 After his return to 13th of September.
Panchalamkuruchi, Kattabomman  On the 16th October, ViraPandyan
appealed to the Madras Council was trailed before an assembly of
submitting the facts. The Madras Palayakkarars, summoned at
Government directed Kayattar. In an assertive tone and
with contempt for death he

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admitted the charges levelled  He was held with high regard by

against him. the Gounder community who
 There upon, Bennerman continue use him as a symbol of
announced death penalty. On the Independence for the community.
17th of October Kattabomman was  He was one of the main leaders in
hanged to death at a conspicuous the polygar Wars and commanded
spot near the old fort of Kayattar. a vast army, notably during the
ViraPandyan faced the last second polygar War that took
moments of his life with the pride
of a hero.
Dheeran Chinamalai
 Dheeran Chinnamalai born as
Theerthagiri Sarkkarai
Mandraadiyaar or Theerthagiri
Gounder (on April 17, 1756) was a
Kongu chieftain and Palayakkarar
place in 1801-1802.
from Tamil Nadu who rose up in
 A thousand-strong army under
revolt against the British East
him took French Military training
India Company in the Kongu
in modern warfare alongside
Nadu, Southern India.
Tipu’s Mysore forces to fight
 Kongunadu comprised the
against the British East India
modern day districts of
Coimbatore, Nilgiri, Tirupur,
 They helped Tipu Sultan in his
Erode, Salem, Dharmapuri, Karur,
war against the British and were
Namakkal and parts of Dindigul
instrumental in victories at
District and Krishnagiri Districgt
Chitheswaram, Mazahavalli and
of Tamil Nadu state.
 He was born in Melapalayam,
 He was the first south Indian to
near Erode in the South Indian
oppose the British rule in India.
state of Tamil Nadu.

First Indian Sports person to receive Bharat Ratna- Sachin Tendulkar

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 After Tipu’s death, Chinnamalai much broader character than its

settled down at Odanilai in Kongu predecessor.
Nadu and constructed a fort there  It was directed by a confederacy
and defeated the British battles at consisting of Marudu Pandian of
Cauvery in 1801, Odailai in 1802 Sivaganga, Gopala Nayak of
and Arachalur in 1804. Dindugal, Kerala Verma of
 Later, Chinnamalai left his fort to Malabar and KrishnappaNayak
avoid cannon attack and engaged and Dhoondaji of Mysore.
in guerrilla warfare while he was  The insurrection which broke out
stationed at Karumalai in the in Coimbatore in June 1800, soon
palani region. spread to Ramanathapuram and
 He was captured by the British Madurai.
who hanged him at Sankagiri Fort  By May 1801, it had reached the
on 31th July 1805 (Aadiperukku Northern provinces, where
day). Marudu Pandian and Melappan
Marudu Brothers provided the leadership.
 Despite the exemplary repression Oomathurai, the brother of
of palayakkars in 1799, rebellion Kattabomman emerged as a key
broke out again in 1800, this time leader.
in a more cohesive and united  In February 1801, Oomathurai
manner. and two hundered men by a
cleverly move took control of
panchalamkuruchi Fort.
 The fort now re-occupied and
reconstructed by rebel forces,
Panchalamkuruchi became the
centre of the uprising.
 Although the 1800-1801 rebellion  Three thousand armed men of
was to be categorized in the Madurai and Ramanathapuram,
British records as the Second despatched by Marudu Pandian,
Palayakkarar War, it assumed a

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joined up with the  Under the terms of the Karnatak

Panchalamkuruchi forces. Treaty (31 July, 1801), the British
 However, British forces quickly assumed direct control over Tamil
asserted itself. The Palayakkarar Nadu.
forces based at  The Palayakkarar system came to
PanchalamKuruchi were crushed. a violent end and the Company
By the orders of the government, introduced the Zamindari
the site of the captured fort was settlement in its place.
ploughed up and sowed with
castor oil and salt so that it should League of the Palayakkarars
never again be inhabited.  Thus, the English removed the
 The British forces quickly source of grievance to
overpowered the remaining Kattabomman. Yet, the
insurgents. The Marudu brothers humiliation suffered by
and their sons were put to death. kattabomman affected his self-
 Oomathurai and Sevatiah were respect.
beheaded at Panchalamkuruchi  During this time, MaruduPandyan
on 16th November, 1801. of Sivaganga organized the South
 Seventy-three of the principal Indian Confederacy of rebels
rebels were sentenced to against the British
transportation. So savage and  The Tiruchirappali Proclamation
extensive was the death and was made. He sent missions to
destruction wrought by the Panchalamkuruchi. Thus a close
English that the entire region was association between
left in a state of terror. Kattabomman and
 The suppression of the MaruduPandyan established.
Palayakkarar rebellions of 1799  The events now moved to a crisis.
and 1800-1801 resulted in the In August 1798, the son of the
liquidation of the influence of the Palayakkarar of Sivagiri and his
chieftains. adviser visited Panchalamkuruchi
and held consultations.

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 Kattabomman decided to First Polygar War 1799

establish his influence in Sivagiri  The war between the British and
with the aid of the son of the KattabommanNayak of
Palayakkarar. PanchalankurichiPalayam in the
 As the Palayakkarar of Sivagiri then Tirunelveli region is often
was a tributary to the Company, classified as the First Polygar war.
the Madras Council considered  In 1799, a brief meeting (over
this move as a challenge to its own pending taxes) between
authority and ordered war against Kattabomman and the British
kattabomman. ended in a bloody encounter in
Polygar Wars which the British commander of
 Polygar war or Palayaikarar war the forces was slain by the former.
refers to the wars fought between A price was put on
the Polygars (Palaiyakkarars) of Kattabomman’s head prompting
former Madurai Kingdom in many Polygars to an open
Tamil Nadu, India and the British rebellion.
East India Company forces  After a series of battles in the
between March 1799 to May 1802 Panchalankurichi fort with
or July 1805. additional reinforcements from
 The British finally won after ThiruchirapalliKattabomman was
carrying out long and difficult defeated, but he escaped to the
protracted juggle campaigns jungles in Pudukottai country.
against the Polygar armies and  Here he was captured by
finally defeated them. Pudukottai Raja (after an
 Many lives were lost on both sides agreement with the British) and
and the victory over Polygars after a summary trial
made large part of territories of Kattabomman was hanged in
Tamil Nadu come under British front of the public in order to
control enabling them to get a intimidate them, near Kayatharu
strong hold in India. Fort, close to the town of
Kovilpatti and in front of fellow

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Polygars too who had been  In the second poligar war that
summoned to witness the followed, Oomaithurai allied
execution. himself with Maruthu brothers
 Subramania Pillai, a close (who ruled Sivagangai) and was
associate of KattabommanNayak, part of a grand alliance against the
was also publicly hanged and his Company which included
head was fixed on a pike at DheeranChinnamalai and Kerala
Panchalankurichi for public view. Verma.
 Soundra Pandian Nayak, another  The Company forces led by L.t.
rebel leader, was brutally done to Colonel Agnew laid siege to the
death by having his head smashed Panchalakurichi fort and captured
against a village wall. it in May 1801 after a prolonged
 Kattabomman’s brother siege and artillery bombardment.
Oomaidurai was imprisoned in  Oomaithurai escaped the fall of
Palayankottai prison while the fort the fort and joined Marudu
was razed to the ground and his brothers at their jungle fort at
wealth looted by the troops. KalayarKovil.
 Oomaithurar, along with the
Second Polygar War 1800-1805 Marudu brothers, was hanged on
 Despite the suppression of the 16 November 1801.
First polygar War in 1709,  The Palayakarrars were all in
rebellion broke out again in 1800. control in their forts, had artillery
 The Second war was more stealthy and even had a weapon Pandiyan
and covert in nature. The Brothers joined up with the
rebellion broke out when a band Panchalankurichi forces.
of polygar armies bombed the
British barracks in Coimbatore in Defeat
1800.  The British finally won after a
 The leaders were more cohesive long expensive campaign that
and united with people from took more than a year.
Kerala and Mysore taking part.

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 However, the superior British  Seventy-three of the principal

military who had recently rebels were sentenced to
defeated the powerful Tipu Sultan perpetual banishment.
of Mysore quickly asserted itself.  So savage and extensive was the
 The British had better artillery death and destruction wrought by
compared to the Polygar troops the British that the entire region
who had country-made gunfire was left in a state of terror.
artillery, barring a few proper
ones received from erstwhile Tipu End of the Polygar system
Sultan’s army.  After a long and expensive
 The war being regional in nature, campaign the British finally
the British forces could easily defeated the revolting Polygars, of
mobilize additional forces from whom many were beheaded and
other regions. hanged while others were
 Eventually the Polygar forces deported to the Andaman Islands.
based at Panchalankurichi were  Of the Polygars who submitted to
crushed and by the orders of the the British some of them were
colonial government, the site of granted Zamindari status, which
the captured Panchalankurichi has only tax collection rights and
Fort was Ploughed up and sowed disarmed them completely. (The
with salt and castor oil so that it Zamindari system originated in
should never again be inhabited. Bengal, but was adopted by the
 The colonial forces quickly British).
overpowered the remaining
insurgents. The Marudu brothers VELLORE MUTINY
and their sons were put to death,  Vellore was the capital of
while Oomathurai and Sevathaiah erstwhile North Arcot district in
were beheaded at Tamil Nadu.
Panchalankurichi on 16  In Vellore the native sepoys rose
Novermber 1801. in revolt in 1806.

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under the Company since their

earlier patrons (the native
chieftains) were all disappearing
from the scence.
 The strict discipline, practice, new
weapons, new methods and
 This incident differs from other
uniforms were all new to the
previous rebellions. The earlier
rebellions were those of the
 Anythings new appears to be
native rulers.
difficult and wrong for a man who
 The Vellore Mutiny was
is well-settled in the old way of life
organized by the sepoys.
for a long-time.
 The earlier rebellions had only a
 Sir John Cradock, the
regional interest. Every prince
commander-in-chief, with the
wanted to safeguard his own
approval of Lord-William
kingdom at any cost.
Bentinck, the Governor of
 But Vellore Mutiny was the result
Madras, introduced a new from of
of spontaneous outflow of the
turban, resembling a European
feelings of the sepoys who served
under the Company.
 Wearing ear rings and caste marks
 It was a protest by the sepoys
were also prohibited.
against the Company. This
 The sepoys were asked to shave
protest showed the future
the chin and to trim the
 The sepoys felt that these were
 Several causes are attributed to
designed to insult them and their
the Vellore Mutiny.
religious and social traditions.
 Indian sepoys had to experience
 There was also a popular belief
numerous difficulties when they
that this was the beginning of a
went to serve in the Company’s
process by which all of them
would be converted to
 The sepoys were forced to serve

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Indian National Movement

Christianity. planned for the extermination of

 The English treated the Indian the European officers and troops.
sepoys as their inferior. There was But this was not taken seriously.
the racial prejudice. This was the  On the eve of the Mutiny at
psychological base for the sepoy Vellore FettehHyder, the first
mutinies in India during the son of Tipu, tried to form an
Company’s rule. alliance against the English and
 The sepoys once served the local sought the help of the Marathas
chieftains (either Hindu or and the French.
Muslim). The chieftains were  FettahHyder received secret
their own kindmen but now they information through one
served under the foreigners. MohommedMalick. Besides,
 They can never forget their princes FettahHyder and Moiz-
original loyalities. The Vellore ud-Deen in particular were active
uprising was preceded by a series in planning the execution of the
of protests by the Indian troops. Mutiny.
 In May 1806, the 4th Regiment  Thus, there was the desire to
rose in revolt against the new revive the old Muslim rule in this
turban. The Commander-in-Chief region. The sepoys were aware of
took severe action the sepoys who the tragic end of Puli Thevar,
were found guilty were punished Khan Sahib, Kattabomman,
with 500 to 900 lashes. Marudu Brothers, Tipu Sultan and
 Before the mutiny secret others. Hence there were ill-
association were formed and feelings about the British in the
meetings held in which Tipu’s minds of the sepoys. All these led
family took part. to the rebellion.
 On June 17th 1806 a sepoy of the Course of the Mutiny
1st Regiment named Mustapha  On July 10th in the early morning
Beg, secretly informed his the native sepoys of the 1st and
commanding officer, Colonel 23rd Regiments started the revolt.
Forbes, that a plot had been Colonel Fancourt, who

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commanded the garrison, was  The commander-in-chief and the

their first victim. governor were recalled.
 Colonel Me Kerras of the 23rd  Vellore Mutiny failed. There was
Regiment was shot down on the no proper leadership. The
parade-ground. rebellion was also not well
 Major Armstrong was the next organized.
officer to be killed during the  But it is the starting point of a new
mutiny. About a dozen other era of the resistance of the sepoys
officers were also killed. to the British rule. The 18th
 Major Cootes who was outside the century was marked by the
fort dashed to Ranipet, 14 miles resistance of the local chieftains.
away, and informed Colonel  The first six decades of 19th
Gillespie at 7 am. Col. Gillespie Century was marked by the
reached the Vellore fort at 9 A.M. resistance of sepoys.
 Meantime, the rebels proclaimed  K.K. Pillai rejects the thesis that
FuttehHyder, Tipu’s first son, as Vellore Mutiny led to the 1857
their new ruler and hoisted tiger- revolt. V.D. Savarkar calls the
striped flag of Tipu Sultan. Vellore Mutiny of 1806 as the
 But the uprising was swiftly prelude to the first War of Indian
crushed by Col. Gillespie. 800 Independence in 1857.
Indian soliders were found dead  N.Sanjivi proclaims that the
in the fort alone. Six hundred Tamils had taken the real lead in
soliders were imprisoned in the Indian freedom struggle. K.
Tiruchi and Vellore. Rajayyan argues that this mutiny
 Some rebels were hung, some shot was a continuation of the Marudu
dead. The uprising was thus Brothers resistance movement
brought to a bloody end. Tipu’s against the colonial rule.
son was sent to Calcutta.

The first Indian to receive Magsaysay Award- Acharya VinobaBhave

First Indian Cricketer to get Padma Bhushan- C Naidu

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Indian National Movement


The Great Revolution of 1857 The Revolt of 1857 has been hailed
 The Revolt of 1857 was a product as the watershed or the great
divide in the colonial history of
of the character and policies of
British India. The Revolt of 1857
British colonial rule. The causes was fundamentally different from
of revolt emerged from all aspects earlier rebellions by the soldiers,
peasants and tribals of the 19th
Socio-cultural, economic and
century. The scale and spread of
political. Moreover, it was not an the Revolt of 1857 was larger;
isolated rebellion rather a chain sepoys at many centres mutinied
of rebellions were already taken and this was accompanied by civil
disturbances. The extent of the
place in different area of their revolt was mostly over North,
territory prior to 1857. central and parts of western India.
It was the most significant
movement of resistance against
The Causes of Revolt
European colonial rule.
Immediate Causes
 The issue of greased cartridges
and military grievances has been
over-emphasised, as the factor
for the Revolt of 1857. However,
the recent research has proved
that the cartridge was neither the
only cause nor even the most
important. In fact the multiple
causes i.e., social, religious,
political and economic worked
together to produce the rebellion.

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Indian National Movement

Social and Religious Causes Millitary Grievances

 The British had abandoned its  The extension of British
policy of non-interference in the dominion in India had adversely
socio-religious life of the Indians. affected the service condition of
Abolition of Sati (1829), Hindu the sepoys. They were required
Widow Remarriage Act (1856) to serve in area away from their
were such as direct interference homes without the payment of
of colonial power into Hindu extra bhatta.
religious beliefs.  An important cause of military
 Christian missionaries were discontent was the General
allowed to enter India and carry Service Enlistment Act, 1856,
on with their mission of which made it compulsory for the
proselytising by an act in 1850. sepoys to cross the seas,
 The Religious Disabilities Act of whenever required. The Post
1850 modified the traditional Office Act of 1854, withdrew the
Hindu law. According to it, the free postage facility for them.
change in religion would not
Political Causes
debar a son from inheriting the
 The last major extension of the
property of his father.
British Indian territory took
Economic Causes place during the time of
 British rule led to breakdown of Dalhousie. Dalhousie
the village self-sufficiency, announced in 1849, that the
commercialisation of agriculture, successor of Bahadur Shah II
which burdened the peasantry, would have to leave the Red
adoption of free trade Fort.
imperialism from 1800, de-  The annexation of Baghat and
industrialisation and drain of Udaipur were however, cancelled
wealth all of which led to overall and they were restored to their
decline of economy. ruling houses.
 When Dalhousie wanted to apply
the Doctrine of Lapse to Karauli
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Indian National Movement

(Rajputana), he was overruled by  Dalhousie abolished the titles of

the Court of Directors. the Nawab of Carnatic and the
Raja of Travancore and refused
Doctrine of Lapse to grant the pension to the
 According to the policy of adopted son (Dhondu Pant,
Doctrine of Lapse, introduced by better known as Nana Sahib) of
Lord Dalhousie, the adopted the last Peshwa, (Baji Rao II)
sons of the deceased kings were after the latter’s death in 1851.
derecognised as heirs to the  Canning announced in 1856, that
throne, which subsequently led the successors of Bahadur Shah
to the annexation of large State Year of
number of kingdoms. Annexation
 Dalhousie annexed Awadh in Satara 1848
Jaitpur (Uttar 1849
1856, on the ground of misrule.
The annexation of Awadh was Sambhalpur 1849
also represented by Bengal (Orissa)
Baghat 1850
Army, 3/5 of whom belonged to
Udaipur 1852
Awadh. Sir James Outam, who Jhansi 1853
had been the British Resident in Nagpur 1854
Awadh since 1854, was were to be known only as princes
appointed as the first Chief and not as kings.

Commissioner in 1856, but he

Chronology of Dalhousie’s
was replaced by Sir Henry
Annexation through Doctrine of
Lawrence (He was the Chief
Commissioner when revolt broke
Agrarian Causes
 The Summary Settlement of
1856, which was first introduced
First Indian to get the Grammy
Award- PanditRavishankar in the North-Western provinces,
The first Indian to get ParamVir was extended to Awadh.
Chakra- Major Somnath Sharma

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Indian National Movement

 It by passed the middle men in cavalry stationed at Meerut

the collection of revenues. refused to use the greased
 Heavy over-assessment of land cartridge. Eighty-five of them
revenue impoverished the were dismissed and sentenced to
peasants. 10 years imprisonment on 9th
 The introduction of the May.
institution of private property  The next day, on 10th May, the
rights in land by which land entire Indian garrison revolted.
became a commodity, which On 11th May, 1857 a band of
could be bought, sold, rented or sepoys from Meerut, who had
leased. defied and killed the European
The course of Revolt officers the previous day,
March, 1857 marched to the Red Fort (Delhi).
 The revolt was sparked on 29th  Bahadur Shah II was proclaimed
March, 1857. The 19th infantry at the Shahenshah-e-Hindustan.
Berhampur (Barrackpore), The sepoy’s then set out to
refused to use the newly capture and control the imperial
introduced enfield rifle. The city of Delhi.
infantry was disbanded. Colonel Areas Affected by the Revolt
Mitchell was its commanding  Very soon the rebellion spread
officer. throughout Northern and
 Mangal Pandey, a sepoy of the Central India at Lucknow,
34th Native Infantry at Allahabad, Kanpur, Bareilly,
Barrackpore attacked and fired Banaras, in parts of Bihar,
at his British officers. The Jhansi and other places.
mutiny was suppressed and the  However, the Southern India
leader of the mutiny, Mangal remained quiet. Mutinies took
Pandey, was finally tried and place at a few places in Punjab
executed. (Naushera and HotiMardan), but
April-May, 1857 Sir John Lawrence (Chief
 Ninety men of the 3rd Native Commissioner of Punjab) easily

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put them down. commander-in chief informed

Reasons for Failure of Revolt about the movement of rebels.
 The poor organisation and lack  Lack of unity among Indians,
of coordination among the rebels many ruling chiefs and big
was perhaps the most important Zamindars actively helped
cause of its failure. English had British to suppress the revolt.
better resources, modern  The modern educated Indians
weapons and materials of war. also did not support the revolt.
 Telegraph services kept
Opinions about the Nature of the 1857 Revolt
Authors Opinion/ Views

Sir John Seeley Wholly unpatriotic and selfish sepoy mutiny with no native
leadership and no popular support.
LER Ries A war of fanatic religionist against Christians.
TR Holmes A Conflict between civilisations and barbarism.
Outram and A Hindu- Muslim conspiracy.
VD Savarkar Indian War of Independence.
Bipin Chandra The entire movement lacked a unified and forward looking
programme to be implemented after the capture of power.
SN Sen What began as a fight for religion ended as a War of
Benjamin Is it a military mutiny or is it a National revolt?
Dr RC The so-called First National War of Independence of 1857 is
Majumdar neither first, nor national and nor War of Independence.
Queen’s Proclamation issued on
Consequences of the Revolt
1st November, 1858, declared
 The Revolt of 1857, resulted in
that those who laid down arms
significant changes in
by 2nd January, 1859 would be
administrative structure, policies
pardoned except those directly
of the government and the
involved in the murder of British
British attitudes. Lord Canning
subjects. Official services would
at a Durbar at Allahabad in the

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Indian National Movement

be open to all without any possessions and promised to

discrimination of race or creed. respect the rights, dignity and
 To give expression to this pledge honours of native princes.
the India Civil Services Act of  The Government of India Act of
1861 was passed, which provided 1858, was passed in the wake of
for an annual competitive the Revolt of 1857. The act also
examination to be held in known as the Act of the Good
London for recruitment to the Government of India, abolished
Covenanted Civil Service. Due the East India Company and
regard would be given to ancient transferred the powers of
usages and customs of India. government, territories and
 The Queen’s Proclamation revenues to the British Crown.
declared to stop any further
extension of territorial
Different leaders Associated with the Revolt of 1857
Place Leaders
Barrackpore Mangal Pandey
Delhi Bahadur Shah II, Bakht Khan Hakim
Ahsanullah (Chief advisor to Bahadur ShahII)
Lucknow Begum Hazrat Mahal, BijarisQadir,
Ahmadullah (advisor of the ex-Nawab of
Kanpur Nana Sahib, Rao Sahib (nephew of Nana),
Tantia Tope, Azimullah Khan (advisor of Nana
Jhansi Rani Laxmibai
Bihar (Jagdishpur) Kunwar Singh, Amar Singh
Allahabad and Banaras MaulviLiyakat Ali
Faizabad MaulviAhmadullah (He declared the revolt as
Jihad against English)
Farrukhabad Tufzal Hasan Khan
Bijnaur Mohammed Khan
Muradabad Abdul Ali Khan
Bareilly Khan Bhadur Khan
Mandsor Firoz Shah

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Indian National Movement

Gwalior/Kanpur Tantia Tope

Assam Kandapareshwar Singh, ManiramaDatta
Orissa SurendraShahi, UjjwalShahi
Kullu Raja Pratapsingh
Rajasthan Jaidayalsingh and Hardayal Singh
Gorakhpur Gajadhar Singh
Mathura Devi singh, Kadam Singh

British Officials Associated with Revolt

British Officials Place
General John Captured Delhi on 29th September, 1857 (Nicholson died
Nicolson soon due to a mortal wound received during the
Major Hudson Killed Bahadur Shah’s sons and grandsons in Delhi.
Sri Hugh Wheeler Defence against Nana Sahib’s forces till 26th June, 1857.
British forces surrendered on 27th on the promise of safe
conduct to Allahabad.
General Neil Recaptured Banaras and Allahabad in June, 1857. At
Kanpur, he killed Indians as revenge against the killing
of English by Nana Sahib’s forces. Died at Lucknow
while fighting against the rebels.
Sir Colin Campbell Final recovery of Kanpur on 6th December, 1857. Final
reoccupation of Lucknow on 21st March, 1858.
Recapture of Bareilly on 5th May, 1858.
Henry Lawrence Chief commissioner of Awadh, who died during the
seizure of British residency by rebels at Lucknow on 2nd
July, 1857.
Major General Defeated the rebels (Nana Sahib’s force) on 17th July,
Havelock 1587. Died at Lucknow in December, 1857.
William Taylor and Suppressed the revolt at Arrah in August, 1857.
Hugh Rose Suppressed the revolt at Jhansi and recaptured Gwalior
on 20th June, 1858. The whole of Central India and
Bundelkhand was brought under British control by him.
Colonel Oncell Captured Banaras.

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Nature of the Revolt historians, R.C. Majumdar and

 Character of the Revolt of 1857, S.N. Sen, have analysed the Revolt
Sir John Lawrence was of the of 1857 in depth. The two scholars
opinion that the Revolt was purely differ in their opinion.
a military outbreak, and not a  S.N. Sen believes that the 1857
conspiracy to overthrow British Revolt was part of the struggle for
rule. Indian independence.
 On the other hand the Revolt of  R.C. Majumdar maintains that the
1857 is hailed by the Indian outbreaks before 1857, whether
scholars, especially by civil or military, were “a series of
VirSavarkar as the First War of isolated incidents” ultimately
Indian Independence. culminated in the Great Revolt of
 Two distinguished Indian 1857.
Books and Authors 1857 Revolt
Authors Books
Dr .SN Sen Eighteen Fifty-Seven
John Kaye History of the Sepoy War in India (latter completed by
Colonel GB Malleson)
SB Chaudhary Civil Rebellion in the Indian Mutiny 1857-59
BC Majumdar The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857
AT Embree 1857 in India
Etic Strokes The Peasant and the Raj
HP Chattopadhyay The Sepoy Mutiny 1857
PC Joshi Rebellion 1857
MaulanaAbulKalam Eighteen Fifty-Seven
VD Savarkar The Indian War of Independence 1857
Ashok Mehta 1857 a Great Revolt

First Indian to swim across the English Channel - Mihir Sen

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