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Name: Angel Rose O.

Anong Date: October 5, 2022

Year & Section: BTLEd-HE 1A Subject: HISTORY 10


For us, it is essential to have a conscious awareness in which is it helps us to

comprehend on how everyone suitable into and give you an insight into your beliefs
and whether they are positive or holding you back. It is important to be aware
especially in social awareness, for you to be knowledgeable and to know what you
need to do and the direction you need to go to make changes to improve and
conscious. We must be aware in everything that possible to happen, there are a lot
of problems in our community that we must be aware to.

One of the problems here in our community is teenage pregnancy, which

many young people not aware on what they’re doing. They are just looking for their
present happiness which could be affect their future. A poverty, mostly people here
sacrifice their selves to find works to sustain the needs of their family, lot of family
member here are homeless, full of hunger. Discrimination one of the problems what
I’ve encountered also, which people not treat you right or unfair treatment based on
your characteristics. And especially this pandemic which our present situation
problem and hope so that it will be ended as soon as possible for us to free. We
should be aware which can help us to be guided.

These various problems would affect everyone’s daily life, I know not just me
but all of us experienced different situations, sometimes it is hard to adjust in such as
the various problems like this, many people face their own problems like me. As a
student, it affects my everyday life, like the pandemic which I am controlled and
limited to go school, my academic learning not the same at my previous learning, at
the same I can’t go everywhere just according to my own will. At the same time
those various problems affect me in a goodness, which is the awareness, it helps me
to have a conscious awareness that makes me guided and know what I’m going to
do. As a student like me, those problems addressed me as an ordinary citizen, which
a lot of people throw me some negative words, but it’s not my thing to fight them

Therefore, being aware is essential, in accordance of being safe. It improves

our capability on how we react and reciprocate to the other views through
communication. It allows us to be understandable to others perspective and gives us
the ideas, it gives us a big contribution to be attentive in what the environment is
doing and how is it going. So that if you are aware then you have knowledge to be
able to broad learning on what to do when you have confusion and you can take
actions accurately.

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