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Interview Guide

Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the study.
Ask for the participant's consent to participate in the study.
Explain that the participant can withdraw from the study at any time.
Ask the participant about their background, such as their age, gender, education, and
experience in running a micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME).
 Access to finance:
o What are the biggest challenges you face in accessing finance for your MSME?
o What are some specific examples of how these challenges have affected your
o What do you think the government can do to make it easier for MSMEs to access
 Access to markets:
o What are the biggest challenges you face in accessing markets for your MSME's
products or services?
o What are some specific examples of how these challenges have affected your
o What do you think the government can do to make it easier for MSMEs to access
 Competition:
o What are the biggest challenges you face from competition in your industry?
o What are some specific examples of how these challenges have affected your
o What do you think the government can do to help MSMEs compete with larger
 Government policies and regulations:
o What are the biggest challenges you face from government policies and
o What are some specific examples of how these challenges have affected your
o What do you think the government can do to make it easier for MSMEs to comply
with government policies and regulations?
 Other challenges:
o Are there any other challenges you face in running your MSME?
o What are some specific examples of how these challenges have affected your
 Government support programs:
o What are some of the government support programs that have been helpful to
your MSME?
o How have these programs helped your business?
o What other government support programs do you think would be helpful to
 Technological advancements:
o What technological advancements have been helpful to your MSME?
o How have these advancements helped your business?
o What other technological advancements do you think would be helpful to
 Demographic trends:
o What demographic trends have been helpful to your MSME?
o How have these trends helped your business?
o What other demographic trends do you think would be helpful to MSMEs?
 Other opportunities:
o Are there any other opportunities you see for your MSME?
o How do you plan to capitalize on these opportunities?
Ask the participant for their recommendations for improving the environment for
MSMEs in the Philippines.
Probe for specific suggestions that the participant believes would be helpful.
Thank you:
Thank the participants for their time and participation in the study.

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