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COUNTERCLAIMS Make the claim. The counterclaim itself –
TERMINOLOGIES TO REMEMBER which states an opposing
Provide evidence or logical argument.
information that is certain and can be
arguments supporting the
proven based on documents, historical
claim. Evidence that people, in
FACT data, research, and observation;
fact, holding this view is
difficult to refute because the bases
Where desired, follow this very much welcomed.
are founded
with rhetorical tools such
judgment or belief formed about
as appeals to emotion or An explanation as to why
something that may not necessarily be
logic to further convince people may hold this view.
OPINION based on fact or knowledge; could be
the audience.
based on preference, subjective view
Finally, a rebuttal, in which
of things around us
you explain why the
presentation of opinion about counterclaim is weak, and
something using language; needs to your original position is
be supported by evidence; the stand of correct.
a writer on certain issues is developed
in a form of argument that is
1. Place your claim
complemented by evidence
an emotional state wherein the 2. Length of your counterclaim
intended reader is moved to agree with 3. Find opposing viewpoints
PERSUASION 4. Present opposing viewpoints fairly
a belief or position through argument,
appeal, or course of action 5. Write
an opinion based on personal WRITING A BOOK REVIEW
experience and values that should be THE FOUR STAGES IN WRITING A BOOK REVIEW
supported with evidence Before Reading
details, facts, reasons, statistics, author, title, genre, preface, introduction, table of
expert research, and personal contents, book cover/jacket, abstract or summaries
experience that directly relate to and While Reading
support a debatable claim characters, setting, theme, plot, style, argument,
cited and properly attributed websites, quotes, index
reports, and articles developed by
pertinent info, significant characters and their
REFUTE to disprove a statement or theory
dialogue/habits, your likes and dislikes, conclude it
REBUT to claim or prove something is false
main idea, opinion, or theory of a well, no spoilers!
THESIS speaker or writer, who then attempts to Revising
prove it Leave it alone! (for a day, at least) then modify
1. Argumentative and debatable CRITIQUE
2. Specific and focused Unique Features of an Article Critique
3. Interesting and engaging provide a critical evaluation of a piece of writing
4. Logical Purpose and Audience
GUIDELINES IN MAKING A CLAIM tell the readers/researchers if it is worth a read or
1. The claim must be debatable. not
2. The claim must be narrow. Pattern of Development
3. The claim must have a credible source. aligned with your purpose
4. Resources must be properly cited.
1. Be attentive.
2. Check the facts.
3. Be keen in language use.
4. Do cross-referencing.
Stand Alone Literature Review
• provides an overview and analysis of the current
state of research on a topic or question
• normally just an assignment for a college class not
intended to be part of a thesis or dissertation
Part of a Research Proposal
• important in demonstrating how a proposed
research will be useful to a particular field
• used in class projects, research, thesis, and
Part of a Research Report
• provides the context to which a researcher’s work is
a contribution
Ask for specific clarifications from
CLARIFY your teachers if the assignment is
not very specific.
Look for available literature reviews
on the topic that you are working on.
NARROW THE When searching catalog or online,
TOPIC type specific key words.
If there is a portion where you can
indicate the specific year/s of your
search, it is an advantage on your
part since you can easily trace the
development or status of the topic.
Here the considerations in writing a literature review
according to Cenizal-Raymundo (2016):
Unique Features
• Content (from different published papers)
• Organization (Thematic, Chronological)
Purpose and Audience
• Purpose: to inform
• Audience: academics, researchers
Pattern of Development
• You may use different patterns
MIDTERMS – FIRST SEMESTER Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word
ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING SKILLS document that allows you to represent data characteristics
INTEGRATING IMAGES AND EXTERNAL MATERIALS and trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing
KINDS OF MATERIALS reports that correlate and present data in a graphical
1. Pictures manner. You can create charts that can be integrate in your
Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or document either directly in Microsoft Word or imported from
photographs you have saved in any local storage device. external files like Microsoft Excel.
There are three commonly used types of picture files. You 6. Screenshot
can identify them by the extension on their file names. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or
procedures will require the integration of a more realistic
image of what you are discussing on your report or manual.
Nothing can get you a more realistic image than a
screenshot. Microsoft Word even provides a snipping tool
for your screen shots so you can select and display only the
part that you exactly like to capture on your screen.
a. In Line with Text
This is the default setting for images that are inserted or
integrated in your document. It treats your image like a
▪ JPG – Joint Photographic Experts Group text font with the bottom side totally aligned with the text
▪ .PNG – Portable Network Graphics line. This setting is usually used when you need to place
▪ .GIF – Graphics Interchange Format your image at the beginning of a paragraph. When
▪ .SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics placed between texts in a paragraph or a sentence, it
distorts the overall appearance and arrangement of the
texts in the paragraph because it will take up the space
it needs vertically, pushing whole lines of texts upward.
b. Square
This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed
anywhere with the paragraph with the text going around
the image in a square pattern like frame.
c. Tight
This is almost the same as the square setting, but here
the text “hug” or conforms to the general shape of the
2. Clipart image. This allows you to get a more creative effect on
This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images your document. This setting can mostly be achieved if
used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you are using an image that supports transparency like
you might want to integrate in your document. Microsoft a .GIF or .PNG file.
Word has a library of clip arts that is built in or can be d. Through
downloaded and used freely. There are still other clip arts This setting allows the text on your document to flow
that you can either purchase or freely download and use that even tighter taking the contours and shape of the image.
come from third-party providers. Again, this can be best used with .GIF or .PNG type of
3. Shapes image.
These are printable objects or materials that you can e. Top and Bottom
integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top
allow you to have some tools to use for composing and and/or the bottom of the image so that the image
representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the occupies a whole text line on its own.
layout for a poster or other graphic material for advertising, f. Behind Text
you might find this useful. This allows your image to be dragged and placed
4. Smart Art anywhere on your document but with all the texts
Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look
grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or like a background.
structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent an g. In Front of Text
organization, process, relationships, or flow for infographic As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be
documents, then you will find this easy and handy to use. placed right on top of the text as if your image was
dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the text
you placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.
Addition (+) The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is
Subtraction (-) evenly distributed on the screen.
Multiplication (*)

*type <=> before the formula, thus:

=a1+a2 <then, hit the ENTER key>
a function used to compute for the average of the
number of a range. 2. Emphasis/Contrast
COUNTIF An area in the design that may appear different in size,
a function used to count the cells with a specified texture, shape or color to attract the viewer’s attention.
content within a range
a function used to compute for the summation of a
range if a certain condition is met
a function used to compute for the average of a
range if a certain condition is met
• The font “Sans Serif” should be used in Visual elements guide the viewer’s eyes around the screen.
• Use light background in a dimly lit room
• Use dark background in a well-lit room

• 4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm

These are the repeating visual element on an image or
layout to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is
achieved when visual elements create a sense of organized

5. Proportion
Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate
• well with one another.
• Use white spaces to let the eyes rest
• Know when to use png, gif, and jpeg image formats.
6. Variety
This uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s

Information graphics or infographics are used to represent
information, statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical
manner usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer’s
A. Choose the right file format.
Try to make a real-life photograph into GIF to see the
difference between PNG, GIF, and JPEG. Knowing the
purpose is the key to finding out the best file format.
B. Choose the right image size.
A camera with 12 megapixels constitutes to a bigger image
size. Monitors have a resolution limit, so even if you have a
million megapixels, it will not display everything.
C. Caption it.
Remember to put a caption on images whenever possible.
If it is not related to the web page, then remove it.
PEH 1 Factor Definition
MIDTERMS – FIRST SEMESTER Frequency Number of meetings in a week
Individuals who do not show symptoms of diseases or Intensity Effort level of the exercise
injuries such as pain and disability usually think that they are Time Period covered in an exercise session
healthy. Type Kind of activity
Health and fitness are not interchangeable terms. FREQUENCY
• How often you exercise
Health refers to the presence or absence of disease and • Three to five times a week is a safe frequency for
injury each component of health-related physical fitness
Fitness refers to the functional capacity of the body to For Cardio:
perform movement. Include your goal, guidelines recommend moderate
exercise five or more days every week or intense cardio
According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, when the three days every week to improve your health. If your goal
stress or demand on the body is low, the body is not is to lose weight, you'll need to work often up to six or more
stipulated to adapt. When the stress or load is too high, the days a week.
organs and tissues will break. For Strength Training:
PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE TRAINING The suggested frequency is two to three
PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE TRAINING nonconsecutive days a week, it should be one to two days
PRINCIPLE OF OVERLOAD between sessions. If you are doing a split -routine, like upper
• states that the body must work harder than what it body at some point and lower body subsequent, your
is used to in order for it to adapt. workouts are going to be more frequent than total body
• It implies that exercise is a controlled form of stress
that will stimulate the body to become stronger.
PRINCIPLES OF PROGRESSION • How easy or hard the designed task is
accomplished or the magnitude of work done.
• states that the body should experience a gradual
increase in workload. • The body’s response by the number of times the
heart pumps measured in beats per minute
• If the principle of overload asks “ How hard?” then
determines the intensity.
the principle of progression asks “How soon?”
PRINCIPLE OF SPECIFICITY • Workable heart rate’s capacity will help in getting
This principle simply states that exercising a specific piece ideal Targeted Heart Rate (THR) range.
or component of the body primarily develops that part. It For Cardio:
implies that to become better at a selected exercise or skill, You will usually monitor intensity by heart rate or
you need to perform that exercise or skill. pulse rate. The recommendation for steady-state workouts
PRINCIPLE OF INDIVIDUALITY is at a moderate intensity and for interval training it should
states that no two persons are the same and their rate of be done at a high intensity for a shorter period of time.
adaptation to the same workload differs. For Strength Training:
It emphasizes the need to create an exercise program that • Monitoring the intensity of strength training involves
is individual- specific. a special set of parameters. The intensity depends
PRINCIPLE OF REVERSIBILITY on the workload you are doing, the amount of
• The adaptations that take place as a result of weight you lift, and the number of repetitions and
training are all reversible. sets.
• The Principle of Reversibility is another way of • For a beginner use a lighter weight and do fewer
stating the principle of disuse. sets with high repetitions (two or three sets of 12 to
DESIGNING A PERSONAL FITNESS PROGRAM? • If your goal is to develop muscle, do a higher
Exercise is an activity that will stimulate the body to adapt number of sets with a moderate amount of
and become stronger repetitions (four sets of 10 to 12 reps each).
• The stimulus has to be appropriate to derive the • If you want to create strength, use heavyweights to
health benefits. try to do more sets with fewer repetitions for
• If the stimulus is too light, the body will not adapt, example, five sets of three repetitions each.
and if it too hard, it may cause some injuries. Take Note:
The FITT Principle is a helpful guide in designing a • Your resting pulse rate is the number of times your
personalized fitness program. heart beats per minute after you are at rest
• Understanding the F.I.T.T. principle helps you • What is a normal resting heart rate?
create a workout plan which will be beneficial in
reaching your fitness goals.
For adults, a normal resting heart rate ranges between 60 PARTS OF AN EXERCISE PROGRAM
and 100 beats a minute. Usually, a lower resting heart rate EXERCISE
means your heart is working more efficiently and is more fit. Exercise is a structured form of stress that should
TIME be specifically designed to trigger adaptations and improve
Time is the length of the physical activity. Considering the performance. The exercise program is structured so that the
other aspects of the F.I.T.T principle, time differs depending body receives just the right amount of stimulus.
on the health-related fitness component targeted. The exercise program should also be structured so
For Cardio: that the body is gradually eased into the correct exercise
The suggested cardio exercise is 30 to 60 minutes intensity and gradually returned to normal resting state. An
but the duration of your workout depends on the type of exercise workout has three components: warm-up, exercise
exercise. For a beginner, you might start with a workout of load and cool-down.
15 to 20 minutes. If you're doing steady-state cardio, like WARM-UP
going for a run, you may exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. A warm-up is essential prior to actual workload as it
If you're doing interval training and working at a high prepares the body for more strenuous activity.
intensity, your workout should be shorter, around 20 • It increases the blood flow to the working muscles
minutes to half-hour without an abrupt increase in lactic acid
For Strength Training: accumulation.
How long you lift weights depends on the type of The body makes lactic acid when it is low in the
workout you're doing and on your schedule. For total body oxygen it needs to convert glucose into energy.
workout, you may take up to an hour, but a split routine may Lactic acid buildup can result in muscle pain,
take less time because you're working for fewer muscle cramps, and muscular fatigue. These symptoms
groups. are typical during strenuous exercise and are not
TYPE usually anything to worry about as the liver breaks
Type refers to the definite physical activity selected to down any excess lactate.
improve a component of health-related fitness. • According to research, the warmer the body and
For Cardio: muscle, the higher is the muscular output.
• Cardio is changeable since any activity that makes • A good warm-up also prepares the heart, muscles,
your heart rate up counts. and joints for the next activity by decreasing joint
• Having more than one cardio activity helps reduce stiffness and increasing the nerve impulses.
boredom. Characteristics of a Good Warm-up
For Strength Training: Time 6-10 minutes
It includes any exercise using resistance like Intensity Moderate
dumbbells, barbells, machines, and many others to work Type of General multi-joint movements
your muscles. Activity followed by specific movements
HOW TO USE THE F.I.T.T. PRINCIPLE IN YOUR Recovery Allow a 5 minutes recovery period
WORKOUT before actual exercises
The F.I.T.T. principle provide guides on how to control your • The warm-up starts with general multi-joint such as
program and get favorable results. To avoid boredom, jogging or skipping to increase over - all body
injuries, and weight loss plateaus, this principle will help you temperature.
figure out how to alter workout types, time, intensity and • It is followed by dynamic stretching exercises to
activities. activate the neuromuscular units and improve
FITT principle acknowledges the importance of optimum coordination and proprioception.
fitness development. The physical activity program is used • The last part of the warm-up is a series of specific
as a guideline for fitness routine to achieve results. movements that mimic the actual activity.
Execution of exercise is also related to its intensity. The Movements are practiced at a slower speed and
more the activity is repeated, the more chances of ensure that the intensity of the warm-up is not
developing fitness. strenuous.
You may also utilize one or more of the F.I.T.T. principles, • Focus on the movement pattern because the warm-
such as: up is both physical and mental preparation.
• Changing the frequency by adding day of jogging or
• Changing the intensity by adding some running
intervals or walking faster
• Changing the time spent jogging each workout day
• Changing the type of workout by dancing, cycling,
or running.
Flexibility exercises
increase the range of motion by lengthening the
muscle and tendons surrounding the joint.
Dynamic stretches
are flexibility exercises that emphasize on the active
range of motion and are performed without holding
the joint for a period of time
Static stretches
are exercises that hold the joint in a stationary
position for a period of time.
Dynamic stretches are better performed during warm-up
because the movement keeps the muscles warm whereas
static stretching will lower muscle temperature because the
exercises are stationary
Cool-down is essential after a workout as it permits the pre-
exercise heart rate and blood pressure for a gradual
• Cooling down may be most vital for competitive
endurance athletes, like marathoners, because it
helps regulate blood flow.
is just as important as the workload because during
this period, the body starts to make microscopic
changes essential for adaptation. Recovery starts
at the cool down.
• A well-planned cool down can quickly clear the by-
products of muscle contraction as well as replenish
the energy and oxygen stores used during the
workout. It is important to allot time for this part of
the training session.
• The cool down bridges the period between workout
and rest. This transition is important to deter the
pooling of blood in the lower extremities.
• An abrupt stop from the workout may slow down the
heart activity and abruptly decrease blood pressure,
which can cause dizziness. This drop in blood
pressure is a result of less blood returning to the
FITNESS GOALS The body mass index is a widely accepted tool to
1. Write short-term and long-term performance evaluate body composition. The score reflects how
goal heavy the person is, relative to his/her height.
A short-term goal is something that can be achieved in 6 to • Waist Girth
8 weeks while a long-term goal is something that can be The Waist Girth is an important tool to assess the
achieved in 6 months or more. A long-term goal is usually relative amount of fat in the abdominal region.
made of several short-term goals that build on each other. Muscle Imbalance
2. Set Realistic goals occurs when muscle pairs have different strength
It is important that goals are attainable in the given period. and the muscle surrounding the joints are tight. A
Review your current fitness level and decide on modest muscle imbalance will eventually lead to chronic
gains. You can also ask your teacher or friends who musculoskeletal injuries.
exercise for a possible goal. This will keep you from getting Muscle screening
frustrated. can be used to evaluate the presence of muscle
3. Write Specific goals imbalance. Movement patterns like squats, lunges,
Write a goal for each fitness component instead of writing a trunk rotation and push-ups can show
general one. (e.g. climb four flights of stairs without getting neuromuscular deficiency.
tired instead of improve fitness level). A specific goal helps These movement patterns utilize several muscle groups
you focus on what has to be done. and the movement is made over several joints. The
4. Write fitness contract deviations from the correct technique should be carefully
A fitness contract is a concrete is a concrete commitment. It observed in order to identify the overactive or underactive
is a visual reminder of the goals you have identified and it muscles.
strengthens your resolve to keep your exercise program. It 1. Squat
makes you accountable for the consequences of your The squat is a multi-joint movement that has the ability to
actions. show neuromuscular deficit in the core muscles and the
Objective Description lower extremity muscles.
What, why, who, when and how? 2. Lunge
S Specific You should have a definite direct The lunge is another movement that evaluates movement
target objective stability and neuromuscular deficit of the lower extremities.
Objectives should be measurable It can also show if an individual has poor flexibility as well
M Measurable
to truthfully gauge your goal as balance problems.
Goals should be stimulating, 3. Trunk Rotation
A neither too comfortable nor too The trunk rotation is a common movement in many sports
difficult that involve throwing. Throwing movements push the center
Goals should be attainable given of gravity of the body outside of the normal region and forces
R Realistic
the resources, effort and time
the deep normal muscles to counteract the displacement. It
Goals must be timely, helpful and
T Time is important that the abdominal remains stiff to facilitate a
attainable in a period of time
powerful throwing action.
Goals must be motivational and
E Exciting encouraging to level up and 4. Push-up
improve The push-up is a basic exercise that evaluates the strength
Evaluate the workout you have of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as the flexibility
done, its regularity, moderation, of the shoulder joint.
R Recorded
time given, and the progress
made with the type of training
• One Minute Push-up
One Minute Push-up test assesses muscular
fitness of the muscles in the upper torso.
• One Minute Curl-up
The One Minute Curl-up test aims to assess the
muscular fitness of the muscles in the abdominal
• Sit and Reach
The Sit and Reach test evaluate the flexibility of the
hip and the hamstring area.
EARTH SCIENCE Planetary differentiation
MIDTERMS – FIRST SEMESTER • the process of separating out different constituents
THE ORIGIN OF EARTH of a planetary body, where the body develops into
PLANET compositionally distinct layers
a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around • Earth's surface experienced turmoil, violent
a star earthquakes, continual volcanic eruptions, and
PLANET EARTH covering of the surface with flowing lava
The Origin • Eventually, iron and nickel accumulated and formed
• still being studied Earth's core.
• scientists study meteorites and the oldest rocks on • As Earth cooled, a thin layer of solid rock formed
Earth to understand what happened during those the crust, including the continents and ocean
earliest times in the Solar System basins.
• two hypotheses merged explaining how the • In between the core and the crust is the mantle,
structure of the Earth was formed which is made up of semi-molten silicate rocks and
Earth Structure other minerals.
• Heterogeneous Accretion Hypothesis states that the Earth’s core has formed at the same time as
Accretion Earth
• the accumulation of particles into a massive object • The early Earth had its basic layered structure with
by gravitationally attracting more matter, typically core, mantle, and crust
gaseous matter, in an accretion disk Processes:
HOMOGENEOUS ACCRETION HYPOTHESIS • When the nebula cooled down its particles
the formation of the Earth began after the condensation of condensed, depending on their condensation
fine particles of the primitive solar nebula (PSN) about 4.6 points.
billion years ago o Oxides of aluminum and calcium
• early Earth had a uniform solid composition: condensed first, followed by iron and nickel.
o Iron o When the nebula cooled further, the
o Magnesium silicates condensed.
o Nickel • The condensed particles collided with each other
o Silicates and were accreted.
o Uranium and Thorium 1. Aluminum and calcium oxides
Processes: 2. Iron and Nickel
• Re-melting • formed the Earth's core
• Iron-catastrophe 3. Silicates, volatile particles and water
• Planetary differentiation • formed the outermost layer of the earth
• internal heating associated with: Petrology
o Gravitational contraction ▪ a branch of geology that deals with the origin,
o Radioactive decay on the Earth's interior composition, structure, and classification of rocks
▪ caused the early Earth to become Stratigraphy
so hot that it became a hot mass of ▪ the study of rock layers (strata) and layering
molten matter (stratifications)
Radioactive Decay Paleontology
• the process wherein unstable atoms emit energetic ▪ studies the life that existed before, or sometimes at
particles and gamma rays the start of, the Holocene epoch (the current
Iron catastrophe geologic epoch)
• Denser substances such as iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) ▪ includes the study of fossils
sink toward its core.
• The less-dense materials such as sodium (Na),
▪ Danish scientist
potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and silicates were
▪ 1669, he published the 1 st Laws of Stratigraphy
displaced and they moved upward.
o The layers of rocks closer to the surface
• It took many years for Iron and Nickel to accumulate
must be younger than the layers below
and reach the center of about 4000 miles deep.
▪ Italian geologist, mining specialist
▪ he developed the first classification scheme of
geological time
Cast fossils
o based on his many studies of rocks of the
✓ are formed when mold fossils are filled with a
southern Alps in Italy
mineral that hardens, forming a replica of the
▪ he grouped the rocks into four series based on their
original fossil
depth and composition:
Primary layer
is the lowest layer of metamorphic and volcanic
Secondary layer
were hard sedimentary rocks Trace fossils or Ichnofossils
Tertiary and Quarternary layers ✓ are impressions on rocks that show certain animal
the layer of softer alluvial deposits activities. Fossils can be footprints, eggs,
WILLIAM SMITH droppings, or nests of animals
▪ English engineer and geologist
▪ he discovered that each rock formation in the canal
excavations on the coal mines he worked on
contained fossils
▪ he noted that sedimentary strata could be identified
and correlated by their distinctive fossil content
▪ based on his study and of many geologists, the ▪ based on the information gathered from the study of
principle of fossil succession was formulated rock composition and structure, rock layers, and
states that fossilized organisms succeed one another in a ▪ represents the interval of time occupied by the
definite and determinable order geologic history of Earth
▪ Any period can be recognized by its fossil content. ▪ provides a meaningful time frame wherein events of
FOSSILS the geologic past are arranged
▪ remains or imprint of an organism from a previous ▪ based on the information gathered from the study of
geologic time rock composition and structure, rock layers, and
▪ can be recognized as Time Indicators fossils
o used in correlating rocks of similar age in ▪ two ways to measure geologic time
different regions Relative dating
o Index Fossils ▪ places events or rocks in their chronological
Index Fossils sequence or order of occurrence without knowing
▪ determine the date of the layer where they are their actual age
found Absolute dating
▪ used as indicators of environmental conditions ▪ place actual ages of rocks and events
TYPES OF FOSSILS ▪ used is the radiometric dating technique based on
True form fossils the decay rate of certain radioactive nuclides within
✓ formed when the entire animal or plant is trapped fossils, rocks, and any artifact
and preserved in ice, tar, or other materials that ▪ the formal subdivision of Earth time
prevent decay ▪ represented in a vertical manner similar to the
vertical successions of rock strata on Earth
▪ the division is based on periods:
o age (millions of years)
o epoch (tens of millions of years)
o period (one hundred million years)
Mold fossils o era (several hundred million years
✓ are the hollow impression of a living thing in rock o eon (half a billion years or more)
The mold reflects only the shape and surface
marking of the organisms. When an organism is
covered with sediments that will eventually harden,
an imprint is left after its body decays.
PRECAMBRIAN EON o Scientists believed that the remains of
encompasses approximately the first 4.1 billion years of the these plants formed huge coal deposits in
geologic time scale many parts of the world.
Hadean Eon Mesozoic Era (early-middle)
✓ "chaotic Eon" ✓ formation of several continents
✓ from 4.6 Ga to 3.8 Ga, lasted for 800 million years ✓ formation of continents, new bodies of water also
✓ "Hades" meaning hell formed
✓ coincides with the event called Late Heavy ✓ great changes in plant and animal life occurred
Bombardment (LHB - Scientists have found footprints, eggs, bones, and
✓ extremely hot mantle caused severe volcanism other fossils of reptiles
✓ oceans and atmosphere were formed ✓ largest creatures existed: dinosaurs
✓ Earth's core and crust stabilized Mesozoic Era (late)
Archean Eon ✓ more continents broke up
✓ from about 3.8 Ga to 2.5 Ga, lasted for 1.3 billion ✓ dinosaurs and other life forms died
years - The only surviving reptiles today are turtles,
✓ defined by the oldest rock and the oldest fossils snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators.
containing apex chert and stromatolite Cenozoic Era (early-middle)
✓ Earth was probably warm – the atmosphere ✓ mountains were uplifted
contained mostly methane and had little to no ✓ new life forms started to appear
oxygen ✓ widespread volcanic activity formed immense flows
✓ Earth was covered with the ocean of lava and basalt
✓ continent's formation began ✓ warm-blooded animals: marsupials and primitive
Proterozoic Eon mammals roamed the land
✓ from 2.5 Ga to 542 Ma, lasted for over 1.9 billion Cenozoic Era (late)
years ✓ modern horse, modern birds, and deciduous trees
✓ considered the longest eon - almost half the age of also developed
Earth ✓ glaciers covered the northern hemisphere, hence,
✓ time of great changes: oxygenation of the the term Ice Age
atmosphere, origin, and diversification of eukaryotic - The Ice Age is believed to have lasted for about
life, and appearance of multicellular animal two million years.
✓ More diverse forms of fossils: shell-bearing ✓ rise of man and mammals
organisms have been found in sedimentary rocks - Some of the earliest records of humans were the
PHANEROZOIC EON discovered stone tools
✓ many fossils were found in layers of sedimentary EARTH
rocks ▪ the only planet with known life
✓ time that life greatly diversified ▪ can support life
✓ marine invertebrates probably lived near the shores CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EARTH
of shallow water ▪ right distance from the sun
Paleozoic Era ▪ magnetic field that protects it from harmful solar
✓ fossils of trilobites and brachiopods were found radiation
preserved in rocks ▪ insulating atmosphere that keeps the planet warm
Paleozoic Era (Middle) ▪ right chemical ingredients for life including water
✓ marine-life forms had developed shells and carbon
- shells formed beds of limestone and coral reefs ▪ processes that shape the Earth and its environment
✓ an amphibian came out of the sea and constantly cycle elements through the planet
✓ land plants also began to develop Planet’s Habitability:
- giant ferns and marsh plants increased in number ▪ ability to harbor life
✓ marine life also developed: clams and snails ▪ results from a complex network of interactions
increased in number, species of fish became more between the planet itself, the system it’s a part of,
abundant and in greater variety and the star it orbits
Paleozoic Era (Late) Planetary Habitability Index (PHI)
✓ appearance of reptiles ▪ measure of an astronomical body’s potential to
✓ the terrestrial climate changed have a habitable environment to sustain life
o Many kinds of plants, such as land ferns,
grew during this era.
DISTANCE FROM A STAR Earth’s Temperature
▪ must be at a comfortable distance from a star ▪ –25˚C to 45˚C
Earth ▪ All organisms adapted
✓ having “Goldilocks” conditions LOW TEMPERATURE
✓ in an area of space that is not too hot and not too ▪ cause chemicals to react slowly
cold ▪ interferes with the reactions necessary for life
Closer to the Sun ▪ freeze water, making liquid water unavailable
✓ liquid water would not be possible HIGH TEMPERATURE
✓ life forms will not exist ▪ 125°C, protein and carbohydrate molecules and
Farther from the Sun genetic materials (e.g., DNA and RNA) start to
✓ would be colder break apart
✓ liquid water would always be solid ice ▪ quickly evaporate water
“The most impressive attribute of the Earth is the existence AXIAL TILT
and amount of liquid water on its surface.” AXIAL TILT
-Geoffrey Marcy, Astronomer, University of California ▪ also called obliquity
Importance of Water: ▪ describes the tilt of the Earth's axis to its orbital
✓ life functions carried out by cells, tissues, and plane
✓ helps dissolve certain nutrients and carry them ▪ 23.5°
throughout an organism ▪ controls the seasons
✓ disposing of bodily wastes ▪ serves to distribute energy globally on an annual
Planets must have… o Light energy coming from the sun allows
✓ large mass: retain the atmosphere cells to run the chemical reactions
✓ molten core: serves as a heat engine driving the necessary for life.
geological processes ROTATION
Earth’s Atmosphere TOO SHORT
✓ about 100 miles thick ▪ the atmospheric wind velocities will be too great for
✓ keeps the surface warm life
✓ protects it from radiation, small to medium-sized TOO LONG
meteorites ▪ the diurnal temperature changes
✓ provides chemicals needed for life (such as ▪ would not be conducive to life
nitrogen and carbon dioxide) GEOCHEMISTRY
ATMOSPHERE Earth’s System
Mars ▪ circulate and replenish nutrients
✓ about 1/100th that of Earth’s ✓ water cycle
Venus ✓ an atmosphere
✓ 100 times thicker than Earth’s atmosphere ✓ volcanoes
✓ made almost entirely of greenhouse gases, making ✓ sub-surface water/molten rock
the surface too hot for life Planets Systems
✓ have insufficient gravity to hold an atmosphere ✓ nutrients can not be delivered to their organisms
✓ gas molecules escape to space ✓ cannot support life
✓ leaving the planet or moon without an insulating Planets Vital Elements/Nutrients
blanket or a protective shield ▪ Spread so thin,
ORBITAL ECCENTRICITY ✓ hard to obtain (such as on a gas planet)
ECCENTRICITY ✓ life cannot exist
▪ ratio describing the shape of the elliptical orbit ▪ Too active circulation system,
Great Eccentricity ✓ such as the constant volcanism on Jupiter’s moon
✓ greater the temperature fluctuation ✓ interferes with an organism’s ability to get enough
✓ makes the temperature on the planet’s surface too nutrients
extreme for life
▪ -15°C to 115°C
✓ Life possible
✓ liquid water can still exist
▪ the Blue Marble Earth EARTH’S SYSTEM
▪ taken on December 7, a collection of four interdependent parts called “spheres”
1972 that interact to form a complex and continuously changing
▪ 29,000 km from the whole
planet's surface ▪ a closed system
▪ taken by the crew of the ▪ the earth’s subsystems are interconnected by
Apollo 17 spacecraft on its processes and cycles
way to the Moon EARTH’S SUBSYSTEM
▪ Earth from the ▪ intermittently store, transform and/or transfer matter
Mediterranean Sea to and energy throughout the whole Earth system
Antarctica ▪ governed by the laws of conservation of matter and
EARTH energy
a complex system of interacting physical, chemical, and ▪ driven mainly by the Sun and sometimes from
biological processes that have been occurring since the energy sources within the Earth
beginning of time ATMOSPHERE
SYSTEM ▪ rooted in the Greek word atmos which means gas
A system is a set of interconnected components that are and sphaira which means globe or ball
interacting to form a unified whole. ▪ layers of gases that blankets the planet held by the
▪ a collection of interdependent parts enclosed within planet’s gravity
a defined boundary ▪ serves as the Earth’s blanket
Matter Energy ▪ composed of gases in varying amounts
▪ flows freely through the system ▪ generally composed of:
Matter ✓ 78% Nitrogen
▪ anything that has mass and takes up space ✓ 21% Oxygen
▪ one of the two most basic components of our ✓ 0.93% Argon, and the remaining
universe ✓ 0.04% Carbon dioxide
Energy ✓ 0.10% is made up of different trace gases
▪ the ability to do work and vapor
▪ can be transferred through heat, light, or 2 important processes changed Earth’s Atmosphere:
electromagnetic waves ▪ The radiation of the sun caused water (H2O) to split
the transfer of matter and energy must be determined
Energy (Hydrogen escaped back to outer space while
▪ transferred or exchanged oxygen accumulated.)
with its surroundings ▪ Evolution of cyanobacteria and began the process
Matter of photosynthesis.
▪ contained within the
(Oxygen released during the photosynthesis
OPEN SYSTEM supplied the rest of oxygen in the atmosphere.)
▪ transferred or the lowest layer of the
exchanged within its atmosphere
surrounding system
where we live in

TROPOSPHERE all weather occurs

most clouds appear

composed of 99% of the water

ozone layer is found
composed of ozone molecules
(O3 ) - absorb high-energy the "air" is very, very thin,
ultraviolet (UV) light from the making this layer even more
Sun, converting the UV energy space-like than the
into heat thermosphere
the air is constantly - though very
gets warmer the higher you go gradually - "leaking" out of
Earth's atmosphere into outer
less-turbulent layer provides a space
smoother ride not a distinct layer

commercial passenger jets fly in a series of regions in parts of the

the lower stratosphere mesosphere and thermosphere
most meteors burn up
where the electrically charged
have a relatively high IONOSPHERE atoms and molecules are formed
concentration of iron and other – ions
metal atoms
High-energy radiation from the
temperatures grow colder as you Sun has knocked electrons loose
rise from their parent atoms and
on top layer, has the coldest the upper regions of the
MESOSPHERE temperatures in Earth's ionosphere
atmosphere, about -90° C (-130°
F) MAGNETOSPHERE region where the behavior of
charged particles is strongly
air is far too thin to breathe affected by the magnetic fields of
Earth and the Sun
air pressure at the bottom of the GEOSPHERE
layer is well below 1% of the ▪ comes from the Greek word geo meaning ground
pressure at sea level and ▪ pertains to the solid part of the earth
continues dropping as you go ▪ divided into three layers:
higher ✓ Crust
absorbs high-energy X-rays and
✓ Mantle
UV radiation from the Sun
✓ Core
raising its temperature to Composed of:
hundreds or at times thousands ✓ Rocks - naturally occurring solid aggregate of
of degrees minerals, organic material, or natural glass
✓ Regolith - loose particles of rocks that enveloped
the air is so thin that it would feel the surface of Earth
cold to us ✓ Geologic Landforms: mountains and hills
▪ the thinnest layer of the Earth
more like outer space than a part ▪ measures about 40 km on average, ranging from 5–
of the atmosphere 70 km in depth
Two types of crust:
many satellites orbit Earth within Continental crust
the thermosphere
▪ Thicker : varies in thickness between 6 and 43 miles
(25 and 70km)
temperatures in the upper part -
500°C (932° F) to 2,000°C ▪ Lighter: richer in SiO2 and Al2O3
(3,632° F) or higher ▪ Older: some of the rocks in the continental crust are
up to 4 billion years old
Aurora, the Northern Lights and Oceanic crust
Southern Lights, occur ▪ Deeper: can be found at the bottom of the oceans
uppermost layer of our or below the continental crust
atmosphere ▪ Denser: consist mainly of Basalt, rich in iron and
EXOSPHERE magnesium
considers to be the actual "final ▪ Have more tightly packed rocks: harder
▪ Thinner and Younger: constantly being recycled
through the process of subduction
Tectonic Plate
▪ also called lithospheric plate
▪ a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock,
generally composed of both continental and
oceanic lithosphere
▪ not stationary but are in relative motion one from
▪ Covergent (moving one toward the other)
▪ Divergent (moving away from the other)
▪ Transform (moving laterally)
▪ “float” on the soft, plastic upper mantle
Mohorovicic Discontinuity
▪ boundary that separates the upper mantle from the
Two main parts:
▪ Upper mantle: attached to the layer above it called
the crust
▪ Lithosphere: the crust and the upper mantle
▪ less fixed, warmer region of the upper mantle
▪ the temperatures: so high that the rock that makes
up the asthenosphere melts into a liquid
▪ only tiny parts of the asthenosphere are liquid but it
is soft enough to move to push around the plates
Gutenberg Discontinuity
▪ boundary that separates the lower mantle and the
outer core
▪ divided into: outer and inner core
▪ made up of molten metallic core
▪ gave rise to the magnetic field, protects the planet
from the charged particles of the solar wind
Outer Core
✓ made mostly of iron and nickel
✓ approximately 2300 km thick
✓ very hot, with a temperature between 40000C
and 50000C
✓ liquid because of the very high temperature
Inner Core
✓ about 1,250 km thick
✓ the hottest layer
✓ the temperature is approximately 5400oC
✓ Made up of the nickel alloy: Nickel and Iron
✓ still exists as solid due to the extremely high
pressures that it is experiencing
Lehmann Discontinuity
▪ the boundary between the outer and inner core
Early Stage of Earth ▪ composed of all living things and the areas where
▪ did not have water or water vapor at its surface they are found
▪ hypotheses: ▪ includes all animals, microbes, and plants
a. much of the water on the planet was ▪ extends to the upper areas of the atmosphere, to
delivered by comet and meteor impacts the deep parts of the oceans where marine
b. most of Earth’s water came from chemical organisms can still survive, and in the zone that the
reactions within the planet’s interior interaction between the different subsystems is
HYDROSPHERE most dynamic
The subsystem that contains all the water found on Earth. EARTH’S ECOSYSTEM
▪ extends from Earth's surface downward several the actual interactions, relationships, communities, and
kilometers into the lithosphere populations of organisms and nonliving things within biomes
WATER Divided into three scales:
Found on the surface: Micro
➢ oceans and seas small ecosystem - pond, under a rock, in a tree
➢ lakes, rivers, streams, and creeks Messo
Found under the surface: medium - a forest, a lake
➢ water trapped in the soil Biome
➢ groundwater ✓ a large-scale ecosystem or biophysical zones that
➢ water vapor in the atmosphere have similar plants, animals, and other organisms
that are adapted to the terrain and climate of that
▪ includes frozen water on our planet – the ice caps region
and glaciers ✓ rainforest, desert, ocean
Water Distribution ✓ divided into the land (terrestrial) and water (aquatic)
➢ 70% of the earth's surface is covered with liquid Five Major Biomes
water Grassland Biome
➢ 97% Saline ➢ made of rolling hills of various kinds of grass
➢ 3% Freshwater ➢ divided into: savannas and temperate grasslands
➢ receives just enough rain to sustain grass but not
▪ Process inlvolved: water cycle also known as the enough to grow many trees
hydrological cycle. ➢ few trees grow in grasslands but sporadic wildfires
HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE keep them under control
➢ driven by the sun’s energy Forest Biome
➢ the continuous movement of water on, above, and ➢ can be tropical, temperate, boreal forest, or taiga
below the surface of the Earth ➢ made up of trees and other woody plants
➢ allows water to circulate and travel to different ➢ the climate is different in each type of forest
regions of Earth o Tropical Rainforest Biome
Transpiration o Temperate Forest Biome
➢ process of water movement through a plant and its Tundra Biome
evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, ➢ coldest of all biomes
stems and flowers ➢ has low biotic diversity and simple vegetation
Surface Runoff Desert Biome
➢ the movement of excess liquid across the surface ➢ relatively sparse vegetation
of the land and into nearby creeks, streams, or ➢ characterized by low rainfall (less than 50 cm) per
ponds year
Infiltration ➢ most deserts have specialized vegetation as well as
➢ the process by which water on the ground surface specialized animals that can adapt to their
enters the soil condition.
Percolation Freshwater Biome
➢ comes from the Latin word percolare, which means ➢ encompasses rivers, lakes, streams, bogs, ponds,
"to strain through” and freshwater swamps
➢ refers to the movement and filtering of fluids through Marine Biome
porous materials ➢ world’s largest type of ecosystem
Aquatic Biome
➢ the rainforest of the ocean
➢ includes freshwater (ponds, lakes, rivers) and
marine (ocean, estuaries)
➢ houses numerous species of plants and animals

People play an important part in maintaining the flow of

energy in the biosphere.

Sometimes, however, people disrupt the flow.

We are all part of the delicate interaction between the

atmosphere, the geosphere, and the hydrosphere.

Our life processes drive us to be in constant need of

interaction with the planet we live on.

At the same time, the planet (along with the other spheres)
changes accordingly to our inputs.

Our fragile connection with our planet is something that we

must protect for the survival of future generations of life on
MIDTERMS – FIRST SEMESTER ▪ The pragmatic theory holds that a proposition is true
METHODS OF PHILOSOPHIZING if is useful. Pragmatics linked the nature of truth with
DETERMINING TRUTH the principle of action and the concept of utility
▪ Truth is central in the study of philosophy. A (usefulness).
person’s quest for truth is the reason why ▪ This theory also contends that judgment must be
philosophy exists. continually verified and validated by having close
▪ But truth somehow is as elusive as ever, which encounter and interaction with the world.
made philosophers agree that there is no definite LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING
measure in determining the truth. ▪ Why should we become a critical thinker?
▪ Somehow the thinkers of the past and the present ▪ Be the master of your own life
concerned to the idea that truth is relative to the kind ▪ To ask ”why” is to ask for the reasons for some
of standard one adheres to. beliefs and opinions (that is, to find out the premises
REASON for a certain conclusion)
▪ Philosophy is distinguish from the other fields of ▪ To evaluate how the reasons successfully support
study by the methods it employs. the claim (that is, to evaluate how the premises
▪ The methods in philosophy involve a strong sense support the conclusion)
of commitment to reason as a source of knowledge ▪ A critical thinker is a truth-pursuer, and logic is truth-
in arriving at truth. preserving.
Fact ▪ is the process of thinking clearly, with accuracy and
is a piece of information having objective reality precision; of thinking carefully, with logic and depth;
which is acknowledged by the greater whole. and of thinking open-mindedly, by examining points
Truth of view and acknowledging assumptions and biases
is a proposition believed to be the absolute reality. within a given viewpoint.
Opinion ▪ It is the process of assessing opinions.
is a judgment based on personal convictions, which ▪ It refers to a set of skills relating to the recognition,
may or may not be factual, truthful, or false analysis, evaluation, and construction of
Since truth is a vague concept, philosophers formulated ▪ Critical thinking skills are important because they
several theories to understand truth. enable us to deal effectively with social, scientific,
THE CORRESPONDENCE THEORY and practical problems, and all aspects of life.
the truth of a proposition is determined by its relationship LOGIC
(correspondence) to the way things actually are in the world ▪ is centered on the analysis and construction of
(reality). Hence, for this realist theory, a proposition is true, argument.
if, and only if, what it contends relates to what is real. Truth, ▪ Logic and critical thinking serve as paths to freedom
therefore, corresponds to facts; hence, truth is absolute. from half-truths and deceptions.
THE COHERENCE THEORY ▪ Critical thinking is distinguishing facts (objective)
▪ The coherence theory of truth contends that a and opinions or personal feelings (subjective).
proposition is true if is consistent with a system of RATIONAL CHOICE
other propositions considered true. In making rational choices, first we suspend beliefs and
▪ The truthfulness, therefore, of a person’s judgment judgments until all facts have been gathered and
(proposition) is based on his/her statements’ considered.
coherence to a certain set of establish beliefs. THREE CONCEPTS THAT INFLUENCE THE
▪ This idealist theory of truth puts premium to the INTERPRETATION OF THE MEANING OF FACTS
culture of a person and his/her set of beliefs as • cultural systems,
imposed by the society. Since people have different • values,
cultures, traditions, so what may be true to one • beliefs
culture or society may or may not be true to others. Though facts are important, critical thinking also takes into
▪ Simply put, a belief is true if one could incorporate consideration cultural systems, values, and beliefs.
it, through a consistent and rational manner, into a These three concepts could influence the interpretation of
bigger and more complex system of beliefs. the meaning of facts. Critical thinking helps us uncover bias
and prejudice and open to new ideas not necessarily in
agreement with previous thought.
FACT AND OPINION ▪ There are times when a person utters arguments
Warnings, an advice, belief, or opinion lacks a claim that that deceive and prove nothing. These arguments
anything is being proved. If an opinion or belief has no somehow could sound convincing and be very
evidence or reason that supports some conclusion, there is persuasive in order to shape other’s opinion and
no argument deliver flawed judgment and reason. These
CLAIMS OF FACT arguments are called fallacies.
▪ for many facts there is no need for argument FALLACY DEFINITION EXAMPLE
▪ some facts are easy to validate as others are more “You are
Attacking the
difficult irritatingly ugly,
individual person
▪ verification is the basis of claims of fact Ad hominem
instead of the
that is why you
▪ a claim of fact is not necessarily a true statement cannot
▪ do not confuse a claim of fact with a factual claim promoted.”
FACTUAL CLAIMS Telling the hearer “You have to
▪ facts that define, classify, or make inferences about that something bad pass this text
Appeal to will happen to message to 10
the past, present, or future.
force him/her if he/she people or else
▪ Types does not accept the you will receive
o Historical argument bad luck.”
o Casual connections Urging the hearer to “I cannot take
o Predictive accept the argument the exam. You
▪ Proof requirements Appeal to
based upon an have to
o Reliable authority appeal to emotions, consider, my
o Accurate and recent data sympathy, etc. dog just died.”
o Clearly defined terms “Everybody
Urging the hearer to
CLAIMS Appeal to wants him/her to
accept a position
▪ But claims don’t stand alone in bringing the popular be president; we
because majority of
audience to the conclusion. opinion should support
the people hold to it
▪ Each claim needs to be accepted as both relevant him/her too.”
and true to create an effective argument- to prove “We have been
Trying to get
doing this since
the conclusion true. someone to accept
▪ A true claim is one which is proven accurate through Appeal to something because
evidence and reasoning. tradition it has been done or
therefore this is
▪ A relevant claim is one which leads logically to the believed for a long
the right thing to
conclusion, relating directly to it. time
▪ Only occasional claims do not need evidence to be “I am pretty
accepted as true. These claims are called prima Assuming the thing because my
Begging the
facie, or, true at first sight. that you are trying to mom said I am
▪ An argument with a conclusion that follows logically prove is true pretty, and I
from its claim is a valid argument. believe her.”
▪ An argument with a claim that is not relevant (even “Hydrogen (H) is
Assuming that what
just one) is deemed an invalid argument, and Fallacy of air. Oxygen (O)
is true of the part is
immediately loses its persuasiveness. composition is air. Therefore,
true to the whole
▪ An argument built of all claims that are accepted as H2O is air.”
“Her entire
relevant and true (i.e. the argument is already valid)
family is a family
is a sound argument.
Assuming that what of beauty
▪ An argument with a claim that is not accepted as Fallacy of
is true of the whole queens. I’m sure
true is deemed unsound argument and it no longer division
is true for the parts she will be a
proves the conclusion true. beauty queen
▪ Aside from the truth theories presented, there are “Her
other means by which a person can determine the grandmother
truth. One is by looking into the error in reasoning Using the same loves to eat
(judgment). It is a settle fact that a human is a term in an argument apples but she is
Fallacy of
rational animal, but his/her sense of rationality must in different places the apple of the
first be validated in order to determine the but the word has eyes of her
truthfulness of his/her contention. different meanings grandmother. I’m
sure her
grandmother will
have a hard time truthfulness makes social bonds, and lying and hypocrisy
eating her.” break them.
A fallacy is a defect in an argument other than its having OPINION
false premises. To detect fallacies, it is required to examine ▪ A personal belief, view or judgement that are held
the argument’s content. Fallacies committed errors in despite their inability to be proven to be true, thus
reasoning and thus, result to false conclusion and worse, they are inherently subjective. You cannot prove
distort the truth. that someone is handsome, or that a piece of art is
INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE REASONING beautiful. You can only collect a consensus.
▪ The main difference between inductive and ▪ Subjective view of things, your own point of view.
deductive reasoning is that inductive reasoning ▪ An opinion is a statement that expresses a feeling,
aims at developing a theory while deductive an attitude, a value judgment, or a belief. It is a
reasoning aims at testing an existing theory. statement that is neither true nor false.
▪ Inductive reasoning moves from specific ▪ A statement that expresses a feeling, judgement,
observations to broad generalizations, and belief, or attitude.
deductive reasoning the other way around. CORRESPONDENCE THEORY
▪ Deductive reasoning moves from generalized Correspondence theory is what we use to often verify
statement to a valid conclusion, whereas truths.
▪ Inductive reasoning moves from specific ▪ True propositions are those that correspond with
observation to a generalization. reality.
Inductive reasoning The basic idea of the correspondence theory is that what we
is a method of logical thinking that combines believe or say is true if it corresponds to the way things
observations with experiential information to reach a actually are – to the facts. This idea can be seen in various
conclusion. When you can look at a specific set of data and forms throughout the history of philosophy.
form general conclusions based on existing knowledge from LINGUISTIC TURN
past experiences, you are using inductive reasoning. Linguistic philosophy is the view that many or all
The term inductive reasoning refers to reasoning philosophical problems can be solved (or dissolved) by
that takes specific information and makes a broader paying closer attention to language, either by reforming
generalization that's considered probable while still language or by better understanding our everyday
remaining open to the fact that the conclusion may not be language.
100% guaranteed. ▪ The linguistic turn was a major development in
Western philosophy during the 20th century.
▪ In deductive reasoning, the conclusions are certain, ▪ The most important characteristics of which
▪ whereas, in inductive reasoning, the conclusions philosophy and the other humanities primarily on
are probabilistic. the relationship between philosophy and language
▪ Distinguishing between fact and opinion requires ▪ An Austrian born American philosophers
attention and scrutiny, because it is indeed a ▪ Introduced linguistic turn in his review of Peter
challenge to weed out opinions based on one’s Strawson’s individuals in 1960.
biases and subjective views from facts based on PHENOMENOLOGY AND EXISTENTIALISM
accurate and objective information. Phenomenology
▪ As a critical thinker, our obligation is to, “never ▪ The work often considered to constitute the birth of
accept the truth of any statement of belief unless phenomenology is Husserl’s logical investigations
there is adequate evidence for it.” ▪ Utilizes a distinctive method to study the structural
▪ So the truth of any statement , opinion, of belief features of experience and of things as
must go through a certain process of checking them experienced. It is primarily a descriptive discipline
out. and is undertaken in a way that is largely
TRUTH AND OPINION independent of scientific, including casual,
TRUTH explanations and accounts of the nature of
▪ It is the problem of being clear about what you are experience
saying when you say some claim or other is true ▪ Account ofphenomenology as the descriptive study
▪ The study of what is real of the structural features of the varieties of
▪ A statement about the way the world actually is experience, and a number of concrete
▪ Objective view of things. phenomenology analyzes, including those of
Truth matters, both to us as individuals and to society as a meaning,part-whole relations and intentionality.
whole. As individuals, being truthful means that we can grow ▪ Edmund Husser
and mature, learning from our mistakes. For society, Father of Phenomenology
A german mathematician and philosopher
▪ Existentialism is a cath-all term for those
philosophers who consider the nature of the human
conditions as a key philosophical problem and who
share the view that this problem is best addressed
through ontology.
▪ Existence precedes essence.
▪ Man creates himself.
▪ Jean-Paul Satre
Jean-Paul-Charles-Aymard Sartre was a French
philosopher, playwright, novelist, political activist,
biographer, and literary critic.
• A fact is a statement that can be verified. It can be
proven to be true or false through objective
• A statement that can be verified through objective
✓ Can be proven ✓ Cannot be verified
✓ Is true even if a now
person agrees or ✓ Is true or false
doesn’t depending on
✓ Often uses each person
numbers, ✓ Often uses
statistics, and comparisons like
dates with best, most, more,
references less etc.
REGISTER Bilang Barayti ng Wika ▪ Nakikipag-ugnayan ang tao sa kanyang kapwa tao
Barayti = Pagkakaiba-iba mula sa ibang lugar na may naiibang kaugalian at
SA PAANONG PARAAN NAGKAKAROON NG wika na may naiiba kaugalian at wika.
PAGKAKAIBA ANG WIKANG GINAGAMIT NG TAO? ▪ Mula sap ag-uugnayang ito ay may nalilinang na
▪ Pakikipag-ugnayan ng tao wikang may pagkakaiba o istandard na pinagmulan
▪ Lugar na kinabibilangan nito.
▪ Kaugalian ng tao TORE NG BABEL
▪ Larangang kinabibilangan ▪ Mula sa Genesis 11:1-9, sinasabing naging labis na
REGISTER mapagmataas at mapagmalaki ang mga tao sa
▪ Isang opisyal na listahan ng mga pangalan, paghahangas ng lakas at kapangyarihan, sila ay
kapanganakan, pagpapakasal, kamatayan. nagkaisang magtayo ng toreng aabot hanggang
▪ Pagpapatala ng pangalan sa halalan (politika). langit.
▪ Pagpasok ng mga mensahe sa utak/pagtanda o ▪ Pinarusahan sila ng Diyos sa pamamagitan ng
pag-alala sa natutuhan (sikolohiya). pagbibigay sa kanila ng iba’t ibang wika.
▪ Isang listahan ng mga listahan sa isang hotel DAYALEK
(turismo). Barayti ng wikang nililikha ng dimensyong heograpiko.
ANG REGISTER BILANG ESPESYALISADONG Ginagamit sa isang particular narehiyon, malaki man o
TERMINO maliit.
▪ Ang isang salita o termino ay maaaring magkaroon
ng iba’t ibang kahulugan ayon sa larangan o Makilala ang dayalekto hindi lamang sa pagkakaroon nito
disiplinang pinaggamitan nito. ng set ng mga distinct na bokabularyo kundi maging sa
▪ Register ang tawag sa ganitong uri ng mga termino. punto o tono at sa istraktura ng pangungusap.
▪ Tinatawag na register ang mga espesyalisadong
termino gaya ng mga salitang siyentipiko o teknikal Ito ay yaong unang wikang kinalimutan at ugat ng
na nagtataglay ng iba’t ibang kahulugan sa iba’t komunikasyon sa tahanan at pamayanan, lalawigan. Ito rin
ibang larangan o disiplina. ang wikang unang kinagisnan, naririnig at namumutawi sa
Text bibig ng mga tao, ng mga magulang sa tahanan at
▪ Ang text sa cellphone ay tumutukoy sa ipinadalang sambayanan.
mensahe patungo sa isa o iba pang cellphone. IDYOLEK
▪ Ang text sa literatura ay tumutukoy sa anomang Kahit iisang wika ang sinasalita ngtao ay mayroon pa ring
nakasulat na akda gaya ng tula, sanaysay, at iba’t ibang paraan ng pagsasalita ang bawat tao.
Spin Sa barayting ito,lumilitaw ang katangian at kakayahan ng
▪ Ang spin sa washing machine ay nangangahulugan taong magsalita at bumigkas.
ng mabilis na pag-ikot ng makina upang mapiga o
matanggal ang tubig sa mga damit. May pagkakaiba ang paraan ng salita ng isang tao sa iba
▪ Ang spin sa paggawa ng sinulid ay pang tao batay na rin sa kanya-kanyang estilo at paraan ng
nangangahulugan ng paghahabi ng hibla o ber paggamit ng wika kung saan higit siyang komportable sa
upang maging sinulid. pagpapahayag.
▪ Ang kapital sa larangan ng pagnenegosyo ay Ito ang barayti ng wikang nakabatay sa katayuan o antas
nangangahuluhan ng puhunan. panlipunan o dimensyong sosyal ng mga taong gumagamit
▪ Ang kapital sa larangan ng heograpiya ay ng wika.
nangangahulugan ng punong lungsod o kabisera.
GAMIT NG REGISTER SA IBANG PROPESYON Nagpapangkat-pangkat ang tao batay sa kalagayang
Iba ang register ng wika ng guro sa abogado. Iba rin ang sa panlipunan, paniniwala, oportunidad, kasarian, edad at iba
inhinyero, computer programmer, game designer, pa.
negosyante, at iba pa.
Nakabatay ang wika sa katayuan sa lipunan at pangkat na
Samantala, ang doktor at nars ay pareho ang register ng kinabibilangan
wika sapagkat iisa ang kanilang propesyon o larangan—
ang medisina. Nabibilang din sa barayting sosyolek ang wika ng mga
“coño” na tinatawag ding coñotic o conyospeak isang
baryant ng Taglish.
Maaari ding tumukoy sa pangkat ng isang *Ayon kay Don Gabor, sa kanyang aklat na Speaking Your
propesyon,particular na trabaho,o gagawin ng tao ang Mind in 101 Difficult Situation, may anim na paraan kung
sosyolek. paano magkakaroon ng maayos na pakikipagtalastasan.
Ang jargon o mga natatanging bokabularyo ng particular na Mga pagkakataong naibabahagi natin ang ating
pangkat ay makapagpapakilala sa kanilang trabaho o nararamdaman o emosyon sa ating kausap.
“Nalulungkot talaga ako sa nangyayaring ‘yan.”
Jargon “Natatakot ako na baka lumala pa ang giyera.”
Halimbawa, ang mg abogado ay makikilala sa mga jargon PHATIC
na tulad ng exhibit, appeal, complainant, at iba pa. Ginagamit ang wika upang makipagugnayan sa kapwa at
ETNOLEK makapagsimula ng usapan, small talk sa Ingles.
Ito ay barayti ng wika mula s amga etnolongguwistikong
grupo, Ito ay nagmula sa dalawang salita na pinagsama “Kumain ka na?”
“etniko” at “dialek”. “Kumusta ka?”
Taglay nito ang mga salitang nagiging bahagi na ng Ito ay pahayag o paraan ng paggamit ng wika na ang paksa
pagkakakilanlan ng isang pangkat-etniko. mismo ay wika tulad ng komentaryo ukol sa koda, ukol sa
PIDGIN AT CREOLE sintaks, ukol sa istraktura ng wika at iba pang pag-aaral ng
Pidgin wika.
Ito ay nabuo mula sa dalawang taong may magkaibang wika POETIC
na upang magkaintindihan ay napagsasama-sama ang Saklaw nito ang gamit ng wika sa masining na paraan ng
ibang salita. pagpapahayag gaya ng panulaan, prosa, sanaysay, at iba
Bunga nito ang tinatwag na makeshift language sa Ingles.
✓ Nagmula sa dalawang kultur ana may magkaibang *Isang aklat na maputi, ang isinusulat: luha! Kaya’t wala
wika kang mabasa kahit isa mang talata. Kinabisa at inisip
✓ Wala itong pormal na istruktura mulang ating pagkabata. Tumanda ka’t nagkauban, hindi
Creole mo pa maunawa.
Isang uri din ng barayti ng wika na nagmula sa pagiging GAMIT NG WIKA SA LIPUNAN AYON KAY M.A.K. HALLIDAY
pidgin hanggang sa lumaganap at nakasanayan na at M.A.K. HALLIDAY
naging pangunahing wikang isang lugar. Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday
GAMIT NG WIKA AYON KAY ROMAN JAKOBSON • Iskolar mula sa Inglatera.
ROMAN JAKOBSON • “Ang wika ay isang panlipunang phenomenon
▪ Isa sa mga nagtatag ng Linguistic • Inilahad niya ang pitong tungkulin ng wika na
Circle of New York. mababasa sa kanyang aklat na Explorations in the
▪ Functions of Language ang Functions of Language (1973).
kanyang naging ambag sa larangan ng INSTRUMENTAL
semiotics o ang pag-aaral sa mga • Ginagamit sa pagtugon sa mga pangangailangan
palatandaan at simbolo at kung paano ito ng isang tao/tagapagsalita, pisikal, emosyonal, o
gamitin. sosyal.
CONATIVE • Matugunan ang materyal na pangangailangan
Ito ay ang gamit ng wika upang makahimok at o Gusto ko ng…
makaimpluwensya sa iba sa pamamagitan ng pag-uutos at o Nais ko ng…
pakiusap. o Kailangan ko ng…
• Paglilista ng mga misyon ng isang pangkat
*Tuwing panahon ng eleksyon ay naririnig o nababasa natin • Paghingi ng tulong
ang mga pahayg na “Huwag po ninyong kalimutang isulat
• Pagtukoy sa nais na kainin
ang pangalan ko sa inyong balota!” mula sa mga politiko.
• Gamit ng wika upang kumontrol ng kilos, asal, o
Ipinakikita nito ang gamit ng wikang nagmula sa aklat at iba
paniniwala ng iba at makaimpluwensya ang
pang sangguniang pinagmulan ng kaalaman upang
tagapagsalita sa kaniyang kausap
magparating ng mensahe at impormasyon
o Huwag kang…
o Dapat nating…
o Gawin mo ang…
• Pag-uutos
• Street signs TEORYANG BOW-WOW
• Mga batas na nagsasaad kung ano ang tama at Ang wika raw ay nagmula sa panggagaya ng mga
mali sinaunang tao sa mga tunog na nilikha ng mga hayop
HEURISTIKO bow-wow para sa aso, ngiyaw para sa pusa, kwak-
• Gamit ng wika upang matuto, magtanong, at kwak para sa pato at moo para sa baka.
makatuklas ng mga bagong kaalaman TEORYANG POOH-POOH
o Bakit? Isinasaad sa teoryang ito na nagmula raw ang wika sa mga
o Paano? salitang namutawi sa mga bibig ng sinaunang tao nang
o Saan nagmula? nakaramdam sila ng masisidhing damdamin tulad ng tuwa,
• Paghahanap ng solusyon sa isang problema galit, sakit, sarap, kalungkutan at pagkabigla.
• Pagsulat ng tesis TEORYANG TA-TA
• Pakikipagdebate Sa teoryang ito isinasaad na may koneksiyon ang kumpas
INTERAKSIYONAL o galaw ng kamay ng tao sa paggalaw ng dila. Ito ang
• Gamit ng wika upang lumikha at magpanatili ng nagiging sanhi ng pagkatuto ng taong lumikha ng tunog at
mga ugnayang interpersonal at/o pakikipagkapwa matutong magsalita.
o Kumusta na? TEORYANG YO-HE-HO
o Ingat! Pinaniniwalaan ng mga nagmungkahi ng teoryang ito na
o Okay ka lang ba? ang tao ay natutong magsalita bunga diumano ng kanyang
pwersang pisikal.
• Pakikilahok sa mga pangkatang-gawain
• Pagsulat ng liham para sa isang kaibigan
• Pakikipag-chat o text sa mga kamag-anak
• katutubong paraan ng pagsulat
• Gamit ng wika upang ipahayag ang sariling
saloobin sa grupong kinabibilangan at upang • binubuo ng 17 titik na hawig sa mga ginagamit ng
maisiwalat ang indibidwal na mga katangian mga Indones
o Sa palagay ko… • binubuo ng tatlong patinig at 14 na katinig
o Kung ako ang tatanungin… Paraan ng paggamit ng Baybayin:
o Sa tingin ko… • Ang mga katinig at binibigkasna may
• Pagsulat ng diary o journal kasamangtunog ng patinig na /a/.
• Paglikha ng sariling profile sa mga social • Kung nais basahin o bigkasin ang mga katinig na
networking sites kasamaang tunog na /e/ o /i/, nilalagyan ang titik ng
• Pagsulat ng bukas na liham ukol sa isang tuldok sa itaas.
napapanahong isyu • Kung angtunog ng /o/ o /u/ ang nais isama sa
IMAHINATIBO pagbasang mga katinig, tuldok sa ibaba nito ang
• Gamit ng wika upang lumikha gaya ng mga tula,
bugtong, kuwento, at iba pang malikhaing akda • Kung nais kaltasin ay ang anomangtunog ng patinig
o Noong unang panahon… na kasamang katinig sahulihan ng isang salita,
o Isang prinsesa nakaupo sa tasa. ginagamitan ito ng panandangkrus (+)
• Pagkukuwento • Gumagamit ng dalawang palihis na guhit // sa
• Paglikha ng bugtong hulihan ng pangungusap bilang hudyat ng
pagtatapos nito.
• Pagsulat ng nobela, dula, at iba pang akdang
IMPORMATIBO • Layunin ng mga Espanyol na ikintal sa isip at puso
ng mga katutubo ang Kristiyanismo.
• Gamit ng wika upang magbahagi ng kaalaman
o Ipinababatid sa lahat na… • Upang mas maging epektibo ang pagpapalaganap
o Narito ang mga detalye ukol sa … ng Kristiyanismo, ang mga misyonerong Espanyol
o Batay sa aklat… mismo ang nag-aral ng mga wikang katutubo.
• Pag-uulat • Nakita nilang mas madaling matutuhan ang wika ng
isang rehiyon kaysa ituro sa lahat ang wikang
• Pagtuturo
• Iniutos ng Hari na gamitin ang wikang Espanyol sa
pagtuturo ngunit hindi ito nasunod.
Batay sa teoryang ito, nagmula raw ang wika sa
panggagaya ng mga sinaunang tao sa mga tunog ng
Mga Dekri na Hindi Natupad: PANAHON NG AMERIKANO
• 1550 1898
mayroong dekri na nagsasaad ba dapat magtatag ng mga • Itinatag ng mga Amerikano ang mga pampublikong
paaralan para sa pagtuturo ng Espanyol sa mga Pilipino paaralan at ginamit nila ang Ingles bilang wikang
• 1642 at 1752 panturo nang dumating sila sa Pilipinas.
ordinansa na nagbigay-diin sa pagtatag ng mga paaralan sa • Nagkaroon ng pambansang sistema ng edukasyon
iba’t ibang distrito upang maturuan ng Espanyol ang mga sa kapuluan at ipinahayag na Ingles ang gagawing
katutubo wikang panturo.
• 1792 • Hindi naging madali ang paggamit ng Ingles sa
nagkaroon ng dekri na nagbawal sa paggamit ng mga pagtuturo sa mga mag-aaral ng tinatawag na
katutubong wika tatlong R (Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic) dahil hindi
• Disyembre 20,1865 maiwasan ng mga guro ang paggamit ng
iniutos ng reyna ng Espanya ang pagtatatag ng sistema bernakular.
para sa pagtuturo sa primarya na may tiyak na mga tuntunin • Nang mapalitan ang director ng Kawanihan ng
sa pagtuturo at superbisyon. Edukasyon, ipinahayag na wikang Ingles LAMANG
o Kasama sa kurikulum ang praktikal na pagtuturo sa ang gagamiting wikang panturo at ipinagbabawal
Espanyol at ortograpiya. ang paggamit ng bernakular.
o Ipagbabawal dito ang pakikipag-usap gamit ang Dahilan ng Pagtaguyod ng Wikang Ingles:
mga katutubong wika sa oras ng klase. 1. Ang pagtuturo ng bernakular sa mga paaralan ay
o Ang mga guro na hindi tutupad ay maparurusahan magreresulta sa suliraning administratibo.
at pagmumultahin. 2. Ang paggamit ng iba't ibang bernakular sa
Doctrina Christiana pagtuturo ay magdudulot lámang ng rehiyonalismo
• Kauna-unahang limbag na aklat sa Pilipinas (1593). sa halip na nasyonalismo.
• Layunin na maging kasangkapan sa pagtuturo ng 3. Hindi magandang pakinggan ang magkahalong
mga pangunahing doktrinang Kristiyano. wikang Ingles at bernakular.
Naging balakid sa pagsasakatuparan ng mga dekring galing 4. Malaki na ang nagasta ng pamahalaan nara sa
sa Espanya ang pagsalungat ng mga prayleng Espanyol sa edukasyong pambayan at paglinang ng Ingles
pamahalaan hinggil sa mga programang pang-edukasyon upang maging wikang pambansa.
at pangwika. 5. Ingles ang nakikitang pag-asa upang magkaroon
PANAHON NG REBOLUSYONG PILIPINO ng pambansang pagkakaisa.
Isa sa mga nagpasiklab sa politikal at literaturang 6. Ingles ang wika ng pandaigdigang pangangalakal.
paghihimagsik ng mga Pilipino ang pagbitay sa tatlong pari 7. Ang Ingles ay mayaman sa katawagang pansining
na sina Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, at Jacinto Zamora sa at pang-agham.
salang rebolusyon at paglabag sa batas ng mga Espanyol. 8. Yamang nandito na ang Ingles ay kailangang
• 1872 hasain ang paggamit nito.
Nagkaroon ng kilusang propagandista na naging Dahil sa Pagtataguyod ng Bernakular:
simula ng kamalayang maghimagsik 1. Walumpung porsiyento ng mag-aaral ang
• Nang itatag ni Andres Bonifacio ang Katipunan, nakaaabot ng hanggang ikalimang grado lang kayâ
Tagalog ang ginamit sa kanilang kautusan at pagsasayang lámang ng panahon at pera ang
pahayagan. pagtuturo sa kanila ng Ingles na walang kinalaman
• Sumibol ang “Isang Bansa, Isang Diwa”. sa kanilang sosyal at praktikal na pamumuhay.
• Pinili nilang gamitin ang Tagalog sa pagsulat ng 2. Kung bernakular ang gagamiting panturo, magiging
mga sanaysay, tula, kuwento, liham, at mga epektibo ang pagtuturo sa primarya.
talumpating punong-puno ng damdaming 3. Kung kailangan talagang linangin ang wikang
makabayan. komon sa Pilipinas, nararapat lámang na Tagalog
• Ginawang opisyal na wika ang Tagalog bagama’t ito sapagkat isang porsiyento lámang ng tahanang
walang isinasaad na ito ang magiging wikang Pilipino ang gumagamit ng Ingles.
pambansa ng Republika ng Biak na Bato. 4. Hindi magiging maunlad ang pamamaraang
Mga Basahing Propaganda: panturo kung Ingles ang gagamitin dahil hindi
naman natututo ang mga mag-aaral kung paano
• Diariong Tagalog sa Maynila
nila malulutas ang mga problemang kahaharapin
• La Solidaridad sa Espanya
nila sa kanilang pang-arawaraw na pamumuha
• Iba pang mga polyeto at aklat
5. Ang paglinang ng wikang Ingles bilang wikang
Nang itatag ang Unang Republika sa pamumuno ni
pambansa ay hindi nagpapakita ng nasyonalismo.
Aguinaldo, isinaad na ang paggamit ng Tagalog ay
6. Nararapat lámang na magsagawa ng mga bagay • Ang pormularyo sa panunumpa sa tungkulin ng
para sa ikabubuti ng lahat katulad ng paggamit ng mga pinunó at kawani ng pamahalaan ay sa Pilipino
bernakular. gagawin.
7. Walang kakayahang makasulat ng klasiko sa • Noong 1969 inilabas ang Kautusang
wikang Ingles ang mga Pilipino. Tagapagpaganap Blg. 187 na nag-uutos sa lahat
8. Hindi na nangangailangan ng mga kagamitang ng kagawaran, kawanihan, tanggapan, at iba pang
panturo upang magamit ang bernakular, kailangan sangay ng pamahalaang gamitin ang wikang
lamang na ito ay pasiglahin. Pilipino hangga't maaari sa Linggo ng Wikang
Batas Komonwelt Blg. 184 (1935) Pambansa at pagkaraan naman ay sa lahat ng
• Opisyal na paglikha ng Surian ng Wikang opisyal na komunikasyon at transaksiyon.
Pambansa Noong Hunyo 19, 1974 ang Kagawaran ng Edukasyon at
• Layuning magsagawa ng saliksik, gabay, at Kultura sa pamumuno ni Kalihim Juan L. Manuel ay
alituntunting magiging batayan sa pagpili ng wikang nagpalabas ng Kautusang Pangkagawaran Blg. 25 s. 1974
pambansa ng mga panuntunan sa pagpapatupad ng Patakarang
• Napili ang Tagalog bilang batayan ng wikang Edukasyong Bilingguwal.
pambansa (1937) • Sa termino ni dating Pangulong Cory Aquino
PANAHON NG HAPONES isinulong ang paggamit ng wikang Filipino
• ENERO 3, 1942 • Bumuo ng bagong batas ang Constitutional
itinatag ng mga Hapon ang Japanese Military Commission. Sa Saligang Batas 1987 ay nilinaw
Administration matapos masakop ang Maynila. ang mga kailangang gawin upang maitaguyod ang
o Ipinagbawal ang paggamit ng Ingles sa anomang wikang Filipino. (Artikulo XIV Seksiyon 6 ng
aspekto ng buhay ng mga Pilipino Saligang Batas 1987)
o Ipinagamit nila ang katutubong wika, partikular ang Noong Agosto 25, 1988 ay ipinalabas ang Kautusang
wikang Tagalog sa pagsulat ng mga akdang Tagapagpaganap Blg. 335 na magsasagawa ng mga
pampanitikan sumusunod na hakbang:
o Gintong panahon ng panitikan 1. Magsakatuparan ng mga hakbang para sa
• Naging opisyal na wika ang Tagalog at ang wikang paggamit ng Filipino sa opisyal na komunikasyon,
Nihonggo. transaksyon, at korespondensya sa kanikanilang
• Naging masigla ang talakayan tungkol sa wika, opisina, maging nasyonal at lokal;
muling binuhay ang Surian ng Wikang Pambansa 2. Magtalaga ng isa o higit pang tauhan, ayon sa
sa pagnanais ng mga Hapones na itaguyod ang pangangailangan, sa bawat tanggapan upang
pagkakaroon ng Wikang Pambansa. mangasiwa sa mga komunikasyon at
PANAHON NG PAGSASARILI HANGGANG SA korespondensya na nasusulat sa Filipino;
KASALUKUYAN 3. Isalin sa Filipino ang mga pangalan ng opisina,
• Pinagtibay na ang wikang opisyal sa bansa ay gusali at edipisyong publiko, at mga karatula ng
Tagalog at lngles sa bisa ng Batas Komonwelt lahat ng opisina at mga dibisyon nito o
Bilang 570. instrumentaliti ng mga iyon at, kung nanaisin, ilagay
• Noong Agosto 13, 1959 ay pinalitan ang tawag sa sa ibaba nito sa malilit na letra ang tekstong Ingles;
wikang pambansa, ito ay naging Pilipino sa bisa ng 4. Isa-Filipino ang "Panunumpa sa Katungkulan" ng
Kautusang Pangkagawaran Blg. 7 na pinalabas ni lahat ng mga pinuno at tauhan ng pamahalaan; at
Jose B. Romero, ang dating Kalihim ng Edukasyon. 5. Gawing bahagi ng programa ang mga pagsasanay
• Noong 1963, ipinag-utos na awitin ang ukol sa pagpapaunlad sa mga kawani ng bawat
Pambansang Awit sa titik nitong Pilipino batay sa opisina ang kasanayan sa paggamit ng Filipino sa
Kautusang Tagapagpaganap Blg 60 s. 1963 na mga komunikasyon at korespondensyang opisyal.
nilagdaan ni Pangulong Diosdado Macapagal. Noong 1995 ay muling isinaalang-alang at nirebisa ang
Nang umupo naman si Ferdinand E. Marcos bilang pangulo itinakdang academic units para sa Wikang Filipino sa
ng Pilipinas, iniutos niya ang mga sumusunod: General Education Curriculum.
o Sa bisa ng Kautusang Tagapagpaganap Blg 96 s. Noong Hulyo 15, 1997 ay nilagdaan sa ilalim ng
1967, na ang lahat ng edipisyo, gusali, at pamamahala ni dating Pangulong Fidel V. Ramos ang
tanggapan ay pangalanan sa Pilipino. Proklamasyon Blg. 1041 na nagpapahayag ng taunang
o Ang ulong-liham ng mga tanggapan ng pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa tuwing
pamahalaan ay isulat sa Pilipino, kalakip ang Agosto 1 hanggang 31
kaukulang teksto sa Ingles sa ilalim ng
Memorandum Sirkular Blg. 172 (1968).
Sek. 6.
Ang wikang pambansa ng Pilipinas ay Filipino.
Samantalang nalilinang, ito ay dapat payabungin at
pagyamanin pa salig sa umiiral na mga wika ng Pilipinas at
sa iba pang mga wika.

Alinsunod sa mga tadhana ng batas at sang-ayon sa

nararapat na maaaring ipasya ng Kongreso, dapat
magsagawa ng mga hakbangin ang Pamahalaan upang
ibunsod at puspusang itaguyod ang paggamit ng Filipino
bilang midyum ng opisyal na komunikasyon at bilang wika
ng pagtuturo sa Sistemang pangedukasyon.
Sek. 7.
Ukol sa mga layunin ng komunikasyon at pagtuturo, ang
mga wikang opisyal ng Pilipinas ay Filipino at, hangga’t
walang ibang itinatadhana ang batas, Ingles. Ang mga
wikang panrehiyon ay pantulong na mga wikang opisyal sa
mga rehiyon at magsisilbi na pantulong na mga wikang
panturo roon. Dapat itaguyod nang kusa at opsyonal ang
Kastila at Arabic.
Sek. 8.
Ang Konstitusyong ito ay dapat ipahayag sa Filipino at
Ingles at dapat isalin sa mga pangunahing wikang
panrehiyon, Arabic, at Kastila
Sek. 9.
Dapat magtatag ang Kongreso ng isang komisyon ng
wikang pambansa na binubuo ng mga kinatawan ng iba’t
ibang mga rehiyon at mga disiplina na magsasagawa, mag-
uugnay at magtataguyod ng mga pananaliksik sa Filipino at
iba pang mga wika para sa kanilang pagpapaunlad,
pagpapalaganap at pagpapanatili.

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