Chemistry P2 XIIth2023

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General Instructions
a)All Questions are Compulsary.
b)The question paper consists of 31 questions.
c) Section A contains 10 questions each carrying 1 mark.
d) Section B contains 9 questions of 2 marks each .
e) Section C contains 9 questions of 3 marks each.
f) Section D contains 3 questions having choice among each carrying 5 marks .

Section -A ( Ten Questions each of 1 mark)

QNo 1 The molarity of pure water is:
(a)5.556 mol/litre (b) 55.56 mol/litre (c)18 mol/litre (d) 0.18 mol/litre

QNo 2 ______ obeys Raoult’s law in all stages of concentration.

QNo 3 The C = 0 in aldehydes and ketones is longer than C = C in alkanes. (True/False)

QNo 4 Which of the following is not a good conductor of electricity ?

(a)CH₃COONa (b)C₂H₃OH
(c)NaCl (d)KOH

QNo 5 Which of the following Oxidation state is common for all Lanthanoids ?

(a)+3 (b)+2

(c)+4 (d)+5

QNo 6. Draw the structure of 3-Bromo-1-chlorocyclohexene?

QNo7. Vitamin A is

(a)Ascorbic acid (b)Thiamine

(c)Calciferol (d)Retinol

QNo8. The unit of cryoscopic constant is ___________.

QNo9: Which of the following is most acidic ?

(a)Benzyl alcohol (b)Cyclohexanol

(c)Phenol (d)m-Chlorophenol

QNo10: Draw the structure of hex-l-en-3-ol.

Section B ( Nine questions each of 2 marks )

QNo 11 Define the terms. a)Coordination number. (b)Ligands

QNo 12 Give two uses of iodoform .

QNo 13.Discuss Wurtz Reaction and Wurtz - Fittig Reaction.

QNo 14. Mention the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

QNo15. Write the IUPAC names of

(a)[Cu(NH₃)₄SO₄]. (b) (b)[Ni(CN)4]²- ·

QNo 16. Give the two preparation of aldehyde ? .

QNo 17. Give sources and deficency diseases of Vitamin C & D ?

QNo 18. Give the three preparation of Haloalkanes ?

QNo 19 . Give any two methods of preparation of Alcohols .?

Section C ( Nine questions each of 3 marks )

QNo 20 .What is (a) Gattermann -Koch Reaction. (b)Fries Rearrangement.

QNo 21: Derive the integrated rate constant equation for first order reaction.

QNo 22: What is Lanthanide Contraction ?What are the causes of Lanthanide Contraction?

QNo23 Difference between SN1 and SN2 mechanism.? .

QNo24: Give the three preparation of amines .?

QNo25: Describe the working of a fuel Cell. ?

QNo26: Explain the ideal solution with examples?

QNo27: Discuss: (a)Reimer-Tiemann's Reaction

(b)Kolbe's Reaction
QNo28: Why phenols are more acidic than alcohol.?

Section D ( Three questions each of 5 marks )

QNo.29: Define Arhenius equation .Give the relation between rate constant of different temperatures.

a) Define the construction and working of a Galvanic cell ?

QNo 30: Define depression in freezing point.How can you calculate the molecular mass of a non
-volatile solute with it.? OR

Describe the Raoult's law for volatile and non volatile Solute.?

QNo31: What is carboxylic acid.Give the four preparation of carboxylic acid.


Write a short note on a) Aldol condensation b) Cannizaro Reaction

(c) Wolf-Kishner's Reduction. (d). Rosenmund's Reduction

(e)Stephen Reduction ?

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