Sentences Analysis Level1

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Glossary Sentence Analysis (improved version)

S = subject
V = verb
Oi = object indirect
Od = object direct
Op = prepositional object
Cs/o = complement to the subject / object
A = adjunct (of time, place, manner, etc.)

Examples: She gave the children some milk after school

S V Oi Od Atime

They are terribly thirsty

S V Cs

They appointed him mayor

S V Od Co

SVOCA Explained in 1st level analysis:

Subject: The person(s) or thing(s) performing the action: ‘Who/what is

doing something?’
I love him
Jack has given me a letter
The bus should leave early
The beautiful girl with the ponytail is my cousin
I am proud of these people

Verb: The action itself:

I love him
Jack has given me a letter
The bus should leave early
The beautiful girl with the ponytail is my cousin
I am proud of these people

Object direct: The person(s) or thing(s) affected by the action:

I love him ‘Who do I love?’
Jack has given me a letter ‘What has Jack given me?’

Object indirect: To whom / what did the subject do something?

Jack has given me a letter

Complement to the subject: Link verbs (p10 OPG).

 followed by a complement rather than an object.
Link verbs in CS:  complement tells you more about the subject.
Appear, feel, grow, look,
prove, remain, smell, The beautiful girl with the ponytail is my cousin
sound, taste, become, etc. I am proud of these people
Complement to the Object: Some verbs are followed by an object direct that needs
further complementation.
Link verbs in CO:
find, think, consider, elect, I find it ….. ridiculous (= It is ridiculous)
appoint, etc. We consider him…. a fool (= He is a fool)
They appointed her….mayor (= She is mayor)

The Co can’t be used as the subject of a passive sentence.

He is considered a fool - * A fool is considered he.

We consider him a fool
S Od Od Co
Pers.pron Main v. Pers.pron c.noun

Adjunct (1st level):

Adjunct Question asked Example sentence

Atime When? I saw him at two o’clock.
Aduration How long? I lived there for a year.
Afrequency How often? I sometimes go into town after school.
Aplace (also= Where (to)? We met him at the station.
Adirection e.g. ‘to’) How far? I had to go a long way.
Amanner How? (in what way) He slowly climbed up the stairs.
Ameans How? (by what He travelled by plane.
Aagent (passive) By whom? The book was put on a shelf by my sister.
Acondition Under which I would go if it didn’t rain,
Aconcession What contrast? Although it was raining, they went out for a
Adegree How much? She loved him very much.
Anegation Not?/ Never? I did not think it was funny.
Aresult/ What was the There was a loud noise, so that the baby
Aconsequence result? woke up.
Aaddition What is added? He went there, too.
Neither did he.
Arestriction What is the He works a lot, especially on Sundays.
limitation? Only a sick man would choose to do this.
Areason Why? She lay down because she was tired.
Apurpose With what She lay down in order to get some sleep.
purpose?(in order
Amodality (sentence/ Comment on Ideally, I would get a promotion soon.
stance adverbial) sentence

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