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Dosen Pengampu :

Prita Setya Maharani, M.Hum

Disusun oleh :

Andi Fahira Maharani (041123065)

Ferishka Imani Marella (041123058)

Nadila Ananda Putri (041123063)

Raniken Azzuri (041123070)

Salsabila Azka Dzahabiyyah (041123067)



Narrator : Salsabila Azka Dzahabiyyah (041123067)
The Casts
- Mrs. Ani : Ferishka Imani Marella (041123058)
- Ani : Nadila Ananda Putri (041123063)
- The Deer : Andi Fahira (041123065)
- The Cat : Raniken Azzuri (041123070)


In a beautiful village with green plantations, there lived a female farmer named Mrs.
Sri with her daughter named Ani who was planting cucumbers in her garden.
Mrs. Sri : “Ani, can you get the cucumber seeds from the storage, please?”
Ani : “Yes, just a moment mom… Here are the seeds mom!”
Mrs. Sri : “Thank you, my dear, don’t forget to water them as well!”
Ani : “Yes, mom.”

A few weeks later, Mrs. Sri's cucumbers were ripe. Suddenly a deer was walking, the
deer accidentally saw the cucumbers, he was immediately interested in taking and eating it.
Deer : “Wow... whose cucumber is this? I think it's ripe. Hm ... and it’s
big. I'll eat one. Hm... delicious!”

The next day, Mrs. Sri and Ani went to their garden. They wanted to see the progress
of their cucumber garden.
Mrs. Sri : “How come so many cucumbers are missing… last week there
were so many of them!”
Ani : “Yes mom, last week there were still a lot of cucumbers,
someone must have stolen them. If so, let's hide mom, maybe
there are animals or thieves who stole our cucumbers.”
Mrs. Sri : “Let's go!”

After a few minutes of hiding, the deer came and took the cucumber. Mrs. Sri and Ani
knew that the deer had stolen the cucumber.
Mrs. Sri : “It turns out that the one who stole our cucumbers was a deer!”
Ani : “I have an idea! What if we make a scarecrow out of rice?”
Mrs. Sri : “Good idea, my child. Okay, let's make them!”

The next day the deer was surprised, because suddenly there was a scarecrow.
Deer : “Huh... What is that? But it doesn't move... It's a scarecrow... Oh
no! I’m trapped now! Help me!”
Mrs. Sri : “Ha... finally we caught you, thieve. Ani, let's lock this deer.”
Deer : “Mercy... mercy…”
Ani : “Stop it! You shouldn’t steal our cucumbers!”
Arriving home, the deer was locked up. The Deer felt sad and scared, but suddenly a
cat came and made fun of the deer, the deer began to think he wanted to trap the cat.
Cat : “Poor thing, if you don't want to be locked up then don't steal
Deer : “Cat... Are you smart?”
Cat : “Well yeah… I’m smart.”
Deer : “I can't believe it!”
Cat : “Yes, I am!”
Deer : “Ah, really? You'll lie again... If you're smart, try to unlock this
door, and get in here.”
Cat : “Okay, I’ll show you how smart I am!”

The cat opened the door of the deer's cage, and went inside, then the deer went out
and locked the cage, so that the cat was locked in the cage. Mrs. Sri and Ani arrived. They
were surprised that their pet cat was inside the cage.
Cat : “Meow… deer, get me out of here!”
Deer : “Wle... you stupid Cat. Good bye!”
Cat : “Deer please help me!”
(30 minutes later…)
Mrs. Sri : “How come the cat in here... where is the deer?”
Ani : “Yeah, where is the deer… it must be because of this cat.”
Mrs. Sri : “Yes, you naughty cat.”

Ani and Mrs. Sri beat the cat. Finally the deer managed to escape and the cat was
trapped in the cage, Mrs. Sri and Ani punished the cat.

- The End -

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