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A Brief History of Risk Risk and Reward

With uncertainty comes both risk and the potential for profit.

Nobel Prizes Consider the following game:

Banks and other financial a coin is tossed and you gain one pound if heads The “suitable assumptions” do not often apply
Major theoretical advances have transformed
is showing and nothing otherwise. What would in reality. However, variations of this famous
institutions have to look after this type of trading.
it be fair to pay to enter this game? If heads and formula are still used today in many financial
(and ideally profit from) money Physics: tails are equally likely then you might expect situations.
in risky environments. They In 1905, Einstein’s miraculous year, he to make about fifty pence each time you play
published five revolutionary papers. One of (averaged over a large number of games). This
somehow have to manage the suggests that paying more than fifty pence
these developed the mathematical model of
risk: something which has never Brownian motion; a model for the motion of per game would be extravagant whilst paying What’s it about?
been more apparent to experts or individual molecules. In 1921 he received the less would seem to be a good deal. A price of
Nobel prize for his contributions to physics. fifty pence, the so-called expected payoff, seems Sophisticated tools are needed to capture
to the general public; it is certain the influence and interaction of time and
Many famous mathematicians have worked about right.
that specialists in the mathematics on this model developing a rich and powerful uncertainty. One key area is probability
of risk will be highly in demand theory of random motion which can be applied Generalising this idea to real world situations theory. Topics such as martingales
to the price of financial instruments as easily as can be a first step towards dealing with (things which on average neither
for years to come. Financial
to the positions of molecules. uncertainty, but it can be far from easy! increased nor decrease), Brownian
mathematics provides the tools Consider a stock instead of a coin. The value of motion (a process which characterises
required to manage risk effectively. Economics: the stock ST at a future time, T, is unknown : it’s pure diffusion) and stochastic calculus
Theoretical economists in the 50’s and 60’s a random quantity. In a “European call option” (the mathematical framework used
studied the contracts that were being used to you pay an amount Vo to have the option to buy to produce the Black-Scholes formula)
hedge risk. In 1973, Black and Scholes published one unit of the stock at time T for an amount
were once studied exclusively by
From Farming to Futures a powerful formula for pricing these contracts K. If it turns out that ST>K then you will be able
postgraduates but have now found their
using Einstein’s Brownian Motion to model to gain a profit of ST -K; otherwise you won’t
Risk has been present since the dawn the underlying random phenomena. Scholes way into the undergraduate syllabus of
exercise the option. The overall gain at time T will
of human civilisation. In the first days of received the Nobel prize in 1997. many universities worldwide – including
be the positive part of ST -K.
agriculture it became apparent that in Warwick.
some years crops fail whilst in others there
may be a glut. Farmers found that both
Trading in Risk What is the fair price Vo for this option? The
There has been an explosion of demand in
answer is not as obvious as you might think
extremes worked against them: in times It’s now commonplace for trading to having considered the coin problem. In the the Finance Industry for suitably-trained
of famine they had nothing to sell and in encompass complex derivative contracts based coin problem the profit was immediate; in the graduates ranging from those with a
times of excess the value of their crops fell on share prices, currencies, interest rates or stock market problem it is not and we have to specialist Master’s degree in Financial
to almost nothing. Both merchants and debt. Recently credit derivatives (especially consider the profit we could make by investing Mathematics to those with a PhD in
farmers found it to be to their advantage “insurance” against defaults) have been of K elsewhere. Black and Scholes produced a the mathematical sciences. This makes
to draw up contracts which provided interest to the general public and much marvellous answer to this problem in 1973. for a dynamic, challenging and exciting
both sides with a measure of security by discussed by the mainstream media. The trade environment in which to work. Finance
fixing a price for grain prior to its harvest. in such contracts has reached trillions of dollars Under suitable assumptions, they showed has also developed rapidly as an academic
With the passage of time, this idea of worldwide and financial institutions must, that the fair price in this setting is discipline and there are consequently
trading in “futures” has widened: from as we have all seen, manage their exposure So Φ(d)-KerT Φ(d- σ√T) where σ measures the many opportunities for mathematicians
grain to metals, coffee, sugar and even to all types of risk (and often the best way to rate at which the stock price varies randomly,Φ seeking a career in academia.
concentrated orange juice. Indeed, much eliminate risk is to make it worthwhile for is the cumulative distribution function for
more abstract “financial instruments” have another party to acquire it): they need highly the standard normal random variable,
been derived from the same basic ideas. skilled individuals who know how to use the r is the compound interest rate and
theory in the right way. dσ√T=In(So/K)+(r+ σ2 /2)T


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