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Closer Drills Breakdown

Drill/Practical Link
-(Make the Script You)-
Link to Script
1. Introduction
a. Introduce Yourself(DON'T OVERTHINK IT)
b. Recap some info the setter layed up
2. Set Your Intention/Upfront Commitment:
a. Set a strong intention
b. Grab the upfront commitment(NEEDS TO BE CLEAR)
3. Make sure all Decision Makers are Present
i. “Do you need anyone else here to help you make a decision?”
4. Fact-Finding-Examples of Questions
a. Current Situation- “SETTERS NAME” told me you work at Amazon, is that correct?”
i. Find the Problem with the situation
ii. Get to know their situation overall(Ex. Outside of work)
b. Needs and Wants/ Ideal Scene- “SETTERS NAME” told me you’re looking to make $10,000-$12,000 a month, is that
i. Main Purpose/ “WHY”
ii. What will that money change?
c. What is holding them back from the “goals they told you”
5. Give them the High-Ticket Sales Breakdown
b. “What do you know about High-Ticket Sales?”
Example of The Breakdown
1.How the Guru creates the product/How they make money
2.Why the Guru needs us(CLOSERS)/ How we make our money
3.Put it into an example(USING THE PROSPECTS SITUATION)/Example of the Opportunity
6. Presentation
a. Show a CaseStudy from YouTube LINK (JAY)
b. VT System LINK
c. Road Map/Student Journey LINK
d. Facebook group LINK
i. Show any Student win in the (STUDENT WIN SECTION)
7. 3 Door Close/Test Close
a. Do you see the value in what we’re talking about?
b. Do you think you would use this information if you had it?
c. And obviously if this is affordable for you today, you would 100% get started?
8. CloseLink to the Agreement/Stack Objections
a. Stack the Offer-Go over everything they get in writing 1. Agree…2. Isolate…3. Handle
b. Big Claim-Make a statement “This is the vehicle to get you to “GOAL1, GOAL 2, GOAL 3”
c. Tuition is $7500……“Have you heard enough to make a decision?”

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