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College of Engineering, Mandya

P21EC551 – Fundamentals of Object Oriented Language and Database
UNIT-1 Question Bank

1. List and discuss all features of JAVA.

2. Develop a java Program that prints (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34) in a single program using
“loop statement’’.
3. Develop a java Program to determine, largest of the three numbers using ‘’Nested
if…….else” statements.
4. List and discuss different “operators’’ used in JAVA.
5. Explain the general structure of java program.
6. Define object and discuss the features of object oriented paradigm
7. Develop a java program that prints GCD and LCM of (4,15) in a single program using
while loop statement.
8. With a schematic block diagram, explain data types in java.
9. With a flowchart and example, explain nested if…..else statements.
10. List all the benefits and application of object oriented paradigm.
11. Write a java program to derive the month name by given month number using switch
12. Describe the functionality of conditional operators and special operators in java.
13. The following java program is written to check whether a number is even or odd.
There are some errors in the program, debug them and correct the program

Class CheckNumber( )

Public static void main (Strings args[ ]) {

Int x= 77;

If (x/2==1){

System.out.println(“The Given Number”+ x“is ODD”);}

else {

System.out.print(“The Given Number:”+x);

System.out.println(“is ODD”); }


14. Write a Java Program to call the method print() of class Student first and then call
print() method of class College.

15 . Develop a simple Java Program to call the constructor cons() of class program to print
the following

[ Hi ! I am studying,

My native is Mysuru]

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