AMLAq and A

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Republic Act no.

9160 “Anti
Money Laundering Act”
, as amended.
I. Multiple Choice Questions:1.

The following belong to the declared policy of the state with regard the
promulgation ofthe Anti-Money Laundering Act or Republic Act no. 9160,

a. to protect and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts b.

b. to ensure that the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for
the proceeds of any unlawful activity
c. to develop educational programs, including awareness campaign on thepernicious
effects, the methods and techniques used, and the viable means ofpreventing money
laundering and the effective ways of prosecuting andpunishing offenders
d . to extend cooperation in transnational investigations and prosecutions of
personsinvolved in money laundering activities wherever committed2.

2. ________________ states that no administrative, criminal or civil proceedings s

hall lieagainst any person for having made a covered transaction or suspicious
transaction reportin the regular performance of his duties and in good faith,
whether or not such reportingresults in any criminal prosecution under the AMLA
or any other Philippine law.a.

a.Confidentiality of Reporting
b.Enhanced Due Diligencec.
c.Transaction Reporting
d.Safe Harbor Provision
“Monetary Instrument” in Anti
-Money Laundering Act or Republic Act no. 9160 includes contracts or policies of
insurance, life or non-life, contracts of suretyship, pre-need plans,and member
certificates issued by mutual benefit association. True/False.
a.True, it is expressly provided in the law.
b.True, monetary instrument includes instruments where title thereto passes
toanother by endorsement, assignment, or delivery.c.

c.False, monetary instrument only incudes coins or currency of legal tender of

thePhilippines, or of any other country.d.

d. False, contracts or policies of insurance, life or non-life, contracts of

suretyship, pre-need plans, and member certificates
issued by mutual benefit association arenot considered as monetary instrument.

4.The authority to inquire into or examine the main account and the related
accounts in Anti-Money Laundering Act or Republic Act no. 9160 shall
comply with the requirements of:a.

a. Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution b.

b. Article III, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution

c. Both A and B
d. None of the above5.

5. _______________ is an intergovernmental body that sets standards and promote

s effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for
combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the
integrity of theinternational financial system.
a. Financial Investigative Unit

b. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

c. Financial Action Task Force
d. Intelligence Processing and Action against Illicit Financial Networks

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