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Released Assessment Questions, 2015

Junior Division


Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics


Answering Multiple-Choice Questions

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Answering Open-Response Questions

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Section C1 Reading page 1

Joseph-Armand Bombardier—
Dreamer and Inventor

1 How can this text best be described? 3 In paragraph 4, why does Joseph-Armand’s
father give him an old motor?
● a biography featuring Joseph-Armand’s
activities ● to encourage Joseph-Armand to make new
● a description of events in Joseph-Armand’s
childhood ● to provide Joseph-Armand with a bigger
● an article about the effectiveness of the
Ski-Doo in winter ● to discourage Joseph-Armand from working
with his brother
● a summary about manufacturing Bombardier
snowmobiles ● to take Joseph-Armand’s attention away
from the family’s car

2 What does the word “dismantling” mean as

used in paragraph 4? 4 Which of the following would be an
appropriate subheading for paragraph 5?
● repairing
● Early Struggles
● exploring
● Pursuing a Goal
● taking apart
● Winter Worries
● playing with
● Problems of Success
Section C1 Reading page 2

5 What does the dash introduce in the last 8 Why was the Muskeg model so popular
line of paragraph 6? (paragraph 10)?

● a change of opinion ● It was the newest design.

● a concluding thought ● It carried many passengers.
● a definition of a term ● It travelled at faster speeds.
● an interruption of a thought ● It worked in many environments.

6 Which word is closest in meaning to “version” 9 What does paragraph 10 tell the reader about
(paragraph 8)? Joseph-Armand?

● model ● He is angered.
● benefit ● He is frustrated.
● service ● He is determined.
● performance ● He is disappointed.

7 What caused sales to fall (paragraph 9)? 10 What were Joseph-Armand’s earliest creations?

● There was a lack of snow. ● toys

● There was an increase in prices. ● motors
● The snowmobile did not perform well. ● snowmobiles
● The company experienced many problems. ● sewing machines
Section C1 Reading page 3

11 Explain why Joseph-Armand Bombardier’s age is mentioned in paragraphs 1–5. Use specific details
from the text to support your answer.

12 Explain how Joseph-Armand Bombardier’s creations have improved people’s lives. Use specific details
from the text to support your answer.
Section C2 Writing page 4

13 Your teacher wants to invite a special guest to speak to your class.

Write a detailed letter encouraging your teacher to choose who you think the special guest should be.

Ideas for My Letter

Write your answer on the next page.

This page will not be scored.

Section C2 Writing page 5

Write your letter here. Remember to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Section C3 Writing Multiple-Choice page 6

14 Choose the best opening sentence for this 15 Choose the correct words to complete the
paragraph. following sentence.
______________________ If you take the Of the many houses on the street, the
time to check, you’ll see opportunities all _____________ was the _____________
around you to save energy. Empty classrooms decorated.
are left with the lights on. Computer monitors
are left on with no one using them. If you ● largest, more creative
are watchful and take action, you can help ● largest, most creatively
reduce the amount of energy that is used
every day. ● most largest, more creative
● more largest, most creatively
● Energy conservation starts with
● Energy conservation is important
for the environment.
● Energy conservation begins with
everyone helping out.
● Energy conservation can make a
difference to people’s quality of life.
Section C3 Writing Multiple-Choice page 7

16 Choose the word that completes the following 17 Choose the pair of words that complete the
sentence correctly. following sentence correctly.
Arjan stayed up late to watch the Olympic I ____________ many hours last week
games, ___________ he was tired from a long ____________ my notes for the science test.
day at school.
● spend, review
● then
● spent, reviewed
● although
● spent, reviewing
● therefore
● spending, reviewing
● meanwhile

Section D1 Reading page 8


1 What does the word “propelling” mean 3 Which separation stage is let go in number 2
as used under the subheading “What Makes in “Space Journey”?
Rockets Go”?
● first stage
● guiding
● second stage
● burning
● third stage
● pushing
● capsule
● speeding

4 Which section of the rocket carries the

2 According to the information in “Space astronauts back to Earth?
Journey,” what is the most likely reason
the rocket separates before entering orbit? ● nose cone
● lunar module
● It must avoid space junk.
● service module
● The rocket is too large to enter orbit.
● command module
● Empty sections are collected and reused.
● Only the capsule is needed to finish the
Section D1 Reading page 9

5 Explain why the “Rocket Sections” diagram and the “Space Journey” section are both needed to show
how a rocket operates. Use details from the text to support your answer.

6 Explain what makes a space journey both difficult and dangerous. Use specific details from the text
to support your answer.
Section D2 Writing page 10

7 Imagine that you are the leader of a team that is exploring an exciting location.
Write a detailed letter to someone back home describing your team’s experiences.

Ideas for My Letter

Write your answer on the next pages.

This page will not be scored.

Section D2 Writing page 11

Write your letter here. Remember to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Section D2 Writing page 12

page 13

After each assessment, EQAO makes approximately half of the test items (questions) public. This
allows EQAO to build a bank of assessment material that can be used in the future. Items that are not
published in this booklet are replaced by their description. Test booklets and examples of student
answers from the past five years are available at

Items that are not being published have been described below,
with a reference to the skill they assessed.


Explicit: understanding explicitly stated information Content: identify and support the main idea of a
and ideas paragraph; make revisions to improve clarity
Implicit: understanding implicitly stated information Organization: identify the main idea and supporting
and ideas details and group them in a paragraph using common
organizational patterns
Making Connections: making connections between
information and ideas in a reading selection and personal Grammar: use parts of speech to communicate clearly
knowledge and experience

Short Narrative Short-Writing Prompt

4 multiple-choice questions 18 lines available for response
(1 Explicit, 2 Implicit, 1 Making Connections)
2 open-response questions Multiple-Choice Writing
(1 Implicit, 1 Making Connections) 4 multiple-choice questions
(Content, Organization and Grammar)
4 multiple-choice questions
(1 Explicit, 1 Implicit, 2 Making Connections)
2 open-response questions (2 Making Connections)

Informational Text
4 multiple-choice questions
(3 Implicit, 1 Making Connections)
2 open-response questions (2 Making Connections)

Permissions and Credits

Section C1: Reading

Adapted from “J. Armand Bombardier,” published on the Musée Bombardier Web site,
© J. Armand Bombardier Museum. Reprinted with permission.

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