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Independence Day (México)

Cry of Independence is one of the most important historical events in our country, as
it marks the beginning of the fight for Mexican independence and is commemorated
every September 15. The beginning of the independence movement began when the
priest Hidalgo incited the people of Dolores to take up arms against the Viceroyalty,
by summoning them all through the ringing of his parish bells and eloquently
shouting the reasons why they could not stay. waiting without participating in this
fight. This is why this event is called “The Scream”. To celebrate this historic event, a
ceremony led by the President of the Republic is held, where the bells of the
National Palace are rung, alluding to the call of Hidalgo, while the flag of Mexico is
waved and toasts are offered. Respect to the heroes of the country. While the
president shouts the name of each one of them, the people gathered on the
esplanade of the Zócalo in Mexico City, enthusiastically shout Viva! Viva!, an
expression that represents the respect and admiration of the nation towards these

The Scream not only occurs at the national level, but can also be represented at the
state and municipal level, where the corresponding rulers carry out this act from their
respective seats of government. This event is so important that in basic schools in
Mexico, this commemoration is included as part of the civic events that help young
people and children learn about the history of their country, remembering the
historical moment in which the fight for national freedom.

On September 16, 1810, a social revolution broke out from which our country would
be born as an independent, free and sovereign Nation. On September 27, 1821, the
Independence of Mexico culminated, after an eleven-year war that was a great
popular revolution to free itself from Spanish rule.

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