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Hot topics for podcasts

There are many topics that can make for great podcasts. Here are some ideas from various sources:

1. Topics or issues you care about deeply, such as climate change or gender equality[5].

2. Celebrity interviews[6].

3. Psychology and the human mind, such as personality types or Jungian psychology[6].

4. Technology, such as podcasting, gaming, or videography/photography[6].

5. Product reviews[6].

6. Pop culture, such as movies, TV shows, or music[1][6].

7. True crime and investigative journalism[1][4].

8. Business and entrepreneurship[1][3].

9. Personal finance[5].

10. Guided meditations[5].

11. Kids' programs[5].

12. Time-specific topics, such as holiday-themed episodes[5].

13. Event planning[5].

14. Food and cooking[2].

15. Yoga and exercise sessions[2].

16. Survivalism[2].

17. Random facts or trivia[2].

When choosing a podcast topic, it's important to consider your target audience and what they might
be interested in. It's also helpful to narrow down your topic to a specific subtopic or theme to make it
more focused and engaging. Finally, consider the format of your podcast, such as monologues,
stories, or conversations, to find the best fit for your topic.

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