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Course Code : PHT 159/PHT 154 MQNR/RS - 23 / 1379 First / Second Semester B. Tech. (CSE / Al and ML / Cyber Security) Examination INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM COMPUTING Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— (1) Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary, (2) Given data : Mass of electron =91 x 10°" Kg, Planck's constant = 6-625 x 10 Js. 1. (@)_ State and explain Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. How is it applied in quantum computing ? 4(CO1,3) (6) How de Broglie’s hypothesis justifies theoretically Bohr’ quantization condition ? 3(COl) (© Consider an electron trapped in a potential well of width 2nm. When in its first excited state. Find its : @ Energy. (i) Wavelength. (ii) Write its wavefunction. 3(CO1) Let C= Find geometrically C, + C2. Find C,/C;. 2 [Ci] *1C2] = |Cr Cal. 3(CO2) + a Basis B and a vector V : ‘ind the coefficients for vector V with respect to Basis B. i and C,=2+3i. Contd. (©) @) © © @ Gi) Pind the coefficients for vector V with respect to the canonical Basis. {LIL}. »- Lal @ Find whether the Basis vectors of D are linearly dependent or not i 2 x) D= 0 1 -2 ee 2 0 4(CO2) What do you understand by a Hadamard Matrix ? What is it importance in quantum computing ? 3(C02) Consider the matrix A. Find its eigen values and eigen vectors. Interpret your results. pill ge 2) No 4(C02) (Show that Unitary matrices preserve inner products, i.e., if U is unitary, then for any V, V'eC", we have =. (ii) Show that unitary operator preserves distances. (Use inner product). 4(CO2) Find the Tensor Product : JeL3] 2 e@ 3 2 . 2(CO2) Ol 2oag Let at 6 different positions, +,-2;-3,-4,5,6 the number of marbles are : 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 5. The shift in marbles is as follows : 0 to 5, 1 to 2, 3 to 3 (no shift), 2 to 4, ecm oe Write the initial and final state vectors. Ste 4(CO3) MQNRIRS-23 / 1379 2 Gia Se = (&) Given below jis the shooter and gun problem for a double slit. It n two time clicks to find the positions at which the bullet can hit the screen. @ Modify this for three slits. Gi) Draw w ghted graph similar that given for twe—slits below. Gii) Write initial state vector. (iv) Obtain the final state vector after two clicks. ) g: x a ae 6(CO3) _@ Explain the Stem-Gerlach Experiment and its importance in quantum computing, + 3(CO4) ve (b) Let | w> eas sea and Observable Q, given as : Z oo : el Find its expectation valyes and variance, 2°" 6(C04) \Uks x MOQNRIRS-23 / 1379 Oe FT 075 Cou Le bm pee oa. 30, Coe we (a) (b) ©) What do you understand by quantum observation and quantum measurements 7 2(COS) ibe Deutsch's Algorithm in short. 3(CO5) Write Spin operators. Do they commute with each other ? Prove. 3(CO4) Find the output of OR* (NOT ® AND) using quantum representation of gates. Draw diagram. 3(CO5) oe

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