INF2009F Test 2013 - MEMO

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University of Cape Town

Department of Information Systems


April 2013 Test MEMO

Instructions to Candidates

1. This test is not open book.

2. This test is out of 70 marks and you have 120 minutes. Marks allocated to a question should be used
as an indication of the level of detail expected in the answer.
4. For this test you need to write your name and student number on and answer questions in:
▪ this question paper
5. You may use pencil for diagrams.
6. At the end of the test you must hand-in this question paper, and any additional exam answer books
For Marking Purposes
1 2 3 4 Total

/25 /15 /15 /15 /70

Student Name Student Number

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Question 1 (25 marks)
1.1 Explain what 5 of the problems are and state the benefits of addressing these problems; for each
benefit, state if it is tangible or intangible. (12 marks) 1 mark per problem (up to 5 marks); 1 mark per
associated benefit (up to 5 marks); 0.5 marks per correct tangible/intangible label for benefits (up to 2
Problems Benefits from addressing problems
Incorrect capturing of orders Better customer service, reduced labour T
Incorrect capturing and calculating of prices Better customer service, reduced labour T
costs; reduce error processing and writeoffs
Manual order capturing Better customer service, reduced labour T
costs; reduce error processing and writeoffs
Pizzas made with incorrect toppings and Reduce error processing and writeoffs; T
wasted reduce inventory wastage
Estimated delivery times incorrect Better customer service I

Menu choices static - difficult to change Better customer service; increased orders I

Cost of printing menu fliers Reduce printing and labour costs T

1.2 What are 3 of the opportunities, and the corresponding benefits, that could arise from addressing
the problems? (6 marks) 1 mark per opportunity (up to 3 marks); 1 mark per associated benefit (up to 3
Opportunities Benefits
Different menu each day Improved customer service and satisfaction;
increased orders
Online specials and discounts Improved customer service and satisfaction;
increased orders
Different menu for each branch Improved branch manager satisfaction, Improved
customer service and satisfaction
Calculate how long order will take based on Improved customer service and satisfaction; better
current workload kitchen management
Loyalty program for regular customers Increased sales revenue

Better communication with customers (customer Improved customer service and satisfaction
relationship management)

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1.3 Using the problems and opportunities, as well as the case study, state the objectives of the system.
(7 marks) 1 mark per good objective (up to 7 marks).
To reduce errors caused by incorrect manual order processing.

To reduce wastage caused by incorrect order capturing.

To improve estimation times for order delivery.

To save on printing and flyer delivery costs.

To improve customer service levels through the implementation of an on-line, interactive order entry

To improve kitchen efficiency through better order management.

To improve customer loyalty and communication through online initiatives.

To improve staff morale through dynamic menus and reduced wastage.

To improve staff morale through branch independence.


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Question 2 (15 marks)
Draw an activity diagram to illustrate the flow of events when a pizza is ordered over the web.

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Question 3 (15 marks)
Draw a use case diagram depicting the order processing system requirements as described in the case

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Question 4 (15 marks)
Complete the use case narrative for placing a pizza order.
5 marks for first table; 6 marks for typical course of events; 4 marks for alternative course of events.
Use case Place pizza order ID: 1.3 Level: Important

Actors Primary actor: customer

Stakeholders and Secondary actors: counter clerk; credit card bureau

Brief Description The customer logs onto the system, ensures their details are correct, selects the
pizzas and toppings they want and adds them to the order, and selects the
payment type. The system calculates the order total cost and displays it. The
customer confirms the order and makes the payment. The system obtains credit
authorisation from the credit card bureau if the credit card payment type was
selected, records the order and payment, and calculates and displays the
estimated collection/delivery time. The system sends the order to the kitchen.
Preconditions Customer exists on the system.
Post conditions Order is captured.
Customer order history is updated.
Payment must be authorised and recorded.
The order is sent to the kitchen.

Related Use cases Include: Estimate collection time

Extend: Maintain customer details

Process payment

Typical Course of Events

1. Logs onto system.

2. Checks details are correct <<extend

Maintain customer details>>.

3. Selects pizzas and toppings. 4. Calculates and displays order total cost.

5. Confirms order, selects payment type, and 6. Processes payment, if credit card payment
makes payment. requests authorisation from credit card
bureau <<extend Process payment>> and
displays confirmation.
7. Records order and payment.

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8. Calculates estimated collection/delivery
time <<include Estimate collection
9. Sends order to the kitchen.

Alternative Course of Events

1. a) Forgot password, send a new password to


2. a) Details are incorrect, customer updates 2. b) Records updated details.


5. a) Does not confirm order, changes order items. 5. b) Records new order items and calculates and
displays changed order total cost.

6. a) Payment authorisation from credit card

bureau denied, order is cancelled and
customer informed.

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Takeaway Pizza Case Study

Joe Soap owns a chain of takeaway Pizza restaurants in Cape Town. For a number of years he has been
frustrated about the processing of phone-in orders as he feels most of the problems relating to incorrect
orders and pricing stem from inexperienced staff capturing the information from phone-in customers.
The incorrect order capturing has led to wastage in the kitchen due to the wrong pizza toppings being
added. It has also been difficult to estimate a delivery time on an order as there is no way to calculate
how long a pizza will take to make given the kitchen workload. Finally, because it costs a lot of money to
print the fliers with menus which the customers keep at home, the menu has had to stay the same for
the last few years. Joe is sure that many of his customers would prefer to make their orders via the web
and has asked you to develop a system to provide this functionality.

The system would allow customers to access the Pizza Maker web site and specify their order. If they
are a first time customer, the system will request them to register their personal details and home
address and allocate them a password. At this time the system will select the closest branch in the chain
to the customer address and confirm this will be their “home” branch (each branch is allocated an area
and should not make deliveries outside this area). The customer can now log in and place an order.

The order process will work as follows:

The customer will request the order page and the system will begin the order process by displaying the
Pizza menu. The customer can browse though the menu. If they are interested in a particular pizza,
they can select it for view and the system will return a picture of the pizza together with a list of
toppings. The customer can then add the pizza to their order if they want it prior to returning to the
menu. This process will be repeated until the order is complete. Joe wants to offer a different menu
each day of the week with various specials and discounts on specific days. To allow branches some
flexibility, the menu will be designed and maintained by the shop managers in the various branches.

Once the customer has indicated they have completed the order, the system will display the total order
with prices and allow the customer to make any final adjustments (add or remove items from the
order). Once the customer has confirmed the final order the system will display a payment page and
request credit card details (the customer can choose to collect the Pizza at the shop in which case they
can choose to pay on collection). The system will calculate how long it will take to make the pizzas
based on the current order load and staff numbers and display the final order together with an
estimated delivery or collection time.

Back at the Pizza restaurant, the pizza order has been queued in the system. In the kitchen, the pizza
makers each have their own computer screens and once they have completed making up an order and
putting the pizzas in the oven, the next order in the queue will appear on the screen. Once the pizzas
are cooked, they are removed from the oven, boxed and placed in the collection area. The pizza maker
will generate an invoice and attach it to the pizza order. One feature Joe Soap hopes will make his shop
a little different from his competitors is a big screen above the shop counter that will display the last 20
orders and their status (queued, being built, in the oven and ready for collection). Customers will be

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allowed to change or cancel orders (via the web, phone or in the shop) as long as the pizza’s have not
reached the “being built” stage in the process.

Joe realises that many of his customers would still prefer to use the phone ordering system and the
counter clerks will be responsible for taking phone orders, scheduling deliveries and handling collections
and payments.

Finally Joe would like some management information from the system. He needs a monthly sales
analysis report detailing the total number of pizzas sold and total daily revenue by branch. In addition he
would like to analyse the efficiency of the various kitchens and would like a weekly branch report
showing the number of pizzas produced by each pizza maker.

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