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JUNE 2020

This document sets forth confidential and proprietary information about INTEGREON MANAGED SOLUTIONS (“Integreon” or the “Company”). By accepting a copy of this document you have agreed: (1) to use the document solely for the purpose of
evaluating the business services of the Company, (2) not to reproduce this document or share information derived from this document with other persons (unless such persons are also bound by the terms set forth in this paragraph) and (3) to return
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terms set forth in this paragraph, please return this document, unread, to a representative of the Company.
Return to office guidance

A message from Bob Rowe, CEO

Integreon’ s response to COVID-19 was nothing less than exceptional and demonstrated our ability to quickly respond, remain agile,
and above all work together for a common goal – ensure the safety and well-being of our valued employees. Integreon continues to
place the health and safety of employees, along with ensuring uninterrupted delivery of service to clients, at the forefront of our
planning. As such, we will address going back to our offices with the same rigor applied when shifting 3,000+ employees to remote

My commitment to you is that I will make sure all necessary precautions are put in place to not only make our work environments safe
from, but to also give our employees peace of mind as they return to our delivery centers. We are all in this together and as such, as that
you commit to:

• Thoroughly review the Return to Office (RTO) Guidelines.

• Speak with HR and/or your manager if you still have any questions or concerns.

• Follow the RTO Guidelines to protect yourself and your colleagues.

• Provide feedback to HR and your manager if you believe information or a protocol is missing or needs to be amended.

• Exercise patience as we continue to wade through unchartered waters while juggling both the work and personal challenges
created by COVID-19.

Communication has and remains our greatest defense. To achieve our primary objective of safety, we must continue to collaborate,
exchange ideas and observations, and remain Integreon strONg. Be well. Be safe. Be kind.


Return to office guidance

About the RTO Guidelines

Please review this document in its entirety as the information contained within is to help safely guide employees as they return to Integreon
offices. These RTO Guidelines outlie Integreon’ s policies, procedures, and process designed to protect employees from exposure to
COVID-19 while working at any of our delivery centers. Throughout the document you will notice that Return to office will be noted as

Guidelines and requirements are subject to change and may be updated as necessary. Individuals who have responsibilities described
within each of the phases, and are scheduled to return to the office, will be provided with additional details well in advance of their return.

Return to office guidance

Table of Contents

RTO (Return To Office) five guiding principles .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Integreon’ s health and safety requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 4

New signages around the office ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Guidelines for social and physical distancing ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Entry/exit control ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Cafeteria and food handling protocols ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Face coverings and face masks .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Enhanced cleaning protocols and good personal hygiene ....................................................................................................................... 14

Employee self-screening and health monitoring ...................................................................................................................................... 18

High-risk / vulnerable employees ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

Mental and emotional well-being ............................................................................................................................................................. 20

Returning to office training ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21

RTO: Frequently asked questions ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

Return to office: Checklist for Employees ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Return to office guidance

RTO (Return To Office) five guiding principles

▪ Employees' health and safety is the top priority driving all RTO related decisions.
▪ Follow all applicable CDC, WHO, local and state public health guidelines and orders.
▪ Provide transparency around decision making and communicate all relevant actions and activities to be taken
▪ Collaborate as a team globally.
▪ Continue to be flexible with employees to accommodate any issues relating to COVID-19 RTO.

Integreon’ s health and safety requirements

As you return to office, you'll notice various changes in the way our office looks, as well as new practices and protocols. We understand
these changes may be difficult, but remember they are in place to protect you and your colleagues.

Health and safety measure include:

▪ Social and physical distancing

▪ Face coverings
▪ Enhanced cleaning
▪ Personal hygiene
▪ Health monitoring
▪ Communication
▪ Ways to protect the vulnerable and community

What we are doing to protect employees:

The following outlines some of the new processes and protocols put in place that employees will encounter as they return to the office.

▪ All employees and visitors entering our buildings will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and possible exposure.
▪ Enhanced cleaning protocols are in place for high-risk/high-touch areas (e.g., door handles, light switches, handrails, interior doors,
door push plates, common spaces, flat surfaces such as tables, elevator buttons, etc.).

Return to office guidance

▪ Increased cleaning will be performed in restrooms in common areas, as well. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be placed at the entrance
and exit points, as well as near elevators.
▪ Where possible, automatically opening and closings doors will be installed.
▪ Common areas and frequently touched surfaces are being cleaned daily. Cleaning supplies will be available, and employees are
encouraged to clean and disinfect workspaces throughout the workday.
▪ Signages and posters are displayed with reminders on how to prevent the spread of germs.
▪ Business hours have been modified to allow for staggered work shifts to reduce the number of people in the building at one time.
▪ Workspace layouts and seating arrangements are revised to allow for social distancing.
▪ Meeting rooms, break rooms and other communal areas have reduced seating and capacity limits.
▪ Gatherings are not allowed at this time. Changes to gathering size restrictions will be communicated as we ramp up.
▪ Hallways and stairways are marked as one-way to reduce face-to-face traffic.
▪ Visitors and guests are not allowed in the office during this time. Your facilities team will send a separate note on food delivery
▪ Business travel remains restricted to essential travel only.

All employees are expected to comply fully with the policies, protocols and guidelines outlined here.

Return to office guidance

New signages around the office

Part of the process of preparing for RTO is posting signs providing directional and COVID-19 related information. Signs will be updated
as new COVID-19 health and safety guidelines becomes available. We have also installed re-entry signs across common areas,
including entrances, lobbies, stairwells, hallways, and some outdoor areas. Signs will include social and physical distancing, as well as
other, health, and safety reminders. Please be mindful of following the signs and be prepared to alter your daily routine to adhere to
these new instructions.

Return to office guidance

Guidelines for social and physical distancing

Increasing the physical distance between individuals can reduce transmission of the infection and therefore, everyone returning to the
office must consistently follow social distancing practices. In all shared spaces, Integreon will establish protocols and reminders to keep
at least six feet of space between individuals.

Depending on the context, social distancing practices may include continuing remote-working or learning, limiting large meetings and
gatherings, postponing non-essential meetings and events, reducing occupant density through staggered schedules and shifts, removing
seats from shared spaces, modifying movement patterns inside and outside of buildings, and providing signage and/or physical barriers
and/or partitions in public areas (i.e., elevators, lobbies, cafeterias, lounge areas, and densely populated areas).

When working from an Integreon office

In addition to maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from others, employees can work with facilities to move their chairs or desks to achieve
the desired distance.

Employees should always wear a face mask/covering while in a shared workspace/room and only use their own computer, phone, headset
and equipment, and not use colleagues' equipment.

If you work in a personal office, no more than one person should be in the office unless the required 6 feet of distance can be consistently
maintained. If more than one person is in a room, face masks/coverings should always also be worn.

Face masks/coverings must be worn by every person in:

• Reception/receiving areas.

• Common areas (e.g., common workspaces, hallways, stairwells, elevators, meeting rooms, training classrooms, breakrooms,
outdoor spaces, in restrooms, etc.).

Return to office guidance

Use of restrooms

While using the restroom, please ensure physical distancing is achieved. As needed, signage will be provided to indicate when a restroom
is occupied.

Use of elevators, corridors, lobbies and stairs

While using the elevator, please ensure physical distancing is achieved. When possible, using stairs will help to minimize the number of
people in elevators allowing for increased air circulation. If you are using the elevator, wear your face mask/covering and immediately
wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol after leaving the elevator and before you remove your mask/face covering.
Custodial crews will be wiping down elevator buttons more frequently during the day.

Key takeaways and reminders:

▪ Wear a face covering when using elevators and walking through densely populated lobbies and atriums.
▪ In buildings with four floors or less, use the stairs, if you are able.
▪ In buildings with elevators, occupancy in the elevators will be limited to one or two people and will increase wait times.
▪ In densely populated buildings and floors, follow signs for spacing and paths of travel. In the absence of signage, stay to the right of
any hallway or stairs while others are passing.

Conducting meetings at the office

Number of employees at a facility will be governed by return to office restrictions and assesses at each phase. Where feasible, meetings
should be held in whole or in part using online collaboration tools (e.g., Microsoft Teams). When allowed, in-person meetings are limited
to the restrictions of gathering sizes, assuming individuals can still maintain 6 feet of separation for physical distancing requirements.
Departments should remove or rearrange chairs and tables (e.g., consider staggering seats) or add visual cue marks in meeting rooms
to support physical distancing practices between attendees. During your time onsite, you are encouraged to communicate with your
colleagues and managers as needed by email, telephone or other technology.

Return to office guidance

General gatherings

Gatherings are not allowed at this time. Changes to gathering size restrictions will be communicated as we ramp up.

Public transportation

If you must take public transportation, wear a face mask/covering before entering the bus or train and avoid touching surfaces with your
hands. Upon disembarking, immediately wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol before removing your face

Key takeaways and reminders:

▪ Always wear a face-covering when riding on public transportation.

▪ Elect for a safe transportation with fewer riders and choose to sit/stand as far away as possible from other passengers.
▪ Due to social distancing, ridership capacity will be significantly reduced and wait times will be increased.

Office deliveries

▪ Practice contactless deliveries whenever you can, such as requesting that a delivery be left at a desk or office and if signing for the
delivery, maintain a distance greater than 6 feet from courier/delivery person.
▪ Limit contact with frequently touched surfaces during deliveries, such as doorbells or door handles. Use a foot, shoulder, elbow, hip,
or forearm when opening doors, instead of hands, if possible.
▪ Avoid sharing scanners, pens, or other tools.

Breakrooms, pantries and kitchens

The following guidelines and protocols will be put in place for all shared breakrooms, pantry and kitchen areas:

▪ Seating may be reduced or removed n break rooms and kitchenettes to prevent gathering in communal spaces.

Return to office guidance

▪ Request that employees’ alternate times to take breaks and lunches to prevent gathering.
▪ Signs will be posted promoting safety and other best practices including occupancy limits and social distancing.
▪ During the initial phase of our return to office, breakrooms and communal kitchens may not be available for use.

Entry/exit control
Entry to buildings will be regulated and monitored. Employees are required to use their Integreon card/badge to gain entry to all
buildings/offices and may not hold or prop open exterior doors for other people. After entering a building, sanitize your hands at the nearest
sanitizer station and follow signs and all physical distancing guidelines outlined herein.

Integreon facilities team, in conjunction with building management, will identify suitable building access points. Where appropriate,
management and facilities coordinators should attempt to coordinate arrival and departure times to reduce congestion during typical "rush
hours". For example, employee arrival and departures should be scheduled in 15-minute increments to reduce personal interactions at
building access points, hallways, stairs/elevators, etc. Staggered schedules should be considered for lunch and break times.

Key takeaways and reminders:

Once you have been authorized to return to office, you should:

• Arrive and depart the facility only through the designated building access points.

• Where applicable, report to work at your designated time to limit the number of people entering and exiting buildings at any one time.
Building entrance and exit points will be mapped for every facility.

• Buildings will provide signage and visual markers, including directional signs signifying flow, physical distancing showing where people
should stand (in certain buildings), and informational signs.

• Be mindful of following the directional signage and be prepared to alter your daily routine to adhere to the new movement patterns.

Return to office guidance

Cafeteria and food handling protocols

There are several variables to consider around the handling and consumption of food at the office. As your health and safety are our top
priority, Integreon has evaluated our prior food programs and made some adjustments to ensure we're doing everything we can to
minimize infection and protect our work environment. These adjustments will allow us to have closer control over where our daily meals
and snacks are coming from, how we're handling and storing them, and how we're assembling to consume.

Here's what's changed about food in the office (where applicable):

• Food can be pre-ordered and will be served in safe boxes. Onsite cafeteria vendor will not be available in select offices.

• Boxes will be delivered to office and employees must consume meals at their desk.

To successfully implement safer food programs, we must all make an effort to stick to these new protocols, as best we can. We understand
this could take some time and we're here to help in any way we can.

Face coverings and face masks

When used properly, face coverings and face masks can reduce transmission of the coronavirus. In accordance with CDC
guidelines, Integreon requires that employees wear masks in all public and shared environments at the office and in accordance with
other guidance such as when in delivery hubs, common areas, restrooms, elevators, or company-provided transportation.

All employees will receive a set of reusable face coverings with instructions on how to wear and care for them. All face coverings should
be routinely washed in a washing machine, depending on the frequency of use.

Cloth face coverings are not respirators or disposable face masks and do not protect you from exposure and are only intended to help
contain your respiratory droplets from being spread to other people. You also may wear homemade cloth face coverings that adhere to
CDC and other public health recommendations.

Return to office guidance

Putting on your face covering properly

1. Wash your hands.

2. Inspect the face covering.

3. Place the loops over your ears.

4. Ensure the face covering is worn properly.

Removing your face covering properly

1. Grab the loops and pull it away from your face.

Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose or
mouth while removing the face covering.

2. Dispose of the face-covering after using it. If

you have a face cloth covering, carefully put it
in a plastic bag after use and take it home to
wash it.

3. Wash your hands after touching the face


Return to office guidance

Care, storage and laundering of cloth face coverings

1. Do not place in pocket for later use. Carefully fold the mask so the contaminated outside is folded inward and against itself. Place
in clean or new paper bag and perform hand hygiene.

2. Cloth face coverings may not be used longer than one day at a time and must be washed after use.

3. Disinfecting method: Launder cloth face coverings with regular laundry detergent before first use and after each shift. (Disposable
masks are not washable.)

Disposal of face masks

1. Keep face mask stored in a paper bag when not in use.

2. Disposable face masks must not be used for more than one day and should be placed in a trash receptacle.

3. Dispose of a face mask if it is visibly damaged (e.g., stretched ear loops, torn or punctured materials), dirty or visibly contaminated.

4. Employees who cannot wear a face mask/covering due to medical or other reasons, should contact the local HR representative
for possible accommodation measures. Please note the face masks/covering is not a substitute for physical distancing.

Return to office guidance

Enhanced cleaning protocols and good personal hygiene

Reducing the risk of exposure to the coronavirus by cleaning and disinfecting is an important aspect of the re-opening of our offices. All
employees are required to keep a clear desk to enable thorough cleaning of work surfaces. Employees should regularly wipe down their
personal workspaces and frequently touched objects (i.e., workstations/desks, keyboards and telephones).

It is important to understand the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing.

▪ Cleaning removes germs and dust by using detergents or soap and water to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process
does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers the risk of spreading infection.
▪ Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals and lowers the risk of spreading infection.
▪ Sanitizing depending on the product reduces microorganisms to a certain extent

Employees are expected to maintain responsible personal hygiene. Hands should be washed frequently, faces should be covered when
sneezing or coughing, and individuals should not come to the office if they are sick. Limiting the touching of shared surfaces reduces the
spread of the infection.

Restrooms and kitchen areas are equipped with hand soap. Hand sanitizer stations will also be readily available in areas with heavy traffic
(i.e., lobbies/atriums and breakroom).

Washing your hands

▪ Wash your hands frequently.

▪ When sneezing, sneeze into a tissue, throw the tissue away, and then wash your hands; if you don't have a tissue available, sneeze
into the inside of your elbow.
▪ To properly wash your hands, follow these 5 steps and refer to this CDC how-to video:
– Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
– Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under
your nails.
– Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice.
– Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

Return to office guidance

– Dry your hands using a clean towel or air-dry them. Electronic hand dryers will be disabled.

Washing and sanitizing hands

▪ Washing hands with soap and water are the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and water are not readily available,
you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
▪ To properly use hand sanitizer, follow these 3 steps:
– Apply the sanitizer to the palm of one hand.
– Rub your hands together.
– Rub the sanitizer over all the surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry, which should take about 20 seconds

Use of gloves

As the coronavirus cannot enter your body through your skin, gloves provide no additional protection. Additionally, gloves often create a
false sense of security and an increase of face and surface touching, as well as feeling less inclined to frequently wash hands. If worn,
gloves must also be properly removed to prevent exposure to any bacteria or viruses on the gloves. For these reasons, Integreon does
not recommend, thought allows, use of gloves for protection.

Handling of deliveries and packages

If surfaces are visibly dirty, they should be cleaned. When employees are delivering mail, they must carry cleaning and disposable
disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects such as delivery vehicles and carts. Wipe down pens,
clipboards, and electronic signature pads after each use with the public if shared when performing a delivery.

Return to office guidance

Coughing and sneezing

If you are in a private setting and not wearing your face mask/covering, remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue
when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least
60% alcohol.

Cleaning your workstation

Please adhere to the following protocols for your personal workstation/workspace:

▪ Clean your station at the beginning and end of each workday/shift.

▪ Use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol.
▪ Spray alcohol on work surfaces and tools, allow to stay on surface for at least 30 seconds.
▪ For IT equipment such as a keyboard, spray a paper towel with alcohol to wipe down surface, or use alcohol wipes.
▪ Once you touch an item, clean/disinfect it: e.g. stapler, tape dispenser, cabinet door.
▪ Contact facilities team for wipes and disinfectants

Return to office guidance

See below for detailed information on Integreon’ s disinfecting measures.

Protocols for cleaning various types of spaces, objects, and transportation.

Type of Space,
Transportation, or Object Scope Who's Responsible Frequency

Bathrooms All objects and surfaces Cleaning staff Throughout the day

Break rooms All dining surfaces (i.e. table, Cleaning staff At the end of each day
chairs, and all other frequently
touched objects), vending
machines, dispensers, etc.

Training rooms Desk and chair surfaces, white Cleaning staff Throughout the day
board markers

Dining and cafeterias All dining surfaces (i.e. tables, Cleaning staff At the end of each day
chairs, and all other frequently
touched objects), vending
machines, dispensers, etc.

Office equipment Telephones, keyboards, desks, Employees At the end of each day
and other frequently touched

Public spaces (e.g., lobbies, Door handles, buttons, faucets, Cleaning staff Throughout the day
elevators, bathrooms) toilets

Public transportation Seat surfaces, rails, belts, door Drivers Throughout the day
and window handles

Return to office guidance

Employee self-screening and health monitoring

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of exposure, employees are expected to monitor their personal health status
regularly. Employees should contact their manager and not come into the office if they are showing symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, shortness
of breath or difficulty breathing).


A wide range of symptoms have been reported in people with COVID-19, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms appear
two to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

People with these symptoms or combinations of symptoms may have COVID-19 and should not come into the office:

▪ Cough
▪ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Or at least two of the following symptoms:

– Fever
– Chills
– Repeated shaking with chills
– Muscle pain
– Headache
– Sore throat and/or

Return to office guidance

– Loss of taste or smell

It is important to monitor your health every day. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should not go to office until your
symptoms pass.

▪ Employees should stay home or leave work if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or the flu and seek. medical attention.
▪ Employees must notify their manager and Human Resources if they have been exposed, have symptoms, and/or have tested positive
for COVID-19.
▪ Employee leave due to COVID-19 is covered by the local leave/PTO policies.
▪ In the event of a positive or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis, employees are required to cooperate fully with Integreon’ s self-isolation,
contact tracing, and notification protocols, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local

Such protocols will include but not be limited to:

▪ Sending home such employee until they are approved to return to work by their physician.
▪ Requiring employees who worked closely with that employee to first consult and follow the advice of their healthcare providers or
public health department regarding the length of time to stay at home.
▪ Remain at home if symptoms develop.
▪ Deep cleaning of the affected office.
▪ Enacting previous approach in the event an employee self-reports that they came into contact with someone who had a possible
positive case of COVID-19.
▪ Taking the same precautions in the event an employee has been exposed to the virus, but only found out after they interacted with
clients and customers
▪ Special consideration for employees who request to continue working from home (who have not been exposed to the virus) to
accommodate special or exceptional circumstances (such as vulnerable Health of oneself, family or childcare issues)
▪ Integreon will evaluate and may consider such requests in consultation with BU leaders and Human Resources team. Managers
should consult Human Resources for special accommodation before approving such a request.

Return to office guidance

High-risk / vulnerable employees

All our personal situations will be unique. Some employees may be more vulnerable to complications of COVID-19 that increase the risk
of infection or the severity of symptoms. Those who have questions or need accommodations are encouraged to contact their Human
Resources representative.

Given the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the drastic alteration of patterns of work, transportation, family support,
childcare, travel and other fundamental modes of life, we encourage our leaders, managers, to model flexibility and foster a community
of wellness and awareness to the maximum extent possible. Flexibility includes a readiness to immediately adapt to changing
circumstances by implementing more restrictions and/or returning quickly to shelter-in-place. Individuals who are at high risk because of
a serious underlying medical condition, or other factors, but are unable to work from office due to the nature of their position, are
encouraged to explore their accommodation options by contacting Human resources.

Travel, event and visitors

Until further notice, no domestic or international travel is allowed.

Integreon does not regulate the personal travel of employees but will inform about government requirements regarding travel where

Events and visitors

▪ Meetings should continue to take place in a virtual setting whenever possible.
▪ No onsite events are allowed until further notice.
▪ Visitors and guests are not allowed in buildings during this time.

Mental and emotional well-being

These can be very trying times. Integreon is committed to supporting both our employees’ physical and mental l health. Contact your
local Human Resources representative for more information and resources to provide mental health support.

Return to office guidance

Returning to office training

Before returning to office, all employees must complete a brief training covering COVID-19 safety measures and protocols. Human
Resources will notify those who are cleared to come back to office and send a link to the required training.

While the training does not cover all aspects of RTO protocols and procedures, it does cover the essential information to remain safe.
Employees are expected to fully comply with policies, practices and protocols.

RTO training course will be updated as needed.

To complete the RTO training:

1. Access: COVID-19: Return to Office Training

2. Click on 30 minute "Returning to office Training" to begin the training.

3. After watching the entire training, click the "Submit" button before closing the video in order to access a copy of your completion

4. Email a copy of the completion certificate to your manager. If this is not possible, send an email to your department stating you
have completed the training.

RTO: Frequently asked questions

As we return to our offices and begin this "new normal", we understand that many employees have concerns about their safety, as well
as adapting to some of the newly implemented policies and procedures.

If you still have questions, comments, feedback and concerns after reviewing the RTO Guidelines and accompanying FAQs, please
contact your manager and/or HR.

Return to office guidance

How will employees know when they need to return to office? What do I need to do
before returning to office?

Before you are asked to return, your manager and HR will communicate the anticipated RTO date. In addition, you will receive information
about how to prepare, what to expect when you are back in the office, and other guidance. Please remember you should not go back into
the office until authorized.

We will also ask employees to complete an online RTO training module to ensure full understanding of new health and safety guidelines
and in-office measures.

What if I am in a high-risk group for COVID-19 or care for a household family member
who is at high-risk?

We are taking every precaution to ensure the health and well-being of our employees. If you are asked to return to the office and have
health, childcare, or other issues and concerns, please immediately raise them with your manager and HR. Together, we will work with
you to determine an approach that may include remaining remote or other accommodations to address your specific situation.

Employees are not required to disclose if they are in a high-risk category based upon pre-existing medical condition. If an employee
considers him or herself to be high-risk for COVID-19 based on the CDC guidelines and has concerns regarding returning to office, the
employee may voluntarily discuss with his or her manager or may request an accommodation. If an employee voluntarily discloses, this
information will be kept confidential.

What if I have childcare issues that prevent me from reporting to office when requested?

We fully understand that even after restrictions are lifted many of us will still have challenges relating to family responsibilities. Employees
should discuss with their manager regarding availability to report to office, including for childcare. You are encouraged to discuss
accommodations with your manager and plan to enable you to continue to work from home or identification of other accommodations can
be discussed.

Return to office guidance

Is it safe to return to office?

We are taking every precaution to ensure our workplace is safe. We are following CDC health and safety guidelines as well as guidance
from our state and local governments. We are implementing practices such as employee health screenings and social distancing practices
to keep our workplace healthy.

What if I cannot report to office due to transport related issues and I've been requested
to start reporting to work?

It is likely that some employees will have to change their normal commuting practice. Using public transportation or mass transit may not
be an option or may be considered too risky for some. You should take steps now to identify all potential options for a safe commute, such
as using a personal vehicle. If you have difficulty with transportation to work, please discuss this with your manager.

What additional PPE resources are available for employees who are scheduled to a
phased return to office?

At each facility, we have stocked up on PPE resources to ensure employees are protected when they return to the office. PPE materials
will be in addition to intensive cleaning prior to re-opening followed by daily cleaning protocols and schedules, and social distancing

Materials that will be made available include, but are not limited to:

▪ Hand sanitizer
▪ Liquid hand wash
▪ Sanitizing wipes and sprays
▪ Masks

Return to office guidance

How will staggered work shifts impact me?

We are staggering the start and end times of work shifts to reduce the number of people coming and going at any time. For example,
instead of everyone working 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and entering the parking garage, elevator, coffee areas, etc. at the same time, we will have
some employees start and end their day a bit earlier or later than their traditional hours. Your manager will speak with you to discuss a
schedule that works for you.

Do I have to answer self-screening or medical questions when reporting to work?

All employees and visitors will be required to answer questions regarding COVID-19 symptoms before entering office buildings. Individuals
who refuse to answer health screening questions will not be permitted entry into the building.

What should I do if I feel sick?

Employees who feel ill should notify their manager per the company policy and not report to office. If you are already at office and begin
feeling sick, you should notify your manager, follow the isolation protocols and go home immediately. Employees can utilize leave/PTO
that may be available. Contact human resources for more information.

Will face coverings or masks be required while at office?

Integreon will follow the guidelines and recommendations from established health authorities. Per CDC guidelines, face coverings (over
the nose and mouth) should be used when social distancing is not feasible. We anticipate that while you are at your workstation, it may
not be necessary to wear a mask. However, when you are in closer proximity to others (elevators, kitchen, meeting rooms, bathroom) a
mask may be mandatory. If you have a medical condition that restricts you from wearing one, please speak with human resources.

Return to office guidance

Will we continue to have in-person meetings?

In order to promote social distancing in the workplace, some meetings will need to be restructured. You may be asked to attend an in-
person meeting with limited attendees in a space that is large enough to allow for distancing between participants. In addition, some
meetings will include a virtual option for employees to participate from their personal workspace. The meeting organizer and your manager
can provide you with guidance specific to your role.

Will food be available at office for purchase during the re-opening phases?

All cafeteria facilities have moved to pre ordered boxed meals and food, and employees are encouraged to take food to go. The Facilities
team is preparing the food using all recommended CDC safety protocols and then boxing the food. Before and after eating, you should
wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the potential transmission of the infection.

If you are eating at your desk, maintain 6 feet between you and others. Individuals should not face each other, and only remove your
mask/face covering in order to eat and then put it back on.

What will Integreon’ s response be should an employee become ill due to COVID-19?

Integreon will always work to protect the privacy of all employees as well as the Health and safety of the delivery centres.

In a Return to office situation, Integreon will ask all employees to self-monitor daily before coming to work and require employees to stay
home when not well and to follow return to office protocol of being symptom and fever-free for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing
medication before returning to office. We will also work to isolate the area(s) of exposure and follow CDC guidelines to clean and disinfect
areas used by ill employees.

Just as seen with other illnesses, we encourage employees to seek medical help and take the time necessary to rest and recover.

Return to office guidance

Will employees be allowed to travel for business purposes during the return to office

Employees should be mindful of COVID-related travel advisories for personal and essential business travel. Integreon will continue to
monitor all relevant government mandates regarding both international and domestic travel and will provide updates as needed. At this
time, the original travel ban remains in place and any exception, until further notice, will need BU /functional head approval.

Return to office: Checklist for Employees

Review these checklists prior to returning to and working from the office.

Prior to returning to the office

▪ Review the RTO Guidelines document.

▪ Complete the Cultivate RTO training module: COVID-19: Return to Office Training
▪ Gather all computer and office equipment (e.g., chairs, mouse, keyboards, etc.) used while working remotely. (Ensure you have
packed all cords, cables and other accessories to return to office.)
▪ Self‐screen daily before going into work for any of the following new or worsening symptoms of possible COVID‐19. You will need to
answer these questions each day before going to office.

Below is a list of currently known symptoms/checks. Check the CDC website or your healthcare provider for the most current information.

Cough Chills

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain Headache

Return to office guidance

Sore throat Loss of taste or smell

Known close contact with a person who is Feeling feverish or measured temperature
lab confirmed/tested to have COVID‐19 greater than or equal to 100.0 (°F) / 37.7 (°C)

▪ If the answer to any question of the self-screening form is "yes," you should notify your manager & HR representative and not come
to the facility.
▪ If experiencing any symptoms listed above, DO NOT come to work. Contact your healthcare provider for guidance and notify your
manager of your absence.

While working from the office

▪ Practice good hand hygiene, cough etiquette, workplace cleanliness, and sanitation.
▪ Always wear a cloth mask/face covering when in common areas except at a workstation that is in an enclosed space where no other
personnel are present.
▪ Maintain at least six feet of separation from other individuals as advised for proper physical distancing. If distancing is not possible,
please wear a face mask to protect yourself and others.
▪ Complete the self-screening assessment daily to determine if it is safe for you to go to work. If you begin to show symptoms while on
the job, notify your manager and leave work immediately. Limit contact with other employees at the office and contact your health care
provider for additional guidance. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, please follow the protocols listed on the self-screening form.
▪ Utilize Microsoft Teams for meetings with others, even if they are at work. If a meeting is necessary, keep the attendance to 5 or fewer
people and ensure that proper physical distancing can occur. Use technology whenever possible for meetings.
▪ While at work, make sure to wash and disinfect your hands frequently, and after any interactions with other employees, visitors or
items in the workplace.
▪ Make sure to maintain office cleanliness.
▪ Wipe down your workplace with sanitizing wipes regularly including before starting work and before you leave any room in which you
have been working
▪ If additional cleaning is necessary, contact your Facilities team.
▪ If feeling extreme stress, anxiety or other strong emotions, please reach out to your local HR representative for Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) team for assistance.

Return to office guidance

COVID-19 Employee Self-Certification to Return to Work [Sample form]

I, _________________________________________, attest to the following:

1. I do not currently nor have I in the last 14 days had any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 as currently described on the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, found at the following link:

2. I am not aware of being in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days.

3. In the event that I develop symptoms associated with COVID-19, I will notify my supervisor immediately and stay home.

4. If I get sick, I will not return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers.

5. I will support Integreon in its mission to prevent and reduce coronavirus transmission among employees and maintain a healthy work
environment. I understand that this includes my consent to Integreon conducting reasonable health-checks in line with Occupational
Safety and Health Administration best practices and guidelines. Specifically, I acknowledge that this means being screened with my
temperature taken when reporting to work. My temperature and answers to respiratory symptom questions will be documented, and the
record will be maintained as a private medical record. If I have a fever above 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit or am experiencing coughing or
shortness of breath, I understand that I will be sent home and will contact a healthcare provider if concerned about the symptoms.

Employee name: ______________________________________________

Employee signature: ___________________________________________

Today’s date: _________________________________________________

© 2020 Integreon

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of Integreon.

This document provides an outline of a presentation and is incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and

Priyanka Shetty
Vice President – Human Resources

Anshu Gupta

© 2020 Integreon

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of Integreon.

This document provides an outline of a presentation and is incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and


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