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MBA(MM)- I Semester
Introduction to Computer

Computer is an electronic device capable of carrying out sequence of

instruction. It helps to accept (read) the input data, process it according to the
instruction given and produces (write) processed output information that is
It combines five elements :
• Hardware
• Software
• People
• Procedures
• Data/information

Computer has ability of :

• Accept data
• Input, store & executive instructions
• Perform mathematical & logical operations
• Output results according to user requirements
• Data : it is a collection of raw facts and figure.
• Information : It is the processed data that generates after data
processing, which can be used to help people to make
decisions. It refers the facts and figure or statistics that have
• Processing : It is the work done by the computer to process
input and to produce output data. Processing includes :
✓ Calculations : it includes =, +,-,%,*
✓ Comparison : it includes == <>
✓ Decision-making : it include branching to a different path
depending on condition
✓ Logic : It includes the sequence or flow of step to be followed
to get the desired results.
Architecture and organization of Computer

• The internal architecture design of computers

differs from one system to another.
• The basic organization remains same for all
computer systems. A block diagram of the
basic computer organization is shown as :
Basic Organization of a Digital computer system

Program Storage Unit

and Data Input Secondary Storage Output Information
Unit Unit

Primary Storage

Central Processing Unit

Control Unit

Arithmetic Logic Unit

Hardware Components of Computer
Computer hardware is a collection of several components working
together. Some parts are essential and others are added
advantages. Computer hardware is made up of CPU and
peripherals as shown in image below.
There are Four major unit of an computer.
1 Input Unit
3 Central Processing Unit (CU+AlU)
Control Unit and Athematic Logic Unit
4 Storage Unit- RAM, ROM, Harddisk, Pen Dirve
The term hardware refers
to mechanical device that
makes up computer.
Computer hardware
consists of interconnected
electronic devices that we
can use to control
computer’s operation,
input and output. Examples
of hardware are CPU,
keyboard, mouse, hard
disk, etc.
What is Software ?
Types of Software :
▪ Systems Software
▪ Application Software
▪ Utility Software
(Detailed content provided in separate File)
A set of instructions that drives computer to do stipulated tasks is called a
program. Software instructions are programmed in a computer language,
translated into machine language, and executed by computer. Software can
be categorized into two types −
• System software
• Application software
• Utility Software
System Software
System software operates directly on hardware devices of computer. It
provides a platform to run an application. It provides and supports user
functionality. Examples of system software include operating systems such as
Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.
Application Software
An application software is designed for benefit of users to perform one or
more tasks. Examples of application software include Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Oracle, etc.
Compiler :
The language processor that reads the complete source program
written in high-level language as a whole in one go and translates
it into an equivalent program in machine language is called a
Compiler. Example: C, C++, C#, Java.
In a compiler, the source code is translated to object code
successfully if it is free of errors. The compiler specifies the
errors at the end of the compilation with line numbers when there
are any errors in the source code. The errors must be removed
before the compiler can successfully recompile the source code
Assembler :
The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language
into machine code. The source program is an input of an assembler that
contains assembly language instructions. The output generated by the
assembler is the object code or machine code understandable by the computer.
Assembler is basically the 1st interface that is able to communicate humans
with the machine. We need an Assembler to fill the gap between human and
machine so that they can communicate with each other.
Code written in assembly language is some sort of mnemonics(instructions)
like ADD, MUL, MUX, SUB, DIV, MOV and so on. and the assembler is
basically able to convert these mnemonics in Binary code. Here, these
mnemonics also depend upon the architecture of the machine.

For example, the architecture of intel 8085 and intel 8086 are different.
Interpreter :
The translation of a single statement of the source program into
machine code is done by a language processor and executes
immediately before moving on to the next line is called an interpreter.
If there is an error in the statement, the interpreter terminates its
translating process at that statement and displays an error message. The
interpreter moves on to the next line for execution only after the
removal of the error. An Interpreter directly executes instructions
written in a programming or scripting language without previously
converting them to an object code or machine code.
Example: Perl, Python and Matlab.
Differences Between Compiler and Interpreter
Compiler Interpreter

A compiler is a program that converts the entire An interpreter takes a source program and runs
source code of a programming language into it line by line, translating each line as it comes to
executable machine code for a CPU. it

The compiler takes a large amount of time to An interpreter takes less amount of time to
analyze the entire source code but the overall analyze the source code but the overall
execution time of the program is comparatively execution time of the program is slower.

The compiler generates the error message only Its Debugging is easier as it continues translating
after scanning the whole program, so debugging the program until the error is met.
is comparatively hard as the error can be present
anywhere in the program.

The compiler requires a lot of memory for It requires less memory than a compiler because
generating object codes. no object code is generated.

Generates intermediate object code. No intermediate object code is generated.

For Security purpose compiler is more useful. The interpreter is a little vulnerable in case of

Examples: C, C++, Java Examples: Python, Perl, JavaScript, Ruby

Difference Between Hardware and Software
Sr.No. Software Hardware
1 It is a collection of programs to bring It includes physical components of computer
computer hardware system into operation. system.

2 It includes numbers, alphabets, It consists of electronic components like ICs,

alphanumeric symbols, identifiers, diodes, registers, crystals, boards, insulators,
keywords, etc. etc.
3 Software products evolve by adding new Hardware design is based on architectural
features to existing programs to support decisions to make it work over a range of
hardware. environmental conditions and time.
4 It will vary as per computer and its built-in It is mostly constructed for all types of
functions and programming language. computer systems.

5 It is designed and developed by The hardware can understand only low-level

experienced programmers in high-level language or machine language.
6 The software is categorized as operating The hardware consists of input devices,
system, utilities, language processor, output devices, memory, etc.
application software, etc.

7 It is represented in any high-level language The hardware works only on binary codes 1’s
such as BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, JAVA, etc. and 0’s.
Processing Devices
When a computer receives data from an input device, the data
must go through an intermediate stage before it can be sent
to an output device, like a monitor, printer, or speakers. A
processing device is any device in a computer that handles
this intermediate stage, being responsible for controlling the
storage and retrieval of data.
• Some of the most common processing devices in a computer
include the following:
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
• Motherboard
• Network Card
• Sound Card
Mother Board
The motherboard is a printed circuit board that is the
foundation of a computer, located on the back side
or at the bottom of the computer case. It allocates
power to the CPU, RAM, and all other computer
hardware components. Most importantly, the
motherboard allows hardware components to
communicate with one another.
Some of the component are : BIOS Bus Cache
memory Chipset Diode Dip switches Electrolytic Fuse
Game port and MIDI header Internal speaker
Keyboard controller LCC Network header
(refer detailed study material provided in separate file )

The data stored is stores in digital forms.

There are three types of data storage and the classification

of computer storage devices is made based on the task
performed by the device :

Primary storage device

Secondary storage device

Tertiary storage devices

Characteristics Of Storage Devices




Cost And Capability

Memory and Storage Devices
Primary Memory And Devices :

The primary storage devices for computers are actually a

part of the computer's memory. They are the Random
Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM).

Types of primary storage:

1. RAM
2. ROM

I. PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)

II. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
III. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only
RAM and Hard Disk
Storage Devices
Storage units of computer memory
Bit 0 and 1
1 Byte - 8 bits (01001001)
1KB– 1024 Byte (B)
1 MB – 1024 Kilo Bytes (KB)
1GB -1024 Mega Bytes (MB)
1 TB – 1024 Giga Bytes (GB)
1PB -1024 Tera Bytes (TB)
1EB – 1024 Peta Bytes (PB)
1ZB - 1024 Exa Bytes (EB)
1YB- 1024 Zetta Byte (ZB)
YB – Yotta Bytes
Speed measurement unit
1KHZ -103hZ
1MHZ -103 KHZ
1GHZ -103mhz
1THZ -103GHZ
Vibrations and electromagnetic radiation are measured in hertz
In computing it is the clock speed of the CPU that is referenced in terms of
Hertz =Hz = Number of cycles per second
1 Megahertz=MHz= 1 million cycles per second

1 Gigahertz= GHz=10^9 Hz
Language is means of communication. A programmer uses a
computer language to instruct a computer what he/she wants it to do.

The main difference between a natural language and a computer

language is that natural languages have a large vocabulary but most
computer languages use a very limited or restricted vocabulary .

Every problem to be solved by a computer has to be broken down

into discrete (simple and separate) , logical steps basically
comprising of four fundamental operations –
Input and output operations ,
Arithmetic operations,
Operations for data movement within CPU and memory,
Logical or comparison operations.
Over the years, programming languages have progressed from
machine-oriented languages (that use strings of binary 1s and 0s) to
problem-oriented languages (that use common mathematical and/or
English terms) . However all computers languages can be classified
broadly into following three categories :
Generations Classification
1st Low-level - Machine Language
2nd Low Level - Assembly Language
3rd Middle Level - C
4th High-level - C++,java, ,VB etc.
5th High level - PHP, Python, SQL,
AI Techniques,
6th Neural Network, Other ??
Machin Language
• Sometimes referred to as machine code or object
code, machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits
that the computer reads and interprets. Machine language is
the only language a computer is capable of understanding.
• The exact machine language for a program or action can differ
by operating system. The specific operating system dictates
how a compiler writes a program or action into machine
• Machine language example
• Below is an example of machine language (binary) for the text
"Hello World.“
• 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000
01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100

Programs executed very fast
No need for any translation
A+B 0101 0011 1001 C=0101
Disadvantages :
1.Machine dependent
2.Difficult to program
3.Error prone
4.Difficult to modify
Programming in machine language is difficult and error-prone
because a programmer needs to:
1.Write numeric codes for the instructions in a computer’s instruction
2.Write the storage locations of data and instructions in numeric form.
3.Keep track of storage locations of data and instructions while
writing program.
Assembly language helped in overcoming the limitations of machine
language programming :
1.By using alphanumeric mnemonic codes instead of numeric codes
for the instructions in the instruction set. For example , using ADD
instead of 1110 (binary) or 14 (decimal) for the instructions to add ,
SUB instead of 1111(binary) and 15 (decimal) for the instruction to
subtract and so on.
2.By allowing address of fixed storage locations to be represented by
alphanumeric names instead of numeric address. For example
memory locations 1000,1001, and 1002 may be represented as FRST,
SCND, ANSR respectively in an assembly language program.
With this feature a programmer can easily remember and use the
storage locations of the data and instructions used in an assembly
language program.
A language that allows instruction and storage
locations to be represented by letters and
symbols instead of numbers is called assembly
language or symbolic language . A program
written in assembly language is called assembly
language program or symbolic program.
1.Easier to understand and use.
2.Easier to locate and correct errors.
3.Easier to modify.
4.No worry about address.
5.Easily relocatable.
6.Efficiency of machine language


1.Machine dependent.
2.Knowledge of hardware required .
3.Machine level coding.
Both machine language and assembly language have following
1.They are machine dependent . A machine/assembly language
program cannot be executed on any computer other than the one for
which it is written.
2.They require programmers to have a good knowledge of the
internal structure of the computer used.
3.It is difficult , error prone, and time consuming to write programs
in machine/assembly language because they deal with machine-level
coding , requiring one instruction to be written for each machine-
level operation.
High-level programming language were designed to overcome these
limitations of low-level programming languages . They are
characterized by following features:

1.They are machine independent . that is , program written in high-

level language can be ported and executed easily on any computer
having a translator software for high-level language.

2.They do not require programmers to know anything about the

internal structure of the computer on which the high-level program
are executed. In fact, since high-level languages are machine
independent, a programmer writing a program in a high-level
language may not even know on which computer the program is
executed . This allows programmers to concentrate on the logic of the
problem rather than be concerned with the details of the internal
structure of the computer.
3.They do not deal with machine-level coding, rather they deal with
high-level coding , enabling the programmers to write instruction
using English words and familiar mathematical symbols and
expressions . each s
tatement of a high-level language is normally a macro instruction
that is translated into several machine language instructions . This is
one-to-many translation and not one-to-one as in the case of
assembly language.
Example: let us consider the same problem of addind two
numbers(FRST AND SCND) , and storing the sum in ANSR . We
saw that three low-level(machine/assembly) instruction are required
to perform this job , only one instruction need to be written :
This instruction is obviously very easy to understand and write
because it resembles the familiar alegebric notation for adding two
numbers : a=b+c

1.Machine independence

2.Easier to learn and use.

3.Fewer errors.

4.Lower program preparation cost.

5.Better documentation.

6.Easier to maintain.
What is Internet?
• Internet is defined as an
interconnection of networks. It
allows computers on different
networks to interact with each
• Any two computers, often having
different software and hardware
can exchange information over
internet, as long as they obey the
technical rules of Internet.

The Internet - The Internet is a worldwide
network of computers that allows users
access to data, information, and feedback
from distant sources. It functions as the
world’s largest public library, providing
access to a seemingly endless range of data.
It provides access to communication
services and information resources to
millions of user around the globe.
The Internet has no central computer; instead,
each message sent bears an address code that
lets a sender forward a message to a desired
destination from any computer linked to the
Many benefits of the Internet arise because
the Internet is a collection of thousands of
small networks, both domestic and foreign
connecting academic, governmental,
commercial, organizational and individuals’
sites, rather than a single computer operation.
Domain Name System
The domain name system (DNS) is mainly used to translate
hostnames into numeric IP addresses.
Hostname : A unique identification that specifies a particular
computer on the Internet. A hostname consists of the
computer name followed by the domain name. ex. is the domain name
A domain name is separated into two or more sections that
specify the organization, and possibly a subset of an
organization, of which the computer is a part
Domain Name - Most computers on the Internet have a
unique domain name. Special computers, called domain
name servers, look up the domain name and match it to
the corresponding IP address, so that data can be
properly routed to its destination on the Internet.
Domain names are :
Easier to relate to then a numeric IP address
It is a way to identify and locate computers
connected to the Internet
It must be unique (no two organizations on the
Internet can have the same domain name).
Domain Name System
• The very last section of the domain is called its top-
level domain (TLD) name

15-40 15.10 Top-level domains, including some relatively new ones

Domain Name System
Organizations based in countries other than the United
States use a top-level domain that corresponds to
their two-letter country codes

Figure 15.11
Some of the top-level domain
names based on country codes


The hardware and software needed for connecting to the

Internet will involve five basic items:
• A computer enabled with TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol).
• Operating system (Windows, LINUX or UNIX (red hat) 7.0
with X-windows compatibility.)
• Browser (Ex. Microsoft internet explorer)
• Internet connection by ISP (Internet Service Provider)
• A Telephone line.

• A modem or network interface card(NIC) to connect the

telephone line to the computer.

Processor Dual Core 2.7GHz


Connectivity Ethernet/Wi-Fi

Router/Modem 150 Mbps or higher

Graphic Memory 1 GB
Optical Drive 32-X, CD + DVD Writer

Operating System Windows 7ultimate/8

Browsers + Drivers + Java +

Flash + .NET Framework +
Office (Word + PowerPoint +
Excel) + PDF Reader+ anti

Browsers Chrome / Firefox

➢Modem (external/internal) : A modem
(modulator-demodulator) is a device that
modulates an analog carrier signal to encode
digital information, and also demodulates such a
carrier signal to decode the transmitted
➢Telephone lines (Twisted pair copper lines).
➢Dedicated system with multimedia kit.

Types of internet connections are compared
according to their speed, cost and availability.
❖Dial-up Access
❖Leased Line
❖Integrated Services Digital Network
❖Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
❖Cable modems
• SEARCH ENGINE (google,,, etc.)
World Wide Web
• WWW :Internet encompasses any electronic communication
between computers using TCP/IP protocol, such as e-mail, file
transfers etc. The www is a segment of Internet, which uses
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to link together files and
offers a very convenient means of navigating through the net.
It uses HTTP for communication between computers.
• WWW as a way to organize information in the form of pages
linked together through selectable text or images on the
screen. Use of the WWW increase due to the graphical
interface and graphical web pages. And web pages are a true
multimedia experience. It can contain text, graphics,
animation, sound, video, and three-dimensional virtual reality
objects. Although the web is only part of the Internet.
Web documents are referred to as pages can contain
links to other related documents in a tree like
structure. The person browsing one document can
access any other linked page. The web documents
and the web browsers which are the application
programs to access them are designed to be platform
independent. Thus any web document can be
accessed irrespective of the platform of the
computer accessing the document and that of the
host computer.
Web page
Web Page - A web page is unit of information, often called a
document that is available over the WWW . Web pages are
created using HTML, which defines the contents of a web
page such as images, text, hypertext links, video and audio
files etc. Web pages send and received through HTTP.
Browser client software enables users to request web
pages from HTTP (web) server, and to view the requested
web pages on their computer screen.
Web Browser
Web Browser - A browser is a software program that
acts as an interface between the user and the www.
The browser sends requests for information that is
available on the Internet and displays the
information for the user. Or a browser is a piece of
software that acts as an interface between the user
and the inner-working of the Internet, specifically
www. The browser acts on behalf of the user and
does : contact a web server and sends request for
information, and receives the information and then
displays it on the user’s computer. There are many
different types of browsers like text-based browser,
graphical browser.
Internet Use in Business
✓ Email
✓ Searching
✓ Uploading
✓ Downloading
✓ Video Conferencing
✓ Business Communication
✓ Sending Document
Operating System
Operating system is a platform between hardware and
user, which is responsible for the management and
coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources
of a computer. It hosts the several applications that run on
a computer and handles the operations of computer
hardware. Key Points of OS:
➢ A program that controls the execution of programs
➢ An interface between a user and hardware
➢ An Operating System is a computer program that
manages the resources of a computer.
It also may provide a graphical user interface for higher
level functions.
Introduction to Operating System
Features of Operating System
1. Easy interaction between human beings and
computer system.
2. Starting computer automatically when computer is
turned on.
3. Loading and scheduling users programs along with
4. Controlling input-output.
5. Controlling program execution.
6. Scheduling processes .
7.Managing use of main memory.
8. Accounting resource usage .
9. Provide security to users jobs and files.
10. Managing and manipulating files.
Operating System is a software package which allows
the computer to function.
• Program creation and execution
• Access to Input/Output devices
• Controlled access to files
• System access
• Error detection and response
• Interpreting the commands
• Managing peripherals
• Information management
• Process communication
Broader functions performed by operating systems
are as below:

• Process management
• Memory management
• Disk and file systems: controls the creation, deletion,
and access of files of data and programs.
• Networking:
• Security
• Device drivers
Objectives of operating system
♣ Convenience
♣ Efficiency
♣ Ability to evolve

Performance Evaluation of OS
Turnaround Time
Response Time
User Interaction with Computer
♣ GUI(graphical user interface)
♣ CUI(command user interface)
♣ WUI(web based user interface)
♣ TUI(touch user interface)
Types Of Operating System
1. Batch Processing 2 Single User
3 Multi-User 4 Multi-Tasking
5 Multi-programming 6 Multi-Processing
7 Time Sharing 8 Real Time

2. Windows/Windows NT
3. DOS


Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders, programs, and other
items. When you first start Windows, you'll see at least one icon on your
desktop: the Recycle Bin (more on that later). if you want to open it
double-clicking on the desktop icon, the program will start.

(Example of the desktop icon)

1. To add a shortcut to the desktop
➢ Locate the item that you want to create a shortcut for. The shortcut icon
appears on your desktop.
➢ Right-click the item, click Send To, and then click Desktop (create
shortcut). The shortcut icon appears on your desktop.
2 To add or remove common desktop icon
Common desktop icons include Computer, your personal folder, Network,
the Recycle Bin, Internet Explorer, and Control Panel.
➢ Right-click an empty area of the desktop, and then click Personalize.
➢ In the left pane, click Change desktop icons.
➢ Under Desktop icons, select the check box for each icon that you want to
add to
➢ the desktop, or clear the check box for each icon that you want to remove
from the desktop, and then click OK.
3 To move a file from a folder the desktop
➢ Open the folder that contains the file.
➢ Drag the file to the desktop.
4 To delete an icon from desktop
➢ Right-click the icon, and then click Delete. If the icon is a shortcut, only
the shortcut is removed; the original item is not deleted.


➢ Windows stacks icons in columns on the left side of the desktop. But you're
not stuck with that arrangement. You can move an icon by dragging it to a
new place on the desktop.
➢ You can also have Windows automatically arrange your icons. Right-click
an empty area of the desktop, click View, and then click Auto
Arrange. Windows stacks your icons in the upper-left corner and locks
them in place. To unlock the icons so that you can move them again,
click Auto Arrange again, clearing the check mark next to it.
➢ To move or delete a bunch of icons at once, you must first select all of
them. Click an empty area of the desktop and drag the mouse. Surround the
icons that you want to select with the rectangle that appears. Then release
the mouse button. Now you can drag the icons as a group or delete them

❑ Hiding desktop icons

If you want to temporarily hide all of your desktop icons without actually removing
them, right-click an empty part of the desktop, click View, and then click Show
Desktop Icons to clear the check mark from that option. Now no icons are
displayed on the desktop. You can get them back by clicking Show Desktop
Icons again.
❑ The Recycle Bin
When you delete a file or folder, it doesn't actually get deleted right away—it goes
to the Recycle Bin. That's a good thing, because if you ever change your mind and
decide you need a deleted file, you can get it back. See Recover files from the
Recycle Bin.

The Recycle Bin when empty (left) and full (right)

If you're sure that you won't need the deleted items again, you can empty the
Recycle Bin. Doing that will permanently delete the items and reclaim any disk
space they were using. See Permanently delete files from the Recycle Bin.

❑ Picking a desktop background

One of the easiest ways to personalize your computer is to change the
desktop background, also called the wallpaper. You can choose one of the
backgrounds provided with Windows, pick a favorite digital picture from
your own collection, or use a solid background color. You can also find
pictures on the Internet designed to be used as desktop backgrounds.
See Change your desktop background (wallpaper).

Sample desktop backgrounds provided with Windows

Whenever you open a program, file, or folder, it appears on your screen in a box or
frame called a window (that's where the Windows operating system gets its name).
Because windows are everywhere in Windows, it's important to understand how to
move them, change their size, or just make them go away.
❖ Parts of a window
Although the contents of every window are different, all windows share some
things in common. For one thing, windows always appear on the desktop—the
main work area of your screen. In addition, most windows have the same basic
➢ Title bar. Displays the name of the document and program (or the folder name if you're
working in a folder).
➢ Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons. These buttons hide the window, enlarge it to fill
the whole screen, and close it, respectively (more details on these shortly).
➢ Menu bar. Contains items that you can click to make choices in a program. See Using
menus, buttons, bars, and boxes.
➢ Scroll bar. Lets you scroll the contents of the window to see information that is currently out
of view.
➢ Borders and corners. You can drag these with your mouse pointer to change the size of the
➢ Now that you know how to move and resize windows, you can arrange them however you like
on your desktop. You can also have Windows automatically arrange them in one of three
ways: cascading, vertically stacked, or side by side.

Arrange windows in a cascade (left), vertical stack (center), or side-by-side pattern (right)
To choose one of these options, right-click an empty area of the taskbar, then click Cascade
Windows, Show Windows Stacked, or Show Windows Side by Side.

❑ Moving a window
To move a window, point to its title bar with the mouse pointer . Then drag the window to the
location that you want. (Dragging means pointing to an item, holding down the mouse button,
moving the item with the pointer, and then releasing the mouse button.)
❑ Changing the size of a window
➢ To make a window fill the entire screen, click its Maximize button or double-click the
window's title bar.
➢ To return a maximized window to its former size, click its Restore button (this appears in
place of the Maximize button). Or, double-click the window's title bar.
➢ To resize a window (make it smaller or bigger), point to any of the window's borders or
corners. When the mouse pointer changes to a two-headed arrow (see picture below), drag the
border or corner to shrink or enlarge the window.


➢ If you open more than one program or document, your desktop can quickly become cluttered
with windows. Keeping track of which windows you have open isn't always easy, because
some windows might partially or completely cover others.
➢ Using the taskbar. The taskbar provides a way to organize all of your windows. Each
window has a corresponding button on the taskbar. To switch to another window, just click its
taskbar button. The window appears in front of all other windows, becoming
the active window—the one you're currently working in.

Clicking the Calculator taskbar button brings its window to the front
➢ Using ALT+TAB. You can switch to the previous window by pressing ALT+TAB, or cycle
through all open windows and the desktop by holding down ALT and repeatedly pressing TAB.
Release ALT to show the selected window.

Switching windows with ALT+TAB

➢ Using Windows Flip 3D. Windows Flip 3D arranges your windows in a three-dimensional stack
that you can quickly flip through. To use Flip 3D:
➢ Hold down the Windows logo key and press TAB to open Flip 3D.
➢ While holding down the Windows logo key, press TAB
repeatedly or rotate the mouse wheel to cycle through
open windows. You can also press RIGHT ARROW or
DOWN ARROW to cycle forward one window, or press
LEFT ARROW or UP ARROW to cycle backward one window.
➢ Release the Windows logo key to display the front most
window in the stack. Or, click any part of any window in the
stack to display that window.
Switching windows with Flip 3D
➢ The Start menu is the main gateway to your computer's programs, folders, and settings. It's
called a menu because it provides a list of choices, just as a restaurant menu does. And as "Start"
implies, it's often the place that you'll go to start or open things.
❖ Use the Start menu to do these common activities:
➢ Start programs
➢ Open commonly used folders
➢ Search for files, folders, and programs
➢ Adjust computer settings
➢ Get help with the Windows operating system
➢ Turn off the computer
➢ Log off from Windows or switch to a different
user account
To open the Start menu, click the Start button in the lower-
left corner of your screen. Or, press the Windows logo key
on your keyboard. The Start menu appears.
❖ Opening programs from the Start menu
➢ One of the most common uses of the Start menu is opening programs installed on your
computer. To open a program shown in the left pane of the Start menu, click it. The program
opens and the Start menu closes.
➢ If you don't see the program you want to open, click All Programs at the bottom of the left
pane. Instantly, the left pane displays a long list of programs in alphabetical order, followed
by a list of folders:
➢ Clicking one of the program icons launches the program,
and the Start menu closes. So what's inside the folders?
More programs. Click Accessories, for example, and a list
of programs that are stored in that folder appears. Click
any program to open it.
➢ Menus, buttons, scroll bars, and check boxes are examples of controls that you operate with
your mouse or keyboard. These controls allow you to select commands, change settings, or
work with windows. This section describes how to recognize and use controls that you'll
encounter frequently while using Windows.
❖ Using menus
➢ Most programs contain dozens or even hundreds of commands (actions) that you use to work
the program. Many of these commands are organized under menus. Like a restaurant menu, a
program menu shows you a list of choices. To keep the screen uncluttered, menus are hidden
until you click their titles in the menu bar, located just underneath the title bar. For example,
clicking "Image" in Paint's menu bar displays the Image menu:

Clicking a word in the menu bar opens a menu

❖ Using scroll bars
➢ When a document, webpage, or picture exceeds the size of its window, scroll bars appear to
allow you to see the information that is currently out of view. The following picture shows the
parts of a scroll bar.

Horizontal and vertical scroll bars

To operate a scroll bar:
➢ Click the up or down scroll arrows to scroll the window's contents up or down in small steps.
Hold down the mouse button to scroll continuously.
➢ Click an empty area of a scroll bar above or below the scroll box to scroll up or down one
➢ Drag a scroll box up, down, left, or right to scroll the window in that direction.
❖ Using command buttons
A command button performs a command (makes something happen) when you click it.
You'll most often see them in dialog boxes, which are small windows that contain options for
completing a task. For example, if you close a Paint picture without saving it first, you might
see a dialog box like this:

Dialog box with three buttons

To close the picture, you must first click either the Yes or No button. Clicking Yes saves the
picture and any changes you've made, and clicking No deletes the picture and discards any
changes you've made. Clicking Cancel dismisses the dialog box and returns you to the

• Backup and Restore

• File Manager
• Disk Cleanup
• Disk Defragmenter
• Windows Media player

The Backup utility helps you create a copy of the information on your hard disk. In the event that
the original data on your hard disk is accidentally erased or overwritten, or becomes inaccessible
because of a hard disk malfunction, you can use the copy to restore your lost or damaged data.
You can a create of the information on other storage device like pan drive, data card.
Tip : To start Backup, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System
Tools, and then click Backup.

A restore utility reverses the process and returns backed up files to their original form. Restore
utility will work when you create the back up of the file which you want restore
Tip : To start Backup, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System
Tools, and then click Backup, then complete the wizard.
A file manager is a utility that performs functions related to file management
– Displaying a list of files
– Organizing files in folders
– Copying, renaming, deleting, moving, and sorting files and folders
– Creating shortcuts

If you want to reduce the number of unnecessary files on your hard disk to free up disk
space and help your computer run faster, use Disk Cleanup. It removes temporary files,
empties the Recycle Bin, and removes a variety of system files and other items that you no
longer need.
Use the Windows Disk Cleanup Wizard to perform all of the following tasks to clear
space on your hard disk:
➢ Remove temporary Internet files.
➢ Remove any downloaded program files (ActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded
from the Internet).
➢ Empty the Recycle Bin.
➢ Remove Windows temporary files.
➢ Remove Windows components that you are not using.
➢ Remove installed programs that you no longer use.

Tip : To open Disk Cleanup, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point
to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup.


Fragmentation makes your hard disk

do extra work that can slow down your
computer. Removable storage devices
such as USB flash drive can also
become fragmented. Disk
Defragmenter rearranges fragmented
data so your disks and drives can work
more efficiently.

A disk defragmenter reorganizes the

files and unused space on a computer’s
hard disk so that the operating system
accesses data more quickly and
programs run faster


➢ Windows Media Player provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface to play digital
media files, organize your digital media collection, burn CDs of your favorite music,
rip music from CDs, sync digital media files to a portable device, and shop for digital
media content from online stores.
➢ Windows Media Player allows you to toggle between two modes: the Player Library,
which gives you comprehensive control over the Player's many features; and Now
Playing mode, which gives you a simplified view of your media ideal for playback.

➢ Control panel allow user to modify the computer’s settings. Like
changing the mouse settings, display settings, sound settings and
keyboard settings.
➢ Through the control panel we can add hardware, add and remove
software and also control user accounts change accessibility options etc.

A search feature helps us to find files and folders like
document files, music files and any folder.
➢ Windows 7 includes the Explorer search box as in
Windows Vista but it adds a new feature: search
➢ When you click in the box, you see a list of recent
searches, as well as search filters (customized for the type
of files in the folder) that you can select to filter search
➢ These improvements make it easy for you to use the
search bar to quickly search across file types and libraries
for all documents pertaining to a particular client.
➢ To use arrangement views, search filters and suggestions,
you must have library locations indexed. When you
include a location in a library, Windows 7 automatically
adds those locations to be indexed. Locations on another
machine are indexed if that machine is running Windows
Search 4.

Improvements to Windows 7's Windows Explorer file manager make it easier to organize and find your files,
whether they're stored on your hard drive, an external drive or on the network.
➢ Libraries are where you go to manage your
documents, music, pictures, and other files. You
can browse your files the same way you would in a
folder, or you can view your files arranged by
properties like date, type, and author.
➢ In some ways, a library is similar to a folder. For
example, when you open a library, you'll see one or
more files.
➢ You can then pin your favorite programs to the
Start menu for easy access by right-clicking the
program and clicking Pin to Start Menu.
➢ You can also pin your favorite programs to the
taskbar by right-clicking the program and selecting
Pin to Taskbar, or by dragging the program from
the Start menu or the desktop to the taskbar. You
can rearrange the buttons on the taskbar any way
you like by dragging them.
➢ Sometimes it's called the system tray, or just the tray. Standard
icons displayed in the notification area are the flag (to open Action
Center. The notification area appears on the right side of the
taskbar.), the power icon (on notebook PCs), the network or
wireless icon and the volume icon.
➢ Windows 7 groups other background program icons in a hidden
area to keep the notification area clutter-free. Just click the up-
facing arrow to display the hidden icons. In this example, you see
the hidden tray icons for the Bluetooth device applet, Windows
Update, an antivirus program, a pointing device and a virtual
machine program.
➢ Windows contains mini-programs called gadgets, which offer
information at a glance and provide easy access to frequently used
➢ Right-click anywhere on your desktop and then click Gadgets.
Double-click a gadget to add it to your desktop. You can also add
additional gadgets by clicking Get more gadgets online in the
lower-right corner. To remove gadgets you already have, right-
click the gadget, and click Close gadget.


Accessing frequently used programs and files
Many of us have a fairly small group of programs and
files we use often. So it makes sense to keep them
handy all the time. The Start menu is essentially a
blank slate that you can organize and customize to
suit your preferences.
Click the Start button. If you don’t see the program you
want, simply type the name of program into the search
box than right click on the program and select Pin to Start
System Information shows details about your computer's
hardware configuration, computer components, and
software, including drivers.
➢ Start Menu
➢ Type: “system information” in the search box
➢ Select: System Information from the resulting list

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