Grade 11 Formative Case Study

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Grade 11 Formative Case study [23 marks]

1.Figure 6(d): The Nadezhda smelting plant in Norilsk opened in 1979

The plant may be a possible source of the water discoloration.

[Source: NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey.]

Figure 6(e): Daldykan River in Norilsk

[Source: © Liza Udilova / Greenpeace.]

(a)Describe a practical strategy using a biotic index to provide evidence that the Daldykan
River (Figures 6(d) and 6(e)) is damaged by effluent from the metal processing plant. [3]















(b.i) When measuring levels of pollution, state one advantage of using a biotic index
compared to measuring the pollutants directly.
Advantage: [1]




(b.ii)When measuring levels of pollution, state one disadvantage of using a biotic index
compared to measuring the pollutants directly.
Disadvantage: [1]



2.Figure 3(a): Hurricane history of Dominica since 1900

[Source: Adapted from Dominica’s history with tropical storms. Available at:]
(a)Using Figure 3(a), identify why Hurricane Maria was so destructive. [1]
Figure 3(b): Average global sea surface temperature, 1900–2015

[Source: NOAA.]

(b)Describe the relationship between sea surface temperature in Figure 3(b) and
hurricane wind speed in Figure 3(a). [2]
Figure 3(c): Impacts of Hurricane Maria
• 100 % of food crops were destroyed.
• 90 % of housing was damaged.
• Almost 10 000 landslides occurred.
• Extreme damage to tropical rainforest: all leaves removed from trees and large
numbers of trees knocked down.
• Major damage to coral reef systems caused by waves and soil erosion from the island.
• Contamination of freshwater by oil spills and chemicals.
Adapted from ACAPS, 2018. Dominica: The impact of Hurricane Maria. Available at:

Photo credit: Marica Honychurch.

[right image] Photo courtesy of CARICOM, September 21, 2017,

Figure 3(d): Landslide caused by heavy rains after a hurricane

[Source: Photo courtesy of Jodie Dangleben.]

(c)With reference to Figures 3(c) and 3(d), outline how Hurricane Maria has reduced
Dominica’s food availability. [2]












(d)With reference to Figure 3(c), explain three ways in which Hurricane Maria has
affected ecosystem services provided by Dominica’s forests. [3]















3.The resource booklet provides information on the Coral Triangle. Use the resource
booklet and your own studies to answer the following.
With reference to data throughout the resource booklet, to what extent would
the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) benefit marine ecosystems and
human societies within the Coral Triangle? [6]























4.The resource booklet provides information on the Coral Triangle. Use the resource
booklet and your own studies to answer the following.

(a)Explain how the following land-based activities could have a damaging effect on marine
ecosystems within the Coral Triangle: deforestation. [2]







(b)Explain how the following land-based activities could have a damaging effect on marine
ecosystems within the Coral Triangle: agricultural activity. [2]









© International Baccalaureate Organization, 2023

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