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Chapter 2
Olympism Value Education


The goal of the Olympic Movement or Olympism is to contribute to building a peaceful and
better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind
and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship,
solidarity and fair play.
Olympism in action includes six global activities, i.e. Sport for All, Peace through Sport,
Development through Sport, Women and Sport, Education through
Sport as well as Sport and Environment.

Olympic Values (Excellence, Friendship & Respect)

The Father of the Olympics is Baron Pierre-de-coubertin who wanted to develop values
through sports.He wanted to promote friendship in the world, and respect for each other so
that a congenial environment would be established between nations.

There are three values of Olympics , which are as

1- Excellence: The main objective of the Olympics is to prove its worth by providing a
congenial and healthy environment for the participants and not discourage them by
inappropriate and unhealthy environment.

2- Respect: By the sporty environment provided by the Olympics, during the organisation
of various games, people come and interact with each other. The participants develop
respect for each other,The sportsperson of one country would become aware of the
culture, food and attire of another country. And they develop respect for each other's

3- Friendship: In the Olympics, participants from different countries of all the continents
take part as it provides them an opportunity to meet and interact with each other. As a
result, a sense of friendship grows in them.

Ancient and Modern Olympics

Ancient Olympics

Evidence of the structured organisation of the games and sports in the world is found in
Greece, where the games were played to prepare for war or to please God.
The rst recorded Olympics are believed to have been played in the Ellis Valley in 776
BC in honour of the God Zeus, where only one event took place which was a foot race and
which was won by a man "Coroebus". The last event of ancient Olympics was organised in
394 A.D.
Modern Olympics

The Olympic Games of the present era started in 1896 in the city of Athens. These
Olympic Games were founded by Baron Pierre-de-Coubertin, who organised a meeting
in the year 1893, related to these games.Thus, in 1896, rst modern Olympic Games
were organised, in which 9 countries participated. Gradually, the number of participated
countries had increased. In 1972 Olympic Games, 122 countries participated. The
Olympics games were not organised in 1916, 1940 and 1944 due to the World Wars.

Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem

Olympic Symbol - The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings of equal
dimensions, used alone, in one or in five different colours , which are from left to right
blue , yellow, black, green & red . Representing Europe , Asia , Africa, Australia, America.

Olympic Motto

The Olympic motto is made up of three words which are Citius, Altius and Fortius which
means fast, high and powerful.

Olympic Flag

The Olympic ag is made up of a white silk cloth in which ve rings are embedded with
each other. These ve rings represent ve continents. These embedded joint rings
represent friendship and support. In the 1920 Olympics, this ag was hoisted for the rst

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

International Olympic Committee is an international organisation which regulates and

controls Olympic Games. It was established on 23 June 1894 by Baron Pierre-de-
coubertin. Its headquarters is situated in Lausanne, Switzerland. It is a non-governmental
body which organises modern Olympic Games. It has 105 active members and 32
honorary ones.

Formation and Composition of International Olympic Committee: In this committee,

members of various countries participate and they make the governing body.

President: The selection of the President is done by the members of the committee. The
selection is done for 4 years. After 4 years, re-selection can be done. One can remain as
president for 8 years. At present, Thomas Bach is the president who was elected on 10
September 2013.

Vice-President: It has 4 Vice-Presidents. They are selected by the members of this

committee. They have a term of 4 years. Re-election can be done after 4 years.

Executive Board: It has one President, 4 Vice-Presidents and 10 members. The selection
of the Executive Board is done by the members of different countries, which is a
con dential procedure. This board is answerable for the management and functioning of
the International Olympic Board.
Functions of International Olympic Committee :
(i) To select the venue for Olympic Games held every four years.
(it) Vigilance against doping.
(ili) To discourage any kind of discrimination.
(iv) To maintain unity and freedom of the Olympic
(v) To promote moral values and ethics in the players and to discourage any kind of

National Olympic Committee (NOC)

The National Olympic Committees are the representatives of Olympism around the world.
There are currently 204 of them.
• 53 NOCs in Africa
• 41 NOCs in America
• 44 NOCs in Asia
• 49 NOCs in Europe
• 17 NOCs in Oceania

They are also responsible for sending a delegation of athletes to the Olympic Games and,
since 2010, to the Youth Olympic Games.

The International Federations (IFs)

The International Federations (IFs) are the experts in Olympic sports. Each sport has been
governed at a global level. The promotion and development of the sport and the
development of the athletes, are ensured by the IFs at all levels. During the Olympic
Games, the IF's are responsible for the practical organisation of the sports events of the
programme. The technical aspects of a sport are the responsibility of IFs: the rules,
equipment, venues, judging, etc. Here are some examples of Olympic federations:

Summer Sports: International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), International

Gymnastics Federation (FIG), International Cycling Union (UCI).

Winter Sports: International Ski Federation (FIS), International Skating Union (ISU),
International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).

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