CH - 4 PE

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Chapter 4
Physical Education & sports for CWSN
( Children with special needs )

Concept of Disability & Disorder

Meaning of Disability
The word Disability' comprises of the words 'dis + ability. In Latin language Dis' means
'negation' or 'separation' and 'ability’ means worth . So disability means - lack of ability or
capacity to do something.

Meaning of Disorder
The abnormal behaviour, ideas, feelings, assumptions and relations are called disorders.
This is a type of disease that affects the functioning of the person by interrupting his work
Disorder is related to mental health.

Types of Disability, its Causes and Nature (Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability)

1- Intellectual Disability - Mental Retardation

Intellectual disability is a condition of mental retardation which occurs due to the

damage in brain cells for various known and unknown reasons. Mental and physical
development becomes relatively lesser due to this condition. All mentally retarded children
are not alike. Levels and severity of the problems are different for everyone.

Characteristics of Mental Retardation

• A mentally-retarded child does not easily learn any activity like other children.
• Such children feel dif culty in sitting, in changing their position, and using their hands,
• They respond very late to the surrounding incidents and to speech of others.
• The child does not express his feelings in such a way that other people can understand
him easily.
• The child can only remember any event or activity for a very short span of time.
• Abnormality is seen in their walking and performing activity on their own.

Down Syndrome: It is a disorder causing developmental and intellectual delay. It is a

genetic disorder which occurs when abnormal cell division causes extra third copy of
chromosome 21. Hence, it is also known as trisomy 21. Person with down syndrome may
have at facial features, small head and ears, short neck, bulging tongue and poor muscle

2- Physical Disability

Cerebral Palsy: It is known as paralysis of the brain due to which the condition and the
speed of the body is affected and, consequently, locomotor disability is caused. Brain
damage can occur at any time- before birth, at the time of the birth or after the birth.

Poliomyelitis: This disability is due to the polio virus infection. Polio virus damages the
anterior horn cell of the backbone as a result of which the disability occurs. The infection of
the virus affects the cells of the nerves that control the speed.

Spina Bi da: It is also called Spinal Biceps. This abnormality is by birth in which there is
a deformity in the back-bone. In this, vertebrae are not closed on the spinal cord during
the early development of the child in pregnancy and, hence, the soft area of the spinal
cord is unsafe. So, it emerges as a bag. As a result, there is foot paralysis if any kind of
injury takes place on it.

Leprosy-cured Person: The sensitivity of the organs affected by leprosy is eliminated.

Due to lack of sensitivity, the person works negligently. They don't even know that their
feet get barbed and there is infection. Slowly, the esh and bones start to burn and so
deformities occur. A person who is cured of leprosy is called locomotor disabled due to
these deformities.

Congenital Anomalies: Some children have congenital deformity sometimes. When both
feet or one foot of a child is folded inwards at the time of birth, this deformity is called as
congenital anomalies. It is caused by the Talipes Equino Virus.

Muscular Dystrophy: It is a kind of locomotor deformity in which the child is born normal
and, after three years of birth, the deformity starts in child's muscles. As the time passes,
the deformity becomes so severe that the child becomes unable to move. After some
years, it is dif cult for the child to get up from the bed and so he/she is not able to do any
of his/her works.

Undeveloped Organs: Innate, undeveloped organs are found in some children which is
known as phocomelia.
In this, other organs grow while the growth of leg or hand stops. The children with this
deformity are able to eat well with the help of a spoon that has a long handle.
Causes of Disability
The following may be the causes of disability:

Hereditary/Genetic: Hereditary/Genetic potential is one of the main causes. The effect of

genes from parents or ancestors affects the child.
Receiving faulty genes leads to inef cient progeny. e.g., muscular disability, mental
disability, etc.

Accidents: Excessive use of material resources increases the probability of accidents. In

addition to this, natural disasters also cause accidents. As a result, the person may be a
victim of disability.
It can be of any type-physical or mental disability.

Diseases: People may be victims of disability due to prolonged illness. e.g. cancer,
strokes, heart attack, diabetes. They disrupt the activities of the person. Apart from this,
backache, arthritis, muscle disorders disable the person. For example, disabling of any
body part of the person due to paralysis.

Poverty: Poverty also creates disorders. Lack of nutritious food for pregnant women
during pregnancy can cause disability in a child. Lack of proper life-saving facilities and
safe environment, lack of pure drinking water, etc, can lead to disability in the child.

Malnutrition: Malnutrition may also cause disability. It can be in two situations. Firstly, due
to not being nancially sound and secondly, due to dietary ignorance. If a person is
deprived of a balanced diet for a longer period, he may be a victim of disability in both
these situations.

Aim and Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education - Adapted physical education means that special

programme in which an individual gets an opportunity to exhibit his performance on the
basis of his specialty, which can bring out intellectual and motor development of a child.

Origin of Adapted Physical Education

The rst physical education programme was originated in 1838 at the Perkins School for
students with visual disabilities in Boston. It happened because of the Director of the
school who wanted to provide health bene ts to the students through physical activity.
Students participated in gymnastic exercises and swimming.

Importance of Adapted Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education plays an important role in the life of students with special
needs to develop the following skills in them.
• Physical and motor skills: It includes gross motor skills like sitting, standing, stretching,
rolling, etc. and ne motor skills like holding, pulling, pushing, etc.
• Fundamental motor skills and patterns: It includes throwing, catching, running,
walking and swinging.
• Skills required for various sports activities: It includes skills in dance, aquatics,
different games and sports.
Aim & Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education

Development of Physical Fitness: The activities of adaptive physical education develop

physical abilities in the Divyang children. The Divyang children may feel dif culty in
physical activities, but various activities of adaptive physical education develop their
interest in sports.

Development of Skill through Participation: Due to active participation in the activities

of adaptive physical education, various skills are developed in the Divyang children. This
development of skills determines success. Skill development creates self-con dence and
reduces dependence on others.

Conducting Interesting School Sports Programmes: Sports programmes are organised

for general and Divyang children on the basis of their ability, interests and capacities,
under adaptive physical education so that there is no problem in organising the sports
programmes. Hence, such sports activities are included in these programmes, which may
be performed easily by the Divyang children, and they do not feel themselves neglected.

Development of Individual Ability: Adaptive physical education programmes should be

planned in such a way that the Divyang children may also develop their individual abilities.
For example, by providing them an opportunity to participate in various activities, various
skills can be developed. Along with this, their individual abilities may be developed by
giving them responsibility in the organisation of sports programmes.

Sportsmanship Spirit: Sportsmanship spirit means those traits of a player which make
him a skilled and successful player. For example, following the rules, dedication, respect,
etc. While playing, we need to behave co-operatively and support the co-ordinating
of cers. Besides this, we have to show the best performance without harming the
opponents. Then only the sports may be conducted well. So, all these traits should be
followed by the players naturally, which is known as sportsmanship spirit.

Role of Various Professionals for CWSN

• Counsellor
• Physiotherapist
• Physical Education Teacher
• Occupational Therapist
• Speech Therapist
• Special Educator

Disability Etiquettes
Disability etiquettes means behavioural manners while dealing with children with different
Learning Disability Etiquettes

• Discussions should be done politely and according to the abilities of such persons.
• Practise listening patiently to the words of disabled people and try to understand them.
• Special type of devices should be used to make learning process simple and easy.
• Put complex things to them in easy way.
Blind Disability Etiquettes
• Introduce yourself before the conversation.
• Communicate through words and do not use gestures.
• Inform them before leaving.
• Help them to know the path by holding their hand while going somewhere.
• Describe the object while giving it to them.
• Inform them before using their things.

Hearing Disability Etiquettes

• Physical attention is needed to attract their attention.
• Tell them the matters slowly and clearly because such people guess by lip reading and
understand facial expressions.
• Talk to them in a loud voice but don't shout.
• Try communicating in privacy.
• If necessary, repeat your point again.

Speech Disability Etiquettes

• Let them talk and help them out.
• Give them an opportunity to answer.
• Listen patiently to them and then reply.
• Encourage them to give their point of view.
• Try to understand their point of view by cues and answer them.

Physical Disability Etiquettes (Wheel-chair)

• Talk to such a person by being in front of him.
• Support the wheel chair as per their needs or according to their wishes. Do not try to
support their chair unnecessarily.
• If one has to work while sitting in wheel-chair, place the chair in the classroom or in some
other room where they can work smoothly.
• Try to talk to the person sitting in a wheel-chair by coming in his equivalent situation.
• If the person uses crutches, keep the above-
mentioned things in mind.

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