Experimental Investigation On Performance of Condensing Boiler and Economic Evaluation in Real Operating Conditions (Balanescu - 2018)

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Accepted Manuscript

Experimental investigation on performance of a condensing boiler and eco-

nomic evaluation in real operating conditions

Dan Teodor Bălănescu, Vlad Mario Homutescu

PII: S1359-4311(18)30909-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.07.082
Reference: ATE 12440

To appear in: Applied Thermal Engineering

Received Date: 8 February 2018

Revised Date: 12 June 2018
Accepted Date: 16 July 2018

Please cite this article as: D. Teodor Bălănescu, V. Mario Homutescu, Experimental investigation on performance
of a condensing boiler and economic evaluation in real operating conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering (2018),
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.07.082

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Title: Experimental investigation on performance of a condensing boiler and economic
evaluation in real operating conditions

Abbreviated title (maximum 40 characters): Condensing boiler technical & economic study

Article Type: Research article

Declarations of interest: none

Keywords: condensing boiler, EU regulation, efficiency, emissions, economic evaluation,


Abstract: Implementation of Energy-related Products Directive issued in September 2015 raised

throughout Europe the interest concerning real performance of the condensing boilers, which
currently are mostly assumed as stated by manufacturer’s data sheets. In this regard, an
experimental study on an advanced condensing boiler system (representative for current
condensing technology level) was performed under specifications of the currently in-force
European standard on boilers performance and testing. Efficiency in terms of the fuel’s higher
heating value was renamed in order to avoid any potential misunderstanding due to values of this
parameter exceeding 100 % versus the classic notion of efficiency. The study concludes that
annual fuel savings up to 17.5 % in real operating conditions are possible. By evaluating the real
fuel savings in three typical cases, the payback period for the transition from traditional to
condensing boiler is close to the average lifespan of a boiler or longer. Hence, household
upgrade from a traditional to a condensing boiler is economically unattractive as long as no
convenient financial measures, like subsidies is in place. This may significantly delay the
targeted achievement of the directive objective – reduction of the pollutant emissions throughout
the entire supply chain, from the design stage to the exploitation.

 Standard efficiency of boilers in terms of higher heating value is renamed

 Experimental investigation of a 25 kW condensing boiler system is performed
 Maximum fuel savings are 17.5 % if replace a traditional with a condensing boiler
 Condensing boilers are not a financially attractive alternative in typical cases

Dan Teodor Bălănescua , Vlad Mario Homutescua

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Road Automotive Engineering, Gheorghe
Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Blvd Dimitrie Mangeron no.43, Iasi, 700050, Romania

Abstract: Implementation of Energy-related Products Directive issued in September 2015

raised throughout Europe the interest concerning real performance of the condensing boilers,
which currently are mostly assumed as stated by manufacturer’s data sheets. In this regard, an
experimental study on an advanced condensing boiler system (representative for current
condensing technology level) was performed under specifications of the currently in-force
European standard on boilers performance and testing. Efficiency in terms of the fuel’s higher
heating value was renamed in order to avoid any potential misunderstanding due to values of
this parameter exceeding 100 % versus the classic notion of efficiency. The study concludes
that annual fuel savings up to 17.5 % in real operating conditions are possible. By evaluating
the real fuel savings in three typical cases, the payback period for the transition from traditional
to condensing boiler is close to the average lifespan of a boiler or longer. Hence, household
upgrade from a traditional to a condensing boiler is economically unattractive as long as no
convenient financial measures, like subsidies is in place. This may significantly delay the
targeted achievement of the directive objective – reduction of the pollutant emissions
throughout the entire supply chain, from the design stage to the exploitation.

Keywords: condensing boiler, EU regulation, efficiency, emissions, economic evaluation,


1. Introduction

Efficiency improvement and reduction of the pollutant emissions are the major objectives for any energy appliance.
In this view, research in the field of boilers is focused on two main issues: improvement of the combustion process
quality [1-4] and reduction of the heat losses [5-7]. NOx and CO emissions of a new combustion chamber concept
with asymmetric vortex flame were analyzed in [1] at different equivalence ratios. Experiments showed a low NOx
concentration level of the analyzed combustor – less than 23 ppm – in all experiments. In [2], a mathematical model
for optimizing the combustion chamber of boilers was proposed. The model allows the minimizing of pollutant
emissions from the design stage by taking into account the fuel type, radiant heat transfer, temperatures of
combustion air and fuel as well as burner placement. Experimental investigation on NOx emission of a multi-hole
premixed burner for condensing boilers was performed in [3]. The study indicated NOx emissions less than 40 ppm
and CO emissions less than 30 ppm for equivalence ratios in the range of 0.70 to 0.75. In [4] the influence of fuel
type, air-fuel ratio and combustion temperature was analyzed over NOx emissions of the low NOx emissions burner.
It was experimentally shown that these burners have energy consumption with 10 to 30 % lower than classical
burners. A case study analysis aiming at improving the efficiency of a boiler by reducing the heat losses was
performed in [5]. By analyzing the causes of performance degradations, the major heat losses of a boiler were
quantified and corrective actions were suggested in the formerly mentioned paper. The exergy destruction and
energy loss in a boiler were studied in [6]. The use of variable speed fan and supplemental recovery of heat from
flue gas were investigated as energy saving solutions. The heat losses associated to the sensitive enthalpy of the flue
gas as well as CO2 and CO emissions of a boiler were experimentally analyzed in [7] function by injection pressure
of the fuel gas. The experiments showed that heat losses as well as CO2 emissions increase when injection pressure
of the fuel gas increases while CO emissions decrease.

The flue gas losses (stack losses) are the highest energy losses for any gas-fired boiler. That is why relevant
improvement of boiler efficiency implies reduction of the flue gas losses, which further means reduction of the flue
gas temperature. In the case of the conventional boilers, this temperature is over 100 C, well above the dew point of
the water vapors in the flue gas. Consequently, the latent heat of the water vapors is lost and thus a significant

Corresponding author. Tel.: +40 232 264 438, fax: +40 232 232 337.
E-mail addresses: balanescud@yahoo.com, dan.balanescu@tuiasi.ro (D.T. Bălănescu),
mariohomutescu@gmail.com, (V.M. Homutescu)
amount of energy (about 11% of the higher heating value in the case of the natural gas) is wasted. Recovery of this
energy leaded to the development of the condensing technology. In fact, the recovery of the latent heat of the water
vapors within the flue gas is the main principle of the condensing technology.

In order to recover the latent heat of water vapors within the flue gas, the flue gas temperature must be below the
dew point of these vapors. Obviously, the lower the flue gas temperature is, the higher the energy saving can be;
from technical-economic reasons, this temperature does not usually decrease below 40 °C. In real operating
conditions, the flue gas temperature of the condensing boilers can be lowered within the range of 40 to 50 °C. As
consequence, not only additional sensible heat is recovered in comparison to conventional boilers but, more
important, latent heat is harnessed as well. Due to this energy saving, condensing boilers efficiencies can be more
than 10 % above the conventional boiler efficiencies [8]. Besides, pollutant emissions of the condensing boilers are
significantly lower. As shown in [9], the significant reduction of the pollutant emissions is mainly due to the
decrease of fuel gas consumption (induced by the significant energy saving) but absorption of NOx, CO and CO 2 by
condensate also contributes to the reduction of air pollution. Hence, condensing boilers represent the most efficient
as well as the most environmentally friendly heating systems operating with fossil fuels.

The energy saving potential of the condensing technology made it interesting not only for domestic applications but
for industrial applications as well; there are several studies referring to retrofitting of the conventional industrial gas
boilers into condensing boilers by adding a supplementary condensing heat exchanger. This solution was analyzed
in [10] in the case of a 116 MW gas-fired boiler. It was shown that by installing an additional 10 MW condensing
heat exchanger inside the flue gas channel, downstream the boiler, a gas fuel saving of roughly 5.4 million m 3 can
be achieved in two years while CO2 emissions decrease with 7 %. A payback period of roughly 1800 operating
hours was estimated in [11] for a stainless steel condensing heat exchanger, installed downstream a 2.8 MW gas-
fired boiler, for exit flue gas temperature within the range of 40 to 55 °C.

Condensing boilers usually operate as stand-alone units but they can also be integrated to advanced heating systems.
An advanced heating solution is the hybrid system proposed in [12], which combines a heat pump and a condensing
boiler. In this configuration, boiler is the supplementary heat source for the heat pump and turns on when heat pump
is not able to cover entirely the heat demand. Another hybrid system solution combining a heat pump and a boiler is
presented in [13]. In this case, the heat pump is used to recover energy from the flue gas of the boiler.

There are countries, e.g. Netherlands, where condensing gas boilers represent the dominant boiler technology used
in heating applications for many years already, in the absence of any restrictive regulation, as shown in [14]. In other
cases, the exclusive use of the condensing boilers is beyond question for several years. For example, in United
Kingdom, the building regulations state that starting with 2005 any gas or oil boiler, installed as new or replacement
unit, has to be a condensing boiler.

Ten years after the implementation in the United Kingdom, a similar regulation was implemented in all EU
countries. Thus, in September 2015 came into force the Energy-related Products (ErP) Directive as a part of the EU
commitment to reduce carbon emissions. Among others, the directive establishes performance requirements for
heating systems. Trying to cope with the new requirements, condensing boilers are coming more than ever into the

Studies developed so far on condensing boilers were mainly focused on the following issues, as detailed below:
processes involving the heat exchanger, namely heat transfer from wet flue gas to water and corrosion produced by
acidic condensate; optimization of operational parameters; boiler monitoring; modelling of thermal performance of
the domestic condensing boilers. One can observe that all these issues are related, more or less, with performance of
condensing boiler, which is the subject of the present study.

Referring to the heat transfer from wet flue gas to water it should be noted that moisture (condensate) is present only
in the cold region of the heat exchanger, where flue gas temperature is below the dew point of water vapors.
Therefore, the biggest part of the heat exchanger still operates with dry flue gas. According to the experimental
study presented in [15], the convective heat transfer coefficient is 1.5 to 2 times higher when condensation occurs
than in the absence of condensation. As consequence of the substantial heat transfer enhancement in wet region, the
quantity of heat transferred in the heat exchanger increases. It was experimentally shown that heating efficiency of
the heat exchanger increases with roughly 10 % in this case [16]. A theoretical analysis on influence of the flue gas
relative humidity over the boiler performance was carried out in [17] by using a dedicated mathematical model,
which was validated by comparing theoretical and experimental results. Beside the benefit of heat transfer
enhancement, the condensate produces corrosion in condensing boilers, which is a major drawback. Therefore, two
non-metallic materials (Nylon-12 and a thermally conductive polymer) were analyzed in [18] as alternative to
metals, which are conventionally used for the manufacturing of heat exchangers. The results are promising since
preliminary tests were successfully passed and price is convenient.
The optimization of the operational parameters of condensing boilers was treated in [19]. There the principles of
optimization were presented, based on results of in-field tests, and issues related to the comfort of the inhabitants
and longevity of the equipment were identified.

Condensing boilers monitoring problem was studied in [20] and in [21]. In [20], a software tool was presented,
which was developed for the dynamic (real-time) monitoring of the energy efficiency in condensing boilers. The
tool is based on a nonlinear efficiency curve that was obtained from steady-state operation of the boiler. By
gathering information from boiler sensors, this tool assesses (in real-time) the energy efficiency deviations from
nominal values and, further assesses the degradation of boiler performance. An improved version of this software
tool was presented in [21]. The new version is recommended as more accurate due to the use of a dynamic nonlinear
energy efficiency curve instead of the curve obtained from steady-state operation.

Modelling of thermal performance was treated in [22]. Mathematical model used in this study was developed to
predict the thermal performance of a 24 kW domestic condensing boiler. The model was validated by the good
agreement between theoretical and experimental results. Experimental data used for validation were collected for
two operating regimes: a wet regime, achieved by setting the water return temperature at 30 °C, and a dry regime,
achieved by setting the water return temperature to 53 °C; the water mass flow rate was kept constant. This kind of
test matches well to its purpose (collection of reference data for validation of a mathematical model) but, obviously,
it has no relevance for drawing conclusions about real performance of domestic condensing boilers. It should be
emphasized at this point that the performance of the condensing boilers is mostly perceived and assumed as stated
by manufacturers [23]. Obviously, it is hard to exclude the bias of manufacturers in self evaluation of performance
of their own product and the study in [24] shows that this doubt is justified. Thus, by analyzing the performance of
in-situ heating plants with large condensing boilers, it was found that real performance of these boilers can differ
widely from performance claimed by manufacturers. Hence, it can be assumed that situation is similar in the case of
the small condensing boilers, for domestic application. One can be even more doubtful about the deviation of the
real performance of the domestic boilers from the stated performance since operating regime of these boilers is
changing more frequently (e.g. operation mode switch – from domestic hot water mode to central heating mode or
vice versa).

In the framework described above the present experimental study was performed to investigate real performance and
pollutant emissions of the most advanced condensing boiler technology for domestic application. In this view, a gas-
fired condensing boiler system with stated nominal output of 25 kW –representative for the current condensing
technology level – was tested in “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Cogeneration and Trigeneration
Laboratory. Performance indicators were determined in accordance with the dedicated in-force European standard.
Based on the experimental results, three most common real cases implying the installing of domestic condensing
boilers have been analyzed.

2. Experimental
2.1. Experimental apparatus

The Experimental Condensing Boiler System - ECBS - is combi (combination) type, which means that it has two
operating modes: domestic hot water (DHW) mode, when boiler delivers hot water for washing, and central heating
(CH) mode, when boiler delivers thermal agent for heating. DHW mode is shut off when ECBS operates in CH
mode and vice versa. Thereby, ECBS cannot deliver simultaneously thermal agent for heating as well as hot water
for washing.
Schematic of ECBS is shown in Fig. 1. The main components of ECBS are the premix combustion system and the
primary heat exchanger. The combustion system ensures the heat input of ECBS and has the following
configuration: air blower, 1, with pulse width modulation (PWM) speed control, is EBM-Papst NRG118 type; air
restriction / air-gas mixer, 3, is Siemens Type, with nozzle diameter of 18 mm; gas valve, 2, with auto-modulation,
is Honeywell VK4115VE type; cylindrical burner, 8. The primary heat exchanger is made of AISI 316L stainless
steel and has spiral construction, consisting of five coils.

As shown in Fig. 1, there are two passes of water: two coils connected in parallel are in the first pass while three
coils connected in parallel are in the second pass. Circulation of water from pump, 11, to 3-way valve, 12, is the
same in both DHW and CH operating modes. Thus, cold water is pumped in distributor 10, which splits the water
flow into the two coils of the first water pass. After that, water enters the collector/distributor 5, it is heated in the
three coils of the second water pass and it is collected in final collector 9. From this point, circulation of the hot
water (the thermal agent) depends by operating mode (DHW or CH) and is controlled by the 3-way valve, as
presented below.
Coil view Symbols for coils
Water connections 5
2 8
water for hot for cold 13
connections region region

1 - Air blower
2 - Gas Valve
3 - Gas/Air Mixer – Venturi tube
4 - Primary heat exchanger (five coils) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
5, 9, 10 - Collectors/distributors (two,CH)(two,DHW)(twi,DHW)(twi,CH)
6 - Final flue gas collector
7 - Separation wall for flue gas C1 - Gas Supply
8 - Premix burner with spark ignition C2 - CH Flow connection
11 - Pump C3 - DHW connection
12 - 3-Way Valve C4 - Domestic cold water connection
13 - Secondary (Plate) Heat Exchanger C5 - CH Return connection

Fig. 1 Schematic of the experimental condensing boiler system

When ECBS operates in DHW mode, the 3-way valve shuts off the water flow in the heating system (there is no
water flow through connections C2 and C5) and the entire hot water flow is directed to the secondary heat
exchanger 13, where it is cooled. Then, water is pumped again in the distributor 10. The secondary heat exchanger is
water-to-water type. Its role is DHW preparation. Thus, domestic cold water enters in 13 through connection C4, it
is heated in the secondary heat exchanger and turns to DHW, which is delivered through connection C3.

When ECBS operates in central CH mode, the 3-way valve shuts off the water flow in the secondary heat exchanger
and the entire hot water flow is directed to the heating system through connection C2. Water returned from the
heating system enters ECBS through connection C5.

The primary heat exchanger has also two passes of the flue gas over the coils: four coils are in the first pass (the hot
region of the heat exchanger, where burner is placed) and one coil is in the second pass (the cold region of the heat
exchanger, after the separation wall 7). From the above description of water circulation in the primary heat
exchanger, it results that water, like flue gas, has lowest temperature in the cold region of the heat exchanger. In
fact, condensation of water vapors within flue gas and harnessing of the latent heat take place in this cold region,
consisting of one coil. Due to the significant amount of energy recovered in this region, ECBS is more efficient than
traditional boilers.

The test rig used for experimentation of ECBS is presented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. In order to connect ECBS to the test
rig, each connection C1…C5 of ECBS, as shown in Fig. 1, was coupled with the correspondent connection of the
test rig, as shown in Fig. 2.

When ECBS is tested in CH mode, then hot water (thermal agent) flows through connection C2, as described above.
Following the red square dotted line in Fig. 2, it can be seen that water passes the plate heat exchanger, PHE, where
it is cooled, and then it returns to ECBS through connection C5, as indicated by the blue square dotted line. In this
case, PHE plays the role of radiators’ network in a real heating system. The cooling agent used in PHE is the
domestic cold water from the municipal water supply system, which follows the blue solid line. The resulted heated
water is drained into the sewage system, as indicated by the red solid line. In order to ensure the domestic cold water
flow through PHE, the solenoid valve SV1 is opened. Solenoid valve SV2 is closed to avoid the water flow through
connection C4 and, further, through the secondary heat exchanger of ECBS and connection C3, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fluctuations of the domestic cold water flow rate are avoided by using the water tank WT and expansion vessel EV
into the domestic cold water supply line. Water flow rate in ECBS is controlled by acting on WAD2 while the
domestic cold water flowrate in PHE is controlled by acting on WAD1. Both WAD1 and WAD2 are based on
motorized valves.

EV - expansion vessel APT - air pressure and temperature

P1, P2 - water pumps measurement device
PHE - plate heat exchanger FGA - flue gas analyzer
SV1, SV2 - solenoid valves GCM - gas consumption meter
ECBS APT WT - water tank TP1 - temperature probe – CH flow
WAD1, WAD2 - water flow TP2 - temperature probe – CH return
adjustment devices TP3 - temperature probe – domestic
cold water
C1 C1 - Gas Supply TP4 - temperature probe – DHW
TP5 C2 - CH Flow connection TP5 - temperature probe – fuel gas
C3 - DHW connection WM1, WM2 - water flow meters
C2 C3 C4 C5 C4 - DCW connection
WAD2 C5 - CH Return connection

TP1 TP4 (twi,CH)
(two,CH) (two,DHW)


SV2 (twi,DHW) EV Domestic cold

WT water from the

PHE WM1 municipal water

M supply system



Fig. 2 Schematic of the test rig





Fig. 3 Picture of the test rig with clearly visible components indicated

When ECBS is tested in DHW mode, the solenoid valve SV2 is opened in order to ensure DHW flow through
connection C4, as indicated by the blue solid line in Fig. 2. Then, domestic cold water passes ECBS (in fact it passes
only the secondary heat exchanger of ECBS, as shown in Fig. 1), where it is heated, and the resulted DHW is
drained into the sewage system through connection C3, as indicated by the red solid line. Solenoid valve SV1 is
closed to avoid the water flow through PHE. DHW flowrate in ECBS is controlled by acting on WAD1.

2.2. Test conditions and procedure

In order to experimentally cover as many real situations as possible, the following operating regimes were assumed
as most significant:
- by operation mode: both CH mode and DHW mode; as explained above based on Fig. 2, operating mode was set
by acting the solenoid valves SV1 and SV2: SV1 opened / SV2 closed in CH mode, SV1 closed / SV2 opened in
DHW mode;
- by operating regime in CH mode: condensing and non-condensing; operating regime was established by
adjusting the CH flow temperature and CH return water temperature;
- by load: minimum load at 30 % of the nominal heat output, partial load at 50 % of the nominal heat output and
full load at nominal heat output – for each of the three mentioned operating regimes (CH condensing mode, CH
non-condensing mode and DHW); the load was set as explained below.

According to presentation above, experiments were performed in nine operating regimes.

The load was set by controlling the rotation speed of the blower, which delivers air flow to the air-gas mixer, as
shown in Fig. 1. When blower 1 is fully energized (PWM = 100 %), the maximum air flow rate flows through the
air-gas mixer 3. Consequently, maximum fuel gas flow rate enters the nozzle of the air-gas mixer and maximum
heat input is achieved at the burner 8. In this case, ECBS operates at the full load, in both DHW mode and CH mode
– in condensing regime as well as in non-condensing regime. The partial load, defined at 50 % of the nominal heat
output (of 25 kW), and minimum load, defined at 30 % of the nominal heat output, were experimentally achieved by
the gradual decrease of the air flow rate delivered by the blower (the fuel gas flow rate in the nozzle of the air-gas
mixer was automatically decreased accordingly). In this view, rotation speed of the blower was gradually reduced
via PWM control. The rotation speed at the full load was 6650 rpm while the two values found for the partial load
and minimum load were 3150 rpm and 2000 rpm.

As mentioned above, ECBS was tested in CH mode not only for the condensing regime but also for the non-
condensing regime, which is still of interest when one refers to condensing boilers. A typical case when this matters
is the replacement of an old conventional (non-condensing) boiler with a new condensing boiler in an existing
heating system. In order to achieve significant energy savings with the new boiler, the heating system should be
redesigned and optimized as a whole. The principles of the new heating systems design as well as the principles of
the existing systems redesign are presented in [25]. They refer to the sizing of the heat exchangers, pipes, pumps,
and control valves. By ignoring these principles, the heating system is not redesigned in most real cases, so the heat
exchange surface used for heat dissipation is the same as before the replacement of the boiler. This surface is
insufficient to ensure the thermal comfort of inhabitants when boiler operates in condensing regime, described by
low temperature of water. Therefore, the temperature of the thermal agent (and, consequently, the flue gas
temperature) is maintained higher in the new boiler and the operating regime still is the non-condensing one. Even
so, a condensing boiler should offer better performance in an existing heating system than a traditional boiler [26].

In order to evaluate the performances of ECBS, a representative traditional gas-fired combi boiler of 24 kW nominal
output was used as reference boiler for comparison. Only one operating regime was of interest for this boiler,
namely CH mode / full load (R9), when its maximum performance is achieved. Obviously, since the reference boiler
is a traditional one, only the non-condensing regime is relevant.

The following parameters were measured at each operating regime: ambient air pressure and temperature – p0
[mbar], t0 [C]; fuel gas burner inlet pressure and temperature – pg [mbar], tg [C]; fuel gas consumption – Vg [m3];
CO [ppm], CO2 [%] and NOx on a lower heating value base [mg/kWh] in flue gases; air excess ratio – λ; inlet and
outlet temperatures of water – twi [C], two [C]; water flow rate – Dw [l/h]. It must be noted that Dw, twi and two have
similar meaning in both CH mode and DHW mode but there were measured in different points, as shown in Fig. 1
and in Fig. 2:
- in CH mode, Dw is the water flow rate in the primary heat exchanger while twi and two are the CH return
temperature and CH flow temperature; the water flow rate was measured by the water flow meter WM2 while
CH return temperature and CH flow temperature were measured by the temperature probes TP2 and TP1,
respectively; notations used in this case are Dw,CH, twi,CH and two,CH;
- in DHW mode, Dw is DHW flow rate delivered by ECBS while twi and two are the domestic cold water
temperature and DHW temperature; DHW flow rate was measured by the water flow meter WM1 while the
temperature of the domestic cold water and DHW temperature were measured by the temperature probes TP3
and TP4, respectively; notations used in this case are Dw,DHW, twi,DHW and two,DHW.
Depending on the operating mode, certain temperatures of water were imposed in tests. They are indicated in Table
1, where the nine experimented regimes (R1-R9) are completely defined. It can be seen that all the tests in DHW
mode (regimes R1-R3) were performed by considering two,DHW = (601) °C while the tests in CH mode were carried
out by considering twi,CH = 30 °C / two,CH = 50 °C for the condensing regimes (R4-R6) and twi,CH = 60 °C / two,CH = 80
°C for the non-condensing regimes (R7-R9). During the tests performed in DHW mode (regimes R1-R3), the
temperature of the domestic cold water, supplied by the municipal water system (twi,DHW), was monitored to avoid
variations higher than 1 °C.
Table 1. Experimented operating regimes – settings, conditions and action
DHW mode CH mode
Settings (see fig. 2): Settings (see fig. 2): SV1 - opened
SV1 - closed SV2 - closed
SV2 - opened Condensing regime Non-condensing regime
Minimum load – 30 % R1 Condition: R4 Conditions: R7 Conditions:
of the nominal heat output two,DHW (TP4): (601) °C twi,CH (TP2): (301) °C twi,CH (TP2): (601) °C
Setting: rotation speed of two,CH (TP1): (501) °C two,CH (TP1): (801) °C
the blower - 2000 rpm
Partial load – 50 % R2 Condition: R5 Conditions: R8 Conditions:
of the nominal heat output two,DHW (TP4): (601) °C twi,CH (TP2): (301) °C twi,CH (TP2): (601) °C
Setting: rotation speed of two,CH (TP1): (501) °C two,CH (TP1): (801) °C
the blower - 3150 rpm
Full load – PWM = 100 % R3 Condition: R6 Conditions: R9 Conditions:
Setting: rotation speed of two,DHW (TP4): (601) °C twi,CH (TP2): (301) °C twi,CH (TP2): (601) °C
the blower - 6650 rpm two,CH (TP1): (501) °C two,CH (TP1): (801) °C
Action (for all regimes): adjustment of water flows with WAD1 and WAD2

The following measurement devices were used in tests (the corresponding notations in Fig. 2 are indicated in
- for ambient air pressure and temperature (APT) - DL200D data logger;
- for natural gas consumption (GCM) - ITRON DELTA G10 rotary gas meter;
- for natural gas burner inlet pressure (measured on the gas valve outlet connection – not figured in Fig. 2) - Testo
510 differential manometer;
- for natural gas and water temperatures (TP1…TP5) - Rosemount 0065 temperature sensors;
- for flue gas analysis - Testo 350 flue gas analyzer;
- for water flow (WM1) - ZENNER MTWDI-N DN25 flowmeter; (WM2) - ITRON Woltex DN50 flowmeter.

The higher heating value of the test fuel gas, Hitg, and the lower heating value of the test fuel gas, Hhtg, were
measured with DANI Master GC Fast Gas Chromatograph and represent the average value of the four
measurements performed during the entire period of experimentations. The relative average deviation from the mean
value of the four measurements was less than 0.5 % and has no real influence on the objective of the study.

All measurements were recorded only after the thermal equilibrium was reached. The time for fuel gas consumption
was g = 600 seconds in all the tests. A number of three consecutive measurements have been performed on each
operating regime.

2.3. Performance indicators

The performance of the gas-fired boilers is assessed in several European countries (including Romania) following
the European standard EN 15502-1 [27], which uses both lower heating value and higher heating value of the fuel as
basis. In this approach, efficiency of condensing boilers seems to be described by values exceeding 100% when the
lower heating value is used as basis. This is very convenient for manufacturers and dealers of heating appliances but
it is technically unacceptable since it suggests a violation of the first law of thermodynamics and of the efficiency
meaning. Therefore, all the parameters of ECBS performance were determined in accordance with [27], as presented
below, but efficiency with respect to the lower heating value was renamed as Relative Performance Indicator.

Measured volumetric fuel gas rate, GR, is defined as fuel gas consumption, Vg, in m3, divided by the duration of
measurement, g = 600 s, being expressed as

GR   3600 [m3 / h] , (1)

where factor 3600 is used for conversion from m 3/s to standard imposed unit, m3/h.

Conversion of GR to the reference conditions (reference pressure pr = 1013.25 mbar and reference temperature tr =
15 ºC) requires calculation of the fuel gas rate correction factor, Cf. This factor is given as
273.15  t r p0  pg
Cf   , (2)
273.15  t 0 pr

where p0 and t0 are the ambient air pressure and temperature while pg is the fuel gas burner inlet pressure. Pressures
are expressed in mbar (standard imposed units). Factor 273.15 converts relative temperature to absolute temperature.

Once GR and Cf were calculated, the corrected volumetric fuel gas rate, GRc, can be expressed as

GR c  GR  Cf [m3 / h] . (3)

Gross heat input to the burner of the boiler is defined with respect to the higher heating value of the test fuel gas,
Hhtg, as

GR c
Qhi  103  H htg  [kW] . (4)
In order to get the result in standard imposed unit (kW), the factor 103 in formula (4) is used for conversion of the
higher heating value, Hhtg, from MJ/m3 to kJ/m3 while factor 3600 is used for conversion of GRc from m3/h to m3/s.

Corrected gross heat input, Qhic is expressed as

GR pr  pg p0  pg 273.15  t r d tg
Qhic  103  H hrg      [kW] , (5)
3600 pr pr 273.15  t g d rg

where dtg is the relative density of the test fuel gas, drg is the relative density of the reference fuel gas and Hhrg is the
higher heating value of the reference gas, in MJ/m3. Parameters pr, tr, pg and t0 have the same meaning as in formula
(2). In order to get the result in standard imposed unit (kW), the conversion factors 10 3 and 3600 are used, as in the
case of formula (4).

Net heat input to the burner of the boiler, Qii, is evaluated similarly to the gross heat input, Qhi, but in terms of the
lower heating value of the test fuel gas, Hitg, as

GR c
Qii  103  Hitg  [kW] . (6)
Corrected net heat input, Qiic, has the same meaning with the corrected gross heat input, Qhic, but the reference is
changed (lower heating value of the reference gas, Hirg, instead of the higher heating value of the reference gas,
Hhrg). It is expressed as

Qiic  Qhic  [kW] . (7)
H hrg

Carbon monoxide concentration of the dry air-free flue gas, DAFCO, is given by

DAFCO  CO  [ppm] , (8)

where CO is the measured carbon monoxide concentration of the flue gas, in ppm, CO2max is the maximum carbon
dioxide concentration of the dry air-free flue gas, in %, and CO2 is the measured carbon dioxide concentration of the
flue gas, in %.

Heat output is calculated as

Qw   cp   t wo  t wi  [kW] , (9)
where Dw is water flow rate, in l/h, cp = 4.186 kJ/(kg K) is the specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure,
while twi and two are the inlet and outlet temperatures of water, in °C. Factor 3600 is used for conversion of Dw from
l/h in l/s. Calculation of Qw in DHW mode is performed by considering Dw = Dw,DHW, twi = twi,DHW and two = two,DHW,
while calculation in CH mode implies Dw = Dw,CH, twi = twi,CH and two = two,CH.

Boiler efficiency, defined in terms of higher heating value, is given by

b  100 [%] . (10)

Relative Performance Indicator (proposed renaming) is evaluated similarly to ηb but considering the corrected net
input (Qiic) instead of the corrected gross input (Qiic). Consequently, it is calculated as

RPI  100 [%] ; (11)

Seasonal heating energy efficiency in active mode is expressed as

son  0.85 b 30  0.15 b100 [%] , (12)

where ηb 30 is boiler efficiency in CH mode / condensing regime / minimum load (regime R4) while ηb 100 is boiler
efficiency in CH mode / non-condensing regime / full load (regime R9).

Nitrogen oxides concentration based on the higher heating value of the reference gas is given by

NOx h  NOx  [mg/ kWh] , (13)
H hrg

where NOx is the nitrogen oxides concentration on a lower heating value base, in mg/kWh, as measured with the
flue gas analyzer.

The reference fuel gas for tests is G20 (CH4) having lower heating value Hirg = 34.02 MJ/m3, higher heating value
Hhrg = 37.78 MJ/m3 at 15 C/ (288.15 K) and relative density drg = 0.555. The fuel used in tests is natural gas with
lower heating value Hitg = 34.7 MJ/m3, higher heating value Hhtg = 38.5 MJ/m3 at 15 C/ (288.15 K) while the
relative density and maximum carbon dioxide concentration of the dry air-free flue gas are dtg = 0.580 and CO2max =
11.7 %, respectively.

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Experimental results and analysis

The results (measured and calculated) of the experimental study are presented in Table 2. For each operating regime,
each data indicated in the table represents the average value of three consecutive measurements. It must be
mentioned that by combining any two measurements out of three, the difference was less than 0.5% in all cases, in
accordance with requirements of [27].

As it can be seen in Table 2, ECBS operated most efficiently in R4 (CH mode / condensing regime / minimum
load), where b = 95.43 % and RPI = 105.98 %. This operating regime is ideal but not typical. Obviously,
manufacturers refer to it when declaring the efficiency of condensing boilers. Maintaining CH mode / condensing
regime but increasing the load, transition to regime R5 and R6 is successively achieved. It can be seen that b and
RPI decreased slightly with load. This is because boilers are designed to provide nominal heat output, at full load,
and when the load decreases is like that the heat exchangers of the boiler become more and more “oversized”, being
more efficient. As long as variation of air excess ratio, λ, is not significant, boiler efficiency increases. Thereby,
efficiency of ECBS was maximum in regime R4 and decreased slightly in regimes R5 and R6.
Table 2. Results of the experimental study
Experimental condensing boiler system, 25 kW nominal output boiler, 24 kW
nominal output
CH mode
Parameter Unit DHW mode
Condensing regime Non-condensing regime
Min. Partial Full Min. Partial Full Min. Partial
Full load
load load load load load load load load
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R9
p0 mbar 983 982 983 982 982 983 982 982 983 983
t0 C 23.8 24.2 24.3 23.3 24.5 24.1 23.5 24.3 24.3 23.7
pg mbar 20.2 20.3 20.0 20.2 20.0 20.1 20.1 20.1 19.9 20.3
tg C 19.4 19.4 19.6 19.6 19.4 19.4 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.4
Vg m3 0.126 0.213 0.411 0.127 0.211 0.412 0.129 0.216 0.411 0.447
CO ppm 0 10 45 0 8 39 0 11 42 94
CO2 % 8.92 9.03 9.15 8.79 8.93 9.17 8.77 9.01 9.08 5.23
NOx mg/kWh 0 7.06 19.40 0 7.06 15.88 0 8.82 24.70 213.44
λ - 1.31 1.30 1.28 1.32 1.31 1.28 1.33 1.30 1.29 2.24
tfg C 48.2 52.5 57.1 40.1 43.3 48.4 65.7 67.5 70.1 137
twi,DHW C 13.5 13.7 13.4 - - - - - - -
twi,CH C - - - 29.7 29.3 30.4 60.4 59.4 60.2 59.7
two,DHW C 60.2 59.9 60.2 - - - - - - -
two,CH C - - - 49.2 49.9 49.7 79.7 80.2 79.4 80.3
Dw,DHW l/h 139 235 444 - - - - - - -
Dw,CH l/h - - - 343 537 1106 330 511 1041 977
GR m3/h 0.756 1.278 2.466 0.762 1.266 2.472 0.774 1.296 2.466 2.682
Cf - 0.975 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.975 0.974 0.974 0.975 0.975
GRc m3/h 0.737 1.245 2.403 0.742 1.233 2.41 0.754 1.262 2.403 2.616
Qhi kW 7.89 13.33 25.72 7.94 13.20 25.80 8.07 13.51 25.72 28
Qhic kW 8.09 13.67 26.38 8.15 13.54 26.46 8.28 13.86 26.38 28.71
Qii kW 7.11 12.01 23.18 7.16 11.90 23.25 7.28 12.18 23.18 25.23
Qiic kW 7.29 12.31 23.76 7.34 12.19 23.83 7.46 12.48 23.76 25.85
DAFCO ppm 0 13.0 57.5 0 10.5 49.8 0 14.3 54.1 210.3
NOxh mg/kWh 0 6.35 17.47 0 6.35 14.30 0 7.94 22.24 192.20
Qw kW 7.55 12.62 24.16 7.78 12.86 24.82 7.41 12.36 23.24 23.4
b % 93.27 92.32 91.58 95.43 94.98 93.81 89.42 89.14 88.09 81.51
RPI % 103.58 102.52 101.70 105.98 105.48 104.18 99.31 98.99 97.82 90.52
son % 94.33 -

As expected, ECBS efficiency was lower in all CH mode / non-condensing regimes (R7-R9) than in CH mode /
condensing regimes. In accordance with the above explanation, ECBS efficiency slightly decreased with load, from
R7 to R9. Consequently, the least efficient operating regime of ECBS was CH mode / non-condensing regime / full
load (regime R9), when b = 88.09 % and RPI = 97.82 %. Obviously, manufacturers are not tempted to refer to this
operating regime in their commercial materials.

Beside the cases when CH mode / condensing regime was set (R4, R5 and R6), operation of ECBS into condensing
regime was also achieved when DHW mode was set (regimes R1, R2 and R3). This explains the values over 100%
of RPI as well as condensate draining into all operating regimes R1…R6. As can be seen in Table 2, the flue gas
temperature, tfg, in DHW mode is intermediate at any load – higher than tfg in CH mode / condensing regime and
lower than tfg in CH mode / non-condensing regime. Consequently, ECBS efficiency, b, is intermediate. Since heat
input is quasi-constant at a certain load, variation of efficiency reflects in fact variation of the heat output. This
explains why the heat output is also intermediate in DHW mode.

Traditional boilers have an opposite variation of efficiency with load: they operate most efficiently at full load and
least efficiently (with a drop of about 10 %) at minimum load. This is because the rotation speed of the fan is non-
variable on traditional boilers and therefore the air flow rate cannot be reduced with load to keep constant the air
excess ratio, λ. As consequence, regime R9 is the one in which RTB is most efficiently while ECBS is least
efficiently. Thereby, the difference between efficiencies of ECBS and RTB is minimal at this regime. Even so,
ECBS efficiency is significantly higher than RTB efficiency (88.09 % vs. 81.51 %), as shown in Table 2. The
corresponding values of the Relative Performance Indicator, RPI, are 97.82 % (ECBS) and 90.52 % (RTB).

According to ErP Directive, seasonal space heating efficiency of boilers with nominal heat output ≤ 70 kW shall be
at least 86 %. As indicated in [27], seasonal space heating efficiency, s, is calculated by extracting from son four
correction factors: correction accounting negative contribution due to absence of temperature controls, F(1);
correction accounting the auxiliary electricity consumption, F(2); correction accounting the standby heat losses,
F(3); correction accounting the negative contribution by the ignition burner, F(4). Correction F(1) is 3% in all cases,
correction F(4) is 0 for boilers with spark ignition (all the advanced boilers, like ECBS) while the sum F(2) + F(3) is
lower than 1.5 % for condensing boilers in the same nominal output class as ECBS. Consequently, the sum of all
four corrections is lower than 4.5 %. Using as reference the seasonal heating energy efficiency in active mode of
ECBS, namely son = 94.33 %, it follows that s > 89.33 %. This explains compliance of the condensing boilers with
ErP directive requirements. With regard to RTB, it is obvious that it does not comply to the directive requirements
since b = 81.51 %. This emphasizes the fact that traditional boilers do not comply with ErP Directive requirements.
Thereby, stocks depletion implies the complete removal from the market of the traditional boilers.

The objective of ErP Directive implementation is the gradual reduction of the pollutant emissions throughout the
entire supply chain – from the design stage to the final user. Referring to the pollutant emissions of ECBS, it can be
observed that both CO and NOx emissions were minimal (in fact they could not be detected) at minimal load
(regimes R1, R4 and R7). As expected, they varied inversely proportionally to efficiency. Consequently, maximum
CO, NOx and NOxh emissions were produced at regime R9, when efficiency was minimal. The values were 42 ppm,
24.70 mg/kWh and 22.24 mg/kWh, respectively. In the case of the reference boiler, CO and NOx emissions were 94
ppm and 213.44 mg/kWh. According to [27], ECBS complies with NOx class 6 (the most ecological, with upper
threshold 56 mg/kWh for NOxh concentration, based on the higher heating value of the fuel) while RTB is rated
class 1 (the range 200-260 mg/kWh for NOx concentration, based on the lower heating value of the fuel). Obviously,
the difference between the pollutant emission of the two boilers is large. Beside fuel and CO2 savings, this is the
most important issue in the current context of technological development.

3.2. Case studies

By taking into account the results in Table 2, three typical cases of transition from a worn-out traditional boiler to a
condensing boiler are further analyzed, from the most pessimistic (Case 1) to the most optimistic (Case 3). An
economic analysis of these cases was performed based on the annual fuel savings. CO2 emissions savings were also

3.2.1. Global and specific assumptions

The global assumptions are presented in Table 3. The case study was performed considering an annual gas
consumption GARTB = 1000 m3/year, which is representative for Romania. It is also noted that price of a condensing
boiler with nominal heat output in the range of 23 to 25 kW (boilers class wherein ECBS is included) is roughly
1000 Euro while the price of a traditional boiler with the same nominal heat output is roughly 500 Euro. Thereby,
the difference between the price of a 25 kW condensing boiler and the price of an equivalent traditional boiler is
roughly ΔPb = 500 Euro.

Table 3. Global assumptions for the three analyzed cases

Parameter Symbol Value
Carbon dioxide emissions of the natural gas combustion ECO2 1.9 kg/m3
Price of natural gas (in Romania, October 2017, VAT included) PNG 32.8 Euro/MWh
Higher heating value of the natural gas Hs (=Hhtg) 38.5 MJ/m3

Beside the global assumption, there are specific assumptions for each case, as presented below.

Case 1 refers to the most pessimistic scenario. It is assumed that heating system was designed for standard CH mode
/ non-condensing regime (flow / return water temperatures of 80 / 60 C – regime R9) and there is no excess heat
transfer surface (the heating system was not oversized when the old boiler was installed). The heating system is not
redesigned once the boiler is replaced. In order to maintain the thermal comfort for inhabitants, condensing boiler
has to operate also in CH-mode at regime R9, like the old traditional boiler. Taking into account only operation in
CH mode over the year, the average annual efficiencies of ECBS and RTB are assumed as

ECBS  b,ECBSR9 [%] , (14)

RTB  b,RTBR9 [%] , (15)
where ηb,ECBS-R9 and ηb,RTB-R9 are efficiencies at regime R9 of ECBS and RTB, respectively.

Case 2 is the most representative in terms of boiler replacement in Romania. As in Case 1, it is assumed that heating
system was designed for standard CH mode / non-condensing regime (R9) and the heating system is not redesigned
once the traditional boiler is replaced. In this case, it is considered that heating system was oversized when the old
traditional boiler was installed. It is considered that 80 % of the annual gas consumption of ECBS is used for heating
(CH mode) while the rest of 20 % is used for DHW preparation. Operation in CH mode is described by partial load.
Due to the oversizing of the heating system, an intermediate water temperature regime (between the standard
condensing regime and the standard non-condensing regime) is assumed. Thereby, ECBS efficiency in CH mode is
the average of ECBS efficiencies at regimes R5 and R8. ECBS operation in DHW mode is described by regime R2.
In the case of RTB, an average annual efficiency of 95 % of the maximum efficiency was assumed. The average
annual efficiencies of ECBS and RTB, as described above, are given by

b,ECBSR5  b,ECBSR8
ECBS  0.2  b,ECBSR 2  0.8  [%] , (16)
RTB  0.95 b,RTBR9 [%] , (17)

where ηb,ECBS-R2, ηb,ECBS-R5 and ηb,ECBS-R8 are ECBS efficiencies at regimes R2, R5 and R8, respectively.

Case 3 is the optimum one. It is assumed that heating system is redesigned for standard CH mode / condensing
regime (flow / return water temperatures of 50 / 30 C) once the old traditional boiler replaced by the condensing
boiler. Seasonal heating energy efficiency in active mode, η son, is correlated by definition with these operating
conditions and reflects the average efficiency of the boiler over the entire heating season, as a ratio of the estimated
heat output over the heating season to the heat input. Consequently, η son is assumed to be the efficiency of ECBS in
CH mode in Case 3. All the other specific assumptions are similar to Case 2: 80 % of the annual gas consumption of
ECBS is used for heating (CH mode) and 20 % is used for DHW preparation; ECBS operation in DHW mode is
described by regime R2; an average annual efficiency of 95 % of the maximum efficiency was assumed. Thereby,
the average annual efficiencies of ECBS and RTB are expressed as

ECBS  0.2 b,ECBSR 2  0.8 son [%] , (18)

RTB  0.95 b,RTBR9 [%] . (19)

3.2.2. Estimation of savings and analysis

Following the assumptions above, the parameters presented below were calculated.

Annual fuel gas consumption of ECBS is assessed as

GA ECBS  GA RTB  [m3 / year] . (20)

Annual fuel savings achieved by replacing RTB with ECBS is given by

AFS  GARTB  GAECBS [m3 / year] . (21)

Annual fuel savings as percentage is expressed as

AFSp  100 [%] . (22)

Annual CO2 emissions savings achieved by replacing RTB with ECBS are given by

ESCO2  ECO2  AFS [kg / year] . (23)

Annual fuel savings cost is calculated as

AFSC  AFS  PNG  [Euro / year] , (24)
where factor 3600 is used for conversion of Hs from MJ/m3 in MWh/m3.
In order to estimate how long it takes to recover the initial price difference, ΔPb, by accounting the annual fuel
saving cost, the payback period is expressed as

PB  [years] . (25)
Calculation results for the three cases are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Calculated results of the economic analysis

Parameter Symbol Values
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Average annual efficiency of RTB (%) ηRTB 81.51 77.43 77.43
Average annual efficiency of ECBS (%) ηECBS 88.09 92.11 93.93
Annual fuel gas consumption of ECBS (m3/year) GAECBS 925.3 840.7 824.4
Annual fuel savings (m3/year) AFS 74.7 159.3 175.6
Annual fuel savings as percentage (%) AFSp 7.47 15.93 17.56
Annual CO2 emissions savings (kg/year) ESCO2 141.9 302.8 333.6
Annual fuel savings cost (Euro/year) AFSC 26.2 55.9 61.6
Payback period (years) PB 19.1 8.9 8.1

According to the results in Table 4, in the most pessimistic scenario (Case 1) the payback period for the price
difference between condensing boiler and traditional boiler is roughly 19 years – almost double the average lifespan
of a domestic boiler, which is roughly 10 years. This estimation is close by the one in [28], where a payback period
of roughly 17 years is indicated for UK and 18 years for France and Germany, in typical cases for each country and
without subsidies.

In Case 2, which is the most representative in Romania, the payback period is roughly 9 years, which is close to the
average lifespan of a boiler (10 years). Thereby, economic issues are not a convincing reason for owners of typical
dwellings in Romania to replace their worn-out traditional boiler with a condensing boiler as long as traditional
boilers are available on the market (in stock).

In Case 3, which is the ideal one, the payback period for the price difference between condensing and traditional
boilers is roughly 8 years, which seems to be better than in the previous two cases but it is still too close to the
average lifespan of a boiler. It should be emphasized that, unlike the previous two cases, Case 3 involves significant
additional costs for heating system redesigning. They are assessed to be equal with price difference between
condensing and traditional boiler. Thus, overall payback period (for both the price difference and redesigning of the
heating system) doubles, becoming 16 years.

The case studies show that payback period for price difference is too long to make attractive the replacement of the
worn-out traditional boiler with a condensing boiler, in typical situations. Obviously, once the traditional boilers
removed from the market, there could no longer be a question of choosing the boiler type. But the economic analysis
remains of great interest as most of the installed boilers, in good working condition, are the traditional type. A
significant improvement of the energy efficiency and environmental protection (the objectives of the ErP Directive)
could be achieved only by considering these boilers for replacement. It should be noted that ErP Directive does not
refers to the already installed units, so only financial reasons could convince owners of traditional boilers in good
working condition to replace them with new condensing boilers. In these cases, not the price difference (which is
meaningless) but the entire price of the condensing boiler should be considered. Obviously, the payback period
becomes much longer and the replacement of the traditional boiler is even more unattractive. Therefore,
implementation of attractive financial measures, such as subsidies, is required in Romania for speeding up the
transition from traditional to condensing boilers. This kind of financial policies are already applied in some
countries [21]. In the absence of such measures, achievement of the directive objective (reduction of the pollutant
emissions throughout the entire supply chain – from the design stage to the final user) will be delayed.

5. Conclusions

Efficiency based on the lower heating value of the fuel was renamed as Relative Performance Indicator in the
present study. Therefore, the values exceeding 100 % of this parameter, achieved by condensing boilers, may not be
any longer connected with notion of efficiency, thus avoiding any conflict with the first law of thermodynamics and
with efficiency meaning..

The maximum performance of ECBS is achieved in standard CH mode / condensing regime (flow / return water
temperatures of 50 / 30 °C) / minimum load, when boiler efficiency on the higher heating value basis is 95.43 % and
relative performance indicator is 105.98 %. Efficiency decreases with load and water temperature. Accordingly,
minimum performance of ECBS is obtained at standard CH mode / condensing regime (flow / return water
temperatures of 80 / 60 °C) / full load, which corresponds to maximum performance of RTB. Even in these
conditions, efficiency and relative performance indicator are significantly higher for ECBS than for RTD – 88.09 %
vs. 81.51 % and 97.82 % vs. 90.52 %. As consequence of the significant difference in performance, condensing
boilers comply with ErP Directive requirements while traditional boilers fail to comply and this explains the
complete removal from the market of the traditional boilers. Beside the higher performance, ECBS has also the
advantage of a significantly lower pollutant level. Thus, ECBS is qualifying to NOx class 6 according to the in-force
European regulation while RTB is NOx class 1.

By analyzing three typical cases of transition from traditional to condensing boiler on the basis of the experimental
results, it was shown that CO2 emissions savings are significant but the payback period for the price difference
between the two boilers is close to the lifespan of a boiler or longer. In the most pessimistic scenario (without
redesigning of the heating system and without any excess heat transfer surface) the payback period is roughly 19
years due to annual fuel savings of about 7.5 %. In the most representative case for Romania (without redesigning of
the heating system but with excess heat transfer surface), the payback period is roughly 9 years due to the annual
fuel savings of about 16 %. In the optimum case (with redesigning of the heating system), the annual fuel savings
are about 17.5 %, which leads to a payback period of roughly 8 years for the price difference between boilers.
Accounting not only the price difference between boilers but also the costs for redesigning of the heating system in
this optimum case, the payback period becomes 16 years. Accordingly, transition from traditional boiler to
condensing boiler is economically unattractive. A typical approach in the energy systems field can be identified at
this point when one refers to the ErP Directive implementation: protection of the fossil fuel reserves and
environmental issues may prevail when financial savings are not convincing enough to make the difference. But this
principle applies only to the new boilers, which are subject to the directive requirements. Since the directive does
not envisage the installed traditional boilers in good working condition, only attractive financial measures, like
subsidies, could drive the owners to accept the transition to the condensing boilers.


This work was supported by the project POSCCE-A2-O2.2.1-2009-4-ENERED, ID nr. 911, co-financed by the
European Social Fund within the Sectoral Operational Program “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”.


CH central heating
DHW domestic hot water
ECBS experimental condensing boiler system
PHE plate heat exchanger of the test rig
PWM pulse width modulation
RTB reference traditional boiler

AFS annual fuel savings (m3/year)
AFSp annual fuel savings as percentage (%)
AFSC annual fuel savings cost (Euro/year)
Cf correction factor for volumetric fuel gas rate
CO measured carbon monoxide concentration of the flue gas (ppm)
CO2 measured carbon dioxide concentration of the flue gas (%)
CO2max maximum carbon dioxide concentration of the dry air-free flue gas (%)
cp specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure (kJ/(kg·K))
d relative density
Dw water flow rate (l/h)
ECO2 carbon dioxide emissions of the natural gas combustion (kg/m 3)
ESCO2 annual CO2 emissions savings (kg/year)
GA annual fuel gas consumption (m3/year)
GR fuel gas rate (m3/h)
GRc corrected volumetric fuel gas rate
Hh higher heating value of the fuel gas (MJ/m3)
Hi lower heating value of the fuel gas (MJ/m3)
NOx nitrogen oxides concentration on a lower heating value base (mg/kWh)
NOxh nitrogen oxides concentration on a higher heating value base (mg/kWh)
p0 ambient air pressure (mbar)
PB payback period (years)
pg fuel gas burner inlet pressure (mbar)
PNG price of natural gas (Euro/MWh)
pr reference pressure (mbar)
Qhi gross heat input (kW)
Qii net heat input (kW)
Qhic corrected gross heat input (kW)
Qiic corrected net heat input (kW)
Qw heat output (kW)
RPI relative performance indicator (%)
t0 ambient air temperature (°C)
tfg flue gas temperature (°C)
tg fuel gas burner inlet temperature (°C)
tr reference temperature (°C)
twi inlet temperature of water (°C)
two outlet temperature of water (°C)
Vg fuel gas consumption (m3)

ΔPb price difference between condensing and traditional boiler (Euro)
ηb boiler efficiency, defined in terms of higher heating value (%)
ηECBS average annual efficiency of experimental condensing boiler system (%)
ηRTD average annual efficiency of reference traditional boiler (%)
ηs seasonal heating energy efficiency (%)
ηson seasonal heating energy efficiency in active mode (%)
λ air excess ratio
τg duration of measurement (s)

rg reference gas
tg test gas
CH central heating
DHW domestic hot water
ECBS experimental condensing boiler system
RTB reference traditional boiler


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Declarations of interest: none

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