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Received January 7, 2021, accepted January 11, 2021, date of publication January 21, 2021, date of current version

February 1, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3053323

Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading

and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC
Mixed System
∗ ∗
A. S. M. BADRUDDUZA 1, , (Member, IEEE), MD. IBRAHIM2, ,

S. M. RIAZUL ISLAM 3, , (Member, IEEE), MD. SHAKHAWAT HOSSEN 1 , (Member, IEEE),
AND HEEJUNG YU 6,7 , (Senior Member, IEEE)
1 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
2 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, South Korea
4 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
5 James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K.
6 Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Korea University, Sejong 30019, South Korea
7 Interdisciplinary Graduate Program for Artificial Intelligence Smart Convergence Technology, Korea University, Sejong 30019, South Korea

Corresponding authors: Milton Kumar Kundu ( and Heejung Yu (

∗ A. S. M. Badrudduza, Md. Ibrahim, and S. M. Riazul Islam are co-first authors.
This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of
Science and ICT) under Grant 2019R1A2C1083988, in part by the Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea, under the Information
Technology Research Center Support Program supervised by the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning
and Evaluation, under Grant IITP-2021-2016-0-00313, and in part by Sejong University through its Faculty Research Program under
Grant 20202021.

ABSTRACT With the rapid evolution of communication technologies, high-speed optical wireless applica-
tions under the water surface as a replacement or complementary to the conventional radio frequency (RF)
and acoustic technologies are attracting significant attention from the researchers. Since underwater tur-
bulence (UWT) is an inevitable impediment for a long distance underwater optical wireless communi-
cation (UOWC) link, mixed RF-UOWC is being considered as a more feasible solution by the research
community. This article deals with the secrecy performance of a variable gain relay-based mixed dual-hop
RF-UOWC framework under the intercepting attempt of a potential eavesdropper. The RF link undergoes
Generalized Gamma (GG) fading distribution, whereas the UOWC link is subjected to mixture Exponential
Generalized Gamma (mEGG) distribution. The eavesdropper is capable of wiretapping via a RF link that
also experiences the GG fading. The secrecy analysis incorporates the derivations of closed-form expressions
for strictly positive secrecy capacity, average secrecy capacity, and exact as well as lower bound of secrecy
outage probability in terms of univariate and bivariate Meijer’s G and Fox’s H functions. Based on these
expressions, impacts of heterodyne and intensity modulation/direct detection techniques along with weak,
moderate, and severe UWT conditions due to air bubbles, temperature, and salinity gradients are quantified.
To the best of authors’ knowledge, the proposed model is the first of its kind that addresses the secrecy
analysis of a temperature gradient RF-UOWC system along with air bubbles, as opposed to the existing
models that considered thermally uniform scenarios only. Finally, the derived expressions are verified via
Monte-Carlo simulations.

INDEX TERMS Eavesdropper, optical wireless communication, physical layer security, under water

I. INTRODUCTION times. To date, different types of communication strategies

A. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE STUDY have been explored for underwater communication (UWC)
Wireless communication beneath the water surface is being systems including acoustic communication (ACOMM) [1],
considered as a growing research opportunity in recent electromagnetic communications [2], optical wireless com-
munications [3], and laser communications [4], [5]. However,
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) in the
approving it for publication was Rui Wang . form of light beams generated by laser or LED devices has

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 9, 2021 18123
A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

been proven to be the most promising medium due to its high scintillation index of both spherical and plane light waves
capacity, inherent robust security, low latency, lower energy through a UOWC system with weak turbulence. A Weibull
consumption, and resistance to water link impairments [6]. channel was proposed for UOWC in [21] to examine the
In recent times, climate catastrophe and risk screening, effect of UWT for different salinity of water. The Gener-
coastal security, natural resource exploration, autonomous alized Gamma (GG) fading model-based UOWC was ana-
underwater robotics research, development of military under- lyzed in [22] considering the UWT due to weak temperature
water vehicles [7] and many other opportunities are highly gradient. Multi pulse-position modulation (PPM) technique
dependent on the UOWC technology. was employed in [23] to study the performance of a UOWC
A comparative study among radio frequency (RF), acous- system over log-normal distribution. The study demonstrated
tic, and optical signals was performed as a medium of under- that multiple transmitting and receiving apertures-enabled
water communication in [7]. The research found that UOWC spatial diversity is advantageous for capacity enhancement.
possesses the highest data rate but suffers from absorption as The advantages of the integration of underwater acoustic
well as scattering. The air-bubbles and temperature gradient and optical channel that offers high speed data transfer at
in oceanic water create underwater turbulence (UWT) that longer ranges were thoroughly described in [24]. The adverse
was addressed in [8] using on-off keying (OOK) modula- effect of UWT along with general scattering and absorp-
tion scheme with spatial diversity under the assumption of tion was studied in [25] with receiving aperture diversity to
log-normal distribution. The dispersion in different types of increase the communication range. A new model using mix-
water, based on salinity, and transmission distance between ture exponential-generalized Gamma (mEGG) distribution
various links in UOWC were analyzed in [9] using the OOK was analyzed in [26] where the authors evaluated the system
modulation, where the authors showed that the inter symbol performances in terms of outage probability (OP), average bit
interference is absent in the case of moderate turbulence in error rate (ABER), and ergodic capacity (EC).
the seawater. A code-division multiple access (CDMA) based Although UOWC is the most promising technique for
UOWC channel was proposed in [10] along with its possible high speed underwater data transfer, the pressure and
design issues, architecture of the backhaul network, and asso- temperature-induced turbulence, due to some common phe-
ciated network infrastructure. The effect of the bubbles size nomena (e.g. ocean currents) in the marine medium, leads to
was experimented in [11]; the authors concluded that larger the degradation of the system performance [3], [27]. On that,
bubbles cause worse performance in UOWC as they block the researchers are paying attention to the development of a
optical light beams to pass through them. In [12], the authors dual-hop RF-UOWC system [28]; the first hop communi-
performed a comparison between photo-multiplier tube and cation occurs above the water surface using RF technology,
silicon photo-multipliers considering the span of the link whereas the second hop uses an UOWC connection to serve
along with the implementation problems of photo-multipliers the coverage of interest under the water surface. These two
from practical viewpoint. The capacity and symbol error rate communication mediums are linked through a relay that per-
of a UOWC channel were analyzed in [13] considering the forms the required conversion of the RF signal into opti-
UWT only. cal one for underwater transmission. A decode-and-forward
Mixture exponential-Gamma (mEG) distribution was con- (DF)-based mixed RF-UOWC system was introduced in [29]
sidered in [14] to analyze the effect of air bubbles in both where the authors proposed Nakagami-m fading channel for
salty and fresh waters and this model showed a perfect the RF link and EGG distribution for the UOWC link. The
match with the experimented data. High speed data transfer RF channel was generalized with α − µ distribution along
is a prerequisite in state-of-the-art communication systems. with EGG model in [30]. In [31], a combination of Rayleigh
In this regard, the authors in [15] performed an experi- and mEGG distributions was presented with both amplify-
ment to measure the data transfer rate in UOWC and a and-forward (AF) and DF relaying techniques, where the
very high data rate was achieved at a distance of tens of authors demonstrated that the complete system performance
meters. High speed data transfer was also attained in [16] is affected by both the RF and UOWC links. An extension of
using a specific blue LED with orthogonal frequency-division this work was demonstrated in [32] considering Nakagami-m
multiplexing (OFDM) technique. A method for non-line- fading channel in the RF link.
of-sight communication through UOWC channel was pro- Due to the rapid evolution of wireless networks, secu-
posed in [17] using back reflection technology that can be rity concerns are drawing substantial attention from the
used to establish energy-efficient point to multipoint commu- researchers. Conventional security approaches follow crypto-
nications. A multihop UOWC system was described in [18] graphic encryption methods at higher layers that are difficult
considering the effect of UWT and scattering in log-normal to implement due to the complexity in secret key manage-
fading. ment. The physical layer security (PLS) approach is therefore
Different characteristics of the underwater scattering can emerging as one of the most effective ways of secure commu-
be unified by the radiative transfer theory implemented nications [33]–[35]. Note that the PLS utilizes the random
in [19]. The work investigated the performance of UOWC attributes of the wireless channels to enhance the secrecy
taking the polarization behavior of light into account level instead of using any encryption key. Recently, secrecy
under varying distance. In [20], the authors evaluated the analysis of a RF-UOWC link was investigated in terms of

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A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

intercept probability (IP) under eavesdropper’s attack via for ASC, exact and lower bound of SOP, and strictly
a RF link [36]. A similar analysis was performed in [37], positive secrecy capacity (SPSC) in terms of Meijer’s
where the selection combining technique was employed at the G and Fox’s H functions. These analytical expres-
relay’s receiving node. The authors analyzed secrecy outage sions are unique and generalized in the sense that
probability (SOP) and showed that SOP at high SNR regime the considered dual-hop PDF and CDF for the pro-
is mostly dominated by UOWC path compared to RF link. posed RF-UOWC system are unique and generalized,
Average secrecy capacity (ASC) and IP expressions were according to the authors’ knowledge based on the open
derived in [28] to depict the effects of a set of RF-UOWC sys- literature.
tem parameters on the secrecy capacity. To do so, the authors 3. We demonstrate various numerical results based on the
considered multi-antenna relay that utilizes maximal-ratio derived performance metrics that are further validated
combining technique to recombine the received signals. through Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations. In all cases,
a strong agreement is found between the numerical and
4. In evaluating the secrecy performances, we consider
Whereas the aforementioned studies show a comprehensive
the impacts of air bubbles, salinity, and temperature
analysis of UOWC channels, only a few works mentioned
gradient of the water and fading of RF links. Whereas
the PLS in this domain. The researches in [28], [36], [37]
the past comprehensive secrecy analyses considered
analyzed the PLS over mixture exponential Gamma UOWC
only thermally uniform UOWC, the proposed UWT
channel which is actually a special case of the mEGG model.
includes the impact of air bubbles for both types of
The mEGG model is the most precise model to capture all
scenarios (i.e. thermally uniform and temperature gra-
the physical variations that can practically occur such as
dient), simultaneously present in fresh and salty water
UWT, air bubbles, temperature change, and change in water
salinity [26]. On the other hand, GG fading model comes
5. Moreover, we perform a comparative study between
with a couple of desirable advantages as the RF link. The
the two detection techniques i.e. heterodyne detec-
versatility and mathematical tractability have made this chan-
tion (HD) and intensity modulation/direct detection
nel very popular among the researchers. This general model
(IM/DD) and observe that the HD technique shows a
comprises of some well-known multipath fading models such
better performance compared to IM/DD technique.
as Nakagami-m, Weibull, lognormal, and Rayleigh [38]. As
only few works in the literature addressed the secrecy issues
of RF-UOWC networks, the implementation of generalized
Subsequent parts of this paper are organized as follows. Our
fading and turbulence scenarios in both the RF and UOWC
proposed RF-UOWC system model is presented in Section II.
links is still an open area of investigation. As such, we in this
paper propose a RF-UOWC mixed network; whereas the RF Closed-form expressions of the performance metrics i.e.
communication link undergoes GG distribution, the UOWC ASC, exact and lower bound of SOP and SPSC are derived
link experiences mEGG distribution. A relay node, placed in Section III. Whereas Section IV discusses the numerical
and simulation results, Section V presents the summary of
between the source and the user, first receives RF signals
the work.
from the source, converts the signal to an optical form, and
finally forwards the signal to the intended user via the UOWC
link. This transmission is carried out under the presence of an
The proposed dual-hop RF-UOWC system, comprised of a
eavesdropper that tries to overhear the transmitted data via
source node (S), a relay node (R), and a destination node
the same RF link. The major contributions of this work are
(U ), is presented in Fig.1. We assume U is located under the
highlighted as follows:
water surface. This specific form of communication scenario
1. We derive the novel cumulative distribution func- is getting immense popularity because of its recent utilization
tion (CDF) of signal-to-noise ratio’s (SNR)s for the in oceanographic surveillance, offshore oil field exploration,
mixed RF-UOWC scenario by utilizing the probability unmanned undersea vehicles (UUV) research, coastal moni-
density function (PDF) of SNRs of each individual hop. toring, and several military applications [27], [31]. The con-
The reason behind the novelty of demonstrated CDF fidential communication between S and U via R is imperiled
is that the GG fading channel in combination with the due to the presence of an undesirable eavesdropper (E) that
mEGG distribution to form a mixed RF-UOWC system thieves information using S − E link. This model focuses on
model is not noticed yet in the existing open litera- how the confidential signal from S can be safely transmitted
ture. Moreover, Nakagami-m-mEGG [31], Nakagami- to U via R defending against E. We assume S and E are
m-mEG [28], [37], and Nakagami-m-EGG [29] can equipped with a single antenna. In line with that, R has a
be demonstrated as special cases of the proposed single receive antenna and a single transmit aperture, and U
RF-UOWC model. has a single receive aperture.
2. We analyze the secrecy performance of the dual-hop Hence, in the proposed scenario, transmission of infor-
DF relaying systems via developing the expressions mation is completed in two hops. The first hop is a surface

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A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

TABLE 1. Special cases of GG distribution [42], [43].

γR = kas,r k2 , (2a)
γU = kcr,u k2 , (2b)
γE = kbs,e k2 . (2c)
Here, Pr is the transmit optical power from R. The received
FIGURE 1. System model incorporating a source (S), a relay (R), SNR of the combined RF-UOWC channel is given as [39,
an eavesdropper (E ), and a desired user (U ). Eq. (5)]
γR γU
γeq = γR +γU +1 = min {γR , γU } .
∼ (3)
network wherein S transmits signal via S − R RF path to R.
The relay is capable of transforming received RF signal to its
optical version and re-transmitting it to U via R − U UOWC
The PDF of γR follows the GG distribution as [40, Eq. (2)]
link. Therefore, the second hop is termed the underwater
network. We consider E that utilizes the RF (S − E) link fγR (γ ) = K1 γ K2 e−K3 γ ,

for wiretapping. The surface RF communications experience
GG fading distribution and the UOWC undergoes mEGG ă CR R
where K1 = ă CR , K2 = ă CR − 1, K3 = CR φR−ă , ă =
distribution. φR 0(CR )
Denoting the channel gains of S −R, S −E, and R−U links aR
is the fading parameter, φR indicates the average SNR
2 , aR
as as,r ∈ C1×1 , bs,e ∈ C1×1 , and cr,u ∈ C1×1 , respectively, of S − R link, 0(.) denotes the Gamma operator, and CR is
we obtain the expression of received signals at R, E, and U termed as normalized variance parameter of GG fading model
as envelopes. Now, the CDF of γR is defined as
Z γ
ys,r = as,r p + zr , (1a) FγR (γ ) = fγR (γ )dγ . (5)
ys,e = bs,e p + ze , (1b) 0

yr,u = cr,u ys,r + zu By replacing (4) into (5) and utilizing [41, Eq. (3.381.8)],
FγR (γ ) is expressed as [40, Eq. (3)]
= cr,u (as,r p + zr ) + zu
= dr,u p + wu . (1c) ϒ(CR , K3 γ ă )
FγR (γ ) = , (6)
0(CR )
Here, p ∼ N e(0, Ps ) is denoted as the transmitted RF signal
from S, dr,u , cr,u as,r is the channel gain of dual-hop S − where ϒ(b, k) = 0 e−z zb−1 dz is a lower incomplete Gamma
R − U link, wu , cr,u zr + zu , zr ∼ N e(0, Nr ) and ze ∼ function [41, Eq. (8.350.1)]. Utilizing the identity from [41,
N (0, Ne ) are the RF noises at R and E, respectively, zu ∼
e Eq. (8.352.6)], (6) can be finally rewritten as
Ne(0, Nu ) stands for the imposed optical noise at U , Nr , Ne ,
R −1
CX q
and Nu are the corresponding noise powers, respectively and K3 1 γ ăq1
FγR (γ ) = 1 − e−K3 γ

Ps represents transmit signal power. Note that the gain in the . (7)
q1 !
q1 =0
relay operation is included in the link gain of cr,u . This gain
can be regarded as η. It is clear from (7) that CR is an integer. We assume that
the proposed RF channel undergoes GG distribution as it
A. SNR OF EACH LINK provides immense flexibility to obtain some other recognized
We denote the SNRs of S − R, R − U , and S − E links as γR , fading channels [42]–[44] as its special scenarios that are
γU , and γE , respectively, which are mathematically expressed given in Table 1.

18126 VOLUME 9, 2021

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

TABLE 2. EGG distribution parameters corresponding to temperature gradient UOWC link. [26].

TABLE 3. EGG distribution parameters corresponding to thermally uniform UOWC link. [26].

C. PDF AND CDF OF γU accuracy of proposed mEGG channel in the presence of

The UOWC link is subjected to mEGG distribution in the turbulence induced fading conditions along with irradiance
presence of UWT. Assuming both HD and IM/DD tech- fluctuations in UOWC links. Table 3 also presents various
niques, the PDF of γU is written as [26] turbulence scenarios that correspond to several air bubbles
2   level in both fresh and salty water environment consider-
Ri − ing a thermally uniform UOWC network. Hence, perfor-
−1 1,0
fγU (γ ) = Ti γ G0,1 Qi γ , (8)
Si mance of both UOWC systems (i.e. temperature gradient
and thermally uniform) can be easily demonstrated utilizing
1 1 ω
where Q1 = 1 , R1 = r, S1 = 1, T1 = r, Q2 = mEGG model operating under a variety of turbulence condi-
λ µrr
c(1−ω) tions that makes this channel very much popular among the
c , R2 = c
r, S2 = a, T2 = r0(a) , λ denotes the
bc µrr researchers.
exponential distribution parameter, ω symbolizes the mixture Similar to (5), the CDF for UOWC link is obtained
weight, where 0 < ω < 1, a, b, and c stand for the GG as [26]
distribution parameters, and Gm,n
p,q [.] is the Meijer’s G function
as explained in [41]. For a special case with c = 1, (8) X
Ri 1
FγU (γ ) = Pi G1,1
1,2 Qi γ , (9)
can be transformed to the PDF of exponential Gamma (EG) Si , 0
model [45]. Here, r indicates the detection technique (i.e.
r = 1 denotes the HD technique and r = 2 represents where P1 = ω and P2 = 1−ω
0(a) .
the IM/DD technique), φU signifies the average SNR of
UOWC link, where µ1 = φU and µ2 = 0(a+ 2 ) D. PDF AND CDF OF γE
2 ω λ2 +b2 (1−ω) 0(a)

specifies the electrical SNR for HD and IM/DD techniques, Assuming S-E link also follows GG distribution, similar
respectively. to (4), the PDF and CDF of γE is written as [40, Eqs. (2 and
The values of ω, λ, a, b, and c were experimentally 3)]
obtained in [26] considering various bubble levels and tem-
fγE (γ ) = M1 γ M2 e−M3 γ ,

perature gradients that correspond to different turbulence (10)
conditions (weak to strong) (Table 2) and for fresh and salty
waters (Table 3). In Table 2, it is clearly noted that a certain and
increase in air bubbles level along with temperature gradi- E −1
M3e1 γ b̆ e1
FγE (γ ) = 1 − e−M3 γ

ent gradually generates weak, moderate, and strong turbu- , (11)
lence conditions that helps us to determine the performance e1 !
e1 =0

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A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

respectively, where M1 = b̆ CE
, M2 = b̆ CE − 1,
φE 0(CE ) Utilizing the identities from [48, Eqs. ( and (]
M3 = CE φE−b̆ , b̆ = b2E , φE is the average SNR for the and e−K3 γ terms into Meijer’s G functions
1 ă
to transform 1+γ
S − E channel, bE indicates the fading parameter, and CE and performing integration utilizing [48, Eq. (], =1
symbolizes the normalized variance. is derived as
Z ∞ ă q1 Z ∞  
−K3 γ ă ă q1 1,1 0
E. CDF OF SNR FOR DUAL-HOP RF-UOWC LINK =1 = e dγ = γ G1,1 γ
0 1+γ 0 0
The CDF of γeq is expressed as [46, Eq. (15)]
ă − 1
×G1,0 K 3 γ dγ = G1+ă,ă
K3 ,
Fγeq (γ ) = Pr {min(γR , γU ) < γ }
0,1 0 (2π)ă−1 ă,1+ă 0, ϑ1
= FγR (γ ) + FγU (γ ) − FγR (γ )FγU (γ ). (12)
where ϑ1 = 1(ă, −ăq1 ) that represents the following
Now substituting (7) and (9) into (12) and after simplification sequence: 1(d, r) = dr , r+1
d ,...,
d as defined in [49,
via some mathematical manipulations, the CDF of γeq is Eq. (22)].
obtained as
R −1
−K3 γ ă K3 1 γ ă q1
Fγeq (γ ) = 1 − e Applying the integral identities of [48, Eqs. ( and
q1 ! (], =2 is derived as
q1 =0
Z ∞ ăq1  
−K3 γ ă 1,1 Ri 1
Ri 1 =2 = e G1,2 Qi γ dγ
× 1− Pi G1,1
1,2 Qi γ . (13) 1+γ Si , 0
Si , 0 Z0 ∞
0 ă −
= γ ăq1 G1,1 1,0
1,1 γ 0 G0,1 K3 γ
To the best of authors’ knowledge based on the open liter- 0 0
ature, the derived CDF expression in (13) is novel as combi-
Ri 1
1,2 Qi γ dγ . (17)
nation of GG and mEGG distributions to model a dual-hop Si , 0
RF-UOWC network is not reported in any existing work
Now converting all the Meijer’s G functions into Fox’s H
yet. Besides, since both GG and mEGG models represent
functions based on [50, Eq. (6.2.8)] and performing integra-
generalized distributions, (13) is also generalized that leads
tion with the help of [51, Eq. (2.3)] and [52, Eq. (3)], =2 is
to the unification of several existing models as special cases.
written in an alternative form as
Z ∞    
ăq1 1,1 (0, 1) 1,0 −
III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS =2 = γ H1,1 γ H0,1 K3 γ ă
With a view to analyzing the secrecy behaviour, we uti- 0 (0, 1) (0, 1)
lize (10), (11), and (13) in this section to derive novel ana- (1, 1) −(ăq +1)
Q i γ Ri dγ = K3 1
lytical expressions of ASC, exact and lower bound of SOP, (Si , 1), (0, 1)
and SPSC for the proposed RF-UOWC framework. 1,0:1,1:1,1 J1 (0, 1) (1, 1)
×H1,0:1,1:1,2 J3 , J4 , (18)
J2 (0, 1) (Si , 1), (0, 1)
where J1 = (−ăq1 ; 1, Ri ), J2 = (1; −), J3 = K3 , J4 = Ri ,
ASC is widely used as a secrecy metric for evaluating the K3
secrecy performance of a wiretapped wireless system, where m,n [.] is the Fox’s H function introduced in [53, Eq. (1.2)],
an eavesdropper can hamper the secure transmission between x ,y :x ,y :x ,y
and Hc11,d11:c22,d22:c33,d33 [.] is the extended generalized bivariate
transmitter and receiver. Mathematically, ASC is defined as Fox’s H function (EGBFHF) as explained in [53, Eq. (2.57)].
[47, Eq. (15)]
Z ∞
FγE (γ )  3) DERIVATION OF =3
ASC = 1 − Fγeq (γ ) dγ . (14) Utilizing the identities from =2 , =3 is derived as
0 1+γ
Z ∞ b̆e1 +ăq1
e−M3 γ e−K3 γ dγ
b̆ ă
By substituting (11) and (13) into (14), the ASC is derived as =3 =
Z0 ∞    
R −1
CX q  2 E −1
K3 1 X M3e1 = γ b̆e1 +ăq1 1,0
H0,1 M3 γ b̆
− 1,1
H1,1 γ
(0, 1)
ASC = =1 − Pi =2 − (0, 1) (0, 1)
q1 ! e1 ! 0
q1 =0 i=1 e1 =0  
1,0 − −(b̆e +ăq +1)
 2  ×H0,1 K3 γ ă dγ = M3 1 1
X (0, 1)
× =3 − Pi =4 , (15)  
1,0:1,1:1,0 J5 (0, 1) −
i=1 ×H1,0:1,1:0,1 J ,J , (19)
J2 (0, 1) (0, 1) 6 7
where =1 , =2 , =3 , and =4 are the four integral terms derived 1 K3
as follows. where J5 = (−b̆e1 − ăq1 ; 1, ă), J6 = M3 , and J7 = .

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A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

4) DERIVATION OF =4 followed by [48, Eqs. ( and (], X1 is rewritten

Finally, the integral =4 is written as as
Z ∞
γ n1 +M2 e−p3 γ e−M3 γ dγ

∞ γ b̆e1 +ăq1 −M3 γ b̆ −K3 γ ă 1,1
1 X1 =
=4 = e e G1,2 Qi γ Ri dγ .
0 1+γ Si , 0 Z0 ∞    
− b̆ −
(20) = γ n1 +M2 G1,0
0,1 p3 γ G1,0
0,1 M3 γ dγ
0 0 0
" #
Note that there exists no mathematical identities to solve (20). b̆ 2 +n1 +M2 M3 ϑ2
But considering bE = aR , performing integration in (20) = 1
G , (25)
is possible in a similar way to =2 which is given as pn1 +M2 +1 (2π) 2 (b̆−1) b̆,1 pb̆ b̆−b̆ 0
3 3
where p1 = an11 (θ − 1)q1 −n1 θ n1 , p2 = e−K3 (θ−1) , p3 = K3 ϕ,

Z ∞ ăZ1   q
−Z2 γ ă 1,1 1 K3 1
=4 = e G1,2 Qi γ Ri
dγ p4 = p1 p2 , and ϑ2 = 1(b̆, −n1 − M2 ).
1+γ Si , 0 q1 !
Z0 ∞    
1,1 (0, 1) 1,0 − 2) DERIVATION OF X2
= γ ăZ1 H1,1 γ H0,1 Z2 γ ă
0 (0, 1) (0, 1) Now X2 can be illustrated as
(1, 1)
Qi γ Ri
1,1 −(ăZ +1)
×H1,2 dγ = Z2 1 Z ∞
(Si , 1), (0, 1) X2 = (ϕ − 1 + ϕ γ )ăq1 e−K3 (ϕ−1+ϕ γ ) γ M2

1,0:1,1:1,1 J8 (0, 1) (1, 1)
×H1,0:1,1:1,2 J , J , (21)
J2 (0, 1) (Si , 1), (0, 1) 9 10 −M3 γ b̆ 1,1 Ri 1
×e G1,2 Qi γ dγ . (26)
Si , 0
where Z1 = q1 + e1 , Z2 = K3 + M3 , J8 = (−ăZ1 ; 1, Ri ),
J9 = Z12 , and J10 = QRi i . Utilizing the similar identities from X1 and =2 , X2 is
Z2 expressed in an alternative form as
Z ∞  
γ n1 +M2 e−p3 γ e−M3 γ G1,1

X2 = p5 γ n2

The SOP is defined as the probability at which the instanta- 1,2 Si , 0
Z0 ∞
neous secrecy capacity (Co ) [33] drops below a target secrecy
n1 +M2 1,0 − 1,0 −
rate (τo ). Hence, the SOP of mixed RF-UOWC network under = γ H0,1 p3 γ H0,1 M3 γ b̆
0 (0, 1) (0, 1)
the malicious attack of an eavesdropper is expressed as [54,  
1,1 (1, 1) −(n +M +1)
Eq. (14)] ×H1,2 p5 γ n2 dγ = p3 1 2
(Si , 1), (0, 1)
SOPE = Pr {Co ≤ τo }
1,0:1,0:1,1 J11 − (1, 1)
×H1,0:0,1:1,2 J12 , J13 ,
= Pr γeq ≤ ϕ γE + ϕ − 1
 J2 (0, 1) (Si , 1), (0, 1)
Z ∞ (27)
= Fγeq (ϕ γ + ϕ − 1) fγE (γ ) dγ . (22)
where p5 = Qi R
P i Ri  Ri −n2 θ n2 , J = (−n −
n2 =0 n2 (θ − 1) 11 1
M3 p5
Substituting (10) and (13) into (22), exact SOP is derived M2 ; b̆, n2 ), J12 = b̆ , and J13 = n2 .
p3 p3
 
R −1
CX q1
SOPE = 1 − M1 p4  X1 − Pi X2  . (23) ANALYSIS
q1 =0 n1 =0 i=1 The lower bound of SOP can be obtained as
Now, the derivations of the two integral terms X1 and X2 are
described as follows. SOPE ≥ SOPL = Pr γeq ≤ ϕ γE

Z ∞
1) DERIVATION OF X1 = Fγeq (ϕ γ ) fγE (γ ) dγ . (28)
X1 is written as
Z ∞ By replacing (10) and (13) into (28), SOP is derived as
(ϕ − 1 + ϕ γ )ă q1 γ M2 e−M3 γ e−K3 (ϕ−1+ϕ γ ) dγ .
b̆ ă
X1 =
R −1
CX q 2
0 CECE K3 1 ă q1 X
(24) SOPL = 1 − ϕ <1 − Pi <2 ,
φRCE 0(CE ) q1 =0
q1 !
As (24) is mathematically intractable to solve, we assume (29)
aR = 2 in (24). Now utilizing the Pfollowing identity of [41,
Eq. (1.111)] to evaluate (s + k)w = w w w−t t
t=0 t s k and per- where derivations of the two integral terms <1 and <2 are
forming integration with some mathematical manipulations shown as follows.

VOLUME 9, 2021 18129

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

1) DERIVATION OF <1 = 1 − Pr {Co ≤ 0}

<1 can be written as = 1 − SOPL (τo = 0) . (34)
<1 = 0 γ ă q1 +M2 e−M3 γ e−K3 ϕ γ dγ .
R∞ b̆ ă ă
(30) With the help of (34), the probability of SPSC can be
Following some mathematical manipulations defined in [55] obtained. Therefore, substituting τo = 0 in (29), the analyt-
and using identities [48, Eqs. ( and (], <1 is ical expression of SPSC is finally determined as expressed
finally derived as in (35), as shown at the bottom of the next page.
Z ∞ b̆
ăq1 +M2
γ ă e−M3 γ e−K3 ϕ γ d(γ ă )
<1 =
0 This section illustrates the impact of various system param-
1 ∞ ϑ3 −1 −K3 ϕ ă γ −M3 γ b̆ă eters on the secrecy performance of the proposed mixed
= γ e e dγ RF-UOWC system via different numerical examples utilizing
ă 0
Z ∞     the expressions in (15), (23), (29), and (35). MC simulation
− b̆ −
= γ ϑ3 −1 G1,0
0,1 K 3 ϕ ă
γ G 1,0
0,1 M3 γ ă dγ is carried out to confirm the accuracy of the novel expres-
ă 0 0 0
sions by generating 106 random samples in MATLAB. The
b̆ϑ3 − 2 (K3 ϕ ă )−ϑ3 ă,b̆
" #
M3ă ă−ă ϑ4 simulation results are labelled as ’Sim’ in all the figures.
= 1 1
G , (31)
ă 2 (2π) 2 (ă+b̆−2) b̆,ă (K3 ϕ ă )b̆ b̆−b̆ 0 GG is randomly generated using the MATLAB gamrnd(.)
function while bivariate Fox’s H function is computed and
ăq1 +M2 +1
where ϑ3 = ă and ϑ4 = 1(b̆, 1 − ϑ3 ). implemented following the approach outlined in [52, Table I].
Although we consider aR = bE in (20), aR = 2 in (24), (26),
2) DERIVATION OF <2 and bE = 2 in (32) to satisfy some mathematical identities,
<2 can be derived as the effects of aR and bE in some of the numerical examples are
Z ∞ observed via numerical approach with no loss of generality.
γ M2 +ăq1 e−M3 γ e−K3 (γ ϕ)
b̆ ă
<2 = We utilize various UWTs from Tables 2 and 3 to assess
0   the degree of impact of UWT via temperature gradient and
1,1 Ri 1
×G1,2 Qi (ϕγ ) dγ . (32) thermally uniform UOWC channels.
Si , 0
The effect of fading severity parameters (i.e. aR , bE , CR ,
As the solution of (32) is mathematically intractable, and CE ) on the system’s ASC and lower bound of SOP
we assume bE = 2 for deriving <2 with the help of [50, performance as a function of φR is presented in Figs. 2, 3,
Eq. (6.2.8)], [51, Eq. (2.3)], and [52, Eq. (3)] as follows and 4. In each of these examinations, we assume two different
Z ∞ cases of φE (i.e. φE = 0 dB and 3 dB). The results indicate that
γ M2 +ăq1 e−M3 γ e−K3 (γ ϕ)

<2 = ASC improves with an increase in aR and CR . This happens
0   because the fading of S − R becomes less severe with the
1,1 Ri 1 increase of aR and CR that leads to an enhanced system
×G1,2 Qi (ϕγ ) dγ
Si , 0 performance as verified in [56]. In contrast, the increase in φE
Z ∞  
1,0 − depreciates the secrecy capacity. Similarly, an increase in bE
= γ ăq1 +CE −1 H0,1 M3 γ
0 (0, 1) and CE improves the S − E link quality that in turn increases
1,0 − the lower bound of SOP. In each figure, we also show some
×H0,1 K3 (ϕγ )ă simulated results along with the respective analytical results.
(0, 1)

(1, 1)

−(ăq +C )
It is clearly observed that the two results match completely
1,1 Ri
×H1,2 Qi (ϕγ ) dγ = M3 1 E with one another. The observation therefore implies the exac-
(Si , 1), (0, 1)
  titude of our developed expressions in (15) and (29). Note
1,0:1,0:1,1 J14 − (1, 1)
×H1,0:0,1:1,2 J ,J , that whereas we notice an ASC ceiling in Figs. 2 and 3,
J2 (0, 1) (Si , 1), (0, 1) 15 16 a SOP floor is visible in Fig. 4. This is due to the bottle-
(33) neck that occurs mostly because of the limitations at the
K3 ϕ ă RF hop.
where J14 = (1 − ăq1 − CE ; ă, Ri ), J15 = , and J16 =
M3ă The SPSC versus µr performance is summarized in Fig. 5
Qi ϕ Ri
R . for different values of φE . Clearly, we can remark that the
M3 i
SPSC gradually declines when φE changes from a weak
D. STRICTLY POSITIVE SECRECY CAPACITY ANALYSIS (−6dB) to a stronger (2dB) conditions. As an increased φE
represents a stronger wiretap channel, the SPSC degrades
The SPSC is a significant parameter in wiretapped model that
with an increase in φE . A close agreement between MC simu-
assures an uninterrupted communication which is feasible
lations and analytical results reveal that the SPSC expression
only if the secrecy capacity remains as a positive quantity.
in (35) is accurate.
Mathematically, it is given as [56, Eq. (25)]
Figure 6 portrays the influence of µr on SPSC performance
SPSC = Pr {Co > 0} with HD detection (i.e. r = 1). It can be summarized that

18130 VOLUME 9, 2021

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

FIGURE 2. The ASC versus φR for selected values of aR and φE with FIGURE 4. The lower bound of SOP versus φR for selected values of bE ,
bE = CR = CE = 2, h = 2.4, l = 0.05, r = 1, and φU = 10 dB. CE , and φE with aR = CR = 2, h = 2.4, l = 0.05, r = 1, φU = 15 dB, and
τo = 0.01 bits/s/Hz.

FIGURE 3. The ASC versus φR for selected values of CR and φE with

FIGURE 5. The SPSC versus µr for selected values of φE with
aR = bE = CE = 2, h = 2.4, l = 0.05, r = 1, and φU = 10 dB.
aR = CR = 3, bE = CE = 2, h = 4.7, l = 0.1, r = 1, and φR = 10 dB.

the higher the value of µr becomes, the higher the SPSC is. φR relative to higher φR resulting in a SPSC ceiling at each
The results is desirable as a larger value of µr strengthens curve.
the R − U link quality, verified in [37]. In addition, this Figures 7, 8, and 9 present the SOP versus φR to
figure reveals that system behavior alters rapidly at lower explain various UWT situations. Fig. 7 demonstrates a salty

b̆ϑ2 − 2 (K3 )−ϑ2

R −1
CX q 1 2
" #
CECE K3 1 M3ă ă−ă ϑ4

−(ăq1 +CE )
SPSC = Gă,b̆ − Pi M3
φRCE 0(CE )
1 1 b̆,ă 0
q1 ! ă (2π)
2 2 (ă+b̆−2) (K3 )b̆ b̆−b̆
q1 =0 i=1

K3 Qi

1,0:1,0:1,1 J11 − (1, 1)
×H1,0:0,1:1,2 , . (35)
J2 (0, 1) (Si , 1), (0, 1) M ă M Ri
3 3

VOLUME 9, 2021 18131

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

FIGURE 6. The SPSC versus φR for selected values of µr with

aR = bE = CR = CE = 2, h = 4.7, l = 0.1, r = 1, and φE = 0 dB. FIGURE 8. The lower bound of SOP versus φR for selected values of h
and l with aR = CR = 4, bE = CE = 2, r = 2, φU = 30 dB, φE = 0 dB, and
τo = 0.01 bits/s/Hz.

FIGURE 7. The lower bound of SOP versus φR for selected values of h

and r with aR = bE = CR = CE = 2, φU = 20 dB, φE = 0 dB, and
FIGURE 9. The exact SOP versus φR for selected values of h with
τo = 0.01 bits/s/Hz.
aR = bE = CR = CE = 2, r = 1, φU = 30 dB, φE = 0 dB, and
τo = 0.5 bits/s/Hz.
thermally uniform UOWC channel wherein the HD tech-
nique overcomes UWT more efficiently compared to the the increase in UWT (i.e. increased h in salty and fresh
IM/DD technique since the received SNR at U is higher water), the exact SOP also increases. Similar conclusions
for the former. The UWT increases with both h and l in a were established in [26] that confirms the tightness of our
temperature gradient UOWC channel as demonstrated analysis.
in Fig. 8 for which the SOP degrades with increasing In Fig. 10, the exact SOP is depicted against φU to quan-
h and l. This clearly indicates that an increase in tem- tify the effect of τo . It is noted that the SOP deteriorates
perature gradient introduces acute irradiance fluctuations consistently with the increase of τo . To establish a reliable
which in turn increases the scintillation index as well as communication over the RF-UOWC link, C0 must be greater
UWT. In Fig. 9, a thermally uniform condition with var- than τo . But if τo is set to a higher value, the probability that
ious levels of air bubbles for both types of water (i.e. C0 will drop below τo will increase and hence the SOP will
fresh and salty) is considered and it is seen that with degrade.

18132 VOLUME 9, 2021

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

Additionally, this work consolidates the evaluation of

secrecy performances over a wide range of existing classical
RF and UOWC mixed models considering both thermally
uniform and temperature gradient UOWC channels subjected
to different forms of UWT in fresh and salty water environ-
ment. As such, we arguably conclude that the proposed model
exhibits significant novelty in secrecy analysis over all the
existing RF-UOWC mixed networks.

In this research, we examined the secrecy performance of a
dual-hop RF-UOWC system exploiting the physical proper-
ties of the RF and UOWC channels. The implementation of
generalized distributions in both the links exhibits enormous
versatility over existing works because the derived general-
ized expressions of the secrecy metrics (i.e. SPSC, ASC, and
SOP) can reliably explain the secrecy behaviour of existing
classical models. An exact match of numerical results with
the MC simulations validates the accuracy of the derivations.
FIGURE 10. The exact SOP versus φU for selected values of τo with Our results demonstrate that the HD technique is a more
aR = CR = 2, bE = CE = 3, h = 2.4, l = 0.1, r = 2, φR = 10 dB, and convenient approach for secure communication compared to
φE = 0 dB.
the IM/DD technique. Moreover, the impact of RF channel
fading parameters, air bubble level with temperature gradi-
ent, and thermally uniform conditions in both the salty and
fresh water environments is also investigated. Besides air
bubbles, increasing temperature gradient imposes significant
detrimental impact on the secrecy performance, concluded
on the basis of numerical results. In future, this work can be
extended considering simultaneous eavesdropping via both
RF and UOWC links.

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A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

[54] H. Lei, H. Zhang, I. S. Ansari, C. Gao, Y. Guo, G. Pan, and K. A. Qaraqe, University, South Korea. He was also affiliated with Memorial University,
‘‘Performance analysis of physical layer security over generalized-K fad- Canada, as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Before that, he was with the University
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Jan. 2019.
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pp. 104127–104138, 2020.


received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in elec-
trical & electronic engineering (EEE) from the
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
(RUET), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, in 2016 and 2019,
From 16 September 2016 to 22 July 2017,
he was a Lecturer with the Department of Electri- MD. SHAKHAWAT HOSSEN (Member, IEEE) is
cal and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Bangladesh currently pursuing the B.Sc. degree in electronics
Army University of Engineering & Technology & telecommunication engineering (ETE) with the
(BAUET), Rajshahi. From 23 July 2017 to 29 June 2020, he was a Lecturer Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (RUET), Rajshahi, Bangladesh. His research inter-
(ETE), RUET. Since 30 June 2020, he has been an Assistant Professor with ests include wireless channel multicasting, physi-
the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE), cal layer security of RF-FSO, UWOC networks,
RUET. He has been affiliated with IEEE, since 2020. He is an active reviewer and CubeSat communication sub-systems.
for several IEEE journals. He has authored/coauthored over 30 international
journals/conference publications. His research interests include physical
layer security in multicast, cellular and cooperative networks, free space
optics (FSO), underwater optics (UWO), and NOMA systems.
Mr. Badrudduza was a recipient of two EEE Association Awards, such as
the Student of the Year Award from RUET for his outstanding academic per-
formances in the first and fourth year examinations while pursuing his B.Sc.
engineering degree and two best paper awards for two different research
papers from the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP2020), and the
IEEE 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Photonics

MD. IBRAHIM is currently pursuing the MILTON KUMAR KUNDU (Member, IEEE)
B.Sc. degree in electrical & electronic engi- received the B.Sc. degree in electrical & electronic
neering (EEE) with the Rajshahi University of engineering (EEE) from the Rajshahi University
Engineering & Technology (RUET), Rajshahi, of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Rajshahi,
Bangladesh. His research interests include Bangladesh, in 2016.
RF-FSO communication, physical layer security, He has worked as a Lecturer with the Depart-
UWOC systems, wireless multicasting, and cog- ment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
nitive networks. (EEE), North Bengal International University,
Rajshahi, from 20 May 2017 to 14 February 2019.
He has been working as a Lecturer with the Depart-
ment of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE), RUET, since 16 Febru-
ary 2019. He is also an Advisor of the IEEE RUET Industry Applications
Society (IAS) Student Branch Chapter. His research interests include cen-
S. M. RIAZUL ISLAM (Member, IEEE) is cur- tered around the security aspects of cooperative and physical-layer networks
rently an Assistant Professor with the Depart- and wireless multicasting.
ment of Computer Science and Engineering, Mr. Kundu has won several awards, including the Second Runner-Up
Sejong University, South Korea. Prior to Sejong, Award for Regional Mathematical Olympiad, the EEE Association Award,
he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the the Student of the Year Award from RUET for his outstanding academic per-
Wireless Communications Research Center, Inha formances in the third year examinations while pursuing the B.Sc. engineer-
ing degree. He has also won two best paper awards for two different research
papers from the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2020), and the
IEEE 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Photonics
(ICTP 2019).

VOLUME 9, 2021 18135

A. S. M. Badrudduza et al.: Security at the Physical Layer Over GG Fading and mEGG Turbulence Induced RF-UOWC Mixed System

IMRAN SHAFIQUE ANSARI (Member, IEEE) February 2017. He is an active reviewer for various IEEE TRANSACTIONS and
received the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in computer various other journals. He has served as a TPC for various IEEE conferences.
engineering from the King Fahd University of He was a recipient of appreciation for an Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), in 2009, and TRANSACTION ON COMMUNICATIONS (TCOM), in 2018 and 2016, and IEEE
the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the King WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS (WCL), in 2017 and 2014. He was also a
Abdullah University of Science and Technology recipient of the Post-Doctoral Research Award (PDRA) (first cycle) with the
(KAUST), in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Qatar National Research Foundation (QNRF) in 2014, and the IEEE Richard
From May 2009 to August 2009, he was a E. Merwin Student Scholarship Award in July 2013.
Visiting Scholar with Michigan State Univer-
sity (MSU), East Lansing, MI, USA, and from
June 2010 to August 2010, he was a Research Intern with Carleton Uni-
versity, Ottawa, ON, Canada. From April 2015 to November 2017, he was
a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRA) with Texas A&M University
at Qatar (TAMUQ). From November 2017 to July 2018, he was a Lec-
turer (an Assistant Professor) with the Global College of Engineering and
Technology (GCET) affiliated with the University of the West of England HEEJUNG YU (Senior Member, IEEE) received
(UWE), Bristol, U.K. Since August 2018, he has been a Lecturer (an the B.S. degree in radio science and engineer-
Assistant Professor) with the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K. He has ing from Korea University, Seoul, South Korea,
authored/coauthored over 100 journal and conference publications. He has in 1999, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electri-
co-organized the GRASNET’2016, 2017, 2018 workshops in conjunction cal engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute
with IEEE WCNC’2016, 2017, and IEEE Globecom 2018. His current of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon,
research interests include free-space optics (FSO), channel modeling/signal South Korea, in 2001 and 2011, respectively. From
propagation issues, relay/multihop communications, physical layer secrecy 2001 to 2012, he was with the Electronics and
issues, full duplex systems, and secure D2D applications for 5G+ systems, Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI),
among others. Daejeon. From 2012 to 2019, he was with Yeung-
Dr. Ansari has been affiliated with IEEE since 2007. He has served in var- nam University, South Korea. He is currently an Associate Professor with the
ious capacities. He has been serving for the IEEE Nominations and Appoint- Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Korea University,
ments (N&A) Committee, from 2020 to 2021, and the IEEE Communication Sejong, South Korea. His research interests include statistical signal process-
Society Young Professionals (ComSoc YP) Board, since April 2016. He has ing and communication theory.
been a part of the IEEE 5G Tech Focus Publications Editorial Board, since

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