Engineered Polymeric Microspheres As Potential Systems For TAE and Intraoperative Imaging of HCC - Preliminary Evaluation (Piera - 2017)

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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167

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Research paper

Engineered polymeric microspheres obtained by multi-step method as

potential systems for transarterial embolization and intraoperative
imaging of HCC: Preliminary evaluation
Elena Piera Porcu a,1, Andrea Salis b,1, Giovanna Rassu b, Marcello Maestri c, Jacopo Galafassi c,
Giovanna Bruni d, Paolo Giunchedi b,⇑, Elisabetta Gavini b
Experimental Medicine, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Paediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation and Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Paediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Department of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Section, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study was the development of novel fluorescent microspheres as embolic agent for
Received 26 September 2016 transarterial embolization (TAE) of advanced stages of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). TAE is a mini-
Revised 6 April 2017 mally invasive procedure that induces tumour regression blocking the blood flow by injection of
Accepted in revised form 11 April 2017
microparticles. The microspheres currently used in clinical application cannot be visualized in vivo.
Available online 13 April 2017
Surgeon could exploit the intraoperative detection of embolic agents during resection of the malignant
mass. Biocompatible indocyanine green (ICG)-loaded microspheres (CAB-CS-ICG) were prepared using
a multi-step method. Chitosan (CS)-ICG particles were prepared via spray-dryer and then loaded into cel-
Transarterial embolization
lulose acetate butyrate (CAB) microspheres, fabricated by emulsion solvent extraction method.
Indocyanine green Technological parameters such as yield, size, encapsulation efficiency and morphology were studied.
Fluorescence imaging CAB-CS-ICG microspheres showed spherical shape and smooth surface, as well as good injectability
Chitosan through a 21 G  1½ needle. ICG release from CAB-CS-ICG was very low due to the strong interaction
Cellulose acetate butyrate between CS and ICG. This result was also confirmed by in vitro fluorescence imaging studies, conducted
using Photodynamic Eye (PDE) for the detection of particles incubated in human plasma. CAB-CS-ICG
were capable to maintain the fluorescence selectivity for 4 weeks. Our data suggested the potential use-
fulness of CAB-CS-ICG in TAE application as embolic agents and following imaging of tumour during sur-
gical procedure.
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for this malignancy, classified in palliative, potentially curative

and symptomatic [2]. Although the hepatic surgery remains the
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common most efficient method to treat HCC, the majority of patients are
cancer, with an increasing incidence in developed countries during not suitable for surgical resection [3]. Indeed, the surgical approach
the past 20 years [1]. Different treatment modalities are available is the primary method for early- and early-stage HCC, but most
tumours are diagnosed at intermediate and advanced stages for
Abbreviations: CAB, cellulose acetate butyrate; CS, chitosan; ICG, indocyanine which this curative treatment is not feasible [2,4,5]. In that case,
green; CS-ICG, particles based on CS and ICG crosslinked with TPP; CS-ICG(L), CS- the options are limited to palliative treatments, including tran-
ICG microparticles obtained by freeze-drying; CS-ICG(SP), CS-ICG microspheres scatheter intra-arterial therapies and systemic chemotherapy
obtained by spray drying; CAB-ICG, CAB microspheres containing free ICG; CAB-CS-
[4,6]. Transarterial embolization (TAE) and chemoembolization
ICG, CAB microspheres containing CS-ICG(SP); HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; PDE,
photodynamic eye; TAE, transarterial embolization.
(TACE) are loco-regional approaches widely used to treat HCC
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of [7]. TACE implies the localized administration of chemotherapeutic
Sassari, via Muroni 23/a, 07100 Sassari, Italy. drugs combined with the use of embolic materials, whereas TAE
E-mail addresses: (E.P. Porcu), consists of embolization without chemotherapy [5,8]. Both proce-
(A. Salis), (G. Rassu), (M. Maestri),
dures take advantage of the unusual structure of the liver that (J. Galafassi),
(G. Bruni), (P. Giunchedi), (E. Gavini).
possess a dual blood supply. Although normal liver tissue receives
These two authors share the first position within the authorship. its nutrient supply mainly from the portal vein, most HCCs are
0939-6411/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167 161

almost exclusively vascularized by the hepatic artery [7,9,10]. The CAB as polymer suitable for the embolization of blood vessels
embolic agents are injected to the target site with a minimally has been already proposed [46]. Nevertheless, CAB-based micro-
invasive procedure, through a catheter facilitating artery occlusion. spheres are not reported in literature yet as embolic agents.
This strategy provides localized therapy directly to hepatic In this work, ICG-chitosan microspheres, obtained by spray dry-
tumours, leading to cancer destruction and protecting the rest of ing (CS-ICG(SP)), have been subsequently incorporated into CAB
the liver against necrosis [11,12]. Over the years, a variety of microspheres (CAB-CS-ICG) by emulsion solvent extraction
embolic agents has been employed as liquids, coils, and particulate method.
systems, classified as spherical or non-spherical [13]. After preparation, microparticles were characterized for size
Polymeric microparticles, as well as the other embolic agents, distribution, morphology, loading and release properties. In addi-
can generate a permanent or temporary occlusion, depending on tion, the potential selective fluorescence imaging of the embolic
their biocompatible composition. For their fabrication, natural microspheres was evaluated in vitro by using plasma.
polymers, such as gelatin, starch and chitosan and synthetic poly-
mers such as polylactic-co-glycolic acid have been used [8,14,15].
2. Materials and methods
Besides their chemical constituents, other critical parameters of
embolic microparticles are their shape and size. Unlike non-
2.1. Materials
spherical particles, microspheres have precisely controlled sizes
as well as being smooth and symmetrical systems. This structure
Chitosan (CS) (ChitoclearÒ 1360, MW 35 kDa, 96% deacetylated)
avoids particle aggregation and ensures compression of particles
was supplied from Primex Ltd (Iceland). The material was used to
during the injection into microcatheter [13]. As regard the size,
prepare the corresponding hydrochloride salt. Briefly, it was
microparticles ranging from 40 to 1000–1200 lm in diameter are
obtained by the dissolution of the purified CS (1% p/V) in 0.1 N
required. Generally, larger particles occlude mainly proximal vas-
hydrochloric acid solution with magnetic stirring, followed by
cular areas, increasing the risk of reflux and non-specific emboliza-
tion. For this reason, small particles (less than 100 lm) are
Sodium triphosphate pentabasic (TPP), corn oil, Tween 80, N-
advantageous over larger particles as they are capable to block ter-
methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and CardiogreenÒ (ICG) were
minal vessels, producing higher hypoxia rate [16,17]. Microparti-
obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). Cellulose acetate
cles less than 40 lm in diameter can spread to non-targeted
butyrate (CAB) was an Eastman Chemical Company (Kingsport,
organs, such as the lungs [18]. Different commercial products have
USA) product (CAB 553–0.4). Plurol diisostearique CG was gently
been successful in human embolization [19,20], but they still show
provided by Gatefossé (Saint Priest, France). All other chemicals
some limitations. One of the main drawbacks of these systems is
and reagents were of analytical grade. Ultrapure bi-distilled water
the lack of imaging capability regarding the location and distribu-
was obtained by a MilliQ R4 system, Millipore (Milan, Italy).
tion of embolic material. Therefore, it is important to explore a new
Drug free plasma from a bag of fresh-frozen plasma was kindly
kind of multi-functional embolic agent. During the last years, sev-
provided by IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Pavia.
eral research groups have focused their attention on the develop-
ment of detectable embolic systems by using different
traceability modalities [21–24]. 2.2. Preparation of formulations
Indocyanine green (ICG) is a cyanine dye that displays fluores-
cent properties in the near infrared region [25]. This compound 2.2.1. Preparation of CS-ICG particles
has achieved remarkable attention in many clinical applications CS-ICG particles were prepared by ionic gelation technique [47]
due to its favourable properties [26]. During the last years, ICG using TPP as cross-linking agent. Briefly, a precisely weighed quan-
has been employed for the identification of HCC during surgical tity of CS hydrochloride (0.06% w/v) was dissolved in bidistilled
procedures [27–29] proving that ICG is a promising tool for intra- water by magnetic stirring and after its complete dissolution,
operative imaging during hepatic resection. The fluorescence of aqueous ICG (0.03 w/v) was dispersed uniformly into the CS solu-
ICG can be detected by using different instruments, including Pho- tion. After that, a volume of TPP (0.1% w/v), corresponding to a
todynamic Eye (PDE), which is widely employed in clinical applica- CS-TPP weight ratio 4:1, was added dropwise to mixture under
tions [30–33]. After bonding with plasma proteins in the blood, ICG magnetic stirring at room temperature. Green particles were
is excited with near infrared light at 760 nm and emits fluores- instantaneously formed after the complete addition of TPP solu-
cence at a slightly longer near infrared wavelength below tion. In order to collect particles, two methods of drying (freeze
820 nm [26]. drying and spray drying) were compared.
In 2015, Salis et al. [34] loaded ICG into in situ gelling In the first case, the suspension obtained was then centrifuged
thermosensitive chitosan/glycerophosphate solutions for TAE and at 4400 rpm for 20 min at room temperature (Centrifuge 5702 R,
following intraoperative fluorescence imaging of HCC, demonstrat- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and washed several times with
ing a strong interaction between chitosan and ICG. On the basis of distilled water and then freeze-dried with Lio 5P Cinquepascale
these preliminary results, we decided to develop a novel micropar- (Trezzano sul Naviglio, Italy). The freeze-dried particles (CS-ICG
ticulate system containing ICG-chitosan (CS-ICG) microspheres, (L)) were stored in dark within a desiccator for further use.
with the aim of obtaining suitable embolic agents, in terms of size In the second case, CS-ICG suspension was concentrated until a
and fluorescent properties, for the treatment and the intraopera- fifth of initial volume and mixed with dichloromethane (ratio
tive visualization of HCC. Chitosan, a polysaccharide derivatized 1:2 v/v) under homogenization at 12,000 rpm (Ultra-Turrax T25
from chitin by deacetylation, has been shown to be biocompatible basic, IKA, Germany) in an ice bath. The emulsion, kept under mag-
and biodegradable [35]. Several studies reported the crosslinking netic stirrer, was then sprayed through the nozzle (0.7 mm) of a
of chitosan with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP), a very popular spray dryer (co-current flow type) model Mini Spray Dryer Büchi
and non-toxic [36], in order to form safe polymeric systems B-191 (Büchi Labortechnik-Technik AG, Flawil, Switzerland),
through electrostatic interactions [37–41]. Cellulose acetate buty- within the nebulization chamber. The conditions of the spray-
rate (CAB), used to fabricate several delivery systems [42–44] drying process were: inlet air temperature 120 °C; outlet air tem-
was chosen to form microsphere matrix due to its biocompatibil- perature 56 °C–78 °C; pump ratio 23%; aspirator ratio 73% and flow
ity. It is a hydrophobic and thermoplastics polysaccharide obtained control 600 L/h. After preparation, microspheres (CS-ICG(SP)) were
by esterification of hydroxyl groups of cellulose [45]. The use of collected and stored in desiccator at 20 °C in dark conditions.
162 E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167

2.2.2. Preparation of CAB-CS-ICG microspheres in CS-ICG solution. The sample was assayed spectrophotometri-
CAB-CS-ICG microspheres were prepared by emulsion solvent cally (Thermo Spectronic; Helios Gamma, UK) at 779 nm to deter-
extraction method. The organic internal phase was prepared by mine unloaded ICG. The absorbance results were correlated with
dissolving CAB (0.250 g) in a mixture of NMP (2.375 g) and Tween ICG concentration through a calibration curve (y = 236,
80 (0.166 g) under magnetic stirring in a glass vial. After dissolu- 72x  0.0153; R2 = 0.999) determined earlier from the standard
tion of the polymer, 25 mg of CS-ICG(SP) were suspended in the solutions of the dye. The same solvent was used as a reference.
organic phase. In another glass vial, Plurol diisostearique CG
(0.166 g) was dispersed in corn oil (2.375 g), with magnetic stir- CS-ICG(SP). 10 mg of CS-ICG(SP) were dissolved in 100 ml
ring, to form the oil phase. The organic phase is then emulsified HCl solution 0.1 M under stirring for 30 min. Solution was diluted
with the dropwise addition of the oil phase, under magnetic stir- in bidistilled water and ICG content analysed spectrophotometri-
ring for 15 min. The final emulsion was injected in the phosphate cally at 779 nm.
buffer (PB) pH 7.4, in a proportion of 1 mL of emulsion to 1 mL of
buffer. Once the microspheres were formed, it was progressed to CAB-ICG. An amount of CAB-ICG exactly weighed (20 mg)
their extraction from the PB by vacuum filtration. The sample was dissolved in 20 ml EtOH 96%. Absorption of solution was
was rinsed three times with PB, collected in a cellulose acetate fil- checked by UV spectroscopy at 787 nm and ICG content was deter-
ter (pore size 0.2 lm), and then freeze-dried. CAB microspheres mined from standard calibration curve in EtOH (y = 254, 77x
containing only free ICG (CAB-ICG) were prepared as reference. + 0.0205; R2 = 0.999).
The same procedure described above was used; 10 mg of ICG were
dissolved in the organic phase instead of CS-ICG(SP) microspheres. CAB-CS-ICG. The drug content of CAB-CS-ICG microspheres
was determined by dissolving 20 mg of the formulation in 10 mL of
2.3. Characterization of microparticles EtOH and then centrifuging the solution at 4400 rpm for 10 min.
The supernatant was analysed by spectrophotometer at 787 nm
2.3.1. Yield of production and the pellet (CS-ICG), not solubilized in EtOH, was dissolved in
All formulations (n = 3) were accurately weighed after prepara- 3 ml HCl 0.1 M. After that, the obtained solution was further cen-
tion. The yields of production were calculated as the weight per- trifuged and examined as above described in order to calculate
centage of the final product, with respect to the initial total ICG content.
amount of all components, used for the preparation of samples:
2.3.4. Morphological analysis
mass of microparticles
Yield ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ Shape and surface characteristics of all formulations were stud-
mass of materials ied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis was per-
formed using a Zeiss EVO MA10 (Zeiss, Germany) on gold sputtered
2.3.2. Particle size analysis samples.
Particle size were characterized in terms of dimensions via
Coulter Laser Diffraction (Coulter LS 100Q Laser sizer, Beckman 2.4. In vitro drug release studies
Coulter, Miami, USA). 2 mg of different formulations were dis-
persed in the medium, sonicated for 5–10 s and analysed under In vitro release studies were performed using a shaker incubator
gentle magnetic stirring. 2-Propanol was used as dispersion fluid (Orbital Incubator, SI 50, Stuart Scientific, Redhill, UK) at
for CS-ICG(L) analysis while CS-ICG(SP), CAB-ICG and CAB-CS-ICG 37 ± 0.5 °C. To detect the amount of ICG released from the different
were dispersed in water. Three different dispersions were prepared particles, CS-ICG(SP), CAB-ICG and CAB-CS-ICG were placed in
for each formulation and the results are reported as the averages of bidistilled water pH 7.4 and stirred at 80 rpm using the horizontal
three values for each dispersion (n = 9). The average particle size of shaker bath. At predetermined time intervals (0 h, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 8 h,
the microspheres was reported as the mean size (lm). 24 h, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days) the med-
ium (1 ml) was removed for analysis and it was replaced with the
2.3.3. Drug content and encapsulation efficiency corresponding volume of water. Collected samples were cen-
Real drug content of particles loaded with ICG was determined trifuged at 13,000 rpm and immediately analysed spectrophoto-
by direct and indirect methods, depending on the formulation. metrically (k = 779 nm). The same test was carried out filling ICG
The ICG content of particles was defined as the spectrophoto- powder in the aqueous solution in order to make a comparison
metrically detected amount of ICG with respect to the real amount with the release behaviour of microparticles loaded with ICG. In
of total materials used for the preparation. The real drug content vitro release studies were performed in triplicate (n = 3).
(DC) was expressed in percent:
2.5. Injectability
real ICG content
DC ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
total mass of components
The injectability of CAB-CS-ICG was evaluated by using a device
The encapsulation efficiency (EE) was expressed as the ratio of made from a syringe and a pan resting on the piston of the syringe
the real amount of encapsulated ICG over the total amount of [48]. The microspheres, suspended in 4 mL NaCl 0.9% was trans-
ICG used, through the following equation: ferred into 5-mL glass syringe equipped with 21 G  1½ needle,
avoiding the appearance of air bubbles. Different masses (20 g,
real ICG content
EE ð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ 50 g, 100 g and 200 g) were placed on the pan and the time neces-
total amount of ICG sary to finish the injection of the volume of formulation through
The result obtained was the average of three determinations the syringe was recorded. The injection flow rate was expressed
(n = 3; ±standard deviation, SD). as the ratio of the injection volume to the injection time. All mea-
surements were repeated at least six times. The injectability was CS-ICG(L). The amount of loaded ICG in CS-ICG(L) was measured as:
determined indirectly by measuring the differences between total
amount of ICG and free amount of ICG in supernatant after cen- syringe volume ðmlÞ
Injectability ðml=secÞ ¼ ð4Þ
trifugation of final suspension obtained after the addition of TPP time ðsecÞ
E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167 163

2.6. PDE analysis the virtue of their size, CAB-based microspheres could be a new
potential embolic agent because small particles (less than
The potential fluorescence of CAB-CS-ICG was evaluated in vitro 100 lm) can prevent the development of collateral arterial flow
by using plasma to simulate physiological conditions after particles to a tumour, embolizing end-branches of the hepatic artery [51].
administration. In order to simulate intraoperative ‘‘real time”
imaging of ICG in liver, Photodynamic Eye (Hamamatsu Photonics, 3.1.2. Morphological analysis
Hamamatsu, Japan) was used to capture the fluorescence level of The morphology and the shape of different microparticles were
microspheres. The camera unit was composed of 36 light- examined by SEM. As shown in Fig. 1, the particle structure of CS-
emitting diodes with a wavelength of 760 nm and a sensor which ICG after freeze-drying and spray-drying processes was drastically
filters out light with wavelengths under 820 nm. different. Indeed, CS-ICG(L) showed non-homogeneous structure,
Briefly, sample was suspended in plasma medium and then cen- due to high concentration of TPP [18] required for substantial
trifuged at 4400 rpm. Fresh plasma was replaced every week for encapsulation efficiency. The surface was irregular and it was not
4 weeks. Images were taken with the camera positioned about possible to recognize individual particles (Fig. 1A), because a
20 cm from the sample. During the experiments, we kept constant spongy aggregate was obtained (Fig. 1B). On the contrary, after
the camera light level and the resulting images have been spray-drying, discrete particles, heterogeneous in size, were pro-
enhanced with the same level of contrast and brightness. duced (Fig. 1C). The roundness of the microspheres became better
(Fig. 1D), but the surface of CS-ICG(SP) was still clearly rough with
3. Results and discussion numerous wrinkles (Fig. 1E).
The emulsion solvent extraction method led to microspheres
3.1. Microsphere preparation and characterization with smooth and dense surface, without any porous structures.
In addition, SEM photographs revealed that both CAB-ICG and
3.1.1. Evaluation of yield of production, drug content and CAB-CS-ICG microspheres were spherical (Fig. 1F and G), as
encapsulation required for the embolization procedure. Indeed, advantages of
Microspheres prepared by emulsion solvent extraction method using microspheres instead of non-spherical particles for
(CAB-ICG and CAB-CS-ICG) showed highest yields of production, embolization purpose were reported in several experimental stud-
close to 100%, whereas CS-ICG(L) and CS-ICG(SP) resulted in yields ies [52,53]. In order to examine the internal structure, CAB-CS-ICG
about 70% and 40%, respectively (Table 1). Spray drying is a good were fractured and then analysed. It was observed that smaller CS-
method for the preparation of suitable microsystems but the depo- ICG(SP) were entrapped in the porous internal structure of CAB
sition of materials in nebulization apparatus causes low yield of matrix, confirming the encapsulation of CS-ICG(SP) inside the sys-
production [49], while solvent extraction method allowed for the tem (Fig. 1H).
solidification of the majority of polymer.
Although the yield was low, CS-ICG showed the best encapsula- 3.2. In vitro drug release studies
tion efficiency (EE), due to the strong interaction between CS and
ICG. Several preliminary studies were carried out with the aim to Release studies of ICG from different samples in water (pH 7.4)
preparing spherical particles by using only ionic gelation tech- at 37 °C were carried out and the amount of released drug was
nique, but the EE was not high. For this reason, non-spherical par- measured spectrophotometrically. To evaluate the degradation of
ticles having high ICG content were spray-dried, obtaining CS-ICG the dye in solution during the time, standard ICG solutions were
(SP) microspheres with EE about 96%. In both formulations pre- stored in the same conditions. According to Di Nezza et al. [54]
pared by solvent extraction method (CAB-ICG and CAB-CS-ICG), and Saxena et al. [55], the degradation of ICG in solution was
the amount of ICG entrapped in microspheres was lower than observed. Indeed, at the end of the experiment, the concentration
the theoretical value (Table 1). These results indicate that some of ICG in solution was very low. As reported in Fig. 2, CAB-ICG
microspheres of CS-ICG(SP) or free ICG were lost during the pro- showed high initial release, indicating a burst release, with a con-
cess of encapsulation. In CAB-ICG, during the extraction step, ICG comitant degradation over time: 45% of the drug was quickly
quickly moves to the water phase due to its hydrophilic nature, released and then rapid degradation was detected in accordance
leading to low encapsulation. In the other case, the amount of dis- with standard ICG release profile. On the contrary, CS-ICG and
persed powder (CS-ICG(SP)) was very small compared to the total CAB-CS-ICG curves displayed low release of ICG, corroborating
volume of the emulsion, determining a low drug content. the results obtained previously [34]. This behaviour could be asso-
The particle size of CS-ICG(L), obtained through freeze-drying ciated with a strong interaction between CS and ICG [34,56], that
process, was 275.5 ± 24.2 lm. Indeed, the final microparticles were was also preserved after CS-ICG(SP) encapsulation inside CAB
seriously agglomerated with a broad size distribution (from 1 to microspheres. During loading process, CS-ICG(SP) have not showed
1000 lm) and large particle size. The nebulization of CS-ICG before modifications, avoiding the release of ICG in CAB matrix. For this
the lyophilisation led to the formation of smaller particles reason, CS-ICG(SP) and CAB-CS-ICG exhibited similar release pro-
(3 lm), with a narrow distribution. This size is not suitable for files. Both formulations showed a sustained and controlled release
the embolization as reported previously [18] because the use of of ICG over the course of the test. The controlled release of the dye
small particles, especially in the solid organs such as the liver, avoided the remarkable degradation of ICG, because the amount
may lead to focal necrosis and abscess formation [50]. In addition, constantly released was very low. In the case of CAB-CS-ICG, dye
a mean particle diameter of at least 40 lm is required for release was further delayed by CAB matrix. The obtained results
embolization because smaller particles may distribute in other confirmed the capability of these systems to aid the following
organs, such as lung and spleen [8], with fatal complications. For intraoperative detection of the cancer, thanks to the permanence
this reason, CAB has been employed with the aim of preparing flu- of ICG inside the microspheres. The release profile of CAB-CS-ICG
orescent microspheres with suitable diameter for TAE application. was corroborated by PDE analysis.
CAB-based samples obtained through extraction solvent, loaded
with free ICG and CS-ICG(SP), were homogeneous mixtures of par- 3.3. PDE analysis
ticles having a mean diameter of 64.57 ± 22.23 lm and
69.42 ± 24.69 lm, respectively. Therefore, the composition of CAB-CS-ICG were chosen for in vitro fluorescence imaging stud-
loaded system did not influence the size of the final systems. By ies and NIR light with wavelengths at 760 was employed for their
164 E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167

Table 1
Results of the yield of production, theoretical drug content, real drug content and encapsulation efficiency (mean ± SD) of all formulations.

Formulation Yield of production (%) Theoretical drug content (%) Drug content (%) Encapsulation efficiency (%) Mean size (lm ± SD)
CS-ICG(L) 70.89 ± 0.75 7.40 7.42 ± 0.92 98.82 ± 0.23 275.5 ± 64.28
CS-ICG(SP) 39.57 ± 2.78 7.64 7.34 ± 1.15 96,11 ± 1.82 3.232 ± 2.277
CAB-ICG 95.08 ± 2.10 3.73 0.26 ± 0.09 7,12 ± 0.064 64.57 ± 22.23
CAB-CS-ICG 92.95 ± 3.09 0.646 0.078 ± 0.05 12,17 ± 0.58 69.42 ± 24.69

Fig. 1. SEM images of all four types of microparticles. CS-ICG(L) with irregular shape (A) and morphology (B). After spray-drying, the microspheres show a round shape (C and
D) but a wrinkled surface (E). CAB-ICG(F) and CAB-CS-ICG(G) with smooth surface and spherical shape. Porous internal structure of CAB matrix containing CS-ICG(SP),
indicated by red arrows (H). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167 165

Fig. 2. The cumulative release curves of CS-ICG(SP), CAB-ICG and CAB-CS-ICG compared to ICG solution. Values are mean ± standard deviation (SD), n = 3.

Fig. 3. In vitro imaging of CAB-CS-ICG incubated in plasma (A) and after 2 and 4 weeks of incubation, visualized at NIR light, before (B1, C1) and after plasma replacement (B2,

visualization. In order to evaluate the fluorescence over time, these procedure. Indeed, as reported previously [34], fluorescence of
systems were immersed in plasma (Fig. 3A) for 4 weeks and PDE ICG loaded in the carrier could be exploited to verify distribution
was used to visualize their fluorescence changes. Fresh plasma of injected embolic material, confirming the success of the
were replaced every week in order to simulate physiological condi- catheterization procedure and to identify cancer area during its
tion. The results confirmed the capability of particles to maintain resection [56], after the shrink of tumour caused by embolization.
selective fluorescence until 4 weeks. No significant differences This novel platform could be advantageous for the patients over
were revealed after 2 weeks and 4 weeks before plasma replace- other embolic microspheres due to its dual-application. In addi-
ment (Fig. 3B1 and 3C1) and after this procedure (Fig. 3C1 and tion, microspheres labelled with ICG for imaging are not produced
C2), demonstrating that the amount of ICG released from the sys- yet in the research field.
tem was very low in comparison with ICG entrapped in the parti-
cles. Although a low rate of ICG was released over the time, 3.4. Injectability
confirmed by a weak fluorescence in the plasma medium (Fig. 3B1
and C1), fluorescent pictures demonstrated that CAB-CS-ICG were The injectability of CAB-CS-ICG was evaluated by using the
capable to maintain the fluorescence selectivity for 4 weeks, allow- method reported by Schuetz et al. [49], with some modification.
ing for the clear visualization of the particles over the surrounding The obtained results demonstrated the good injectability of the
tissue. This result confirms the possibility to employ this multi- dried formulation suspended in 4 ml of physiological saline at
functional platform as embolic agent, filling specific liver vessels different concentration, through a needle 21 G1/2. As reported in
that feed the tumour and as imaging systems during surgical Fig. 4, injection speed rate depended on the concentration of
166 E.P. Porcu et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 117 (2017) 160–167

Fig. 4. Injection speed (ml/s) vs injection force (N) of CAB-CS-ICG suspension at three different concentrations compared to saline solution.

samples. Indeed, increasing concentration of particles required [4] J.A. Davila, Z. Duan, K.A. McGlynn, H.B. El-Serag, Utilization and outcomes of
palliative therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a population-based study in
more time to pass in the needle, but in all cases (12.5 mg/ml,
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