CH 1 - All Quranic Passages Recent Notes 1

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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2022–2023

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

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Class/ Section

Chapter 1 Major Themes of the Holy Quran

Topic 15 Quranic Passages

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General Guidelines
Following is the pattern to answer the questions related to Surahs
The questions related to Surahs are usually given in TWO parts, part ‘a’ and part ‘b’. In the
first part students are required to describe the Theme and mention what each passage teaches
about referring to the relevant category; A llah in Himself; Allah’s relationship with the
created world; Allah’s Messengers and
Part-a: briefly describe the main theme(s) in each Passage.
In the part ‘b’ students are to briefly reflect upon passages meaning to Muslims and the
Part-b: briefly of
implementation explain the importance
the theme of current
of the surah in these themes
times. in a Muslims life today.
In the part ‘b’ students are required to explain the importance of the themes in Muslims’ lives and
the implementation of the theme of the surah in current times.

Following are the general outlines of each part of the question

Part (a) Part (b)

Introduction: Implementation of Themes:

• Name of Surah and its meaning •How important the teaching(s)
of passage is for a Muslim
• Category
• What Muslims can learn from
• Period of revelation the themes
• Type of Surah • What advantages would that
have for the individual and
(Makki/Madni) community? (Practical
Background (if any) examples)

Main Theme: Brief Examples

(Depending on Theme)
• Explanation of Theme • Historical
• Relevant Reference of Quran or • Modern /Current Time

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Major Themes of the Holy Quran

Following is the Sample answer to attempt Quranic Passage:

Part (a) Introduction must be

• This passage is Surah Ikhlas which means purity and mentioned first.
sincerity and is 112th surah of the Quran. It falls in the like meaning, category
category of Allah's relationship with himself and is an and type of surah
Early Makki Surah.
• This Surah was revealed to answer the questions asked by
must be
Quraysh about the God of Prophet SAW and the message he mentioned next
was preaching. Abdullah ibn Masood RA reported that (briefly if any)
Quraysh said to Prophet SAW, "Tell us about the ancestry
of your Lord." Thereupon this surah was sent down.
Main theme to be
• The main theme in this surah explains Tawhid and the mentioned in keywords
after the background
Oneness of Allah, Refusal of shirk and his matchless
(if any)

• Tawheed is also elaborated in ayatul kursi and surah Al
Add example of
An’aam. Surah An’aam also states, “That is Allah, your
other surahs that
lord! There is no god but He, the Creator of all things” has similar theme
(6:102) (cross refer)

• This surah outlines most fundamental and significant aspect

of Islam i.e., Tawheed. The word Ahad cannot be used for
anyone in affirmation except Allah, The Mighty and Majestic
because He is Perfect. He is the Only one to be
worshipped, "It is You we worship and You we ask for Explain the theme
help, (1:5). This surah also negates all aspects of shirk referring to the
associated with Allah keywords
mentioned above
• Allah is ‘Samad’, He is independent of all and everything is
Add reference from
dependent on Him for their survival. He has the knowledge
Quran or Hadith
about everything and everything is in His control. He is most related to the
wise and is Perfect in His wisdom. Allah is Eternal and theme/teachings
Absolute, He is free of time and space, He has always been of the passage
there will always be there, without any beginning or end.
Quran says, "He is the First and Last." (57:3).

• This Surah also negates about Allah having any family,

children or spouse. Allah is Unique and Matchless and
cannot be compared to any of His creations, Allah is beyond
human imagination..

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Part (b)

• This Surah teaches us many lessons, it encourages Muslims to

spread the message of Oneness of Allah to other people just as
Prophet (SAW) was instructed when people asked him about the
concept of one God.
• The word ‘Qul’ in this Surah is not only used for Prophet (SAW)
but shows that it is a responsibility of every Muslim to save others
from committing the sin of Shirk.

• The teachings of the surah strengthen Muslim’s belief that Lessons of

they should only worship Allah alone and should not ascribe surah to be
partners to Him. Muslims must not replace God with fictional mentioned
role models, other rich celebrities or influencers with power, according to
fame and money as previous nations have done. the theme

• This Surah also refreshes the faith and believes of the Muslims
that Muslim’s center of belief is Tawheed they are not like Jews
and Christians who claim that Allah has a son.

• The word Samad teaches us that Allah can help us in every

matter. No one other than Allah has the ability to harm or protect
us. Muslims can observe Allah’s matchless attributes to
understand that nothing is impossible for Allah (SWT). If Muslims
will understand Allah matchless attributes they will understand
shirk and its punishment. This will have positive impact in their
lives and they will avoid major and minor shirks like; visiting the
deceased person grave and asking for help or wearing
different amulets/lucky charm for protection, going to
soothsayers or magicians for solving worldly matters.

• This Surah is so important that the Prophet (SAW) declared it

Importance of the
equivalent to one third of the Quran as reported by Bukhari. passage (if any)

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Following are the points you should consider while attempting surah passages question:

Do’s Don’ts
✓ Students are required to identify and refer to the
theme of the passage for attempting part (a)
 Students must not write extra detail
of the background of surah
✓ First, they will write the main keywords of surah
and then will explain them precisely as per the  Students must not paraphrase the
passage requirement. surah translation in part (a)
 Students should not repeat the
✓ Students are required write the importance of the keywords of part (a) in part (b) again
passage for attempting part (b) like ‘should’ or ‘must’.
 Don’t write in first person narration.
✓ Use the words such as “should” and “must” in Like “We can learn from this
part (b) along with importance, lesson or current passage etc.” instead write “Muslims
time example related to the surah can learn…”

Reference from Qur’an can be quoted from same translation of the passage and most
preferably from other passage in part (a).

Following are the examples of opening lines for part (a) and part (b) answer.

Part (a) Part (b)

✓ This passage is related to surah
(if only complete surah is not
given) ✓ This surah inspires believers to….
✓ Theme of this passage URGES Muslims to….
✓ The main theme of the passage
✓ The passage gives special emphasis… (then
add lessons)
✓ This passage highlights the…
✓ This surah incites every human being to…
✓ This surah describes …
✓ The theme if this passage contains important
✓ This passage addresses lessons for Muslims today………..
✓ These verses mainly deal with…
✓ The passage speaks about the
importance of…

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Background of Some Surahs

Surah Al-Alaq (96: 1-5):

• For years, the Prophet (SAW) was deeply absorbed in the cave in Mount Hira in his search
for the truth when his mind and soul were ready to stand forth to spread the mission of
Allah. The first Divine Message was sent from Allah to proclaim in the name of the Lord.

Surah Al-Naas (114):

• This Surah was revealed along with Falaq to cure Prophet (SAW) when magic was casted
on him by Labid bin Aa’sam. One of the Surah of protection.

Surah Al- Ikhlas (112):

• It is said to have been revealed during the Quraysh Conflict with Prophet (SAW) in
answer a challenge over the distinguishing attributes of the GOD, Prophet (SAW) invited
them to worship. Al-Ikhlas is not merely the name of this surah but also the title of its
contents, for it deals exclusively with Tawhid.

Surah Al-Kauthar (108:1-3):

• It was a revealed as a consolation to the Prophet (SAW) when he was taunted after his sons’
death and foretold the destruction of his (SAW)’s opponents.

Surah Al-Duha (93):

• It was revealed, after the pause of revelation and torture of people that Allah forbade
him, as a consolation to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and gave reassurance that
God is always there to help in need.

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1. Allah in Himself

Surah Al-Baqarah - Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:255)

Allah! There is no deity except Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto
Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with
Him except by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they
encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He will. His throne includes the heavens and the earth,
and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: • Reminder in calamity that we are not alone. Allah
• Category: Allah in Himself is aware and if we obey him and trust him, He
• Period: Madni will send us aid in any situation
• Meaning: Cow • It also reminds us to keep our status in mind. We
• Verses: 1 are nothing before Allah despite our titles,
• Total Verses: 286 accomplishments etc. Therefore, there should be
no pride in our hearts as everything is from Allah.
Main Theme: This should humble us not make us arrogant
Tawhid, Oneness of God; His Omnipotence, His
Omniscience, Matchless attributes Importance:
• One who recites it he'd be safe from instigations of
Reference: Satan and forgetfulness.
❖ Quran says: “Nothing is like unto Him and He is the • We should recite this magnificent Ayah, before
All- hearer, the All-seer.” (Ash-Shura 42:11) going to sleep every night.
• It was said by the Prophet to be one of the
❖ “Then he established himself on the throne” (10:3, strongest passages of the Qur’an recited in the
13:2) morning and evening for protection from
• If recited after every single Salah, we have
been promised Jannah.

Current example:
❖ Muslims must be aware of bad usage of
internet/ social media as Allah is Omniscient

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
The main themes are Tawhid, One God; that He is unlike creation; that His knowledge is infinite; that the Throne
represents His power.
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g.,
saying that He looks after all the Heavens and earth and no one is needed to look after Him; He doesn’t sleep
nor get tired in what He does; humans only know what He allows them; that His throne is understood as His
majesty, uniqueness, knowledge and having total power. It emphasizes how He is the only one who can make
decisions about His creation, yet is transcendent – completely independent from His creation.
Part b:
The importance of these themes is that these verses allow Muslims to learn and understand something about
God in a way relevant to them. The theme of God’s self-subsistence shows how certain attributes that affect
humans do not affect Him, e.g., sleep. He has the knowledge and power over all things and this passage is used
as a prayer for protection. It was said by the Prophet to be one of the best passages of the Qur’an, so Muslims
might recite it daily for protection. Candidates could say how they use Ayat al-Kursi in their lives; it gives a
sense of being under the protection of God.
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Surah Al-An’aam (6: 101-103)
101: To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: How can He have a son when He has no
consort? 102: He created all things and He has full knowledge of all things. That is Allah, your Lord! There is
no god but He, the Creator of all things: then worship Him: and He has power to dispose of all affairs. 103:
No vision can grasp Him, but vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Category: Allah in Himself • Allah sees and hears all that humankind does nothing is
• Period: Makki hidden from him, so Muslims should keep this in mind
• Meaning: Cattle (Add current e.g.)
• Verses: 3 • It is man’s duty to worship Allah as He can only fulfill
• Total Verses: 165 their needs and not to associate partner with Allah in
Main Theme: any form. (Add current e.g.)
Allah as originator and controller; His • In a world full of busy and hectic life, this Surah serves
Omnipotence, His Omniscience; Only worthy of a reminder that Muslims should always remember their
worship Creator as He is the ultimate authority over their affairs.

Reference: Historical Example:

❖ Quran says: “There is nothing whatever like • When Prophet Sulaiman AS invited the Queen
into Him …. (Ash Shura 42:11) Saba who used to worship Sun. She entered in his
palace carefully assuming the floor is watery but it
❖ Quran: “for God is He Who was a reflection. Prophet Sulaiman pointed out the
understands the finest mysteries” way she got confused with reflection similar way
(22:63) she has been influenced by the brightness of the
❖ Quran says: “Say He is Allah, the One and
Only.” (112: 1) Current Example:
• Muslims must be honest in their work and in how they
treat others as Allah is Omniscient
❖ “He begets not nor is He begotten.” (112: 3) • Muslims must no go to fortune tellers or ask help from
shrines of saints etc.
Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’
Part a:
Allah as originator and controller; His Omnipotence, His Omniscience; Only worthy of worship
• Good answers to this passage will talk about God’s power and knowledge over all things.
• He is the only one to control the heavens and the earth and so emphasizes the theme of tawhid.
• Candidates could talk about the importance of God being the only creator, not sharing authority with anyone
• They could also mention God’s knowledge and power. He has knowledge about all His creation, and He
has power over all His creation.
• He is not perceivable and mankind should worship Him.
Part b:
These teachings emphasize the importance of tawhid for Muslims. The only relationship He has is with His
creation, and candidates could write about how man is asked to worship Him as it says in this passage that
only He can fulfil their needs. He also sees and hears all that humankind does, so Muslims should keep this
in mind. In a world where there are lots of distractions, this Surah could remind Muslims that they should
always remember their Creator as He is the ultimate authority over their affairs.

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Surah Fussilat (41:37)
Among signs are the night and the day, the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but
adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: • Creates a strong link with God so Muslims do not
• Category: Allah in Himself look up to anything or anyone else. (Add current
• Period: Makki e.g.)
• Meaning: Explained in detail • Allah is controller of everything in this universe,
• Verses: 1 Muslims must rely on Him rather than worrying
• Total Verses: 54 about their future etc. (Add current e.g.)
• Muslims must refrain from committing Shirk and
Main Theme: understand His Omnipotence
God as a creator, God’s signs, Lord of mankind • This surah invites to ponder over marvel of nature
and study Allah’s signs
❖ Quran says: “Be hold; In the creations of the Historical Example:
Heaven & earth; in the alteration of day & • Ibrahim (AS) pondered over the signs of universe
night are signs for those who are wise”. and Allah guided him through it
❖ “It is Allah who is my Lord and your Lord; • atheism and all non-religious beliefs exist today
then worship Him. This is a way that is due to lack of observation in nature. Observing
straight.” (Aal Imran 3:51) nature can help gain knowledge and can help
understand Allah SAWT. Like many scientists
❖ “It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the converted to Islam after having research on Quran.
Moon nor can the Night outstrip the Day: each
(just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according Current Example:
to law).” (Yaseen) ❖ Muslims glorify Allah when they see breathtaking
or mesmerizing views
❖ We must not look up to famous people or run
behind money etc. rather know that Allah controls
all and can do anything

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
The main themes are: God in Himself; God as Creator; God’s signs; Tawhid/Lord of mankind
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way,
e.g., • saying God creates and controls everything, in this verse specifically the sun and the moon
• the order and cycle of the sun and the moon are God's signs for humankind
• they are signs of His power so only He should be worshipped; no one is equal to Him
• It is a negation of paganism – the sun and moon are not to be worshipped.
Part b:
The importance of these verses is to strengthen belief by showing that created things are not permanent.
The prophets have asked God for guidance and so Muslims should take this guidance too. They should
realize they need to look to one God for their answers, rather than looking to created things for guidance. The
humans are encouraged to ponder on and study His signs.

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Surah Ash-Shura (42:4-5)
4: To Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and on earth: and He is Most High, Most
Great. 5: The Heavens are almost rent asunder from above them, and the angels
celebrate the Praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for beings on earth: Behold!
Verily Allah is He, the Oft-forgiving, the Most Merciful.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: • Heavens are almost ready to burst due to the fear from
• Category: Allah in Himself Allah’s might so man must fear Allah’s anger and avoid
• Period: Makki doing evil deeds like… (Add current examples)
• Meaning: Consultation, The Counsel • We must repent and seek Allah’s forgiveness. Muslims
• Verses: 2 must also forgive others who wrong them even if they
• Total Verses: 53 have been hurt or injured, if they want Allah to forgive
Main Theme: them (Add current examples)
His Majesty and Greatness, His ownership, His
Might Importance:
and Power, His Forgiveness and Mercy • This passage gives hope to sinners
• Confirms belief in Angels
❖ “His are all the things in the heavens and on the Historical Example:
earth.” (2:255) • Example of Adam (AS)’s and Younus
(AS)repentance showed that Muslim must
❖ “Despair not of the mercy of God; for God immediately turn towards Allah and as Allah is the
forgives all sins, for He is Oft forgiving, Most Most merciful. Not turning towards Allah after sin is
Merciful.” (39:53) disliked and can cause heart to become dark.

❖ Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah says: ‘My mercy Current Example:

prevails my wrath.’ (Musnad Ahmad) ❖ Muslims must forgive others specially those
whom they interact on daily basis if they want
Allah to forgive them frequently for countless

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
The main themes are: His majesty and greatness is being confirmed; God is the Creator; forgiveness and
guidance are given from God to humanity
• God is the owner of everything because He created everything. Due to His greatness above them, the heavens
are almost torn apart. The angels praise God and pray for forgiveness of humans on earth as part of their
duties. Humans are reliant on God’s mercy as He is the most forgiving, the most merciful.

Part b:
The importance here is that God tells humankind of His power and control over all things so they should
remember that they do not have any power in comparison hence be humble. God is Merciful, even when
Muslims have committed wrong actions, so Muslims have someone to turn to in times of need. As God is
merciful to humankind, they in turn should be grateful and also try to be forgiving of others, even if they have
been hurt or injured. Humans should not despair of Him or give up on His mercy – even if they have sinned,
they should turn back to Him and He will forgive.The obedience of angels to God can encourage humans to
be obedient to God too.

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Surah Al- Ikhlas (112:1-4)

1: Say, He is Allah, the one. 2: Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute. 3: He does not beget, not, nor
is He begotten. 4: And there is none like Him.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Category: Allah in Himself • This surah rejects all other religious beliefs that
• Period: Makki includes atheism
• Meaning: Purity, Absoluteness, The Unity, • A man must not do shirk with Allah in any form.
Oneness of God, Sincere Religion, The • It gives lesson to submit to Allah alone and be free
Declaration of [God's] Perfection from slavery to others in any form
• Total Verses: 4
• It is so important that the Holy Prophet (SAW)
declared it equivalent to one third of the Quran.
Main Theme: • Hadiths’ mention– Allah’s love for the one who recites
Tawhid and the Oneness of Allah, Refusal of shirk often and loves this Surah
and his matchless qualities Effects:
• Understanding this passage will have positive impact
Reference: in Muslims’ lives and they will avoid major and minor
❖ “And your Allah is one Allah; there is no god but shirks like; visiting the deceased person grave and
He, the most Gracious, Most Merciful.” (Al asking for help or wearing different amulets/lucky
Baqarah-163) charm for protection, going to soothsayers or
magicians for solving worldly matters.
❖ “Allah forgives not that partner should be set up
with Him, but he forgives anything else to whom Current Example:
He please.’’(Al Nisa) ❖ Belief in astrological science/stars for knowing future
❖ “and your God is one God” (2:163, al-Baqarah) events or people’s personalities all lead to forms of
shirk with Allah (SWT).
❖ “there is no God but He” (2:255).

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a: The main themes are: God as one: tawhid; God being eternal; God being unique.
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g.,
• by saying this is the main sura specifically revealed to describe tawhid. It describes how God is the only one
deity and that He does not have a beginning nor end.
• God is unlike anyone or anything in creation.
• He has no partners or family, does not have anyone to share His authority nor any children.
Themes may be the same for some suras, but they will be expressed differently highlighting the specific or
unique aspect discussed in a particular passage. A reference to the background of the sura can help
distinguish one sura from another but should not be the main body of the answer. Answers have to be
qualified to get higher marks – candidates have to expand on the themes.

Part b:
The importance of stressing the Oneness of God is so that people do not take other people or created things
as their Lord, so they should not replace God with things like famous people/saints, or place anyone or
anything alongside Him. It ensures they know that God does not have family, so they will avoid making the
mistake of believing in God having children or a partner, or anyone to share in His authority. It gives them
clarity and allows them to develop a relationship with God.
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2. Allah’s relation with His Messengers
Surah Al-Maidah (5:110)
Then will Allah say: ‘Jesus’ son of Mary! Recount my favour to you and to your mother. Behold! I strengthened
you with the holy spirit, so that you spoke to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught you the
Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel. And behold! You make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird,
by my leave, and you breathe into it and it becomes a bird by my leave, and you heal those born blind, and the
lepers, by my leave. And behold! You bring forth the dead by my leave. And behold! I restrained the Children of
Israel from you when you showed them the clear signs, and the unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing
but evident magic.’

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Muslims also learn that the rejecters of truth will
• Other Names: The Feast stand accountable before God in the Hereafter
• Category: Allah’s Messengers • Humans are capable of great feats, but it is God who
• Period: Madni gives permission, strength and assistance for these.
• Meaning: The Table Spread with Food (Add current e.g.)
• Verses: 5 • Muslims should use these as signs of God’s grace
• Total Verses: 120 and believe in His power to control everything and
allow things to happen

Main Theme: Importance: These themes help us understand the…….
God as a creator, God’s help for Prophets, • Importance of justice and living a righteous life
Humans need God, God gives signs to
• Importance of the terms and conditions of any
contract must be honored
• Make us realized that Allah showers His blessings on
Reference: all of humanity.
• “those who reject our signs are deaf • Strengthen the belief in Torah, Gospel, the prophethood
and dump and midst of darkness of Jesus and the power of God
profound” (6:39). • Rejects Christian belief about trinity of God
• “thus does God make clear to you His Current Example:
signs in • Belief that all marvels of science and technological
order that you consider” (2:219). advancements happen due to Allah’s permission and
will like; Covid19

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a: The main themes are God as a creator and helper for Prophets, Humans need God, God gives signs to
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way,
e.g., saying that God gives to His Prophets to help them, in this case, Jesus got the holy spirit, the book and the
wisdom, the Law and the Gospel;
humans can do great things only with God’s permission, ‘by my leave’; God gives humankind signs through prophets
of His existence, which separate those who believe and those who don’t.
Part b:
These teachings reaffirm for Muslims the prophethood of Jesus and the power of God. • The teachings show humans
are capable of great feats, but it is God who gives permission, strength and assistance for these. For example, the
moon landings and space travel. • Muslims should use these as signs of God’s grace and believe in His power to
control everything and allow things to happen. • They should therefore remember Him often, by praying, supplicating or
doing good deeds to ensure they are counted as believers.

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Surah Al-Duha (93)
1: By the glorious morning light, 2: And by the night when it is still, 3: Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor
is he displeased. 4: And truly the Hereafter will be better for you than the present. 5: And soon your Lord
will give you so that you will be pleased. 6: Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? 7: And He
found you wandering, and He gave you guidance. 8: And He found you in need, and made you
independent. 9: Therefore, do not treat the orphan with harshness, 10: Nor drive the beggar away; 11. But
tell about the bounty of your Lord!

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Category: Allah’s Messengers • Muslim must declare and share all the blessings of
• Period: Makki Allah
• Meaning: Day Break, Morning Light • Must guide those who come to seek knowledge
• Verses: 11 • Poor and needy should be helped
• Total Verses: 11 • The orphans should be treated with kindness (add
current examples)
• Muslims should be grateful to God through prayers,
Main Theme: giving charity and helping those less fortunate than
God as Companion, Guider and provider – themselves and they should make people aware of
God’s help for Prophets, God’s special the ways in which God helps them.
• This surah inspires Muslims to look at their own
Reference: lives and see their blessings and not think they
❖ “So, verily with every difficulty there is a have been given nothing
relief” (Inshirah 94:5).
❖ “it is righteous to spend of your Current Example:
substance out of love for Him, for • Muslims in Kashmir and other war-torn countries stay
your kins, for orphans” (2:177). hopeful in the help of Allah
• This surah reminds humans to not worry when their
enemies hurt them or trick them

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
The main themes are, God as companion; He helps His prophets, in this case the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh);
teaches being grateful to God.
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g.,
• It is God who helps in need so when distressed, Muslims should turn to Him.
• This sura is directed to the Prophet (pbuh) himself showing how God helped him, in this case with shelter,
guidance and independence; gives message of being kind and helpful to others in need, like orphans and beggars,
and realising that a person’s benefits all come from thanking God.
• A person may think that God has deserted them, or He does not seem to be there, but He is always present and
with them.
Part b:
These themes tell humans to not worry when others oppose or hurt you; God gave blessings to the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh), despite people saying that he had been forgotten by God. Muslims should look at their own
lives to see their blessings and not think they have been given nothing; they should not constantly want more
than what they have. They should be grateful to God through prayers, giving charity and helping those less
fortunate than themselves and they should make people aware of the ways in which God helps them.

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Surah Al-An’aam (6:75-79)
75: So also, did We show Abraham the power and the laws of the heavens and the earth, so that he might
have certainty. 76: When the night covered him over, he saw a star: He said: ‘This is my Lord.’ But when it set,
he said: ‘I do not love things that set.’ 77: When he saw the moon rising in splendour, he said: ‘This is my Lord.’
But when the moon set, he said: ‘Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among those who go astray.’ 78:
When he saw the sun rising in splendor, he said: ‘This is my Lord; this is the greatest.’ But when the sun set, he
said: ‘O my people! I am indeed free from your giving partners to Allah.’ 79: ‘For me, I have set my face firmly
and truly towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah.’

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
▪ realization that man need to look to one God for their
• Category: Allah’s Messengers answers, rather than looking to created things for
• Period: Makki guidance
• Meaning: Cattle ▪ to refuse Shirk i.e., associating partners with God and
• Verses: 5 strengthen belief in Tawhid.
• Total Verses: 165 ▪ all the Messengers are to be respected equally.
Theme: ▪ Strengthen belief in two articles of faith, “Tawhid and
God’s messengers, His signs in creation; guidance Prophet”
given to prophets and His relationship with them. Effects:
▪ a logical approach can lead one to the ultimate truth
and make himself and other people understand, the
▪ “Be hold; In the creations of the Heaven & earth; in reality of Allah
the alteration of day & night are signs for those who
are wise”. (2:164) Current Example:
▪ Among signs are the night and the day, the sun and ▪ Muslims must not blindly follow their forefathers and
the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but do innovations in deen without searching for truth (in
adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish the name of culture and costumes)
to serve. Fussilat (41:37) ▪ Muslims today must preach about truth once Allah
enlightens and inspires them and not only keep the
truth to themselves

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a: The main themes are: God’s messengers, His signs in creation; guidance given to prophets and His
relationship with them.
• Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g., saying that God created the sun and the moon
and other natural phenomenon, and He invites humanity to ponder over them, as did His prophets.
• The passage also shows His relationship with His prophets, as Ibrahim was searching for God, and that He
uses these signs to guide them. God provides guidance to His prophets and through the prophets to Muslims.
• The main message given to all the prophets is Tawhid and all prophets share this with their people. Human
get tired in what He does Humans only know what He allows them.

Part b:
• The importance is that it creates a strong link with God so Muslims do not look up to anything/anyone else,
famous people, money, etc., and they worship only Him.
• It stops them from committing shirk. It shows Muslims how God guided His messengers, in this case Ibrahim
and they also seek God’s guidance in their lives.
• Humans should use their minds to ponder upon God. God's signs invite Muslims to observe their environment.
• It creates awe and wonder to help get closer to Him.
• It reminds humankind that He is the creator of all things, and this realization helps them turn Him in times of

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Surah Al-Baqarah (2: 30-37)
30: Behold, your Lord said to the angels: ‘I will create a vicegerent on earth.’ They said: ‘Will You place there one
who will make mischief there and shed blood? - whilst we celebrate your praises and glorify your holy (name)?’ He
said: ‘I know what you do not know.’ 31: And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before
the angels, and said: ‘Tell me the nature of these if you are right.’ 32: They said: ‘Glory to You, of knowledge we
have none, save what You have taught us: In truth it is You who are perfect in knowledge and wisdom.’ 33: He
said: ‘Adam! Tell them their natures.’ When he had told them, Allah said: ‘Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of
heaven and earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?’ 34: And behold, we said to the angels: ‘Bow
down to Adam’. And they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject faith.
35: We said: ‘Adam! You and your wife dwell in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things in it as you wish. But do
not approach this tree, or you will run into harm and transgression.’ 36: Then Satan made them slip from there, and
got them out of what they had been in. We said: ‘Go down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your
dwelling place and your means of livelihood, for a time.’ 37: Then Adam learnt from his Lord words of inspiration,
and his Lord turned towards him; for He is often returning, most merciful.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Muslims learn that Allah puts all humans
• Category: Allah’s Messengers through test, including His Messengers.
• Period: Madni • Muslims learn be humble else they will be
• Meaning: Cow banished from Allah’s mercy (Add current
• Verses: 8 e.g.)
• Total Verses: 286 • Man is sent as a vicegerent on earth so
Muslims must live meaningful life and avoid
Main Theme: wasting time (Add current e.g.)
God as a creator, God’s help for Prophets, His • Allah raised the human status due to knowledge.
Omniscience, Consequence of pride, His mercy. • Man must strive hard to gain knowledge.

Reference: Importance:
❖ “it is We, Who have placed you with authority on • ‘Jealousy burns the good deeds as fire burns the dry
earth” (A’raf 7:10). wood.’
❖ Verily, my mercy overcomes my anger (Hadith e • Allah’s support always remains with his Prophets.
Qudsi) • Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness as He
❖ And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is accepted repentance by Adam (AS).
ever Forgiving and Merciful. (Nisa 4:106) Current Example:
❖ For Satan is an avowed enemy to man’. (12:5) • Not to be take pride in our external beauty or our
❖ “if anyone does evil, or wrongs his own soul but possessions (grades, tribe, high positions etc.)
afterwards seek God’s forgiveness. He will find • Jihad bin Nafs to stay away from Satanic
God Oft-forgiving and most Merciful” (4:110) whispers (for e.g., repent if cheated in exam)
Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’
Part a: The main themes are: God as a creator; his relationship and care of His prophets; God giving knowledge
and status to whom He wishes
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way. E.g.,
• God’s prophets. • God created Adam, as well as everything else (e.g., angels), and made him a vicegerent
(Khalifa), which suggests God values humans above angels.
• God gives knowledge to who He wants, and He gives the special status of prophethood to whom He wishes.
• When Satan misled Adam, God did not leave him or allow any obstacle to prevent him from making Adam His
representative on earth, in other words God looks after His Prophets.
• Adam was forgiven when he repented, God’s forgiveness and mercy extends to all.
Part b:
This gives Muslims a sense of their connection to God as Adam is called the father of humankind and everyone is
descended from him.
• God made the angels bow to Adam. This showed his elevated status amongst God’s creatures and that of
humanity in general. • God granted forgiveness to Adam. This should make humankind believe in God’s mercy and
forgiveness and they should repent. • Shows God’s care and direct relationship with every individual. • Makes one
realize the importance of knowledge and learning. • Teaches people to stay away from arrogance and pride.

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Surah Al-Kauthar (108:1-3)
1: To you have We granted abundance. 2: So, pray to your Lord and sacrifice. 3: For he who hates you,
he will be cut off.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
▪ Category: Allah’s Messengers • Muslims to be patient and obey Allah
▪ Period: Makki • Pray to drink the water of Kauthar
▪ Meaning: Abundance • to show loyalty to God even in times of difficulty
▪ Verses: 3 • to remembering that real rewards are in the
Theme: afterlife
God’s mercy; God’s generosity; His relationship with • appreciate and be thankful for the uncountable
the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), protection for His blessing of Allah (SWT) around us.
prophets • We must follow Prophet’s sunnah and pray to receive
the drink from Prophet at the River of Kauthar.
❖ “Say He is Allah the one the only. The eternal, The • Allah intervenes when one is in difficulty, so Muslims
should look to Him, for help and support.
Absolute.” (Ikhlas 112:1)
❖ “rejected were the Messengers before you; with • When we are mocked, while practicing the right path,
patience and constancy they bore their rejection let this surah remind us not to become weak in faith!
“(An’am 6:34). • Surah Ad -Duha mentions the same teachings that
❖ Allah (SWT) cared for the Holy prophet at every stage
❖ “and establish regular prayer in order to of his life.
❖ remember Me” (20:14, Taha)
Current Example:
❖ “Al-Kawthar is a river in Paradise whose banks are
of gold and it runs over pearls. Its water is whiter • Staying patient and waiting for Allah’s help in difficult
than milk and sweeter than honey”. (At-Tirmidhi) times (taunt or harm caused by close people or friends)

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
• The main themes are: God’s mercy; God’s generosity; His relationship with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
• Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g., • saying in His mercy, God granted the Prophet
(pbuh) success, and because of this the Prophet (pbuh) and all Muslims are commanded to continue to
worship God even in times of difficulty.
• God remains near to His prophets. It was also revealed as a consolation to the Prophet (pbuh) and foretold
the destruction of his opponents.
Themes may be the same for some suras, but they will be expressed differently.
A reference to the background of the sura can help distinguish one sura from another but should not be the
main body of the answer.
Answers must be qualified to get higher marks – candidates must expand on them.
Part b:
• The teachings give an insight into how the relationship between God and the Prophet (pbuh) has lessons for
• Muslims today are that future generation of followers that was given to the Prophet (pbuh), and so this sura
gives hope to people in times of need.
• God always intervenes in times of difficulty so Muslims should always remember to look to Him for help and
support, and not feel disheartened in times of difficulty, e.g., during illness or oppression.
• Muslims should try to remain steadfast despite the difficulties or mockeries that they face

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3. Allah’s relation with His Creation

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:21-22)

21. O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, so that you
may have the chance to learn righteousness; 22. Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens
your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and by it brought forth fruits for your sustenance; then do
not set up rivals to Allah, when you know.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: • Man must look after the environment in every way
as gratitude to God (Add current e.g.)
• Category: Allah with Created World • We can also see this that the guidance that
• Period: Madni came before us is from Prophets.
• Meaning: Cow • As a human we should acknowledge that our
• Verses: 2 sustenance has come from Allah as He is the
• Total Verses: 286 only Creator of everything. So, it is man’s duty
to worship Allah and not to associate partner
Main Theme: with Allah
God’s Oneness; Tawheed, God as Creator and
Sustainer, Gratitude to God Importance:
• Realization that the main purpose of our life should
Reference: be a complete submission to Allah.
❖ “… there is no god but I; therefore, worship and • This passage reflects upon natural world and the
serve Me” (21:25) benefits it holds for Muslims
❖ “and your God is one God” (2:163).
❖ “It is He who has created for you all things that are Current Example:
on earth; then He turned to the heaven & made • Use of three Rs
them into seven firmaments.” (2:29). • Avoid wastage of resources (Water etc.)
❖ “O, you who believe! Fear God as he should be • Avoid plastic usage
feared and die not except in a state of Islam” (Aal • Thank Allah for His blessing by praising him
Imran 3:102).

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a: The main themes are: God’s Oneness; Tawheed, God as Creator and Sustainer, Gratitude to God
• This passage talks about tawhid and emphasizes that God is the Creator of everything.
• Candidates could talk about what God has created for the benefit of mankind (guidance, fertile earth, shade
and water from sky), so they are commanded to be grateful to God, and use the environment with respect.
• It also suggests that mankind should not commit the greatest sin of associating partners/rivals with God, for
He is the only Creator and Sustainer.

• Part b:
• This passage represents the themes of God and His creation, and His oneness, through the natural world.
• Candidates could talk about the words used to show how the natural world is a comfort for mankind, and
so they should look after it.
• They could reflect upon the natural world and the benefits it holds for them.
• Humans should acknowledge who their sustenance has come from as He is the only creator of everything.
• Candidates could also talk about ways in which Muslims can be grateful to God.

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Surah Al Fatiha (1: 1-7)
1: In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2: Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and the Sustainer
of the Worlds; 3: The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; 4: Master of the Day of Judgment; 5: You we
worship, and Your aid we call seek. 6: Show us straight way, 7: The way of those to whom You have
given Your Grace, not those who earn your anger, nor those who go astray.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Allah (SWT) gives guidance to those who ask for it.
• Other Names: Umm-al-Kitaab, Al-Shifa, Saba
• All will return to Allah on Day of Judgement for
Masani, Assas–ul-Quran, Al-Hamd, Surah Al-Salah
accountability of their deeds.
• its importance by avoiding the path of those who annoy
• Category: Allah with Created World
• Period: Makki
• Meaning: The Opening Importance:
• Total Verses: 7 • This surah is recited in every unit of every prayer.
• The Quran referred: Saba Mathaani (Seven often
Main Theme: repeated)
Tawheed-Oneness of Allah, God as merciful, • Prophet (SAW) declared Surah Fatiha as the most
Accountability, God as source of help and guidance Superior Surah, Umm-Al-Kitaab as Prayer and Quran
start with it, Ar-Ruqyah (remedy): to heal the person.
▪ “And your Lord says: call on Me, I shall answer your Current Example:
supplication” (40:60) • We are obliged to follow the right path, the Qur’an and
▪ "Verily! Right guidance is the guidance of Allah...” the Sunnah instead of western celebrities and not go
(Aal Imran 3:37). astray and earn Allah’s wrath instead of mercy.
• “And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid • Obedience to God by asking his help in problems like
your full recompense” (3:185, al-Imran) exams or other tests of life enables Muslims to earn His
▪ Prophet said: 'No prayer is accepted without Fatiha'. blessing and avoid his anger.

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a: The main themes are: Tawheed, God as merciful, Accountability, God as source of help and guidance
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way. E.g.,
• Lord of creation: It is God who presides over judgement and controls the worlds.
• Guidance: God gives guidance to those who ask.
• This is used as a prayer. Mercy: He is the one to ask for forgiveness, and it is He who grants forgiveness to
His humble servants.
• Tawhid: God as one, Master of all creation. Only He is deserving of worship.
Part b:
• This is recited in every prayer. 'No prayer is accepted without Fatiha'. It is a conversation with God and He
is the Creator, and God is replying to each verse. Through it, humans communicate with God. Muslims
use this to ask for guidance (given in the Qur'an and Sunna), mercy and help, even outside the prayer.
Submitting to God brings humbleness into lives, and because Muslims are accountable to God they pray to
be guided on the straight path.
These are not the only points candidates can mention, and personalizing the passages to their own or
Muslims’ lives, or giving thoughtful answers with examples, could take them higher up the levels

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Surah Al-Alaq (96: 1-5)
1. Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, 2. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
3. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, 4. He who taught by the pen, 5. Taught man what he did
not know.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
▪ Man must worship Allah and ask Him to increase our
• Category: Allah’ Relationship with created knowledge.
World ▪ Being thankful for all the blessings and knowledge Allah
• Period: Makki – Cave Hira has bestowed upon us by listening to Him.
• Meaning: Clot of congealed blood, Read ▪ Personal growth of human beings by acquiring knowledge
• Verses: 4 through reading, writing, and memorization
• Total Verses: 19 Importance:
▪ Allah swore by pen in the start of one of his surahs (Noon)
Theme: ▪ Role of Prophet (SAW) as a messenger has been
God as Creator and originator; God as the confirmed
Most Generous; the first ▪ Status of angel Gabriel as an angel of revelation has been
revelation/importance of knowledge. confirmed
▪ Human ability to learn has made him superior to all other
▪ “Nor shall they compass aught of His
▪ The link of pen and knowledge can never be broken. Pen
Knowledge except as He wills…” (2:255)
must be respected as it circulates knowledge. The Science
of embryology is explained 1400 years in Quran which
▪ Abu Huraira (RA) said “The Messenger of
now scientist have discovered. This shows Muslim must
Allah said Whoever follows a path in pursuit
ponder on the teachings of Quran to gain knowledge and
of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him
just recite for reward.
a path in Paradise.”
Current Example:
▪ With The Blessings of Allah, Mankind is able to save their
precious advancements in many fields of life including
▪ “And He taught Adam the names of all
Science and Technology, history etc.
things.” (2: 31).
▪ Jihad bil Qalam (writing intellectual articles in the voice of

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
• The main themes are: God as Creator; God as the Most Generous; the first revelation/knowledge.
• Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g.: God as Creator is shown in this sura through
the way humans were created from a clot. He gives creation what they need, in this case, knowledge of
God. This is the first revelation, it was the beginning of Islam and prophethood, and the knowledge that God
gives to humankind.
Part b:
• The importance of this sura is that it allows humans to understand how God created them, and how He
bestows knowledge upon them.
• Seeking knowledge is encouraged and so humankind should try their best to learn throughout their lives,
especially religious knowledge so they can get to know their Lord.
• Each subject, RE, science, etc. has a value to it and can help humans get closer to God.
• It also helps Muslims understand how prophethood and Islam started, and they should reflect upon
• what God has sent down for them to help them live their lives. So, they should be grateful to God.

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Surah Al-Naas (114:1-6)
1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, 2. The King of mankind, 3. The God of Mankind,
4. From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws, 5. Who whispers into the hearts of
mankind, 6. Among jinns and among mankind.

Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:

Introduction: Lessons:
• Allah has the power to undo all evil forces.
• Category: Allah’s Relationship with Created
• To seek refuge from the evil forces that are within
• Period: Makki himself.
• Meaning: Mankind • Whisper temptations and distrust in the heart of man
• Total Verses: 8 over and over again.
Theme: • No one but Allah (SWT) is capable of protecting us from
God as Sustainer, King and lord – God as the whispers of Satan and his accomplices.
refuge and protector • The Holy Prophet (SAW) used to recite sura Al-Falaq &
An- Anas, to guard against evil as he got protection from
Reference: the black magic casted over him by his enemies.
▪ “for Satan is an avowed enemy to
• Surah is a shield for him against all visible and hidden
man” (Yusuf 12:5)
evils. Praying and doing good deeds strengthens

reliance on God.
▪ The Quranic instruction: “and on God let the
• Realizing the power of Quran people must not seek help
believers put their trust” (99:51)
from fortune teller or magicians etc
Current Example:
▪ The Prophet also said: “Verily, Satan runs in
• Read this surah as morning and evening azkar for
the Son of Adam (i.e. man) like the running of
protection from evil eyes rather than wearing lucky
the blood.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim] charms or amulets.
• Recite this surah with full belief in power of Allah when
effected with evil eyes or magic

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b’

Part a:
• The main themes are: God as refuge; God as Lord; God as Protector.
• Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, like Saying that only He can help in times of need,
in this case from jinn and men. Seek help only from Him. He created everything so controls everything, even
mischief makers.
• It’s a warning to those who whisper evil/bad ideas to humans, and then disappear and leave them on their
own; God is a protector from these things; it is one of the surahs of protection.

Part b:
• Through these verses Muslims get to know the kind of evils/mischief they have to be wary of, e.g., jinn,
humans or internal whisperings such as jealousy.
• This means they should be aware of what’s happening to them so they can recognize the signs of mischief
and temptations. Praying and doing good deeds strengthens reliance on God. Reciting this sura with the
other ‘Qul’s’ is a source of protection. God is the King so it is He who people should seek refuge with

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Surah Al-Zilzal (99-1-8)

1: When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion, 2: And the earth throws up her burdens, 3:
And man cries out: ‘What is the matter with her?’, 4: On that day will she declare her tidings: 5: For
that your Lord will have given her inspiration. 6: On that day will men proceed in companies sorted
out, to be shown their deeds. 7: Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good see it!
8: And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.
Part ‘a’: Part ‘b’:
Introduction: Lessons:
• This Surah develops sense of accountability in the hearts
▪ Category: Allah with Created World of Muslims and they try to perform all their deeds as per
▪ Period: Madni Allah’s will.
▪ Meaning: Earthquake • It bonds Muslims to stay on the straight path
▪ Verses: 8 • They try to give rights of Allah, Huqooqullah, and the
rights of mankind, Huqooq-ul-Ibaad.
Theme: • It develops horror and fear of the Day of Judgment which
stimulates them to perform righteous deeds.
God as Powerful, Accountability, His ultimate Justice
Reference: • Belief in the Day of Judgment is one of the articles of
▪ “Every soul will be paid in full the (fruit of) its deed faith
▪ and Allah knows best all they do.” (39:70) Effects:
• Muslims feel comforted by Allah's justice that no good
▪ Allah says: “The Day that the trumpet shall be deed will go unnoticed or bad deed unpunished.
sounded and you shall come forth in crowds.” • Surah Al Qariah mentions that those who have done good
(An Naba-78:18) deeds will be rewarded with a life of pleasure and
satisfaction. This belief makes Muslims cautious about their
• “and when the earth is flattened and casts forth deeds.
what is within it and becomes empty” (84:3-4). Current Example:
• It keeps them away from displaceable things like lying,
▪ “Nay you prefer the life of this world, but the cheating, gossiping, not fasting etc.
hereafter is better and more enduring” (87:16 Al- • Develop fear of Allah in daily matters. Helping others and
A’la) making ease for them

Mark Scheme of part ‘a’ and part ‘b

Part a: The main themes are: God as Powerful, Accountability, His ultimate Justice; responsibility for actions
• God's Power: The earth is shaken, destroying what He created; He has the power to give life/death.
• Last Day: Everything will be destroyed. God gives the earth a voice to say what has been done on her.
• Responsibility: People will be responsible for their actions on earth and given their accounts.
• Justice: God will give people their accounts, which will take them to Heaven/Hell.
• The above answers are not the only answers that could be presented.
• Candidates should be allowed to develop/show other relevant themes of the passage. The highest level
should be kept for well written answers offering a variety of themes.
Part b:
• The Last Day creates a fear of accountability, reminding Muslims to stay on the straight path.
• Good deeds will be rewarded,encouraging Muslims to do good at all times, e.g., praying, being honest and
helping others.
• It keeps them away from displaceable things like lying, cheating, gossiping, not fasting etc.
• It helps Muslims understand the temporary nature of the world, which stops them being distracted by worldly
things, fashion or money, etc.
• Muslims feel comforted by God's justice that no good deed will go unnoticed or bad deed unpunished.

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